Member Reviews

Vivvy, a scientist and reluctant psychic, faces the future of helping to solve a cold case because of a life saving prediction she had in the past. The boy she saved when they were both young is now a police officer working a high-profile case and insists Vivvy is the key to solving it. Sprinkle in a dash of conspiracy theory and you have the perfect story to keep your on the edge of your seat -- I had to force myself to put this one down, just like We Are All The Same In The Dark!

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3.5 A different type of thriller, but one that I found captivating. Vivvy has a PHD in astro physics and is conducting research into extraterrestral lives, but she is also someone who can sometimes help the search for missing people. Mike, now a cop, who she saved as a young man wants her help to find a missing child. Another cop, Jesse, is out to prove she is a fake, for reasons of his own. Then she gets on a podcasters radar and her life becomes unbearable.

A little too much romantic angst but handles well. Does warn about the power of the internet and how easy it is to wreck someones life. Definitely held my attention, it was such a mixture of things which kept the plot flowing. Liked the characters of Vivvy and Jesse the best.

Narration by Karissa Vacker which was quite good.

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It was hard for me to rate this one.
❤️On the one hand, the audio narration was top notch, and I felt very invested in the story and characters. I never felt like things were moving too slowly.

🙁On the other hand, I really dislike when absolutely everything is revealed at the very end (last five percent) of the novel. That's what happened here. I literally had 30 minutes left on the audiobook and everything was answered all at once.
Then a whole new event occurred, which couldn't be thoroughly fleshed out because it happened so late in the story.

Rounding up from 3.5 stars.

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Vivvy Bouchet is an astrophysicist with a special gift for making predictions. She won't call herself a psychic, but the boy whose life she saved when she was 10 years old thinks that's exactly what she is. And now he's a police officer, investigating a high-profile cold case involving a disappeared toddler -- and he's called her in to help. As Vivvy reluctantly begins investigating, she finds herself the target of a popular Texas podcaster named Bubba Guns, whose conspiracy theories about the case and false claims about Vivvy's past threaten to ruin her reputation and her life.

Slow-burning and intensely atmospheric, full of complex characters, Night Will Find You thoughtfully explores the intersections between science and the paranormal by giving us a richly-realized narrator who straddles both worlds. Julia Heaberlin's writing is captivating and her pacing deliberate as she delves into the world of conspiracy theories and the harm they can cause. I've always been fascinated (and horrified) by those portions of the public who are willing to believe misinformation and unfounded theories, and Heaberlin explores how dangerous that can be, particularly as it relates to high-profile cases.

There is definitely a lot going on in the plot, but Heaberlin handles all of her topics with finesse, bringing themes of grief and healing, regrets, and the complexities of family dynamics into her suspenseful mystery plot. Everything wraps up in a satisfying way, although I was expecting more from the "blue horse." I listened to this as an audiobook read by Karissa Vacker, who always does a wonderful job bringing the characters to life. Thank you to MacMillan Audio and NetGalley for the early listening opportunity.

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Many thanks to NetGalley, Flatiron Books, and Macmillan Audio for gifting me both a digital and audio ARC of the new book by Julia Heaberlin (author of the wonderful We Are All the Same in the Dark) and narrated by the wonderful Karissa Vacker - 5 stars!

Vivvy Bouchet is always on the seesaw between science and the supernatural. When she was young, she saved a boy’s life by making an impossible prediction. Now a brilliant young astrophysicist, she wants nothing more than to be left alone with the stars in the Big Bend country of Texas. But the boy she saved, Mike, grew up to be a cop and he believes in her psychic abilities. While she's at home going through her mother's affairs, he begs for her help in solving an old case of a missing young girl whose mother sits in prison for the crime. A conspiracy theorist who has a radio show, Bubba Guns (gotta love that name!) invites her on and opens the floodgates of the media onto Vivvy's doorstep.

This is such a wonderful book, exploring that fine line of faith and science. Vivvy was raised by a mother who believed she had psychic abilities and has grown up listening to voices in her head. Beyond all that discussion is a taut mystery with lots of intriguing characters, haunting atmosphere, and plenty of twists to keep you on the edge of your seat. Another fabulous read by this author and Vacker's narration is pitch perfect as always - highly recommended!

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All the stars for this exceptional book!
Edge of my seat constant action.
My first by this author but definitely not my last. I highly recommend!
And of course, the narrator is exceptional! But isn't she always!

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Another atmospheric and suspenseful read from Julia Heaberlin. I lover her books because they always present a unique story and interesting characters with depth. This one was no different. Vivvy Bouchet is haunted by secrets, and they are not all her own. She’s a psychic helping to solve a missing persons case, but it’s getting too personal for comfort. She clashes with a police officer working the case, and a podcast shock jock who seems to have a vendetta against her. It is tense and addictive all the way through. The audiobook narration was very good, too.

