Member Reviews

No spoilers from me for this page turner! Ana and Dee have been struggling with infertility and finally, finally, she's pregnant thanks to IVF. Oh, and her movie is doing unexpectedly well. And then,,,,,a miscarriage shakes her. But she feels something, something like a living child inside her, which no one else believes in. She's being stalked, there are weird things happening and....I'm not going any further, This does indeed have Rosemary's Baby vibes but Valentine has created an entirely new horror. She's got great storytelling skills. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC, Great read.

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Wow! This kept twisting the angles and I didn’t know where this story was going to go, even at the end.
Delicate Condition follows a woman who believes others - possibly evil forces — are trying to make sure her pregnancy doesn’t happen. Anna Alcott has been through the hurdles of IVF and when she finally learns she’s pregnant, it seems they’re in the clear. But after a devastating miscarriage, she can still sense a baby growing inside, and it becomes apparent other forces are at work, especially as the hallucinations make it hard to tell what’s real and what isn’t.
This was a wonderful, intense thriller that constantly left me wondering what twist was around the corner. While giving some Rosemary’s Baby vibes, this story holds its own. And for American Horror Story fans, the new season is rumored to be based around this novel!
Thank you to Sourcebooks for the ARC. This releases 8/1!

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This is a hard one for me to review. I'm a huge fan of The Push and The Silent Patient, and those comps sold me on this story even though I don't often lean into body horror.

Anna Alcott is a relatively successful actress who has been struggling to have kids with her husband Dex. They begin an IVF journey and strange things start happening to Anna. Medication she knows she put in the fridge are left out on the counter and spoil, and she starts missing appointments that she swears she put the right time in her calendar. Then, after she miscarries, she starts to feel like she is actually still pregnant. Things start to escalate into scarier and scarier events, until she must face what is growing inside her.

A lot of people love this book, and I can see why, I just think I wasn't the right reader for it. Some reviews have said Nightbitch would a better comparison than The Push and The Silent Patient, so if you loved that, you might love this one!

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This is not my typical read and I definitely went out of my comfort zone by choosing this one. I am new to horror and this book was the creepiest and most suspenseful book I have ever read. It had the right amount of horror/thriller with so many twist I got whiplash. Definitely a must read.
The Netgalley fairies sprinkled their fairy dust and I was given the audio and the ebook so I switched between reading and listening. The narrator did an amazing job she gave this book a chilling listening experience I won't soon forget. Thank you Netgalley and Dreamscape Media, and SourceBooks Landmark for the ARC in exchange for my review.

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I could not stop reading this! Engaging, engrossing, and intriguing - I finished this the same day I started reading it. And, wow, wow, wow, was it fantastic!

Gave me strong Rosemary's Baby vibes throughout.

I had my own ideas of who was causing Anna trouble and was completely wrong - the twists definitely caught me off guard (and I love when that happens 🙂)

I’m so glad I had the opportunity to read this!

An absolute recommendation!

Thank you to Sourcebooks Landmark and NetGalley for the DRC!

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Thank you, NetGalley.

I liked the overall story, it was very similar to Rosemary’s baby. It seemed at times a retelling not a new story. And including all the other women that the “cult” has helped seemed pointless to me. It didn't give us any insight to the group or their motivation. It was also hard to keep track of the characters.

The book felt like it was in between genres, not scary enough for a horror book, not enough mystery for a thriller. I wish the author would have leaned into one of the genres more.

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This was such a different type of read than what I normally pick up but sometimes stepping out of my comfort zone works well for me and it paid off here. It had such a creepy and unsettling vibe from the moment it starts and I was here for it. It was super tense, totally dark and depraved and at times it was hard to read but I couldn’t put it down. It also had so many powerful things to say about women, motherhood and pregnancy that were so valid and written in such a bold and in your face way. If you like thrillers with a side of horror this was good.

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Anna Alcott had a loving husband and a fast developing career as an actress but she only wants one thing: a baby. After years of IVF, she’s finally pregnant but then suffers a devastating miscarriage. The only thing is, she feels the baby moving still and has strange symptoms.

I am a huge fan of fiction that speaks to pregnancy and women’s issues. I loved that this was also a suspense and even a bit of a horror story (yes, do not read if you have a weak stomach). This was quite the genre mash up. It also has contemporary notes, as it really speaks to the lack of consideration women can experience in the medical field when it comes to infertility, pain management, and childbirth. I could not put this one down and I highly suggest making it your summer read!

“The things that made you lucky could also be the things that made you suffer.”

