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“One person's suffering should not take the joy out of something others may find pleasure in...”

Jennifer Hartmann is quickly becoming a 1 click/go-to author. Once again, I was consumed by the beautiful writing and intense/unique storyline. Lotus will draw you in from the first page. It will leave you emotional and consumed! Her books are quite long so the storytelling is detailed and complete. I found myself mad at times because I wanted to keep reading and reading!

"She is fierce. She is goofy."
"She is beautiful. She is Syd."

Come and fall in love with Oliver and Sydney! There are many laugh-out-loud moments among this serious setting. Oliver is amazing, brave, kind and intelligent. He has overcome so much in his life. Sydney is a mess and I loved her for it! Fun and wild, spirited and kind. They both have such an intense, emotional connection.

"Be courageous. Be confident. Be bold."

Lotus also has a few twists as well. On a side note, there are a few characters that cross over from another Jennifer Hartmann book - Claws and Feathers. There is a bit of a spoil in their appearance, but it didn't ruin anything for me. It makes me want to read that next!

"We need to fight for what's in our hearts. No one else can do that for us."

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Wow wow wow. A mysterious romance. I was here for it. The mystery behind why Oliver disappeared, Sydney’s sister, and then the meaning behind Lotus?! Gah. So dang good!
4 ⭐️ because I wanted more of a connection between the two MC’s and more growth for Oliver after he came back.

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5⭐️ 3🌶️

Jennifer Hartmann has quickly solidified herself as a one click author for me. This was so unlike Still Beating, yet her elegant writing and masterful story telling shone through and made this so uniquely Jennifer.

I absolutely adore Oliver. He’s smart, unknowingly witty, and so pure and innocent despite all the trauma he’s endured. His beautiful spirit and willingness to fight for and protect Sydney at all costs even after being separated for decades left me teary eyed and warm inside.

And Sydney was such a complex character that felt so raw and real—fierce, yet vulnerable and forever a reminder that trauma is widespread and doesn’t affect just the victim. Watching her work through her issues with abandonment, attachment, and trust was so heart wrenching and when she finally broke though, I felt my heart swell with pride and satisfaction.

The plot was so much more complex that you believe at first glance and I loved watching it unfold, along with the twists, turns, and unexpected villains I never saw coming. I adore Jennifer’s side characters yet again—cheering for the return of Tabitha and Cora—and I am crossing my fingers for Tabitha’s very own book because despite having her twice now, I’m not quite ready to let her go and I’d love to finally get the full picture. I love that Jennifer’s books are mostly interconnected and I’m so excited to see where the next read takes me.

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I loved Still Beating and I didn't think it could get better but Lotus really blew me away. This story was so heart wrenching and yet warmed my soul so much. The love between these characters was timeless and pure and everything I could ever want in a book. The small little found family that is built from the tragedy these characters go through was written so well and I have such a deep love for these characters.

Thank you #bloombooks and #netgalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review

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I still randomly think about this book sometimes and I have no idea how to feel about that... it's still problematic... anyway.

I can sincerely say I couldn’t put it down. That said, there are elements that had me cringing and feeling disappointed. Our main female lead Sydney left almost the entire emotional work of their relationship to Oliver, who was basically a prisoner for 22 years and had more than enough to deal with to get settled back into the present. Now he’s forced into chasing her while she ignores his feelings and treats him like a child? But when her trauma comes up, he’s comforting her and helping her grow? Because she’s traumatized from HIS abduction?

I’m disappointed. That said, I see exactly why it has been popular.

This felt similar to Archer’s Voice, although I felt like that one was better executed and more balanced.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks for the ARC.

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Thank you to Netgalley and author Jennifer for providing me an e-book in exchange for an honest review.

The pacing of this book was perfectly done. It was everything. I love how patient and loving Sydney was over bonding again with Oliver. She walks him through life and doing childhood things together despite the years they lost while giving him courage. Oliver Lynch, I need to give him a big hug. Oh god, its so painful to read his pov. He's so soft and respectful for Syd. Everything from the found family to the childhood lovers to the plot of the book is well done!

This book was so heartbreaking and angsty. The kids went through so much. I underestimated Gabe and Clem's character in the story and I absolutely despise them in the beginning but my oh my I was SO SO wrong. Th plot twist and all coming in a full circle moment. I love them so much

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Another book by Jennifer Hartmann that I don’t have words for. This was a fantastic follow up to Still Beating. Sydney never forgot Oliver, and Oliver never forgot her. Oliver was kidnapped when they were barely old enough to remember each other, but that didn’t keep the memories away. When Oliver miraculously returns after 22 years, and he is forever changed. The only person that can connect with him is Sydney.
Some parts of this book were gut wrenching. I can’t imagine what Oliver went through, but Jennifer does quite the job bringing the story to life. I wanted to hold him and protect him from the outside world, but I also wanted to hold his hand and bring him into the strange new world too, just as Sydney wanted to. I loved Sydney’s devotion to Oliver and his brother. She would clearly do everything for them, and she loved them both in different ways.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Bloom Books for my ARC of this book.

