Member Reviews

I got this a while ago and enjoyed reading it. Opened my eyes up to learning more about Wicca. Not for me personally but it's a good book overall.

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I received a copy of this book for a fair and honest review. This was a short and quick read, but it did help me with the little exercises to write in my own journal and want for a better and more meaningful existence. That is at least a step in the right direction. Now I am not sure I am changeling, but the reference was a good point to make and I knew what it was. It did help guide me to some places I was lacking or unhappy about.

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I'm giving this book five stars because it is a very thorough book about transforming your life. I feel if someone follows WICCA FOR SELF TRANSFORMATION they will see a significant improvement in their quality of life. I really like this book. There are some great manifestation spells, however I wouldn't consider this a book about Wicca. I would like to offer some constructive criticism. The look of the inside of the book reminds me of a really nice power point presentation. There isn't any warmth to it. I would change the font and the pics/artwork more inline with a Wicca book. I would definitely buy this book in a bookstore, but only if the pages looked more inviting.

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Wicca for Self-Transformation
Use Magic to Transform Your Life
by Marie Bruce

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre: Non fiction; Health, mind and body.

I was really intrigued by this, I've always had an interest in anything “alternative”.

Its a great self help book, full of positivity and good, practical advice. Its advice that's easy to follow, stuff anyone can do – no “ look in attic and sell whats there, instantly raise £1K” yes, £1K would help self transformation but if I had anything valuable its long been sold ;-)
What did disappoint me is the Wicca aspect of the book. That was the main draw for me, I can read a standard self help book anytime, but the Wicca slant is what made this unique for me. There's very little though, a spell at the end of some chapters and that's it.

If you're looking for a practical, easy to follow self help guide this is great, if you want the Wicca slant as I did you'll probably be disappointed though.

Stars: Three, great self help = four, Wicca just two :-(

ARC supplied by Netgalley and publishers

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There's some interesting ideas and some that could be a bit problematic. It's an interesting book even if it's recommended to beginners.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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Just lovely, like a really calm chat and hug with a best friend. This wasn’t entirely what I was expecting, yes, there were a few spells but they were much more like self affirmations out loud and good well-being advice than some Wicca based books that I’ve read previously. The overarching principle is self help and positivity which this book has in stacks. The advice is sensible, attainable without being patronising or too obvious and had me nodding my head in agreement and left with lots of food for thought. The positivity and calmness have definitely left a lasting effect and this is a book that I will revisit and dip back into in the future. The illustrations just in themselves are stunning and really enhance the book too. Absolutely perfect for getting in tune with your inner self and for reassessing aspects of your life and give you the comforting back up support you need to make positive changes or get through tough times. I wholeheartedly recommend this.

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I had high expectations for this book because I have read Marie Bruce before - I own a well-read copy of her ‘First Steps to Solitary Witchcraft’. Wicca for self-transformation sounded like an intriguing subject.

The book discusses topics like making changes, habits, dealing with self sabotage, life mapping - it is, in essence, an introduction to self transformation. Unfortunately it doesn’t go very deeply into the subject and much of the content I have already encountered, in greater depth, in other similar books. However, this book contains actionable, easy to follow prompts in each section to help you put what you have read into action.

Unfortunately, I found the ‘Wicca’ part to be more like an add-on rather than an integral part of the text. In fact, I feel you could remove it all together and not impact the flow of the book. Some chapters contain a ritual or two but the core text of the book does not weave Wiccan ideas and values throughout it. This was disappointing and made the book feel more like it was the author’s first foray into writing a self-published book, rather than an established author’s traditionally published book. Being an existing reader of Marie Bruce, I know she can do better than this.

On a personal note, I wasn’t keen on the book layout either. To be brutally honest, it felt very amateurish. I feel books should not have photographs unless they directly add to the text, such as in a step-by-step craft book. The photos and illustrations in this book (all from Shutterstock) were dotted here and there and were just random esoteric-style images. They contributed nothing to the text and could easily be removed. Doing so would improve the book and make it look more professional. I would have preferred illustrations that weaved around the text and actually added something to it, as well as complemented the text and it’s content. I also like to read books in a serif font. I don’t think sans serif looks professional enough for use in a book, but perhaps that’s just me.

I would recommend this book to someone who wants a gentle introduction to self transformation, but not to someone who wants to learn about doing so through the subject of Wicca. I was disappointed with this book and feel it could have been so much better. I hate giving bad reviews because I know how much work writers put into their books, but for this reader, the book could be improved with either more Wicca or dropping it completely, and a complete reformat of the ebook.

With thanks to Netgalley and Arcturus Publishing for this advance review copy. All opinions are my own.

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This had good intentions, but some of the advice is just plain bad. (Please do not listen to any of the advice on the passwords!) Some of this book, like identifying your habits and vision and life mapping were good, but definitely take this book with a grain of salt. I do wish this book discussed socioeconomic factors that affect people while also talking about pushing for self-transformation and others.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Wicca for Self Transformation is a beautifully informative book on Wiccan practices for self empowerment and acceptance and peace.

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Short and brief guide for self transformation. Nothing really stood out. Writing style is ideal for newbies and can definitely be used as a reference. As for far more experience wiccans, this can be skipped.

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This book is a sweet foray into witchcraft. It features a beautiful cover and lovely images throughout. It is shower and sweet, offering spells and support for any new witch looking for self transformation.

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