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In the Likely Event

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Izzy Astor is returning to University after visiting with her older sister for the holidays. And she’s flying back, which she hates to do. Her seatmate though, a ruggedly handsome guy with mesmerizing blue eyes, makes her forget about her fear until [cue Alanis Morrissette’s song Ironic, in which the guy whose afraid to fly as the plane crashed down, he thought, well, isn’t this nice] the plane has problems. From that point on Izzy and her seatmate, the exceedingly wonderful, Nate Phelan are irretrievably linked. And there’s more to come in Rebecca Yarros’ In the Likely Event.

I have been head-over-heels in love with every Rebecca Yarros novel I’ve read up until this one. But. BUT, don’t get me wrong this one was not horrible. It was just too long as if Yarros thought she needed to detail everything about Izzy and Nate’s relationship during the in-between years from the plane crash to their now-point in Afghanistan.

In the Likely Event really worked when it was in the present, when Izzy and Nate were being tested and not at all found wanting. But the flashbacks that were supposed to show their growing love or the failure sometimes only showed the flaw in the relationship. In a couple of instances the flashbacks felt unnecessary. A paragraph of description would have sufficed.

I did like that Nate was always considerate and thoughtful of Izzy. I did like that Izzy took her current job to stop a war that kept Nate away. I did think that when Nate ridiculed Izzy for choosing someone who had once dumped her to be her fiancé, that she said quite clearly that “he was there,” indicating that Nate rarely was. Which ultimately becomes the problem for In the Likely Event as a great love story. You have to be there.

Many thanks to the publisher for sending me a copy.

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I'm not usually a military romance type of gal, but we tried it based on other novels that we love by Rebecca Yarros. I didn't like it friends. I found it boring and I had to pick it up several times and try and try again. It took a page out of the SJM book while they were having steamy scenes in-between literal combat and I did not find the FMC or MMC likeable. I would say, try another one by Rebecca and you'll probably love it more than this one.

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Thank you for this read! I love Rebecca's books so it was a pleasure getting to read this one! I look forward to trying out her other books as well.

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Another fabulous book by Rebecca Yarros!

From start to finish I enjoyed reading Nate and Izzy’s story. I’m not typically a fan of past and present timelines but it definitely works for this book. I enjoyed the glimpses into their past experiences along the way while also seeing their present day interactions.
If there were ever two main characters who were fated to meet and fall in love it would have to be these two!

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📖: In The Likely Event
✏️: @rebeccayarros
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5

This was my first military romance, and it definitely delivered! My husband is an army veteran, and while I was not with him during this chapter of his life, I found Izzy to be a relatable character for me, as she supported Nate through the traumas of his military career.

I enjoyed the dual timelines and dual POVs and felt that both of these qualities helped paint the picture of how Izzy and Nate's past timeline shaped their present day timeline.

The last part of the book was filled with such emotion it brought tears to my eyes with how brave Izzy and Nate were and the hope they had to one day have the chance to shoot their shot.

Thank you to the publisher and @netgalley for providing an eARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Absolutely loved this book! Could not put it down and recommended it to my friends (they loved it too!). Rebecca Yarros is such an amazing author and i look forward to reading more of her books. Thanks!

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n the Likely Event by Rebecca Yarros is the slow burn story of Izzy and Nate which is a right person, wrong time romance with push and pull until they couldn’t anymore. They meet when they are both young on a plane ride that changes everything. Meeting throughout the years, they never forget each other, even as they go through separate paths. Until suddenly they are together in the last place imagined. Now after their latest fallout, his job is to protect her. As we navigate through their past and present, we see what they mean to each other and the hurt and love between them. Their journey is emotional and touching.

Happy reading!

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Grateful for the opportunity to read an ARC of "In the Likely Event" through NetGalley, I extend my thanks to the publisher and Rebecca Yarros. The novel eloquently explores themes of love, seizing opportunities, and internal struggles. However, I would have preferred if Yarros had opted for a fictional war between imaginary nations instead of delving into real-world issues in Afghanistan. Nonetheless, Yarros' storytelling prowess remains evident, delivering a beautiful love story.

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This was my second book by Rebecca Yarros (the first being fourth wing).

This was brilliantly written and not at all what I expected after reading fourth wing.

This did not disappoint at all. It felt like watching a movie.

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In the Likely Event was a wonderful contemporary romance with well-rounded, three-dimensional characters that keep you engaged throughout the story. The transitions between past and present are clear and smooth, and the content of each chapter is enough to keep your attention between timelines. I read most of this book in one sitting and thoroughly enjoyed the little twist at the end that completely shocked me. I am intrigued enough to go back and reread the book to really analyze each interaction.

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THIS. BOOK. GOT. ME. GOOD! I read this in a day and let me tell you it was the highlight of my September reads, I named it my book of the month. I laughed, I cried, I FELT SO HARD! This was something so different to a certain fantasy series we all love and I was feet first in that backpack and leaving the plane with Nate too!

