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The Scarlet Veil

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”Some might call it fleeing, some might call it hiding, but some might be wrong. Some might say they want to protect me, but what they mean is they want to coddle me. To manage me. I will not be managed. I will show all of them.”


Gather round and listen up, fellow fantasy readers, and let me tell you about my new favorite fantasy read. No one is more surprised than me that I loved this, considering I wasn’t blown away by the Serpent & Dove trilogy. Oh sure, I really enjoyed the first book, but something about the following book really didn’t do it for me, and I never even read the third and final installment. *hangs head in shame* I did do my best to look up general spoilers, and I’m glad I did, because… while this is technically a spinoff from S&D and its own story featuring a minor character from the series, it builds heavily off of the founding novels. You could go in blind, but I would recommend at least reading the spoiler summary for S&D that the publisher posted previously.

Now that we have the technical details out of the way…. THIS BOOK. Insert all the heart eyes, dreamy sigh, swoony foot popping goodness, folks, because vampires are back and better than ever. Make Vampires Great Again. You may remember Celie from S&D, but if it is all a bit fuzzy, don’t worry. The author does a fantastic job of slowly piecing together the details from Gods & Monsters without info dumping a rehash of the plot. I’ll be honest, I was a little lost during the first 20%, but once I had some of those details down, it was smooth sailing for the rest of the reading experience.

The basis of this book is that Celie has joined the brotherhood of the Chasseurs as the first female inductee, is newly engaged, and headed toward a life she has always dreamed of, or as much as can be after the trauma she has endured in recent times. Wanting to get to the bottom of what really happened to her sister, she is determined to hunt down the monsters responsible for sowing the chaos across their lands, while also proving herself invaluable to the cause. With all this going on, Celie is also wrestling with the fact that everyone is treating her like she is fragile after her ordeals from the previous book, which in turn makes her suffering worse.

On top of all of this, there are strange murders happening and Jean Luc, the head of the Chasseurs and her fiancé, is keeping secrets from her involving the investigation. It’s during the investigation that Celie meets a mysterious man, and little does she know that small interaction will change her life as she knows it. Part murder mystery, part romance, part journey of self discovery, The Scarlet Veil is a dark dive into the glittering world of seductive monsters-creatures of the night who are equal parts horrifying and thrilling.

Many familiar characters spring up in the beginning of the book, which gave me a cozy feeling, and probably added to my love of this book. I don’t think it would have meant as much to me if I didn’t have some stake in the characters prior to starting the book (see what I did there?) so do with that what you will. This is a SLOW burn romance, over the course of 640 pages, so please keep that in mind before starting this book. For me? It was flawlessly done. The pacing of the romance felt perfectly paced for an enemies-to-lovers story, and the thrilling murder mystery elements and world building kept my interest in between the building of Celie and Michal’s relationship. This book is actually darker than I expected it to be, which isn’t a bad thing, and really leaned into the horror aspect of the story, and pushed the typical boundaries that people like to place on YA stories, which I LOVED.

Honestly, why did that cliffhanger have to do me dirty like that? I’m itching for the next book! The person behind the murders is who I suspected it was, but for once, that didn’t affect my enjoyment because there were many other aspects to the why and how that I hadn’t figured out, which kept many of the twists still a surprise. If you are looking for a young adult PNR with mystery elements and a hefty page count, consider adding this to your TBR. Even if you weren’t thrilled by the S&D trilogy, but you adore vampire romances, I would say this is worth giving a try. You might be as surprised as I was to find out it’s one of your favorite books of the year.

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Oh my, murders, ghosts, and spilled tea?! I can’t spill everything but if you loved Serpent and Dove, you will love this book. She has expanded this world “infinitesimally.” And I love it. It took me a minute to get into this world again with out reading but that’s because of me. I always love Shelby’s witty banter between the side characters it’s alway hilarious. The epilogue made me scream out loud because it’s unique and I had to read it twice. Maybe thrice for good measure. Thank you so much to Epic reads for this amazing book and the author for putting so much time in this beauty!

