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Erika Germoglio seems to have her whole life figured out – she is a successful businesswoman and lives in NYC with her boyfriend, Craig Bernhardt, whom she plans to marry soon. Suddenly, she learns that her grandfather, whom she never got to meet left her two estates and a winery in Tuscany. Erika decides to go to Italy to appraise and sell both properties, but she quickly learns that her inheritance comes with one condition - she must stay in Tuscany for five months to learn more about Casalvento and Livernano, as well as the local culture, people, food, and her grandfather.

I loved the wonderful cast of side characters, including Doris, Santo, Mirella, Todd, and James. Paolo de Alberi, estate manager and Erika’s new love interest was also a likable character – passionate, handsome, hardworking, and compassionate. Even though I found Erika to be very hard to like at first, it was still inspiring to see her change and learn to enjoy life, and all the amazing food (oh, and wine, a lot of wine). I wish there was stronger chemistry between Erika and Paolo, but in a way, it makes sense as Paolo was a bit emotionally guarded at first because of his past experiences.

The writing is beautiful, and the vivid descriptions of the Italian countryside immediately drew me into the story! It was wonderful to learn that Casalvento and Livernano are real places, and the author beautifully incorporated her personal experiences of living and owning a winery in Tuscany.

Erika’s genuine effort to learn more about her grandfather was truly touching and beautiful, and I loved the little glimpses into Umberto’s life that we get through the letters he left for Erika. Even though they never got a chance to meet in person, their connection felt real and genuine.

“Her grandfather had helped her to see life in a totally different way. She could smell the roses now. She could see the different colors that made up the beautiful landscape, and she could hear the music in the wind. And she had learned what love and happiness felt like.”

My mom’s side of the family is from Croatia, and we would often prepare pasta e fagioli (pašta fažol). Umberto’s secret ingredient – a splash of vinegar was a fantastic tip! I loved all the other recipes at the end of the book too.

This is a beautiful and inspiring story that celebrates love in various forms - love for family, community, nature, and oneself. It was a bit predictable at times, but it’s still an enjoyable read. The ending wraps things up nicely, and there’s even a big twist that I didn’t see coming. This book is the perfect summer read, and it pairs well with a glass of fine vino! I highly recommend it!

The cover is beautiful and eye-catching – it would definitely grab my attention if I were browsing through books at my local bookstore!

Thank you, BookishFirst, Netgalley, the publisher Greenleaf Book Group Press, and author Gudrun Cuillo for the ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Gudrun Cuillo’s Casalvento stars Erika Germoglio and beautiful Tuscany. Erika lives in NYC and appears to have it all— a successful turnaround consulting business, a loving fiancé, and a sophisticated apartment. Then she gets a letter that a grandfather she didn’t know has left her property in Tuscany. She travels to Italy with a plan to sell the property as quickly as possible.

Erika is a driven, likable character. Tuscany and its beautiful are also a huge part of the novel. I felt like I was there with how well the author describes the area, all without being too wordy and over-descriptive.

I loved the characters that Erika meets in Tuscany as well as the plot. The book is a mini-vacation to some of the best places in Tuscany. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Thank you to the author, Greenleaf Book Group Press, and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for my review.

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In a literary world filled with predictable romances, Gudrun Cuillo's "Casalvento: House of the Wind" sweeps readers away on a journey of passion, love, and self-discovery. Set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Tuscan countryside, this captivating novel captures the essence of romance.

Cuillo's writing pulls at the heartstrings and immerses the reader in a world of longing and desire. With vivid descriptions, Cuillo paints a vivid picture of Casalvento, an enchanting villa nestled amidst rolling hills and vineyards. The setting becomes a character of its own, a witness to the unfolding love story that unfolds within its walls.

At the heart of the tale is Isabella, a young woman with dreams as vast as the Tuscan sky. Her journey takes an unexpected turn when she meets Luca, a charismatic and brooding Italian artist. The chemistry between the two is palpable from the moment they first lock eyes, and their connection deepens with each passing page.

“Casalvento: House of the Wind" has depth and complexity. Cuillo weaves together themes of love, loss, and self-discovery, creating a multi-layered narrative that keeps the reader engaged until the very last word. The characters are beautifully developed, each with their own quirks, insecurities, and desires, making them relatable and authentic.

