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The Trail of Lost Hearts

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Beautifully written. What an emotional, touching story. Relatable characters. Story about self discovery after loss and learning to move on.
I’ve read another book by this author, On the Island, I enjoyed it as well.

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At the start of this book, main character Wren, who is still trying to recover from a personal tragedy, decides to take a trip to Oregon to pursue her new geocaching hobby. While doing so, she meets fellow geocacher, who is dealing with issues of his own. Each of them have their own issues, but can they help each other heal with friendship or maybe something more?

A lot more happens than that, both in the present day and revealed about their past lives, but I don’t want to spoil anything so I’ll just leave it at that so you can go in blind. There’s romance in the book, but also big issues and Wren’s emotional development. Kind of like a Katherine Center book but with a few more steamy scenes.

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Tracey Garvis Graves was a new-to-me author with The Girl He Used to Know, and I loved it so much that it made me an instant fan of her writing. With a unique voice and heroine, it made me want to read more of her work. And I’m so glad I did.

The Trail of Lost Hearts is a unique friends-to-lovers story full of significant growth for both the hero and the heroine. Our hero, Marshall, does a lot of personal reflection and shows remarkable growth, but this book is more about Wren’s metamorphosis into a better version of herself. It’s an intriguing and beautiful story depicting grief in different forms and the road to learning to love yourself again, trust yourself again, and trust others with yourself and your heart once more. Told in dual points of view, the storyline was engaging and written in such a way that grew my curiosity more and more as I journeyed through the pages. When life interrupted my reading, I was more than frustrated to have to put my enjoyment on pause to do necessary adulting. While I must confess that I’m always slightly doubtful each subsequent book will be as good as the last, so far, this author hasn’t let me down, and I’m anxious for what comes next from her.

NICUnurse’s Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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New release alert! I have enjoyed everything I have read from Garvis Graves and I was so excited for this one - it did NOT disappoint! Wren and Marshall are both on geocaching trips they have taken to heal from trauma, and we get to go along as they develop a relationship. There are twists you won't expect though!! I think the author has such a beautiful way of portraying relationships and developing characters - her stories feel very realistic and they are very easy to connect to. I also loved the geocaching background - it was fun and soothing at the same time. I could not put this one down and had to know how things turned out. You will not regret picking this one up! 4.5 stars

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Rating: 4.5/5
I received eARC for my honest opinion.

This was my first Tracey Graves book, and it will not be my last one. I did not know going into this book that I would experience so many emotions, or to find myself relating to the characters.

This book is about Wren and Marshall, they both have had some heartbreaking loss that they’re trying to move on from, but they are both stuck in the loop of grief. With a chance encounter, they both decide that for safety reasons and for company that they should partner up and look for caches together. This trip helps them with understanding their loss and learning how to heal from it and to be okay with moving on. However, the book is so much more too. You will see some amazing growth in both the characters in their everyday lives, and how they see themselves as well.

I think both characters in this book were well developed, easy to connect with, and even relate to. I found that Wren's character had a lot of mental setbacks because of the death of her loved one, but on top of that she is having to learn to understand the depth of the lies that her fiancé gave her for months before his death. I loved that the author made her character real, the raw emotions, the stages of grief and understanding, and the fear of letting another into your heart again. Marshall is what everyone women need in their life: he is so sweet, understanding, a great listener and respectful. He understands that sometimes you do need space to think things through and work it out on your own and he doesn’t push. It could be that he is going through his own issues and because of his profession, but I think it's just because he is a good guy.

This book is in 2 parts for me, the part where the characters meet up, and go on a healing journey of geocaches. You will see a slow burn relationship and the making of great friends. Then you get to the second half of the book which is about Wren a few months later and how she is moving on and dealing with a surprise that she didn’t know she would love so much.

I loved this book of second chances of friends to lovers and the understanding of loss. It will have you shedding tears and then laughing, it will have you understanding their pain because it will feel real to you.

I want to thank NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the opportunity to review this book.

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thank you net galley for the e-arc. i was intrigued by garvis-graves new title only because one of her other books, the girl he used to know, is maybe my all time favorite book. this book did not disappoint UNTIL she got pregnant and then that whole storyline. the timeline made no sense that she wouldn't figure out she was pregnant before leaving for the cache trip. marshall was a moron for wanting to be with her while she had someone else's child and literally didn't tell him about it until the DAY AFTER she had the baby. absolutely insane plot. great book otherwise.