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I was a little surprised at how slow this book started out with it being a continuation of the previous series by Mahurin. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing since it had been a while since I read the last book and I did need some reminding of what happened. What I struggled with a lot was that the main character, Celie, is supposed to be the smartest one out of her friends. She is supposed to be the one that does research and approaches any situation with as much knowledge as she can come across, but she kept doing things that were not the smart move or the one that would suggest she is the smart one. It was very frustrating as a reader. The story itself is interesting enough I will continue to read it but I was also disappointed in the reveal of who the necromancer is. It seemed predictable to me and I was hoping for something more surprising.

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Why do you do this to me Shelby???????? Why????? That cliff hanger??????? I should have known this book was going to RIP MY HEART OUT.

I love love love the Serpent & Dove trilogy and when I saw that Celie was going to be getting her own story I was so excited because she is one of my favorite characters from the series. I was hooked from the very beginning with this one, and while I felt like it dragged in the middle, the last couple of parts of the book definitely made up for it (like SERIOUSLY THE ENDING WAS SO STRESSFUL BUT GOOD AND AGAIN THAT DAMN CLIFF HANGER 😭)

I simply ADORE MICHAL AND CELIE AND I JUST WANT THEM TO BE HAPPY. THEY’VE BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH. They deserve to be happy please let them be happy Shelby that’s all I’m asking 🫶🏻 I’m still recovering from what happened to Ansel…I can’t take anymore okay 😩

I’m so happy that we are going to get to see more of all of these characters. I can’t wait for the next one in this series.

Thank you to NetGalley, HarperCollins and Shelby Mahurin for the e-ARC!

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Where to begin? I absolutely LOVED this book! I liked Shelby Mahurin’s Serpent & Dove, but not enough to continue the trilogy. But I feel like her writing style has improved incredibly since then. The world building was incredible. The character development was incredible. Some were like-able, some weren’t. The slowly blossoming, barely-there relationship tension you can just feel building between Célie and Michal. I literally cannot wait to see where that goes. Not to mention that incredible ending and frustrating cliffhanger that had me yelling out loud because I have to wait and am dying to know what comes next! Its not often a book effects me like that, but I absolutely loved it and feel Vampires are totally her thing! Its also extremely fun having her old characters and world woven into this new story.

I highly, highly recommend and literally cannot wait for the announcement of the next book!

Thank you very much for this eARC that was generously provided by the publisher and author via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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A big thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollin's for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I loved Serpent and Dove, but didn't care much for Blood and Honey and Gods and Monsters, but I feel like this book made it for those two's dissapointments.

The Scarlet Veil by Shelby Mahurin is a YA fantasy novel that is set in the same universe of her previous trilogy, Serpent and Dove. Six months have passed since Célie took her sacred vows and joined the ranks of the Chasseurs as their first huntswoman. With her fiancé Jean Luc as captain, she is determined to find her foothold in her new role and help protect Belterra. But whispers from her past still haunt her, and a new evil is rising—one that Célie herself must vanquish, unless she falls prey to the darkness.

Literally, it is Serpent and Dove....with vampires. I mean, I'm not mad about that fact. I just thought I wouldn't be reading vampire stories in 2023. I thought I was over it with Holly Black's Coldest Girl in Cold Town. And here I am, giving The Scarlet Veil four stars. Who knew?!

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Thanks so much to the publisher and to Netgalley for providing me with an e-ARC copy of this book! My reviewing & platforms information is linked in my profile.

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*Thank you so much to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the chance to review an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.*

Célie is adjusting to life with the Chasseurs, maybe not as seamless as she would have liked but it seems to be going okay. It all changes when she discovers her friends have been keeping a series of murders away from her. She wants to prove to them she is stronger than they think.

I LOVED this book! I was a little worried because of how much I loved the Serpent & Dove series and I was hoping it would live up to those standards, and boy did it. I love the focus of this story and that we get to see more of Célie's life. I absolutely love the new characters we get to meet as well. This story in engaging and magical and it was so hard to put this book down!

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I must confess that I'm fashionably late to this party, as it turns out "The Scarlet Veil" is a spin-off from another series by this author. Now, I'm left wondering where I've been hiding all this time. In my defense, it's been a while since I've come across a good vampire book. However, let me regale you with the tale of this unexpected 5-star gem that I didn't even know I was searching for.