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If I had a nickel for every time a Main Character was a psychic astrophysicist.

Vivvy Bouchet (no relation to Bobby from “Waterboy”) is a reluctant psychic. She doesn’t want to see dead people or take after her manipulative mother (a “known” psychic). Instead, she wants to live in the desert and study the cosmos using her Ph.D. in Astrophysics.

Since that wouldn’t make much of a book, she is lured back into helping authorities find a missing girl. There is your usual batch of skeptics, but one inflammatory podcaster (named Bubba Guns, I kid you not) takes his attacks on Vivvy to the next level. She must use everything in her toolbox to find the missing girl while defending herself and science against vocal opposition.

I really enjoyed this unusual thriller, especially as an audiobook narrated by one of my favorites. The addition of science (Vivvy is brilliant) is a refreshing addition. I agree with the publisher that the book “explores the mysterious nature of belief—in psychic power, science, conspiracies, a higher power—and the delicate dance between scientific truth and the things we can’t explain.”

I was intrigued and engaged from the first page, loved Vivvy’s character and her story, and appreciated the ending. If you’re looking for a smart thriller, I recommend this one, especially the audio. Vacker delivers another superb performance. For someone who narrates a sleep podcast, she's wildly effective at freaking me out in a thriller.

Thanks, NetGalley and Macmillan Audio, for the Advanced Listening Copy. US Pub Date: 20 Jun 23

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Thanks to NetGalley and Macmillan Audio for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

4.5 stars

I truly enjoyed Night Will Find You. Vivvy is an astrophysicist and loves science. However, she also has the ability to hear the dead. A lot going on that will keep you listening/reading till the end.

Karissa Vacker did an excellent job narrating.

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Really enjoyed this book on audio. There's a lot going on — a lot of characters and a bit of a supernatural elements to it. I really like Julia Heaberlin — she reps Texas so well! And Karissa Vacker is brilliant — she does all the different voices (children, a raging conservative, etc.) All in all, a solid audio thriller for me!

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Thanks to Macmillan Audio for the ALC.
I love a good spin on a police procedural, and this book delivered. Vivvy is a character that it's easy to have a lot of empathy for because of her 'supposed' psychic powers and the doubt of the detective on the case she's been called in on to help. I liked how the author slowly weaved the current mystery in with Vivvy's memories of her mother and her abilities. The slow-burn was done at just the right pace to keep me engaged and wanting to find out what happened next. The author did such a great job at building suspense and suspicion. I did not know where this was going and it paid off in the end.
Karissa Vacker is excellent at narrating stories like this. I am always amazed when listening to her performance because of how she gives distinct voices to each character. It's easy for me to forget it's not a full cast narration. She brought these characters to life and it was easy to stay intrigued while listening.

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This was well-written and thoroughly enjoyable. The characters were multi-faceted and likeable. I can see why it's being adapted.

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Night Will Find You by Julia Heaberlin
Narrator, Karissa Vacker
Whooee. This is my first book by this author but will not be my last for sure. From the very beginning the tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. I was hooked so fast that I hated to stop to go to bed.
The book was set in Ft. Worth and there were lots of Texas references which I found extra entertaining since I’m from the DFW area. I liked it so much, I wish there would be another book with these main characters but I don’t think this author does that. Too bad.
Karissa Vacker is an excellent narrator and does male and female characters equally well. In fact, she made Sharp sound especially hot.

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Julia Heaberlin (a huge fan) returns following my favorite Black-Eyed Susans and We Are All the Same in the Dark with her latest intriguing suspense. NIGHT WILL FIND YOU—A scientist with a special gift shakes things up in this town while investigating a cold case.


Mysterious, engrossing, and intriguing!

Vivian Bouchet (Vivvy) returns home to Fort Worth after her mother's death and gets pulled into the past. She believes in the truth and power of science.

Vivvy Bouchet possesses psychic gifts, and at a young age, she saves a boy's life by making a prediction.

Now a brilliant Ph.D. astrophysicist, age 28, with a doctorate from Harvard. She lives in Big Bend’s Chihuahuan Desert, working as “a professional stargazer” in a remote, off-the-grid hilltop home outfitted with solar power and an impressive array of telescopes.

She wants to be left alone. She has psychic visions inherited from her mother, who was a psychic for years and discovered a dead body buried in their rental house when Vivvy was a girl.

The boy she saved (they are friends)—Mike, is now a Fort Worth cop. He believes in her abilities and needs help in a high-profile cold case of 3-year-old Lizzie Solomon, who disappeared 11 yrs earlier from her old Victorian house.

The parents were well-to-do lawyers with a troubled marriage. Her mother was convicted on circumstantial evidence a year later, though the body was never found. The father tried and failed to commit suicide at the old mansion. Now, the father lives in a trailer park, and the mother in the women’s prison at Gatesville’s Mountain View Unit, proclaiming innocence.