Its such a bitter sweet story and my heart ached and oh how it worked! Just read it - you won't be disappointed! Just don't expect it to be fluffy, its as gritty as you can expect when the odds and the universe has other plans for you. My heart was done.

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When Izzy and Nate's plane goes down, they form a bond that most people never have. Although one could say that their bond started as soon as they were seated next to each other. While the plane crash plays a big part of the story, it's what happens after that is the bulk of the story. This book is told in both the present and through flashbacks. Chapter by chapter we learn about Izzy and Nate's relationship. Or lack there of.

The path to their happily ever after is not easy and they have quite a few obstacles to overcome, but through it all, their paths keep crossing and their love never faded, not matter what either of them said.

I read this whole book while I was on a 4 hour train ride. I started it before I left Penn Station and I was finished before I reach my destination. I've been reading this author for a long time now and she never fails to keep my attention. She always brings the emotions and almost always makes me cry. She's an emotional wizard!

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I received an arc via Netgalley, and am leaving an honest review about the book. I’m thankful to the publisher and the author for giving me this wonderful opportunity!

First of all, I need to write miss Yarros a 100 page essay in which I’ll be yelling at her for the angst she thrust at me, and I’ll also be billing her for the therapy session I will have to take. I cried for this book. I sobbed for these characters, particularly Nate for that ending.

On another note, I absolutely LOVED this book. I devoured it; it was that good. I’m not sure how accurate the army details were, since I’ve never been knowledgeable in how the army works, but I liked what I read. It felt realistic enough to me, but I'm not a soldier, so I'm not sure. However, I was enthralled by the romance and, war aside, from the characters. Even when it left me shattered at the end. The ending broke my heart; first Liam, then Torres? So unfair. When I’d realized the truth, my heart had literally fallen to my stomach.

Also, I want to marry Nate. Step aside, Izzy. It's my turn now.

But on another note, I do think Rebecca Yarros was insensitive in the way she decided to use the Afghanistan war as a prop for her romance book. I believe it would have been better if she'd devised a fictional war between two fictional countries as opposed to using something that is still, to this day, having devastating affects on the Afghanistan people.

This book was beautiful. I’d give it a four star. Now I need to log off and eat some chocolate because I deserve it after this.

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Loved Fourth Wing, but couldn't really get into this one. I wasn't able to concentrate and didn't feel any connection with the characters. Unfortunately i did not finish.

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Due to work, life, and other commitments, I have not had the opportunity to read this book yet. I hope to do so soon.

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This author is an auto read for me. She writes a wonderful story and I would recommend any of her books to others. This particular book was well developed an a good, quick read.

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This story is told in two different timelines (the past and present) from two different POVs – Izzy and Nate, the main characters.

It has an interesting story and I was hooked right from the start, the chemistry between the two main characters is there and I found myself rooting for their happily ever after.
I enjoy the flashbacks, seeing how fate keeps getting them back together and seeing how good they would be as a couple.

I really like the writing style, all the emotions that the main characters are feeling are conveyed really well – the sadness, the longing, the heart-break, love and hope. It's all there throughout the story.

While I like most of the things here in this story, I felt things becomes slightly repetitive near the ending because the timing for Nate and Izzy isn’t always right and they keep pushing and pulling each other for 10 years.
Nevertheless, it was wrapped up nicely and I’m satisfied with how it ends.

Overall, it’s a good military romance book and I enjoy my time reading this second chance romance.
I haven’t read many stories like this and this book makes me want to read more of them!

⚠️ 𝐓𝐖: War, violence, death, sexual content

I received an advanced review copy for free through Netgalley, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Huge thank you to the author and publisher!

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In the Likely Event is a touching, emotional and beautiful story of love that spans distance and time and endless roadblocks, and a love that is just meant to be. Nate and Izzy had an intense connection from their first meeting, which unfortunately ends traumatically. Their connection remains and neither is far from the other one's thoughts.

Nate has a dangerous job in the military and is always on the move, which keeps him away from Izzy and keeps them from building a life they seem to both desperately want. Periodically they find themselves together again and it's like no time has passed and their connection is as strong as ever.

They now find themselves together in Afghanistan and Nate is working overtime to protect Izzy and keep her safe in a place of extreme danger and unrest, while they both try to balance working together given their shared history.

This author knows exactly how to pull at all your heartstrings. I was invested in these characters and their love story from the very beginning. There was nothing I wanted more than for them to ultimately get their happily ever after. While their road wasn't easy or quick, it was so obvious that these two were meant to be. I didn't want this story to end.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC. Rebecca Yarros has become one of my favorite authors. Her books always get me in my feels. I liked this one but didn’t love it like I did The Last Letter. I’d still recommend!

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I really loved Fourth Wing and was incredibly excited to delve into Rebecca Yarros's romance writing. Unfortunately, I found I couldn't really connect with the story. I've found in the past that I don't love contemporary military romance books, so it's likely just a personal preference.

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