The romance between Isabella and Luca is portrayed with a delicate touch, balancing passion and tenderness. Their love affair is not without obstacles, as they navigate their own personal demons and the challenges that life throws their way. It is through these trials that their love is tested, and their growth as individuals becomes intertwined with the growth of their relationship.

Cuillo's prose is poetic and evocative, capturing the essence of love in all its forms. She explores the intricacies of human emotions, investigating the depths of the characters' hearts and minds. Her descriptions of the Tuscan landscape transport the reader to a place where beauty and passion collide, adding an additional layer of enchantment to the story.

"Casalvento: House of the Wind" is a love letter to the power of love and the resilience of the human spirit. It reminds us that love can heal wounds, awaken dormant dreams, and bring solace in the darkest of times. Cuillo's writing is captivating, and her ability to convey the complexities of love is remarkable.

For fans of romance novels seeking a tale that goes beyond superficial love stories, "Casalvento: House of the Wind" is an absolute must-read. Gudrun Cuillo's masterful storytelling will leave you breathless, yearning for more, and believing in the transformative power of love.

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Erika enjoys her life in New York. When she inherits property in Italy she learns it has some stipulations. This was a good book.

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I liked this book but I did not love it. The writing at times felt stilted and that it was trying to do more instead of telling a simple story.

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I respect what this book was trying to do, but it fell flat for me. Parts of the narrative just did not seem probable and kind of disjointed. However I was very immersed and couldn’t put it down.

In the best way possible, I think my mom would love it lol.

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A lovely story of winemaking in Italy. A slow-moving romance. I was pleased to discover that what I suspected was true. Thanks to the publisher for providing a copy via NetGalley. My review is voluntary.

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Erika is willed property in Italy including a vineyard and bed-and-breakfast by a grandfather she never knew. She leaves her fiancé and successful life in New York to travel to Italy to deal with settling the inheritance with intentions of selling it all. She soon learns that regardless of whether she keeps it or sells, she must live there for five months and learn the business before making her final decision.

I had mixed feelings about CASALVENTO: HOUSE OF THE WIND but ultimately found it to be a good beach read. Erika was a very unlikable character which normally wouldn’t be a problem for me, however there wasn’t much depth or development for her, so it was hard to have a vested interest in what was going on with her. The plot felt very familiar as I’ve read or seen movies of a similar fashion. Pacing was slow. The romance aspect was a little lackluster. The twist toward the end felt over-the-top and the ending left me saying “of course that would happen.” What really carried the book for me was the vivid imagery of Italy. I felt completely immersed in the location and when I finished reading, I had an intense feeling of longing for a place that I’ve never been to. I liked learning about the winemaking process and owning a vineyard. Finding out that Casalvento and Livernano are real places was great. The recipes at the end were a nice bonus.

Despite some issues I had, I’d still recommend CASALVENTO: HOUSE OF THE WIND as a fiction beach read or to those interested in Italy or vineyards/winemaking.

Thank you to Greenleaf Book Group Press and NetGalley for the DRC.

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Casalvento is a heartfelt and sentimental debut novel that is inspired by the author’s personal experience of owning and running the real Casalvento winery! This novel is truly a love letter to this Tuscan winery, and the level of care and passion Gudrun Cuillo displays in weaving details about wine and winemaking is evident from start to finish.

I loved the novel’s rich description of Tuscany along with its wine, food, culture, and landscapes. I could feel myself being transported to Casalvento and hope one day I will be able to see it in person!

I do think I would have enjoyed the romantic subplot to have taken a little more of the spotlight than it did. It was certainly an enjoyable read, and I would recommend this as a good summer/beach read or for those times when you just want to get away from the real world for a bit!

