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Witches Get Stuff Done

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Molly Harper is an author I’ve always wanted to read more of. I’ve enjoyed a few of her novellas for quick Book BINGO reads, so when Witches Get Stuff Done popped up on Netgalley, it quickly caught my eye. When Riley gets the chance to meet her late mother’s sister, she is quick to jump on the offer and make her way to Starfall Point to find that not only has her aunt passed, but there is magic in the family Riley never knew about. Add to that that to get to this island she has to take a boat and gets off on the wrong…ahem…foot with Edison, the local librarian, and well…could things get any worse? Anyone who has ever asked that question knows the answer is a resounding yes!

Along with Edison the hot librarian, Riley is quickly drawn to two local women with their own stories, and fun female friendships with amazing loyalty ensue. There’s also Plover, the ghost who is Riley’s right hand man as she learns to navigate this new life, and who is also old-fashioned in his morals and isn’t shy about letting Riley know it. The fun thing about the setting of this book is that Starfall Point has a Stars Hollow feeling to it with the quirky, meddling townsfolk and memorable establishments. The stakes might be low in this story, but it is still a fun read as all the characters in this book find their footing, and despite their initial meet/puke, Riley and Edison hit it off and romance blossoms.

There are still lots of questions in Riley’s life that are to be answered, and I look forward to learning more as future installments trickle in. While this book did wrap up quickly, I can be forgiving knowing there’s more to come. Witches Get Stuff Done is a fantastic fall read that is going to make you want to cuddle up on the sofa with a blanket and warm beverage until you’ve turned that very last page!

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Thank you for gifting me a copy of this book.

This book has the right vibe and storyline for an automnal/Halloween read.
The concept is very original and rather funny, I can’t imagine seeing ghosts attached to objects! Nathalie and her story was quite nice and funny.

The beginning of the book (the boat scene) was rather strong in event, which appealed me, and I was surprised by the revelation at the end, but I found myself being a little bored at some times. I think it is mainly because of the long chapters.

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Overall it was a fun book, but I felt like it lacked depth a bit and a lot of things were skimmed over that I would have liked to be seen worked out more. I like the concept with helping the ghosts and them creating their coven through friendship!

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Picked this up because I was in the mood for a little witchy romance and, ironically, the romance was the least interesting part of the book. The two lead characters are fine and deserve all the good things they get but it was just such a low stakes situation. I mean, who else are they each going to fall for in this small touristy town?
The paranormal and mystery aspects of the story were much more entertaining. I loved the relationships - both work and personal -between Riley and her new friends. I loved meeting the various ghosts trapped in the mysterious mansion and seeing how Riley and associates help them move on. Here's hoping the next installment won't take too long to appear.

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this was just such a fun and delightful read! i really liked this and it was so much fun!! if you're into this type of book, you should definitely check this one out!!!!

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Fun and whimsical, definitely enjoy it a lot and very fitting for witchy months , a perfect book for fall.

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Oh man. There's few things more disappointing than a book with a solid premise that just... doesn't quite execute. That has some fun moments but nothing totally lands. Witches Get Stuff Done was that book for me.

Riley Everett arrives in Starfall Point expecting to meet her long-lost aunt. Instead, she finds out that her aunt is dead, accidentally enters into a blood pact with a house, discovers that said house is full of ghosts, and that she is responsible for guarding them until she can help them cross over. Meanwhile, she keeps clashing with - and then falling for - local librarian Edison Held, who's dealing with loneliness and trauma.

The setup here was so solid. A house full of ghosts! An intriguing magical hook! A hot librarian! A small town! But nothing totally landed for me. The pacing of this book was so odd, frequently skipping over months at a time with little mention at all. At one point, I felt like things were just starting to get going - Riley and Edison were finally on the same page, she was finding her coven and the stride of the whole ghost thing - only to find that the book was more than halfway over, when nothing had really happened yet. And frustratingly, the big reveal at the end of who had been trying to break into the house felt like it came out of nowhere and escalated way too quickly.

Worse, the characters all felt pretty flat. Riley was cookie-cutter, even in her grief for her mother and confusion about her new role. Her new friends, Caroline and Alice, were definitely intriguing, but never managed to leap off the page. And Edison was just kind of boring? He and Riley never felt like they had any sort of chemistry, and the romance element of this book felt like it was sort of tacked on.

It's such a bummer, because I really felt like this book had the potential to be super cute. But with so many other witchy romances out there, there are definitely better ones to choose from.


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2.5 Stars
This started off with so much potential and I enjoyed the first bit of this book but somehow, the last few chapters fall so flat. There was so much time passing off page that I found it hard to believe the relationships between the characters were really as strong as they were made to be, since we don't really get to see that development. The end was so unnecessary, I actually really hated that ending considering I was reading a cheesy, cute romance up until that point. There were so many undeveloped plot points (i.e. Edison's parents visiting, Alice's grandparents) that maybe the author will mention in future books (since this is so obviously a series) but left me feeling like the story was incomplete.