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There was a lot I enjoyed in The Trail of Lost Hearts - I was pulled into the story and read it in one sitting. Wren is traveling by herself to explore the Pacific Northwest while enjoying her hobby of geocaching. She needs the time on her own to reset after the death of her fiancé and some truths that came out after his passing. While there she meets Marshall who is also geocaching and they decide to team up.

I really enjoyed their whole trip. However after Wren went home there were two plot points that really don’t work for me. Spoilers ahead - stop reading here if you don’t want to know. When Wren got home she learned she was pregnant with her deceased fiancé’s baby - I hate a surprise pregnancy plot. And then even more when she was communicating with Marshall for months without telling him she was having a baby. I HATE THAT. So ultimately - this isn’t a book I would recommend but if those plot points don’t bother you, I would say go for it! Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the free ebook to review.

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TGG's books are nothing if not emotional roller coasters and this one was no exception.

Wren has been dealt a couple devastating blows. She heads off on a solo geocaching trip to deal with her grief. She finds herself in a sticky situation while hiking alone, and Marshall comes to the rescue.

Marshall, unbeknown to Wren, is dealing with his own grief. The two team up decide to geocache together. Their friendship grows and possibly something more. Wren shares her story with Marshall, but he is unable to open up to her, and it causes issues. Can they work past them to find a path together for the future.

A emotional, touching story!

Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Title: The Trail of Lost Hearts
Author: Tracey Garvis Graves
Genre: Fiction
Rating: 4.5 out of 5

Thirty-four-year-old Wren Waters believes that if you pay attention, the universe will send you exactly what you need. But her worldview shatters when the universe delivers two life-altering blows she didn’t see coming, and all she wants to do is put the whole heartbreaking mess behind her. No one is more surprised than Wren when she discovers that geocaching―the outdoor activity of using GPS to look for hidden objects―is the only thing getting her out of bed and out of her head. She decides that a weeklong solo quest geocaching in Oregon is exactly what she needs to take back control of her life.

Enter Marshall Hendricks, a psychologist searching for distraction as he struggles with a life-altering blow of his own. Though Wren initially rebuffs Marshall’s attempt at hiker small talk, she’s beyond grateful when he rescues her from a horrifying encounter farther down the trail. In the interest of safety, Marshall suggests partnering up to look for additional caches. Wren’s no longer quite so trusting of the universe―or men in general―but her inner circle might argue that a smart, charismatic psychologist isn’t the worst thing the universe could place in her path.

What begins as a platonic road trip gradually blossoms into something deeper, and the more Wren learns about Marshall, the more she wants to know. Now all she can do is hope that the universe gets it right this time.

I thought I was just going to read a little bit of this before going to bed. I ended up staying up until 1 a.m. to read the entire thing. I enjoyed the voice and style tremendously and couldn’t wait to find out what would happen with Wren and Marshall.

Wren really went through the wringer! I cannot even imagine having my life upended like this, and the fact that she’s still trying is inspiring. The chemistry between her and Marshall was great, and I loved their banter and growing closeness. I just had to stay up and see how things turned out!

Tracey Garvis Graves is a bestselling author. The Trail of Lost Hearts is her newest novel.

(Galley courtesy of St. Martin’s Press in exchange for an honest review.)

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I really enjoyed this book. It was different than anything else I've read recently. I couldn't put it down! I will keep an eye out for this author's future work!

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What happens when life takes an unexpected turn? Well, Tracey Garvis Graves shares exactly that in her newest romance novel The Trail of Lost Hearts. Set to be released on March 26th, get your tissues ready for this book!

This book wasn’t the romance book I was expecting but that might be because it should really be classified as women’s fiction? I did feel a bit deceived by the summary on the back of this book; however, I can appreciate that the author didn’t want to spoil the entire plot of the novel in just a few sentences lol! Regardless of its official genre categorization, I still appreciated this story and how it tackles heavier topics like grief, loss, and other unexpected life events.

I think fans of Katherine Center would love this book as the beginning of it was reminiscent of Happiness for Beginners to me (in a good way)! Wren’s journey to rediscover herself and try to heal after suffering such loss and heartache is emboldening to read about and how she and Marshall find themselves both helping each other and figuring things out for themselves is really hopeful to see play out throughout the course of the book.

However, there is a MAJOR shift in the second half of the novel that while still connecting to the first part of the story, leaves the reader with a bit of whiplash in terms of story content. Ultimately, the story ends well, but I was very surprised by the shift the novel decided to take!

