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The Woman In My Home

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Diana Wilkinson’s “The Woman in My Home” takes readers on a rollercoaster ride of suspense and intrigue. It was meant to be a simple arrangement: a change of location for Flo, swapping the claustrophobic city air for the beauty of rural Ballyholme, Ireland. Meanwhile, Ciara gets to stay in the Flo's central London house, free of charge. But what starts as an easy exchange takes a chilling turn.

As the story unfolds, we discover that Ciara holds evidence—evidence that the Flo’s husband, Ryan, is a murderer. The tension escalates as Ciara stops answering texts and calls. Is this blackmail? Or could Ryan truly be capable of murder? Flo grapples with fear, guilt, and the realization that her life is unraveling.

Wilkinson’s writing keeps readers guessing, with unexpected twists and a sense of impending danger. The characters are relatable, their emotions palpable. The claustrophobia of secrets and the weight of betrayal hang over every page. As Flo races against time to uncover the truth, the stakes couldn’t be higher.

“The Woman in My Home” is a gripping psychological thriller that explores the thin line between trust and deception.

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Diane Wilkinson is fast becoming a favourite author of mine. This book was fast paced with a great story that kept me quickly turning the pages!!

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Diana Wilkinson’s’ The Woman in My Home is a dark and twisted thriller you will want to read in one sitting.

Flo thought that her husband Ryan was the perfect man – until she realised that her Prince Charming had been cheating on her. Incensed, heartbroken and devastated, Flo needs time to think so she when she befriends Ciara, she decides to freak Ryan out by escaping to Northern Ireland to figure out whether to call time on her marriage while her new friend goes to stay in the marital home in London. It was a plan that was meant to be foolproof – until things took a decidedly sinister and deadly turn…

Ciara has sent Flo a shocking video showing Ryan in the throes of murder. Flo is naturally freaked out and demands answers from her new friend. Answers which Ciara refuses to give as she isn’t answering her frantic calls or texts. Why does Ciara refuse to pick up the phone? Is Ryan a murderer? Does Ciara intend on blackmailing them? And even worse, could her killer husband be planning to strike again and commit the most heinous of crimes once more?

Has Ciara trusted the wrong woman? Just who has she let into her life and into her house?

Diana Wilkinson raises the stakes and ups the ante in her latest unputdownable chiller where the pages just turn themselves. The Woman in My Home is shocking, propulsive, tense and so wholly compulsive you will find yourself completely gripped by this terrifying tale of danger and deception.

An ingenious thriller from a brilliant writer, The Woman in My Home is another hugely enjoyable page-turner by Diana Wilkinson.

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This was a new setting for me, and I loved the change of scenery. I loved the characters, it was unpredictable and I love that in a book.

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I do love a revenge book… Wilkinson has smashed this trope. I have loved the previous books by this author and this one has been no different.

Wilkinson has put me on the edge with this book. This is one of those reads that are unputdownable and completely gripping. I also loved the unexpected.

This is wonderful but twisted. I have loved the suspense and tension of this one. I found this book one that I devoured in just one sitting. This is brilliant from beginning to end.

This is definitely a plot driven novel with a mix of characters. I adored reading this one. This is definitely the best by this author yet.

Wilkinson is an author who can really pull you in and keep you hooked. Each book gets better and better. This is a definite for the TBR.


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I enjoyed this book but found it a little far fetched. Flo is devastated when she discovers her husband Ryan is having an affair with a neighbour. She flies to Ireland to consider their future. She meets up with Patrick and his sister Ciara, who she quickly becomes friends with. After a few drinks Flo tells Ciara all about Ryan’s affair. Ciara suggests that she could fly back and stay in Flo’s house and see what Ryan is doing. Flo hands Ciara her keys, passport and phone and Ciara leaves her with a burner phone. Within minutes of Ciara leaving Flo receives a disturbing video on her burner phone. She becomes worried when she can’t make contact with Ciara and she doesn’t answer her calls or texts and soon realises that she doesn’t really know her and can she trust her? I really didn’t want to like this book with its unbelievable storyline but I had to read it to the end so it was an ok read.
Thanks to Netgalley and Boldwood Books for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I did not finish this one, it was not for me, I couldn't relate to the characters, and just did not care for the story.