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for the ARC!

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I love Molly Harper so jumped at the chance to read a new series from her. There are the fun paranormal elements I love in some of her other books, but this is decidedly more serious and ghostly.

Riley has been a bit adrift in life. She has jumped from one job to the next without much thought and her family life is not really so great either. When a “long lost Aunt” made contact with her, offering to connect after her mother’s death, she ended up verifying (because she’s not dumb) then jumped on a ferry to a rather secluded and quaint island. The island, Starfall, is filled with all sorts of characters. Unfortunately for Riley, though, her aunt is not one of them anymore. Rather quickly, Riley becomes caretaker for a mysterious house filled with all sorts of paranormal craziness.

Edison is hiding from the world on this same island, but his domain is the library. These two meet pretty terribly, then again even worse, but it definitely evolves into friendship with some sizzle. He, coupled with some standout locals end up making Riley’s little gang of supporters. Too bad for them, it does come with peril and oodles of ghosts. As the start of a series, this builds a rich and interesting world I want to learn more about. I didn’t even make a good guess at the mystery and whodunit! Great work hooking me on yet another series!

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Okay, I really enjoyed this one!

This book is cute, a little quirky, and a ghostly good time!

My only complaint is that I wish there was *more*.

More tug and pull from the characters and their interactions. More growth, more romance, more mystery.. just more!

I’m definitely excited there’s going to be a book 2 and I can’t wait to read it!

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DNF @ 3%... I just didn't enjoy the writing style... Paired with a 3rd POV and spending way too many pages discussing vomit, I couldn't continue...

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I enjoyed this Molly Harper book very much. The new series blends the same themes of magic, love, and family I loved so much in her Mystic Bayou series. I loved the ghosts and how different they each were. I'm curious about the other romantic couples and how Riley's relationship with Starfall and Shaddow House evolved over time. Riley still has to work through some of her family issues,

Only minuses: The pacing was a little rushed in places. I would have loved to see the partnerships grow over multiple books. Chapter 9 included Edison consulting the ghost hunters guide for morons. I know it's keyed off on the old "...for Dummies" series, but I might have tried to pick something else.

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I give this book 4 1/2⭐️ I really enjoyed it, it’s witchy and enjoyable . I love the house full of ghost that has a Winchester House vibes too it and I can’t wait to see what the next book

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I tried to get into this book, but I just didn’t love it. The writing was good but the overall story just wasn’t my fav. That’s why I gave it 3 stars. I just don’t think I related to the story very well. It was the 3rd person POV that threw me off. I also don’t love third act breakups

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2⭐️ 2🌶️
- MF
- 3rd person POV
- Found Family
- Magical Awakening
- Haunted House
- Quaint and quirky town
- 3rd Act Breakup

This book has one of the most challenging first chapters to get through that I have ever read. From the extremely long and detailed description of her sea sickness to the incredibly awkward meet cute, I was ready to DNF it but checked out some reviews that said it gets much better after the first chapter and they were right. Until the annoying and childish 3rd act breakup. This book felt like a Hallmark movie. Cute but familiar.

I made it about 85% before I decided to call it quits because I wasn’t rooting for any of the characters.

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Witches Get Things Done by Molly Harper
1st in the Starfall Point series. Paranormal romance. Mild Cliffhanger for the series.
After a rather disastrous ferry ride, Riley Everett arrives on Starfall Point Island in the upper peninsula of Michigan. She’s expecting to meet long lost family, but instead learns of her aunt’s death. She’s given a letter to be read on the steps of the Victorian home and finds herself tied to the house full of antiques that are attached with ghosts.
Riley feels a unique connection with Alice and Caroline and they flounder their way into their own coven. Riley also comes to rely on the town’s main librarian Edison Held. Together they all can keep the ghosts from becoming out of control and also keep the townspeople from having a reason to get into the house.

A delightful “new” witch scenario with quirky characters, both living and dead, and opposing threats to add a bit of tension. A bit of humor, a potential threat, a bit of romance and passion. Plus making new friends and learning her own family history, adds a depth that gives Starfall Point a 3D feel to the story.
I enjoyed the world building and look forward to more of the series.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley.

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3.75stars—WITCHES GET STUFF DONE is the first instalment in Molly Harper’s contemporary, adult STARFALL POINT paranormal, mystery/suspense series focusing on Riley Everett, librarian Edison Held, and the newly formed witch’s coven of Starfall Point.