Delicate Condition comes out 8/1.

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Even though the themes of this book aren't generally my favorite to read about, this was a very solid book. The writing was good and I was invested in the story right from the start. I'd recommend this to others for sure.

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Delicate Condition by Danielle Valentine follows an actress, Anna Alcott, who has struggled to conceive for the past two years. She’s tried IVF several times to no avail. Then the unexpected happens. The IVF works. But there’s a sinister force stalking Anna, leaving creepy dolls and weird messages. As if that wasn’t enough, a trip to the ER ends in a miscarriage according to the doctor. So why does Anna still feel her baby moving?

This is mother horror at its finest! I was genuinely spooked at times. Especially when figures appeared in hallways and would just stand in the shadows.

This book is not for everyone and does get a bit gory at times so beware.

I flew through this book and loved every second.

Catch this book on shelves on August 1st. This book is also rumored to be the basis of AHS season 12.

Special thanks to @netgalley for a copy of the ARC

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It starts out relatable and creepy and then it gets more and more terrifying. I believe this will be one of those books that becomes part of our culture, like Rosemary's baby.
My last pregnancy felt like this for sure. So I definately felt it entirely.
I will be thinking about this for weeks. Maybe months,

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Thanks to Sourcebooks Landmark, Netgalley, and Dreamscape Media for the gifted ARC and ALC!

I loved this author’s YA book How to Survive Your Murder so I jumped at the chance to read her first adult novel. Take me seriously when I say this one is dark. Absolutely do not read this if you’re pregnant or are planning on being pregnant in the near future because this story will haunt you. If you’ve had any pregnancy losses, I’d avoid this too. My worst loss was 7 years ago, but this book still stirred up a lot of tough emotions for me.

Overall, it was well-written and creative. I bounced back and forth between the physical book and the audio. I liked Anna’s character and found the story to be disturbing in an unsettling way. If you like the idea of a feminist Rosemary’s Baby, check this one out!

My rating: 3.5/5

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This book is described as a “feminist update to Rosemary’s Baby,” and I can definitely feel those vibes. Delicate Condition submerges the reader into the dark corners of motherhood, where the dangers lurk…Where your body is not your own, and your mind is not trusted by those around you and you begin to question all you know.

This book plays on the fears of pregnancy and motherhood like no other. 🫣

Any fear you could possibly have while being pregnant or trying to get pregnant…it’s there. So, I do not think this a read for everyone. That being said, it’s good. I would recommend it to those who are ok with the subject matter.

I liked the ending even though it kinda came out of nowhere. I think some readers will feel bamboozled while others will find it cool. I’m in the cool camp.

🚨 Trigger Warning: IVF complications, miscarriage, pregnancy trauma

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If a book gets compared to The Push, I will read it. This one lives up to the hype.

I enjoy the “The Trauma of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Childrearing” genre, mostly because it validates my choice not to have children. And a body horror book based on pregnancy? Yes please.

Woman is going through IVF and lots of complications are happening… and perhaps they are sinister/supernatural complications. Is it in her mind? Is it real? It’s body horror, I know that. It was super fun.

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This book is about Anna Alcott and her husband named Dex. They are on a journey to conceive a child through IVF. Once they start going through the IVF process, Anna notices strange things happening which makes her think someone is trying to mess with her pregnancy. No one will believe Anna including her own husband. The book journeys her pregnancy and what she believes to be a miscarriage. Towards the end of the book, things get very strange. This book was a page-turner and kept me thinking and wondering what would happen next. I enjoyed that aspect of the book but thought some things in the end were a little far-fetched. Thank you Net Galley for the advanced copy of this book.

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First I appreciate the fact that there were trigger warnings the beginning of the book because holy cow were there some major things to handle with this. You need to be mentally prepared for this one. And idk if you really can be. It is a mix of horror, domestic drama, cult, and then of course all the physical and physiological effects surrounding pregnancy. There’s a lot to take in. And I do mean a lot. It’s worth it. But be prepared going in for the creep factor to reach 100.
Anna is an actress who’s been working for a long time and has finally had her big break. However, she’s now approaching 40 and realizes that she needs to work on having a family now if she is going to have one before it’s too late, so she and her husband start ivf. Anna’s fame has attracted a stalker, so they move out to the country and hire security so no one should be able to get to them, or so they think. But things seem ti be going “bump” in the night despite the move.
In the stress of everything, Anna has a miscarriage but several weeks later, Anna feels something moving in her stomach, but how can that be? Her stomach is still growing despite the fact that she felt her body release the baby. So what can be happening inside her now? And whatever is inside of her doesn’t feel right. She has cravings for bizarre things and it feels like it’s trying to claw its way out of her. You don’t find that in What to Expect When You’re Expecting.
I can’t go into much more without giving anything else away but there is so many layers to this that you don’t want to miss. I had so many theories and I was right about some and way off about others.
Thanks to the author for this eArc in exchange for my review.