If you’re looking for a book that showcases strength and starting over and finding happiness at the end of the journey, this is the book for you!

*I received an ARC from St. Martin’s Press in exchange for my honest opinion.

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"The Trail of Lost Hearts" starts with promising themes of healing in nature, as Wren and Marshall embark on a geocaching adventure in the Pacific Northwest. However, as their dynamic unfolds, Wren's heavy reliance on Marshall for free therapy to cope with her trauma becomes increasingly burdensome. The story's transition from geocaching partners to unofficial therapist-patient to romantic partners feels forced, with Wren's unrealistic expectations of Marshall leading to strained relationships and an overall sense of dissatisfaction among readers. Additionally, a plot twist further detracts from the narrative's focus on healing, ultimately leaving readers wishing for a more authentic exploration of the characters' journeys.

While "The Trail of Lost Hearts" offers a quick and engaging read, its melodramatic elements and overemphasis on romantic tension detract from the initial charm of its rustic setting and geocaching premise. Despite some enjoyable aspects, such as the scenic Oregon backdrop and insights into geocaching, readers may find themselves disappointed by the story's focus on unrealistic expectations and hypocritical behavior. Overall, while the book has its moments, its reliance on soap opera-like drama and a lack of emphasis on genuine healing may leave readers feeling underwhelmed.

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A book to pull at your heartstrings. A story of loss, bonds, hiking, and finding love through difficult times.

After Wren decided to take a solo trip geocaching in an Oregon after devastating events, she didn’t expect to run into some dangerous people on the trail. Nor did she expect to meet Marshall, a psychologist, who not only came to her rescue, but also suggested teaming up geocaching. What began as two strangers soon grew into much more. Both working through their own difficult heartbreaks, were they able to heal together? Or did they choose to go their own way?

All in all I enjoyed this one. A story line of two souls with difficult stories, battling their own griefs. Finding each other and impacting each other, helping each other in so many ways.

I enjoyed watching their relationship unfold. I really didn’t expect some of the twists - it wasn’t a typical romance. But it gave you a chance to see their journeys intersect, and see them work through their griefs, whether together or alone.

I also really appreciated seeing geocaching used in the storyline. It’s a fun hobby, and though I don’t currently do it (unless little free library hunting counts?) it was a lot of fun! I was excited for Wren and Marshall to just get out in nature and enjoy time together.

It wasn’t my typical style, but I’m glad for the chance to have read it. It was, all in all, a heart wrenching book. It pulled me into the story, and made me feel for the characters. Definitely a unique read.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, received from the publisher and author through NetGalley. However, all thoughts and views reflected are strictly my own opinions.

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This is my third book by this author and she has become one of my favorites!

This story was very unique and I really was not expecting the plot twist in the middle of it. It is a story about heartbreak, healing and finding your way again.

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Thirty-four-year-old Wren Waters believes that if you pay attention, the universe will send you exactly what you need. But her worldview shatters when the universe delivers two life-altering blows she didn’t see coming, and all she wants to do is put the whole heartbreaking mess behind her. No one is more surprised than Wren when she discovers that geocaching—the outdoor activity of using GPS to look for hidden objects—is the only thing getting her out of bed and out of her head. She decides that a weeklong solo quest geocaching in Oregon is exactly what she needs to take back control of her life.

Enter Marshall Hendricks, a psychologist searching for distraction as he struggles with a life-altering blow of his own. Though Wren initially rebuffs Marshall’s attempt at hiker small talk, she’s beyond grateful when he rescues her from a horrifying encounter farther down the trail. In the interest of safety, Marshall suggests partnering up to look for additional caches. Wren’s no longer quite so trusting of the universe—or men in general—but her inner circle might argue that a smart, charismatic psychologist isn’t the worst thing the universe could place in her path.

What begins as a platonic road trip gradually blossoms into something deeper, and the more Wren learns about Marshall, the more she wants to know. Now all she can do is hope that the universe gets it right this time.

This was a great, unexpected read! I wasn't super interested after reading the blurb but I was invited to view an early copy and I really enjoyed Tracey's writing. I loved how she explored such a sensitive topic (grief) and handled it so beautifully. Being angry with someone and still grieving their absence is such a real emotion that was beautifully portrayed here. It would've been a 4 star read, but there is a trope that I'm not a huge fan of so that bumped it down a star.