I would like to thank NetGalley and Greenleaf Book Group Press for a copy of this digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Author: Gudrun Cuillo
Source: Greenleaf Book Group
Pub Date: June 6, 2023

Erika Germoglio is a successful businesswoman in New York City with a long-term boyfriend and a new engagement ring when she discovers that a grandfather she has never met has bequeathed Erika, a winery in Tuscany…but it came with some strings attached. Erika has to make some quick life decisions as she realizes that this is unusual inheritance, so she decides to travel to Italy and plans to sell the property. But after arriving solo in Tuscany, she is struck by how different her life could be and how much she loves the charming people and town in Tuscany. Erika also likes Paolo, the property manager and unmistakable hunky winemaker. Her fiancée in the US stops calling, and she loses confidence in their relationship, with good reason. But as time passes, her confidence grows as she learns how to own and work in a vineyard with a beautiful home and a good man by her side. This book is a Hallmark-styled novel with challenges and sweet resolutions. The book’s title, Casalvento, is the name of Erika’s Tuscany home and is an easy book to enjoy. #Casalvento #GudrunCuillo @NetGalley #beautifulbookcover #GreenleafBookGroup #Tuscany #Italy #winemaking #future #family #understanding #gratitude #history #love #heritage #lifechanging #legacy #romance #book #books #bookstagram

I received a complimentary copy of this ARC. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own. Thank you to Greenleaf Book Group Press, NetGalley, and the author for the opportunity to read this novel. Pub. Date: June 6, 2023.

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I requested to read and review this book for free from GreenLeaf Book Group Press. This book was fantastic to read. It has romance, mystery and some drama and suspense. I loved the way the author ended this story it was definitely a surprise. In this story you will meet Erika who thought she had everything until an unexpected letter changed her life. For the better or no? You will have to read to find out. As the reader you will meet characters Craig, Todd, James, Paolo and all of the interesting characters of Casalvento. Trust is cab be hard at times especially when it about the people you love or the people you thought you could trust? Sometimes taking a step back we can find out who we are and where we are meant to be in life. This book can be ready anywhere but would recommend a mature reader!

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The Italian culture so rich and described beautifully in this text! The descriptions are breathtaking and the importance of family is evident in this story. Witness the development of Erika from a superficial woman to a woman who loves life and her community is great; although at times she still feels rather flat. I wish we could have learned more about Umberto on a deeper level, learn more about the relationships of the community who became his family. I would have loved to learn more about Paolo and his hesitance to begin a new relationship. But I enjoyed the story, the culture, and the sweet simplicity of doing what you love with the people you love!

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Casalvento is a story about Erika, who inherited a vineyard and house in Tuscany (Casalvento and Livernano) from her grandfather, whom she never met. Amid Erika planning her wedding to her long-time fiance and running a successful business, Erika must move to Tuscany and run the vineyard and home for the next five months before she decides what to do with the properties.

I enjoyed the descriptions of the countryside; I felt like I was there. This book definitely jumped right into the drama. Erika wasn't very likable, but I believe the supporting characters gave her some depth. I enjoyed the slow-burn romance between Erika and Paolo as she starts to question her life back in New York.

This was different from any books I've read lately and I'd definitely buy the physical copy for my collection.

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Caselvento had me drawn back to my travels to Italy, with wonderful descriptions of the countryside. It tells of Erika Germoglio, who finds herself drawn to her family’s history and the inheritance of Caselvento. Her Italian grandfather, whom she never met, leaves Erika a house and vineyard which is soon revealed to come with a catch. She must either keep or sell Casalvento and Livernano, but before she can do either, she must live there an run the two estates for five months. Her life changes when she meets Paolo, Casalvento’s intelligent, compassionate, and strikingly handsome estate manager and wine maker. What follows is Erika’s journey to Italy and the struggle she goes through in deciding what to do.

Whilst Erika was not the easiest character to like, some of the secondary characters gave some depth to the story. At times, the flow of the story did falter but the highlights were the description of the region and its culture.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This novel definitely transports you to to the Tuscan countryside with beautiful imagery and descriptive language. It was one of the main reasons why I wanted to read this book in the first place! I was really impressed by the characters, the food and wine, and Casalvento itself. I was blown away to learn that this is actually a real place that you can visit and experience! The setting and descriptions definitely get five stars! Now the storyline itself was not as enjoyable to me. Not only have I read very similar plot lines, but seen it in movies as well. Erika is extremely unlikeable and emotionally immature in the first half of the book. I understand that she goes through character development and can attribute it to Tuscany, but it does not make for an enjoyable read. There are other plot points that are a bit of a stretch to understand like the ridiculous stipulations of the Will. I’m also missing some chemistry between Erika and Paolo and conversations seem to end very abruptly. Overall the storyline was very predictable and slow moving. I really wish there was an epilogue to have more closure and maybe a small look into the future. The cover is beautiful and the recipes at the end are a great added bonus. Great imagery, but the characters and storyline left me wanting. I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving a free copy.