Vivvy reluctantly agrees to help.

However, when Texas conspiracy popular theorist podcaster Bubba Guns hears about her involvement, he talks up her to his listeners in a bad light and brings up the past. Now his hateful worshippers are coming after her. Vivvy fights back.

Jesse Sharp, a police officer, also questions Vivvy's abilities and tries to discredit her. Skeptical, but he reluctantly works with her. Vivvy is looking for Lizzie and the girl who wears the charm bracelet in the crime photos.

Moody and evocative, NIGHT WILL FIND YOU is engrossing, dark, gritty, and intriguing. As always, I have loved all her books with well-developed characters, fully immersive, and lyrical with a supernatural twist.

I loved Vivvy and hope we see her again!

AUDIOBOOK: I listened to the audiobook narrated by a favorite, Karissa Vacker, delivering a spine-chilling performance and an engaging listening experience for all voices.

Thanks to #NetGalley and #MacnillanAudio for a gifted ALC for review purposes.

Blog review posted @
@JudithDCollins| #JDCMustReadBooks
Pub Date: June 20, 2023
My Rating: 4.5 Stars
June 2023 Must-Read Books

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A solid mystery/thriller novel!

Vivvy is a psychic and a physicist. However, Vivvy tends to shy away from her abilities. It wasn't until her brother-in-law begged her to help him solve a high-profile cold case of a missing girl (Lizzy), that she began tapping back into her abilities again.

The writing was atmospheric and captivating. I love how different and unique the story was. It has a little bit of everything, yet it was done seamlessly.

If you're a fan of mysteries/thrillers and looking for a unique storyline. I would highly recommend checking this one out!

***Thank you to NetGalley, Julia Heaberlin, and Macmillan Audio for graciously sending me the audiobook to review. As always, all thoughts are my own.***

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Night Will Find You started off strong for me, but I started to lose some interest in the middle. By the end I was invested again, and the some of the final chapters had me on the edge of my seat. I loved that the protagonist, Vivvey Bouchet is a scientist/astronomer and psychic - she was such a unique character and I enjoyed reading the book through her perspective. Overall, this was a really enjoyable read that I would recommend!

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An astrophysicist can hear from missing and dead people. And she's called in to investigate a cold case of a missing girl.

Vivi and her sister, Brig, grew up with a single mother who made a living in many ways, including reading palms and telling the future. Vivi also has the gift, one she never wanted. She held on to science and the stars to distance herself from her upbringing. But the voices won't be silent.

This is a slow-burn mystery filled with tension as only Julia Heaberlin can create. Her characters are flawed and

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3.5 stars

I really enjoyed this unique mystery that touches on identity & perception, & the conflict between science & the supernatural in the modern world. It would be 4 full stars except I disliked the very, very last bit of the ending.

[What I liked:]

•Vivvy is great. She’s smart, intuitive, and a survivor. She doesn’t want the limelight but feels obliged to help if she can. She has complicated family relationships. She is very relatable (but also way cooler than me 😂). I enjoyed her philosophical musings & science fun facts as much as I enjoyed the mystery plot.

•Bubba Guns is *hilarious*! I love that his character is so over the top but also completely believable because, unfortunately, there are people like him in real life. I so enjoyed Vivvy’s eloquent rants in which she eviscerated him & fact checked his nonsense.

•The mystery was very intriguing & had some good twists. The obscure & complex motivations of most of the characters, including Vivvy’s deceased psychic mother, made for an interesting read.

[What I didn’t like as much:]

•I really disliked the ending. And I mean the very last scene part of the ending; the wrap-up of the mysteries was fine. I don’t want to spoil the ending, but why did that have to happen? The writer seems to make it out to be an unavoidable twist of fate, but hadn’t the MC saved people from the fate she’d seen in her premonitions before? And *why* was that her fate in that moment? It wasn’t explained & didn’t fit with the rest of the story other than to be a “shocking twist” on the last page. And I really dislike those in general.

CW: terminal illness, murder, kidnapping, cancer, infidelity, child death, sexism, racism, substance abuse

[I received an ARC ebook copy from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. Thank you for the book!]

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I loved the concept of the psychic helping the police solve a mystery. I'm very anxious to see what Fox does with this for the TV show!

I received an advance copy. All thoughts are my own.

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I really hated Jesse Sharp in the beginning but I love that he and Vivvy got together in the end, even though he was a pretty big dick to her thru most of the book! I also love the juxtaposition of being a psychic and an astrophysicist. My favorite part of this book is that Vivvy takes no shit, doesn't back down, and goes out and kicks ass and gets things done! I am adding all of Julia Heaberlin's books to my TBR!

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