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The Woman in My Home
By Diana Wilkinson
Publisher Boldwood Books
Release Date June 08, 2023
Genre Mystery/Thriller

Characters: 5/5
Plot: 5/5
Pace: 5/5
Suspense: 5/5
Overall Enjoyment: 5/5

This book was hard for me at first…. Someone is burying something… we do not know who. As the chapters move forward, we meet our first set of characters… Flo and her husband Ryan seem to have a great relationship until…Ryan does the unthinkable. He has an affair with their neighbor. Flo is devastated and needs time to hunk. She heads to their home in London where two more characters are introduced. Patrick, with whom she seems to start having a connection with, and Ciara. The plan is for Ciara to stay in the house in London while Flo heads back to the marital home so that she can talk to Ryan. There are games being played and you must decide if they are worth it? Why is Ciara pretending to be Flo?
But, then Flo receives some videos. Not just any regular videos, but ones that show her husband, Ryan, committing murder. And to make matters worse, Ciara is now not answering her texts or calls. Now the games begin. This is full of revenge and retaliation. It is a thriller that catches you pretty quickly and throws you between characters that you honestly will loathe before it is over, yet it brings the plot together nicely. I almost gave this 4 stars but the fact the author is a brilliant writer that writes gripping novels that pull you in and do not let go. So with that, 5 stars it is.

Thank you to NetGalley as well as the author and publisher for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my unbiased and honest review.

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Oooooo this is an addictive tale of intrigue and suspense, this book demands your attention from the start and never lets up!

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The story starts out with a person male/female, at this point we don't know, burying something.

Flo thought that she had the life she wanted, a good home, a job, and a wonderful husband. But that is all shattered when she finds out her husband, Ryan, cheated on her with a neighbor. She befriends Ciara who at one point shows Flo a few videos of her husband burying a body.

So now not only has her husband cheated on her but is he a murderer and who did he kill? Flo decides to leave for a while, goes to Ireland, and rents a cottage, a break until she can figure out what she wants for the rest of her life, stay married or move on.

In the meantime, she had given permission for Ciarra to stay in her home for a while with her husband. Things don't really go as planned as Ciarra has her own agenda, she wants Ryan, period. You know what they say about karma.

This is another of those psychological thrillers that have a definite twist at the end. Loved it, took a bit for me to get into, but once I did I kept turning the pages! Do you like psychological thrillers, then add this one to the TBR stack you have somewhere! Worth a read!

5 stars!

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This is the first book I’ve read from this author and it had me gripped from the outset. The opening chapter is extremely dark but filled with plenty of intrigue and makes you compelled to keep turning the pages.

The remainder of the story is told in chapters through the eyes of either Flo or Ciara. The chapters are short and the pace is quick throughout which helps maintain the tension of the narrative.

The characters are not particularly likeable but this works with the nature of the plot.

With plenty of twists to keep you guessing and interested until the end, it’s definitely a recommended read!

With thanks to the author, Rachel at Random Resources and Boldwood Books for the opportunity to participate in the tour.

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Interesting book. I really didn't like any of the characters, maybe the author did that purpose? It kept me reading, I did figure out what the ending was going to be, but that's ok. The writing style was excellent, although not a favorite I look forward to more from this author.
Thanks to netgalley for advanced copy of this book for fair review.

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A few pages in and I really wasn't sure if this book was for me, fast forward a couple of chapters and I couldn't put it down!!

This an original story and the telling of it felt very original to me.