Told from omniscient dual third person perspectives (Riley and Edison) WITCHES GET STUFF DONE sets the tone for the Starfall Point Series. An invite from her aunt Nora, sends Riley Everett to the Upper Peninsula in Northern Michigan where our heroine will discover her aunt has passed, and she is the sole heir to a haunted mansion known as Shaddow House. Riley Everett will learn she comes from a long line of powerful witches, and each successive generation is tasked with housing/collecting and locking down an assortment of items attached or possessed by its’ late user but Riley is unaware of her heritage, and is about to be thrown to the proverbial wolves as she encounters a house full of objects, each with an attachment to someone dead and gone. Meanwhile, a chance and sickly encounter on the ferry to Starfall Point with a stranger is the beginning of a new relationship when said stranger is the man with whom Riley will fall in love. What ensues is the building relationship between Riley and Edison; the introduction of Shaddow House ghost butler and Riley’s mentor Plover; Riley’s new coven members- Caroline, Natalie and Alice; and the potential fall-out as someone is targeting Riley, and the house in which she will come to love.

The world building reveals some of the background of Shaddow House: its’ purpose, its’ inhabitants; and Riley’s job to oversee the attachment objects and the ghosts to which each belongs, and to free the ghosts who wish to move on. As the story unfolds, Riley will be tasked with locating nine ‘locks’, locks that someone else is desperate to find.

The relationship between Riley and Edison begins acrimoniously. Riley struggled with severe motion sickness, and the ferry ride to Starfall Point leaves much to be desired but someone else has occupied the lone bathroom stall, and Riley is about to come face to face with her future in the guise of Edison Held. Edison has loved and lost but struggles to move forward from the ghost of his own past. The $ex scenes are passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text.

We are introduced to Riley’s coven: Caroline and Alice; ghost mentor and house butler Plover; ghost Natalie; library employees Margaret and Kyle; attorney Clark, and an assortment of townies and ghosts who come in and out of Riley’s life.

WITCHES GET STUFF DONE is a story of ghosts and magic, secrets and revelations; obsession, determination, greed and power. The slow building premise is intriguing, entertaining and engaging but dragged in spots as the author set the stage for future story lines; the characters are energetic, sassy, determined and interesting; the romance is a bit of an issue. I didn’t feel any palpable attraction, sexual or otherwise. There was no longing, yearning or desirous actions-the relationship went from zero to ten at the turn of the page. WITCHES GET STUFF DONE ends on a bit of a cliff hanger-you have been warned.





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My Rating: ❤️❤️❤️.5

Disclaimer: I received a review copy for free and am leaving this review voluntarily. Thanks, to the author and Netgalley.

General Thoughts: ARC review. Fun, cute, original. Magical realism featuring a haunted house, a newly discovered witch, and a small town. An enjoyable read for spooky season. I wasn’t as drawn into the story as I would have liked to have been, but I think that may have just been because it wasn’t my cup of tea, as I’m not sure there was anything wrong with it. A teensy but of spice. Emphasis despite being dual POV seems to be more on the haunted house and ghosts. I had a harder time seeing them as a couple. It seemed kind of instant and surface level. And I think that was my real complaint with this one now that I think about it.

But it was an enjoyable read and fits the season. This is the start to a new series involving ghosts, witches, dueling families (not MMC’s family), mystery, a pinch of steam, and a girl friend squad. I’m glad I gave it a go. If you like magical realism and romance, this may be a great one to read for spooky season.

Steam Meter: ❤️‍🔥.5 Fairly tame steam. Not overly descriptive.

-dual POV
-magical realism
-dislike to like
-small town
-dueling families (not MMC's)

You can read more of my reviews at You can also find me on Insta @mylastromancenovel.

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From the moment Riley set foot in Starfall Point, magic was just emanating from her. Riley seeks out a coven for sisterhood and support, because her late aunt's journals and ghost butler, isn't quite enough. The last thing she expects is to be attracted to the town's head librarian, Edison. He knows almost everything there is to know about Starfall Point, but Shadow House, the Victorian haunted house Riley inherited, was always a mystery. But if he could convince Riley to let him inside, he knows there is so much he can learn, and he finds himself captivated by the new witch in town.

Witches Get Stuff Done is the perfect romcom witchy book as we head into spooky season! I found the relationships between Riley, Alice, and Caroline to be a delight, and I enjoyed Edison's character. There were definitely some fun magical and haunting surprises that rounded out this book for me. If you're looking for more witchy books to add to your TBR this season, pick this one up. It is out today, 9/5/23!

Thank you NetGalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for the ARC and the opportunity to read and review it honestly.

Happy reading!

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Riley has just discovered that she is a witch. She has floated through life doing whatever menial job available and come to find out, she has a destiny. Her parents kept all this a secret from her. She did not find out anything until her aunt died and Riley was blindsided. Riley has inherited her Aunt’s old Victorian home. But she soon discovers it is full of ghosts and thousands of secrets!

I just adore Molly Harper. I have been a fan since I read Sweet Tea and Sympathy. She always has some great characters and this book has some of the best! I just loved Riley and all the ghosts in the house! I cracked up at their antics!

This book is perfect for fall…ghosts, witches, enchanted items and a little bit of love thrown into the mix!

Need a cute read to get you in the mood for Halloween…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today.

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review.

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