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I've been a fan of Tracey Garvis Graves for years and one thing I know to expect from her books is lots of emotions. I went into THE TRAIL OF LOST HEARTS fully expecting that emotional rollercoaster, and honestly, up until the first few chapters, I thought I would be in for that. But somewhere along the line this book lets the foot off the gas. While I read it in one sitting and I enjoyed both the main characters, I wasn't invested. My heartstrings were not tugged the way I expected.

This is a sweet story with some emotional up and downs but I wish I could've connected more. One thing is for certain. It did feel real.

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Enjoyed it, but the latter half needed more oomph to end strong. Nevertheless, my first from this author and I would definitely give another of her books a try,

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Tracey Garvis Graves does it again! Her storytelling is top notch, and I can’t get enough of it. Not only do I get lost in her stories, but the characters feel so real to me. It’s probably because they are mature in the way they handle the situations in life that they are faced with. (Mature does NOT mean boring!)

In The Trail of Lost Hearts, Wren and Marshall are both dealing with loss and are coping with their own grief in the only way they know how. Watching each of them grow and learn from their personal experiences in a healthy way is such a breath of fresh air. Are they perfect? No but honestly who is? This is an example of why I love Tracey’s writing.

⚠️Please be aware there are several TW.⚠️

Thank you @netgalley for the eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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When Wren Waters heads out on a solo geocaching trip after experiencing a devastating loss she meets Marshall and the two decide to team up together on their geocaching. Marshall's a psychologist and in the right place at the right time for Wren and his listening ear helps her work through some healing. But Marshall struggles to open up as well and Wren isn't ready to compromise after her last relationship.
I enjoyed the hiking/geocaching aspect of this book and am thinking I might like to try my hand at geocaching. However, I struggled to connect as much as I would've liked with these characters. This book deals with a lot of grief, but there is healing as well and it's overall an uplifting story. However, there are lots of TW so make sure to look into those before picking this book up.

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Thank you to the author Tracey Garvis Graves, publishers St. Martin's Press, and NetGalley for an advance digital copy of THE TRAIL OF LOST HEARTS. All views are mine.

This quest was the right thing for me to do, and I'm the only one who needs to believe that. Loc. 1605

Tracy Garvis Graves has a huge following and her fans (and everyone else who seems to have read it) really loves this book. This one was not for me, and it comes down to the same issues I often have with pop fiction in any genre and that is weak narrative and weak story logic. More details are available on my Goodreads review. If you're a trope reader, this book will probably still satisfy, because tropes abound: second chance romance, forced proximity (a lot), bully romance (she's the bully this time), strangers to lovers (I know I made this up, but it should be a trope), jilted bride, opposites attract, roadtrip romance, and probably more. It's a really exciting romance, with the geocaching side plot, which I really enjoyed. Have fun with this one!

Now the forest is truly on fire. Time ceases to exist because Marshall has joined me, diving headfirst off the same cliff...and landing in the foam-filled pit... Loc. 1672

Three (or more) things I loved:

1. I really like the fmc's character trait the she gets mad when she gets embarrassed. It's so immature! It will make for some great moments!

Three (or less) things I didn't love:

This section isn't only for criticisms. It's merely for items that I felt something for other than "love" or some interpretation thereof.

1. This opening scene is completely unlikely and I have no buy-in. A couple rapists stalking the woods where there are *no* people? Couldn’t Graves have written a scene where the fmc falls and dangles or gets stuck? All she really needs is a white knight moment. I mean this borders on ridiculous. And I read a *lot* of books about men who victimize women.

2. It really stinks that I'm 6% into this book and still don't know this fmc's name.

3. Why is everyone in sad romances from Ohio? I'm from Ohio. This is just me, but I hate that trend in basic writing. You don't have to leave Ohio to make your life better and you don't have to go to Ohio just because things haven't worked out. Go to Florida if you're feeling sorry for yourself.

4. The attempts at metaromance sent my eyes rolling.

5. This narrative is so repetitive. The characters go geocaching. They go eat and sleep somewhere. They go geocaching again. They go eat and sleep somewhere. They get stuck in a room together. Okay this is just so lazy, I just want to tear my hair out.

6. Graves compares sex to a forest fire, cliff diving, and a foam pit, all in the same three lines, and I'm done. DNF at 49%.

Rating: 🏕.5 homes off the grid
Recommend? It really depends
Finished: Sep 27 23
Format: Digital arc, Kindle, NetGalley
Read this book if you like:
😍 Romance stories
💍 infidelity
☘️ bad luck
‼️ tropes galore

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