The story is of Flo, a woman who was discovered her husband had an elicit liaison with the next door neighbour, and on the back of this, takes herself to Northern Ireland, presumably to process. The story starts in the thick of this with Flo already being established in Ireland where she has clearly formed strong bonds with 2 friends - Patrick (with whom there seems to be a romantic connection), and Ciara - Ciara starts the story traveling to London home Flo shared with her filandering husband, Ryan. I think my initial reaction to the story was confusion. Ciara's reaction to the betrayal suffered by such a recently made friend was confusing to me, but as the story progressed, it all became clear. With past and present timelines playing out, all eventually becomes clear, and it is a highly enjoyable journey to get there.

Even with my initial ambivalence I am giving this book a 5 * rating, as I enjoyed it so much! It is highly worth the leap of faith in my opinion. Strangely this is one of the few novels I have read where I have no difficulty remembering the characters names - I think this shows that it is highly memorable and as such it will stay with me for some time.

My thanks to netGalley, author and publisher for the opportunity to review this book in exchange for an advance copy.

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Flo receives videos of her husband Ryan murdering. How did Ciara get these videos? How do you live with the knowledge that your husband is a murderer? I felt sorry for Flo. This heroine suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder. I didn't really understand why Ciara was pretending to be Flo. I was interested in what the two girls had come up with. Why are they playing with Ryan? Another mysterious man appears. What is this about?

 A very interesting thriller that perfectly answers the question of what revenge can lead to. Here I met two completely different heroines who act for different reasons. One doesn't know what to do, what she should choose. And the other knows exactly what she is doing and what her goal is. I also met two men in love with the same woman. I wondered which one she would choose.

 Do you believe that if someone has killed once, they will kill again?

 I enjoyed reading this thriller. I liked the ending of this book.

 If you like thrillers with good action, an interesting plot and original characters, go ahead and read "The Woman in my home". I would love to read other books by Diana Wilkinson.

 I recommend.

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This book gets stuck into the narrative straight away and is fast paced with lots of twists and turns that keep you guessing until the end! A great page turner.

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The beginning of this book confused me a little as it really just jumps right into the thick of it all, but once I got to grips with that I got into the story. Flo has gone to Ireland to get a break from her husband Ryan to decide on their future after she caught him cheating, whilst there she meets Ciara. What I couldn’t get my head around was how Flo gave up her phone, keys and passport to someone she just met!! But it all added to twist this story was gearing us up for as it progressed.

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The main character Flo, appears to be a little naive a bit like she isn't seeing what is happening around her. But it was all a front as she definitely knew what was going on around her. But was just biding her time and hatching herself a plan. She was a strong character too because of dealing with everything she was going through. Flo and Ciara decide to swap houses. Ciara is an interesting character. You know something is definitely off with her. And you find out all of their secrets, and lies and history as the book progresses.

I liked the fact that this book alternates between Flo and Ciara. It was good to get both of their perspectives and insights into each character.

Stay with this book as it a little bit of a slow burner. But once it heats up it's very good. The ending especially is one to keep reading for. It is a good psychological thriller with many twists and turns and lies and secrets throughout. I like a book with short chapters as i think it helps keep the reader engaged. It felt like a. Quick read which is always great. Id recommend it.

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The Woman In My Home was fast paced, full of twists and turns and kept me guessing throughout. I really enjoyed it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for my ARC.

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If you are looking for a fast paced, twisty thriller, then this is for you!

I loved reading from the dual perspectives, good knows who I felt was the villain, all were for different reasons!

The settings and characters were written so well, they completely hook you in. The tension throughout builds at a fast paced, you won’t be able to stop reading till the end.

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Thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for allowing me to read this ARC.
This is my first title by this author and will read more in the future.
Will recommend this to anyone looking for a thriller.
I requested this book as i was drawn in by the cover and thought it looked interesting.
I found this book to be Dark, disturbing and claustrophobic.
Twists that you don't see coming, What a great roller-coaster ride of a thriller

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