Member Reviews

This is best in conjunction with the PBS documentary and I am going to review it based off of that. This adds additional context and information. It is a great tie in and I loved reading through this information before I watched the documentary. It is such as interesting topic and no one covers a topic better than Ken Burns.

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A fascinating look at one of americas greatest animals. I know this was a tie in for a pbs series and it really made me want to watch the show, so I guess the books did its job, just a great, sympathetic, compelling look at the history of these beautiful creatures ,

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It's the perfect companion book to the Ken Burns series. If you have someone in your family that adores animals and or the Old West- this is your go-to holiday gift.

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This was more of a picture book recording images of the American Bison (buffalo) throughout history. I cant really say it was a good book as it was just a collection of images but they were nice to look at.

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The story of the buffalo is the story of America. Duncan and Burns have done a great job of chronicling the history of this animal and the efforts to preserve this majestic animal. Would highly recommend this to other Old West aficionados.

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I was looking forward to reading this book, but much of it is reprint from the series The West. It does go more into the spiritual aspects of the buffalo to the Native American

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This was a beautifully done nonfiction book about the decline of American Buffalos. I enjoyed getting to learn about the buffalo in America and their history. It worked well overall and was interesting and engaging. I enjoyed the way the authors wrote this.

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I would love to give this book the thoughtful review that it's due, but unfortunately the electronic copy I retrieved was a jumble of pictures and placeholder text.

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1 star
How can I give feedback when the book is nothing but a blurb by the author and 20 pages of pictures? Very disappointing as I was truly looking forward to reading and reviewing this book.

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