Member Reviews

Firetrap it is. This book has done a very difficult job of ticking too many boxes when it comes to tropes, genres, plots and sub-plots.
I have not previous adventures of Marko Zorn, but in the Firetrap Marko is trying to everything, everyone and everywhere. One head spins constantly from trying to follow all the story lines. It felt like Marko was some sort of jack-in-the box waiting to jump out at you from every which corner.
This book was difficult to read and hard to get into. It was a bit of white noise-caused headache.

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"Marko Zorn: Mad, bad and dangerous to know"

Otho Eskin was a new to me author, so before reading and despite all assurances, I must admit to having been a little sceptical about whether this, book #3 in the Washington DC Homicide Detective, Marko Zorn series, would truly work as a stand alone story! However, I should have had a little more faith, because as soon as I began reading, I felt right at home in Marko's company, as if I had know him all my life. Any backstory details were added without breaking stride in the storyline, and I'm certain not in a way which would have caused any confirmed series readers to complain of repetition. All of which bodes well for when I get the opportunity to revisit Marko's world and catch up with the first two episodes.


Marko Zorn and his partner Tyrone Clifford, open the action on this case when they attend a car fire, in the not so well known, dirt-poor, crime-ridden side of the City of Washington DC. However, what Marko assumes is a simple case of arson, soon escalates into something much more sinister and demanding of their attention, when the burnt-out wreck gives up its gruesome secret, shocking everyone, including the most dangerous person on this side of the tracks and the one who controls just about every illicit deal which goes down, including the vibrant drugs market. This part of town definitely belongs to 'Sister Grace'; small and deadly, she rules with an iron fist, but now even she is seriously spooked by a lethal new drug which has appeared on her patch and she wants Marko to find the distributors and put them out of business. In fact, so worried is she, that Sister Grace assigns one of her own men, ex-con Stryker, to work alongside Marko on the case, as much for his protection as anything else, although it is a well known fact that unorthodox as he is, maverick Marko, the cop without a gun, always gets the job done.

All of which is terrible timing for Marko, whose reputation preceding him, is called in front of the new Police Chief Kelly Flynn, who is determined to have a zero tolerance policy towards corrupt officers who work side hustles and is heading a clean-sweep of any perceived outliers. It would seem however, that Kelly sees something different in rebel Marko, as she gives him just one more chance to conform to the rules before condemning him to her 'has-been' folder. Marko contrives to set Tyrone off on a separate strand of the investigation, so that he and Stryker can track down the source of the new lethal drug which is fast dominating the streets. Their investigation takes them right to the heart of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies, which is backed and controlled by outside resources, ultimately emanating from the twisted, crooked world of the psychopathic Poole family; reclusive, elderly and disabled twin brothers and their much younger niece. They have surrounded themselves with a cloak of generosity and largesse of spirit, all of which conceals their greed and avarice, especially when Marko is astute enough to realise that they might well also be involved with what is the unsolved case of arguably the theft of the most valuable artefact in the world.

The closer to the core of the operation Marko and Stryker get, the more the body count mounts up, with Marko seemingly at the top of everyone's hit list. Then he is dealt the most punishing of blows, when Kelly Flynn demands to meet with him, only to summarily dismiss him from the force with immediate effect. However, it transpires that there is more to Kelly's instant decision than meets the eye and she more or less gives Marko free range to bring the case to a conclusion in any way he sees fit, so long as her own personal and highly emotional interest in proceedings, is top of his agenda, especially when Marko sees fit to confide in his boss the exact reason for his reluctance to bear or use arms on a daily basis. Now, even for Marko, who prides himself on his ethical approach to policing, negotiating with such dastardly adversaries is ruled out of the equation, the gloves are off and all bets cancelled, as the situation has become desperate, urgent and life-threatening. Marko might believe in the appeasement option first, but mess with someone he is close to, at your peril!


Wow! Marko Zorn is a real enigma, a big-hearted rebel with a cause, and whilst part of me thinks he is my kind of law enforcement officer, the other half has to admit that a cop who hustles on the side to support his opulent lifestyle, shouldn't be lauded in any way shape or form - although perhaps that is just me looking at modern day policing (no matter which side of the Atlantic I may live on), through rose-tinted glasses!