First and foremost, I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Netgalley and HarperTeen for providing me with the opportunity to dive into this E-Arc. I'll admit, I approached "The Scarlet Veil" with minimal expectations, particularly because I tend to be quite the book snob when it comes to vampire stories. You see, the only ones that have genuinely captivated me in the past have been the Anita Blake series, up until now. But oh, my goodness, this book was an extraordinary revelation—everything I never knew I needed.

Shelby's writing flows effortlessly, as if I were spending time with a close friend. I adore her style, and this book, in particular, showcases her storytelling prowess beautifully. Right from the outset, I found it utterly impossible to tear myself away.

Enter Célie, a character archetype that often lurks in the shadows of YA literature. We're accustomed to protagonists like Lou or Coco (both of whom I adore), but characters like Célie usually play supporting roles. This book's message, I believe, lies in the fact that characters like Célie can indeed take center stage. Even though they lack physical strength, earth-shaking powers, or reckless bravery, they can achieve remarkable feats.

Célie is a gentle soul navigating the world, striving to make a difference. Yes, she sheds tears frequently, finds herself in avoidable predicaments, and occasionally requires rescue. Yet, Célie embarks on an internal journey throughout the narrative that is nothing short of mesmerizing, and I cherished every step of her transformation.

Now, let's talk about Michal. I'll admit, I was initially suspicious of him, but around the 60% mark, I found myself warming up to his character more and more. His relationship with Célie resonates with the timeless "Beauty and the Beast" motif, and witnessing its evolution was truly enchanting. As a devoted fan of all things "Beauty & the Beast," I couldn't have been more delighted.

I regret not being able to read this before its publication day, but let me assure you that I devoured this book in a single day, in one epic reading marathon, and I would gladly do it all over again. Furthermore, I am now eager to delve into the trilogy that gave birth to this captivating world. I adored "The Scarlet Veil" wholeheartedly, and I implore you to follow the link below and embark on this enchanting journey.

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A huge thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of The Scarlet Veil by Shelby Mahurin.

The novel is set in a world that feels 19th century ish and is inspired by France. It is about a girl who, in her attempt to unveil a killer, gets abducted by a vampire, leading to more conflicts and uncovering other issues. This is perhaps the worst way to describe it but I'm trying here, I promise. 😫

When I requested the ARC, I went in without much expectation. I'd been disappointed with what I've read lately so I began reading with no hope that it will go well. I am relieved (and very happy) to say the book was a great read.

Let's start with the positives:
🌹 Really intriguing backstory, where things happened before the start of the novel
🌹Celie Tremblay, the main character, is complex, with a mix of values, emotions, etc.
🌹Multiple issues at the center of this novel, making it a compelling read
🌹Michal, the love interest, and his interactions with Celie

And now, to the admittedly few parts that I could not get with:
🌹Michal is a vampire. I sometimes visualized him as a 40-year-old man and it cracked me up 😆
🌹 Celie gets frustrating at times. There are a lot of mental pep talks she gives herself.

Overall, a new favorite read of 2023. :) I'm so glad I was proven wrong by this book.

Rate: ⭐⭐⭐⭐/5

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<b>”I am not a doll. I am a Bride of Death, and I will use every weapon in my arsenal against him. Every secret.”</b>

Célie and Michal. She’s a huntswoman and he’s a vampire! Set in the Serpent & Dove world, TSV is eerie! Dark and haunting! The perfect autumn, paranormal book!

🕯️ what’s on your fall tbr?

-vampire hunters & vampires
-help, I’ve been abducted!
-hundred castle
-a ball on all hallows eve
-enemies to lovers
-oh no, I fell in love with my captor!
-d’artagnan the magnificent talking cat
-she’s a softie
-Witches and werewolves and mermaids, all inhabiting the same isle
-a mystery!
-#IsThisAKissingBook: “I have to kiss you,” I whisper. Again, he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear with startling affection. “I know.”

Song: like a vampire by catrien

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This is SIGNIFICANTLY better than the S&D trilogy! The only downside is you really do have struggle through that trilogy first to truly appreciate this story. I honestly debated putting this down when I realized how heavily it was going to be tied into the Serpent & Dove world but I'm really glad I didn't and now I'm desperate for the next book because that cliffhanger was cruel. I loved all of the new characters in this book while still getting a dose of the old characters, and the plot already feels like it has so much going for it. Definitely, cannot wait to pick up the next book.

