Member Reviews

Beautiful people, beautiful setting what could go wrong! In an era, where a seen and be seen is the phrase of the day this book does not disappoint. Ms still captures the ups and downs of the debutante world as we follow for young ladies and their families as they traverse this time honored tradition but in Paris. Do I have to go? I don’t want to go! Why do I need to go when I’ve already been presented? I don’t even speak French! Are the common threads which these young ladies find themselves contemplating. The hustle and bustle of preparing, brings out different reactions and for one even trauma. The Ball At Versailles is an engaging before, during and after look at the human story and how quickly life can change. I gave it 4 stars.

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I have received an advance copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Danielle Steele is a very successful author. I have seen her books in libraries and shops all my life. Her commercial appeal cannot be denied, so I decided to read one of her novels. I am very grateful that I was allowed to read this ARC.

I won't lie, the cover is what sucked me in. It is gorgeous, and being a big fan of debutantes and midcentury glamour, I hoped this would be my entrance into a fandom spanning decades of readers before me.


I'd like to see the author get away with trying to publish a book with this first chapter as an unknown. Ladies and gents, we are in 3rd person POV and 5% into the book before we hit a single line of dialogue. We are subjected to pages on pages of infodumping via "this happened, and then this happened, and then this happened". The old writer's adage of "show, don't tell" appears to not apply here. Despite the dramatic events that were being related, it just got BORING.

Three chapters worth of new characters were introduced in this manner, with a few token lines of throwaway dialogue at the end of each scene-cum-narrative flashback. There was more dialogue as the book progressed, but it was of a kind with the narration...bland. The characters did not have any uniqueness in their voices or motivations.

Beyond my issues with the writing style, the plot was a grade-A, number-one clunker. The ball didn't really effect each character's trajectory in life. Nobody changed what they would have done AFTER the ball from what they would have done BEFORE (with the possible exception of Felicity). Nobody had an arc. Nobody learned anything new. They all got married and lived happily ever after, and if they didn't, it was from events before the ball, not anything that happened in France. You can argue "but they met the guys in France"...
Yeah, and if they hadn't, it was 1959 and they'd still be getting married to some other guys.

I'm so sorry. This was a good idea, terrible execution. It needs to be sent back for a reworking. I'm so disappointed. What a waste of a beautiful cover.

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Danielle Steel books always feel like a present at Christmas! The anticipation and never disappointed! I love this lovely story of three young ladies coming out a at ball at Versailles. They all have unique stories and personalities and reasons for attending It is a magical night that exceeds their expectations.. The blending of these four girls whose lives will never be the same! I could not put it down! It was such a lovely book! I would love to see a movie of this story!! Thanks #Netgalley for this amazing and magical ARC!

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The Ball at Versailles is Danielle Steel's latest romance. Set in 1959, the book follows four young women on the cusp of adulthood who get selected to participate in a coming out ceremony at the French chateau. The first young woman, Amelia, is the daughter of an overprotective mother who convinces her to participate in what Amelia feels is an old-fashioned tradition. Felicity is an overweight teenager who has lived her life in the shadow of her mean-girl older sister and is looking to shift the tide. Caroline is the child of Hollywood stars who persuade her to participate in the ball. And finally, Samantha, an art history major with an overly zealous father, is a young woman trying to escape a dark past.

In typical Steel fashion, the story skims the surface of the characters' lives without asking very much from the reader. This is a light read, short enough to consume in a few hours. If you're interested in old-fashioned romances, this book might appeal to you. But if you want something deep, you might want to give this one a pass.

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4 1/2 STARS!

Danielle Steel can always be counted on to weave a captivating tale as she wraps characters around her reader's heart! THE BALL AT VERSAILLES quickly hooks us on four main families as their debutante daughters converge in Paris for the ball of the century. The story covers a few months in time but is fairly fast paced with each main character having ample time for drama, romance and various family obligations. I was highly entertained and didn't want to put the book down until they each reached a high point.

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Four American debutantes are invited to a debutante ball at Versailles. They go and meet each other and become fast friends. They also meet interesting men with whom they continue to stay in touch with. All in all, a very nice story.

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Amelia, Felicity, Samantha and Caroline- four young women on the cusp who meet at a debutante ball held in Versailles in 1959. They come from and are going different places but they are united on that one night. Remember that this is set in 1959 and reflects attitudes of the period and that these characters are very privileged. That said, it's interesting to see what happens to them a year later- and no spoilers as to how things turn out. I might have liked to check back in five years later but so be it. It's an easy read typical of Steel's work. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC. For her fans.

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The Ball at Versailles by Danielle Steel ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Another great historical fiction by Danielle, whom never disappoints.

4 young different women from the USA journey across the sea to the Versailles in Paris for their coming out. The “coming out” of a young woman represented a change in her status from child to adult and her “introduction” to society. Up to the point of their coming of age of seventeen or eighteen, so the formalization of the event helped insure that she would meet young men who were deemed suitable by her parents.

The event itself was quite short, but was formal and conducted with a certain amount of “pomp and ceremony”. Once introduced, the debutante emerged as an adult and it marked the beginning of her first social season, although if she did not get married or engaged, the coming out was often repeated.

It a great learning experience for me to read about this. Bringing me to the event with thoughts and reasoning s of each young adult. Hope you will pre-order your copy today to read for yourself about the coming out to society. I highly recommend this book.