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After reading Still Beating I was expecting something as dark and emotional as that. While this book wasn't as dark, the emotions definitely packed a punch. Oliver was so sweet and innocent, almost like a child. He put Sydney's safety before his own fears and discomfort. I don't know what it says about me that I enjoyed her darker books over this one but here we are. Don't get me wrong, I still swooned over the romance at times and I loved how innocent and adorable Oliver was. There was just something about this book that felt a little too long to the point it was dragging for me. The twists were there, the spice was good, I just had a hard time immersing myself in the story at times. There were a few times I was so shocked that I actually gasped and my eyes bugged out so I appreciate the visceral reactions it gave me. Maybe I'm a messed up individual to think the subject matter wasn't as bad as Still Beating but what can I say, I am who I am. The prologue did immediately draw me into the story so kudos for writing such a powerful one.

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This book wasn't bad, and I didn't not like it but I didn't love it like I loved Still Beating. For some reason I could not connect with these characters no matter how hard I tried. This book could hav been so much shorter if we could have left out how much Sydney wanted Oliver to f*** her relentlessly in every situation. The twist was pretty predictable, and I feel like the characters just didn't tie together. For me, the book just felt "off" somehow.

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Something about this just really hit home for me and I loved it. Who knew childhood friends to lovers would be a hill I’d die on?!
I loved the blend of sweet/innocent romance and touches of spice when needed (who am I saying this?!) it really worked well here even if it’s not my typical taste.
The twists and turns of the plot had me flipping pages like crazy.
I loved that all the characters, not just the MCs had care and detail given to them, it really added to the story over all.
I am definitely a fan.

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What a wonderful story. Jennifer knows how to write the most beautiful of stories. The suspense and mystery kept me engaged while the characters developed and struggled through their own challenges and fell in love. Oliver is the absolute sweetest and I fell in love with him. The banter between the characters was cute and funny.

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Jenifer Hartman writes a story that just pulls you in and you are not sure where the story will take you. This story was pretty good it will pull you in from the first page and that is how Jennifer Hartman always writes, she pulls you in where you want to know what is going to happen next.

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My first book from Jennifer Hartmann was Still Beating and I was really excited to read this one once I read it!
This book was not as dark as I excepted but I loved it SO FREAKING MUCH!

This book is so cute in many ways but the main couple friendship was something else, def.

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I’ve been holding off reading this book because I knew it would shatter me. As predicted, it did. Lotus is a heartbreaking story of resistance and hope of an abducted child being freed from captivity. Oliver’s story is one of heartbreak, and hope. And the feels for this story? Off the charts. Hartmann has this innate ability to draw you so much into the story that you don’t even realize you aren’t living in their world. The emotional rollercoaster from this book will have you sobbing, smiling, and ugly crying all within a few pages.

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I’m emotional. I’m heartbroken and yet healed. I’m feeling so much from this book.

After reading Still Beating, I knew I was going into this book with my heart on the line. But the experience was so much more intense.

This book deals with some many heavy topics, you definitely have to go in with a clear mind.

Oliver and Sydney own my heart. Every single piece.

Reading about Oliver’s emotions and what he went through… gosh, my heart.

I loved this book. My heart hurts. My soul feels mended. This book is going to stick with me for a long time.

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Sydney and Oliver are inseparable childhood best friends. On July 4th, he gets kidnapped and is forced to live underground. Twenty-two years later he escapes and get reunited with Sydney.

Rated 4.5 ⭐️. This was a romance novel that was complete different than I've read before. It had a slow build to any kind of relationship, the most sensual sex scene I've ever read, and mystery to the meaning of "LOTUS". I appreciated that there was trauma and action in the story, it added an extra layer.

The emotional damage that was from previous trauma experienced by characters felt genuine. I really enjoyed the secondary characters and would love to read more of Gabe and his story from what we already know.

Thank you to Netgalley, Jennifer Hartmann, and the publishers for this free ebook. This review is 100% my own and honest review.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advanced copy. All opinions are my own . This book was wonderful. I really enjoyed it

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This book just wasn’t for me. I felt like the pacing was a little too slow and I never found myself eager to pick the book back up. It wasn’t the writing that I didn’t care for but the development of the story.

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This book will break your heart right open. You can’t stop thinking about it once finished and it packs a huge emotional
punch!! There is something so addictive to Jennifer Hartmann’s writing. She writes her characters with so much depth and sometimes the story goes to darker places but trauma and healing through trauma is like that… it travels those twisty turny roads of emotion. 4 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Oliver was abducted as a kid and 22 years later, he is found and returns home. This story follows him integrating back into society, particularly reconnecting with his brother and best friend who lives next door. The effects of his abduction are seen throughout the story as he falls in love with Sydney.

This was an emotionally charged mystery/romance with many heavy topics. Be sure to check the content warning before starting this one.

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