Also, bonus points for this being an absolutely perfect fall/Halloween read!

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I was so so so happy to be back in the world of Serpent and Dove. I love Lou and Reid. I love the world and the different types of magic. Thats series has a special place in my heart.


So The Scarlet Veil picks up after the end of the third book in the Serpent and Dove trilogy. Celie has joined the Chaussers and wants to prove herself after helping defeat Morgane. She is trying to find her place in the world and where she fits. When she comes across a dead body, everything changes.

Honestly, I have very mixed feelings about this book. I love the world. I loved seeing my old favorite characters. I loved the introduction to vampires. I felt like the story was fun and I loved the murder mystery aspect.

What I really struggled with was Celie as a character. At times she seemed very timid and then within the same scene she would be mouthing off and then go back to being timid. I just couldn't wrap my head around who she was.

Overall, this wasn't my favorite but I do think if you liked the Serpent and Dove series you should definitely read this!

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did not look at this synopsis before reading, so I didn't know this was set in the Serpent and Dove World. I've read the first 2 S&D books, and this is definitely my favorite from the author. This book follows the pov of Celie as she is the first female Chasseur. She is engaged to Jean Luc but is frustrated because he tries to protect her by hiding what's going on with the murders and keeping her from training.

So part of the plot is a murder mystery that a lot of people in this world are trying to figure out. Celie is kidnapped by a vampire Micheal who takes her to an island so that they can figure out the mystery. The vampires are dark and mysterious, which I loved. I think the book became so much more interesting for me when the vampires came into play. I adored Celie, watching her character develop in wanting to prove herself to others and find her voice, especially when it came to Jean Luc, was something I appreciated in the book. I also really liked the glimpses we got of Reid and Lou and the characters we met in the S&D books.

Overall despite the slow start to the book, it gets really interesting. There is some romance, and it's an enemies-to-lover slow burn, which I liked it but needed more. It does end on a cliffhanger, so be prepared. If you like YA fantasy/paranormal books with vampires, ghosts, witches, etc., you'll like this.

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I admit, I was a little apprehensive about The Scarlet Veil only because Celie was not my favorite character from the Serpent and Dove trilogy. But Shelby Mahurin changed my mind and this book is amazing!!

The Scarlet Veil begins not too long after the end of Gods and Monsters. Celie has joined the Chasseurs and is engaged to Jean Luc but she's having some trouble convincing the rest of the brotherhood that she belongs. Jean Luc isn't super into the idea either and he gives Celie lots of special treatment but never really lets her get involved. That all changes when she discovers a familiar body in the cemetery, drained of all blood. This isn't the first body recently to be found like this and all of Celie's friends, Lou, Reid, Coco and Beau, are working together to find out what's going on. Before Celie can be of more help, she's abducted by creatures she was always told were a myth.

I looooved this book!! The only problem I had with it is the fact that I'll have to wait so long until the next one! I had started to kind of like Celie in Gods and Monsters but her character arc and development in this book is phenomenal and she comes into her own by the end. The new cast of characters are well developed and I cannot wait to see more of them in the next book! Mahurin writes believable and relatable characters and the banter is always the best!

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperCollins publisher for sending this ARC in exchange for an honest review. I'll definitely be ordering this for our library!

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Deliciously dark yet beautiful, a book that will make your paranormal dreams come true... Even the ones you don't want to admit to having.

When I say I love a gothic story that has a paranormal twist I mean I love it, it makes my heart sing and makes me forget the troubles of the real world.

The Scarlet Veil is one of the best examples of this genre that I've read in a very long time.

Celie has spent the past six months trying to prove herself, to the Chasseurs, to Jean Luc, to everyone, and just when she thinks she has she realizes she has no idea what's going on in the world around her.

If you loved the world of Serpent and Dove, or love vampires, or just love stories that let you explore your dark side this book is phenomenal and is worth every second you'll spend reading it.

Thank you to Harper Collins Children's Books and NetGalley for providing an advance copy, I have voluntarily read and reviewed it and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Only a really great writer can make you care for a character you never cared for before and Shelby Mahurin did exactly that! This book couldn’t have come out at a better time as we’re heading towards October. Writing was impeccable and I love really loved Celie’s character. I like reading about fantasy characters who are also relatable given the genre. I had such a fun time reading this book and the plot had different elements that worked really well together.