I received an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley

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Taking us back to the 50’s, 4 young women from different American cities accept an invitation to the coming out ball in Versailles. 4 very different girls with very different reasons for going come together as friends. What I liked most was the step back in time and reading about what it was like to come out into society. Danielle Steel writes best when she writes historical fiction, in my opinion. I enjoyed this book!

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Danielle Steel novels never disappoint. “The Ball at Versailles” follows four debutantes from the United States in late 1950’s. Each debutante is presented alongside French debutantes at the first ball hosted in The Versailles Palace. Easy and enjoyable read.

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The Ball at Versailles is the latest novel by Danielle Steel. It's 1959 and four young American women are invited to be presented to society in Versailles. Like all Steel novels, this one is a pleasant way to pass an afternoon and you can see the storylines coming in advance and yet it is still an enjoyable experience. The struggle is that having 4 main characters (actually 5 with mom Jane) and then their men too it can be hard to keep straight which girl is with which family and man. That likely means a bit more character development would be helpful. Ironically I just read another novel set in the same time frame and the exploration of women of the time was so different, but again it's Danielle Steel that we read for a nice light story where everyone comes through it better for the journey. Steel fans will enjoy this journey.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest opinion.

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The Ball at Versailles is a combination of historical fiction mixed with the usual romance in Danielle Steel novels. We meet four American debutantes, Amelia, Sam, Felicity and Caroline, who are invited to "come out" at Versailles. Each character's story is unique. As in most Ms. Steel's books, each debutante finds her own unique happily ever after. The book was engaging, but I would have preferred a little more depth to each of the character's story. All in all, an engrossing read. Thanks to NetGalley, Delacorte Press, and Danielle Steel for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Four young women are given the opportunity to present themselves at an elegant debutant ball hosted at Versailles. Each girl and her family have a story and the author wastes no time making them into stereotypes. The poor girl. The glamourous girl. The handicapped. And finally, the smart, fat one. All of the girls end up finding boyfriends and, for some, some husbands. You were rooting for them. I have been to Versailles, and I enjoyed the descriptions of it and all of the preparation for the ball.

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Story from the the late 1950s time about the people of affluence where debutantes were introduced at a ball. The first ball was in the United States and then a second select group of young women were selected to attend a ball in France. The story revolves around a group of four young women and the course of events that happened to them during this time frame. I was slower in getting into this story but as I got into it I enjoyed it more. I have enjoyed reading all the new books that Danielle Steel has written in the last couple of years.

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Wow another bestseller by the queen of contemporary romance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Danielle Steele has done it again in The Ball at Versailles. This is a beautiful story of four young women coming of age & becoming women.

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Danielle Steel is always one of my go to authors so I was excited to receive an Arc of The Ball at Versailles.
This is a quick and easy read about four American Debutantes attending the historical Palace of Versailles Debutante Ball. The event will change the lives of the four girls forever.
I would like to have had a more in-depth story of each girl, but is was still enjoyable.
Thank you to NetGalley and Random House - Ballantine for my ARC

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I loved this book!! It was a great story that stayed with me after I put the book down. Classic Danielle Steele and perfect in every way. I adored all the little details she added in the book!! Do not hesitate to pick it up.

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I would like to thank NetGalley for allowing me to read this book and to give my honest opinion. This book was HARD to get into. I put it down for about two weeks before I finished it. The book is set in the 1950s. Four American girls were invited to present at a ball at Versailles. All four girls were of a certain stature (one was the child of celebrities, one was the daughter of a Texan, one was the daughter of a single mother, and the last was a daughter of a venture capitalist. All four girls meet at a welcome brunch and decide to make friends. The ball happens (with a very dramatic moment at the reception). The second half of the book is the year after the ball. I wish I could have the book shortened but it was overall a good book.

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As a longtime fan of Danielle Steel I enjoyed this look back at life in the 1950s. I think older readers who were teenagers or young adults at this time will appreciate the reminder of the tremendous differences between then and today with respect to women’s roles and expectations. It prompted some strolls down memory lane and an occasional shudder. The view is however limited to the privileged class which I think younger readers may dismiss as unrealistic to their history and therefore irrelevant.
Two hundred fifty French girls and forty Americans are to be presented to society at a debutante hall at the Palace of Versailles. Why this is happening is never disclosed. It just seemed to fit with the outdated notion that being presented would yield perspective husband material. The book revolves around the stories of 4 of the American girls and their families, 3 of whom conform to the mores of 1959-60 and 1 who doesn’t. Interestingly the story of the nonconformist pretty much is dropped midway through. I guess there was a 1950s message there.
As usual, it’s a fast, easy read with no real surprises. It hits all Danielle’s favorite topics, most notably the second chance at love. It acknowledges that money doesn’t buy everything but it certainly makes life considerably easier. France plays less a part in the book than the title would suggest.
Thank you to the author, the publisher, Delacorte Press, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an ARC.

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A debutante ball at The Palace of Versailles in the summer of 1959 brings four American young women together. These four women all come from different backgrounds but it is still the opportunity of a lifetime. Amelia, Felicity, Caroline and Samantha get to know one another over the week spent in Paris and continue the relationship after they return home to the US. Their lives are changed forever. I really enjoyed this book! Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book.

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