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Gudrun Cuillo's debut novel, Casalvento, tells the story of a young woman who inherits a vineyard in Tuscany shortly after turning 30. Despite running a successful business in New York and planning a wedding, Erika finds herself drawn to the rustic charm of the farmhouse and the people who help run the vineyard. As she learns about her family's history and questions her current life, Erika must decide whether to embrace her fate and make Casalvento her home.

If you're looking for a heartwarming story with a touch of romance set in a picturesque location, Casalvento is a perfect read. It's delightful and uplifting, and sure to please!

Tropes: slow-burn, boss/employee romance, found family, rediscovering self
Clean romance - No profanity

Thank you to NetGalley and Greenleaf Book Group for providing an advance copy of this book; all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you NetGalley and Greenleaf Book Group Press for the ARC! Caslavento was an enjoyable read. I loved the sweeping and picturesque mental images of Tuscany as I read through this book. I wanted to sit alongside our main character as she ate and drank her way through this story.

The descriptions of the setting were definitely the highlight of this book for me. It really gave me a feel of what it might be like if I ever went to Tuscany (here's hoping!) I felt as though the plot was lacking a little bit, and some of the dialogue felt a little underdeveloped.

I would recommend this to anyone who loves. a good beach read, or wants to experience some "Eat, Pray, Love" vibes. I am missing this book already!

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This was fun, summery read. Erika is a business owner in New York who has just turned thirty and gotten engaged to her long-term boyfriend when she receives a letter that she has inherited a vineyard and hotel in Italy. She goes to visit Italy with the intention of selling everything and getting back to her life in New York quickly, but the terms of the inheritance require her to stay at least five months. The descriptions of Tuscany, food and wine were the highlight of this book! The authors real-life experience really shines as she is describing traveling to different towns and eating food with her found-family of characters. It is a bit like a Hallmark movie in that it is predictable in an enjoyable romance way but it also felt at times like there were scenes missing or emotional arcs that were cut short.

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This was a very interesting book and a great first story. I definitely felt transported to Tuscany and while I don’t care for wine (I know, I know) and there was a lot about win in this book I still fell in love with the winery in Italy. I will say I felt like this book was a bit like a Hallmark movie - everything is so predictable it’s formulaic but it’s still a pleasant and enjoyable ride. Erika is satisfied with her life in New York City. She owns her own business, is engaged to a man she loves, and has everything she wanted. But when she gets a letter telling her she’s inherited property in Italy she is blown away, especially since she’s never met any family members beyond her parents. She heads to Italy with plans of selling the property, but nothing goes quite like she planned. Despite the changes and obstacles that pop up she is blown away every day at how beautiful Italy and how much happier she is there. It doesn’t hurt that she meets plenty of wonderful people, including an extra special man who runs her vineyards and helps her with more than business. Overall I gave this one 3.5 stars and I rounded up because the descriptions of the scenery were so good. I also loved the descriptions of food (once Erika got over not eating….).

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Thank you NetGalley and Greenleaf Book Group for an advance copy of the novel Casalvento. I was swept away to Tuscany and fell in love with the characters and setting from page one. I took a chance on this book from the description given and was not disappointed.
Erika is a young New York City professional engaged to her love of many years. She receives a letter stating that her grandfather who she didn't know existed as left her his estate in Tuscany. Erika travels to Italy thinking she will access the situation and sell. Needless to say, she falls in love with the Villa/Winery upon learning that she must live at Casalvento for six months before she takes official ownership and can sell. During those six months she learns her fiancee is a snake and breaks the engagement. She slowly falls in love with the Manager of the estate Paolo. and... in a surprising ending is assured Tuscany is where she needs to be.
I found the story an easy read and very enjoyable. The descriptions of scenery, food and of course the wine were amazing. I felt like I was on a trip of a lifetime. For a first novel Cuillo scored high marks.
After completing the novel I always do research on the author. I was so excited to learn Casalvento is real and the author's home! No wonder the descriptions were wonderful. She wrote what she knows and loves!
I will recommend this book to my fellow readers and I have already ordered wine from the Casalvento Winery! and one day I'd love t visit!!
Thank you again NetGalley!!
Leslie Ponder

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