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This book blew me away! I wasn't a big fan of Célie before, but this book made me fall in love with her character. This book had murder mysteries, gothic castles, and a tantalizingly slow-burning romance between Célie and Michal. Their chemistry was off the charts! Plus, we get to see the old gang early on, which was a pleasant surprise. Célie is a different fantasy heroine: soft, kind, and relying on her wits. Her struggles and character growth are so relatable. The plot is a fantastic mix of mystery, romance, and betrayal, with a haunting atmosphere that keeps you hooked. I can't wait for the sequel! Overall, this book is a gripping, atmospheric read that left me begging for more.

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I’ll admit, in the S&D series, Célie was kind of a throwaway character. She was the girl who loved Reid, and who Reid loved, before Lou stumbled into his life. She was the girl who tagged along in their adventures and inexplicably fell for Jean Luc.

But damn, Célie Tremblay is SO MUCH MORE. The trauma she suffered at the hands of Morgane la Blanc—and her PTSD—is tangible on these pages. She’s multi-faceted, with seemingly no regard for her own life if it means her loved ones are safe and healthy. And when she’s thrust into a terrifying new environment, she doesn’t cower and hide. She finds ways to survive over and over again.

And while I love the glimpses of our favorite characters from S&D, this new cast is chef’s kiss. I would sell my soul to Michal Vasiliev in a heartbeat, just saying. The scene in Les Abysses and then in the attic afterward? 🥵 arguably the hottest things Shelby has ever written.

The last 15% or so of this was one of the most wild rides I've been on in a minute, and there were many times when I simply wanted to get off. But...I endured. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to wait another year for book two with that ending. My mind is still reeling.

All that to say, I absolutely loved this story. Dark and gothic, full of an incredible cast of characters and Mahurin's signature stunning prose. I thought it lagged just a touch in the middle, but it didn't affect the story overall. That could be just a me thing.

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I love vampires (buffy and vampire diaries you will always be famous) so I was very excited to read The Scarlet Veil! I had only read the first book (Serpent and Dove) in the series that The Scarlet Veil was a spin off for and I was a little nervous to read this because I did not like the first book in that series sadly. But once again I do love vampires so I decided to give this a try and I did end up enjoying it a bit more then the other books!

It wasn't anything crazy or new for a vampire book but I did still found it to be enjoyable and yet a little underwhelming at the same. The first half is enjoyable but kind of drags on to long and then the rest of the book, even when the crazy twists started happening, was still pretty underwhelming plot wise. It was just very predictable and not anything I haven't read before. Like usually when I read a book that is similar to other books I have read I still loved them, but this book just didn't leave me feeling blown away or like satisfied like I feel like more could have been done with the plot and the ending, like it's just so similar to other vampire stories that I didn't really feel anything for the story.

I think the best part was the characters. I didn't really like any of the characters from the series before this except maybe Coco and sometimes Lou, but I loved the new vampire characters and the ghosts! My favorites were Odessa, Dimitri, Mila, and our main character Célie. They were super interesting and I liked their backstories. I didn't really like the romance though. The romance between Célie and Michal was just ok, like it wasn't anything special and I didn't feel any strong feelings for them as a couple. Like once again I've seen romances like Célie and Michal's before and those were better and made me root for the couple instead of leaving me with no strong feelings for them whatsoever. Hopefully I'll start liking their relationship in the sequel once it develops more because even though this was a vampire romance book there wasn't really a romance.

Célie was a great main character. I liked having a soft heroine who is allowed to be a sad girl and who also loves the color petal pink (which is one of my favorite colors too, Célie!!!) I liked how even though she wasn't physically strong she was strong in her one way and was resilient when facing danger. She wasn't afraid to get emotional and I also really liked the way her trauma and PTSD was explored was a integral part for her development as a character. That part of this story was written really well.

I also liked the atmosphere of the island (the fabric store scenes were very fun. I love a pretty dresses and also a talking cat.) And also the GHOSTS. I love ghosts I want more ghosts GIVE ME GHOSTS!!

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