This fast-paced and relentless, action-packed storyline, is presented in short, east to navigate chapters and narrated in the first person by Marko himself, truly making this his own personal take on the investigation from beginning to end, and what an ending. Well structured, this sometimes complicated story, is interesting in its depth and range of social issues discussed; from art theft and kidnapping, to murder, extortion and pharmaceutical espionage. It calls on all Marko's skills and knowledge, which are far above average to say the least, to bring all the perpetrators to justice and thus bring down the entire network, permanently and right to its very core. I do also enjoy a good story woven around art theft, so this strand of the storyline really interested me, even though I found it hard to believe that such a valuable piece would have been kept in such appalling conditions and treated with such complete disregard and almost contempt by those who had purloined it, especially as they prided themselves on the value and worth of their total collection.

There was quite some cast of totally despicable, dislikeable and generally not very nice to know personalities populating this storyline, who really got under my skin and made it crawl, which I suspect is just the response author Otho Eskin desired when he conceived them. The Poole brothers in particular were so duplicitous, manipulative and malevolent, it was little surprise that they lived in an isolated and disgusting penury of their own making, surrounded only by their protection team, and for me, they deserved everything they had coming to them! Marko was, of course, the most easy to relate to of the characters, together with his boss Kelly Flynn, although I was left somewhat aghast, even though I understood why he did it at that moment in time, at the secret he chose to share with her. When the case was resolved he was taking quite a risk as to whether Kelly would stand by her dismissal of him, or would re-instate him immediately, although such was his own personal moral and ethical compass, I don't think he would have strongly objected either way.

This is the first book I have read for a while now, where there is a clearly defined place of action, which suits an 'armchair traveller' such as myself, down to the ground, as I could track real place names on my map. A slightly more descriptive sense of time and place around individual locations might have added that bit more pizzazz to the overall storyline, however the action bowled along quite nicely with verve, taking in the surrounding sights and sounds more than enough for a truly immersive experience.

There is just a hint of a blossoming romance between Marko and Kelly, although whether that is ever destined to go anywhere, given Kelly's strong bond with her daughter (who also has a teenage crush on him) and her strong sense of duty to the force, remains to be seen...

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Another very enjoyable read in this series - full of bad guys and highlighting the dark sinister underbelly of the drug world. I really like detectives who can go rogue without batting an eye and I find Marco Zorn makes a great main character.

4 stars

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Loved this story! I read it as a sort of neo-noir -- definitely modern setting but the MC has a very old school detective vibe in my head. I'm looking forward to reading the other books in the series.

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A dangerous drug is spreading through Washington, D.C.—can Marko Zorn take down the company behind it?

Washington, D.C. homicide detective Marko Zorn takes on a far-reaching, complicated investigation when a narcotic more deadly than fentanyl spreads across the city, causing countless fatalities. His search for the people behind the off-label drug leads him to a Big Pharma company run by mysterious, psychopathic twin brothers. Anyone who crosses them is dead.

Marko discovers that the company will soon release another dangerous prescription opioid analgesic, but when the company learns that this information has been leaked, more bodies pile up. Let down by his higher-ups, Marko sets off to solve the deadly ring of crime that now surrounds him, all while evading repeated attempts to kill him.

Marko will need all his wits, skills, and contacts both inside and outside of the law to shut down the twin brothers’ criminal drug empire. Can a painting from a major art theft decades earlier provide the key to how Marko can cripple the whole operation? Only if Marko isn’t killed first.

This novel was quite an adventure. In some ways, I felt like I was watching an episode of Doctor Who mixed with Person of Interest. While more character depth was desired, I enjoyed this read. It was very fast paced and had an entertaining plotline. There were some parts of the story that didn't flow as well as others.

This is the 3rd novel in the series, but can be read as a standalone which was nice as well. Overall 3.5/5 stars.

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Detective Zorn doesn't follow orders and doesn't play nice with his partner. The new police chief is not impressed and threatens to fire him. But Marko has a goal of stopping big pharma from releasing a new deadly drug. His story is full of action with bloody results. I liked the level of action. I was engrossed with the story..very entertained.

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Detective Marko Zorn is back in this third installment of the series.

Marko is based in Washington, D.C. and gets entangled in a case involving a dangerous drug called Speedball that has hit the streets. It is the most powerful drug ever seen and is killing people. He starts digging into the Pharma company and the ruthless people behind it.

He goes head to head with his boss, Chief Flynn and has to go behind the scenes to stay off the radar and takes many risks to get to the bottom of the drug company.

Full of action packed scenes and some disturbing scenes. The drug scheme gets a bit complicated and takes away from the momentum. Marko is a strong character who always takes chances with his own safety. Beware, there is harm to an animal (off page) that happens early in the book (I could have done without that)!

I loved the second in this series, but this one was a bit too heavy in the whole drug theme for me.

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An entertaining read. Predictable, but fun to follow along with. Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC

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Some problems require a different kind of police detective in order to be solved.