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I tried to get into this one but I have a really hard time reading about expectant mothers who get gaslit by their partners and surrounding familial members. I often get told what to do with my body by my own family and perhaps this just hits too hard an too close to home by me, but I had to put this down because it was too much for me to handle, especially in reaction to some things my parents have communicated to me lately.

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Saying this book is 'The Push' meeting 'The Silent Patient' is a bit of a reach because it didn't feel like that at all to me. I feel like this book is more similar to 'Nightbitch'. Let me start by saying that this isn't typically the kind of book I would go for, and I don't think it might be for everybody, but I personally loved every second of it.

Anna and her husband, Dex, have been doing everything in their power to have a baby but nothing has been working. This book began with Anna undergoing IVF treatment in hopes to finally get her miracle baby. Anna is worried she’s running out of time since she’s pushing 40.

After all the treatments, finally, Anna gets pregnant. Sadly, this joy is cut short after she is confirmed to have miscarried and loses the baby during her first trimester. Strange enough, weeks later she is almost positive she felt some kicking in her stomach. Anna thought she was losing her mind until a woman at a grocery store felt the kicks herself. Of course, Dex isn’t buying it and neither is her doctor, both claiming it is impossible since she had an ultrasound done that confirmed the loss. Everyone thought Anna was just dealing with the stress of the miscarriage and her hormones.

Whatever is growing inside Anna, though, didn't feel right. Not only is she in a lot of pain constantly (like if something is literally trying to crawl out of her), but she also started craving very... unusual things.

I won’t say anything else, simply, this book grabbed my attention and didn’t let go of it until the end. This book had a wonderful dialogue addressing pregnancy, miscarriages, birth, and how women are treated by medical professionals. Please do check trigger warnings before reading.

Thank you so much Netgalley, SOURCEBOOKS Landmark, and the author for this ARC. ‘Delicate Condition’ will be available for purchase August 1st!

Find me on IG: @ coffeebreakwithrachel

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Oh Wow! Where to begin? This book has a lot going on. Definitely reminiscent of Rosemary's Baby. It deals with fertility treatments, miscarriage, the treatment of women by doctors, fame, stalking and good old horror. Anna is an actress who desperately wants a baby and her biological clock is running out fast. Fertility treatments thus far been unsuccessful, but in what may be her last implantation attempt, she finally gets pregnant, just as she is being considered for an Academy Award. The author deals with this subject with realism and delicacy, showing what women go through with fertility treatments and trying to work their everyday lives around them. She keeps seeing strange women following her and gets weird messages on her calendar. She and her husband move to a borrowed home in the Hamptons in the middle of winter. The snowy isolation adds to the suspense that keeps ratcheting up . Anna has a miscarriage, but she can still feel the baby moving. Hallucinations and strange cravings lead her to the conclusion that there is something wrong with her baby. Chapters about women in the past who have had her same problems add to the increasing suspense. Her husband Dex seems creepy to me, not believing Anna and always on his phone or disappearing. And if one more doctor had brushed off her symptoms with "take another aspirin" I think I would have gone mad. The only sympathetic character was Kamal, the security guard. The ending was full of surprises, some I somewhat expected but others that I definitely did not. The Author's Note shared her experiences in this area and made the book that much more real. The Reading Group Guide poses questions to ponder about your reading experience. This is a book I won't soon forget. Thanks so much to the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read an early copy of this memorable book.

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Brilliant. Incredible. Amazing. Show-stopping.


Delicate Condition was such a win for me! This new release follows Anna - a film actress whose career is finally starting to take off at the same time she is desperately working to start a family through IVF. This Rosemary's Baby inspired horror novel is thrilling, spooky, and atmospheric. All of the themes center around pregnancy, infertility, etc. so please read with care if you are sensitive to those topics.

There are so many tropes in this that I LOVED but I fear border on spoiler territory so I'll refrain from sharing, but I will say that the new season of American Horror Story is rumored to be based on this book, and I completely got those vibes.

Delicate Conditon comes out August 1st. Thank you to #netgalley and @bookmarked for the advanced copy.

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