A scientist set on fire inside his car on the streets of DC. A new drug named Speedball, more addictive and more deadly than fentanyl spreading on the streets. Homicide Detective Marko Zorn is called upon to solve both of these problems, although only in one of the cases is the directive coming from within the power structure of the police department. Zorn soon finds that the two situations are in fact linked, and that the drugs are being produced and distributed by a Big Pharma company headed by two elderly but psychopathic men with a lot of power and money that insulates them from punishment. Unfortunately for them, Zorn doesn’t generally follow rules, he can’t be bought off, and when he promises to get something done….he does. And he has promised to get Speedball off the streets permanently, by any means necessary.
Firetrap is the third in author Otho Eskin’s Marko Zorn series, but can definitely be read as a standalone….I had not read the two preceding books (though I plan to rectify that), and was able to get a sense of Zorn’s character and background quickly. When the book opened up with a body burning in a locked car, and the detective on the scene was commanded to appear before the woman who runs much of the crime in that area of the city (and went), I knew that this was no run-of-the-mill police procedural. I was attracted to the setting of the book, and the author definitely delivered on that score, from a lunch at the Four Seasons in Georgetown to businesses on K Street as well as neighborhoods known more by the police than by the average tourist. Interesting characters, a criminal enterprise that is timely and believable, and a protagonist who colors outside the lines to get the job done combined to make a fantastic read. Whether you have already read one or both of the preceding installments in the series, or you are a fan of Michael Connelly, David Baldacci or Brad Meltzer, this is a must-read. Many thanks to NetGalley and Oceanview Publishing for allowing me access to an early copy of Firetrap.

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Thanks to Oceanview Publishing & NetGalley for this free ARC in return for my honest review.

For his third book in the Marko Zorn series, author Otho Eskin tackles, the pharmaceutical industry in one of the fastest reading books that I have had the pleasure to read in the past decade. Marko Zorn is a Washington DC homicide detective who many times does work outside of the police department, and not always following the rules of the police department. The book begins with a horrific car fire in which an individual has been locked inside a car that was deliberately set on fire and his horrible death was a shock to everyone’s system. From there, we discover that the deceased may have been connected with an illegal drug called Speedball, which is an offshoot of a prescription drug and which has extremely dangerous and deadly effect to anyone who takes it. The pharmaceutical company is owned and controlled by a pair of sinister, twin brothers, who have built an evil empire that basically keeps them out of range of any regulatory agency, governmental officials or law enforcement agencies. They own a security company who's not afraid to kill, even if it's one of their own people. As I said, this is a fast reading book, and it takes us to many different locales as we have the daughter of the new police chief of Washington DC being kidnapped when Marko gets too close to investigating to the deaths related to the company and Speedball. While this is the third book in the series, you don’t need to read the first two to follow the action, and there is action galore. If you are a fan of action, adventure, and thrillers then this is a book that is right up your alley. Zorn does whatever he can to bring down the empire the twins only to have a potential shocking twist at the very end, and which just leaves us to believe that the author is not yet finished with this pharmaceutical saga.

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A narcotic more deadly than fentanyl is spreading through Washington, D.C, and D.C. homicide detective Marko Zorn may be the only one who can take down the company behind it. His search for the people behind the off-label drug leads him to a Big Pharma company run by mysterious, psychopathic twin brothers that are known for killing anyone who crosses them.. When a new police captain fires Marko for causing too many waves, Marko sets off to solve the deadly ring of crime that now surrounds him, all while evading repeated attempts to kill him. Marko will need all his wits, skills, and contacts both inside and outside of the law to shut down the twin brothers' criminal drug empire. Can a painting from a major art theft decades earlier provide the key to how Marko can cripple the whole operation?

This was the first book I have read by this author. Even though this is the third book in the series, it can be read as a stand-alone. I did have a couple of issues with the book - I felt at times the dialogue seemed a little clunky, and some of the scenes were a little too far-fetched. However, the storyline kept me engaged, and there was non-stop suspense from beginning to end. This is perfect for fans of David Baldacci and Daniel Silva

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If you are a fan of mysteries, this book is definitely for you. It’s about a different and new type of drug that is made more addictive to hook more users and increase the profits of the big pharmaceutical companies. A local detective named Zorn is determined that he will find out who is behind it, and what he can do to stop it.

How many people will have to die, and how many more addicted before the conclusion of this mess Of this mystery is reached? I definitely recommend this for any reader who is interested in learning more about the underbelly of the big pharmaceutical companies. This may be prophetic in a number of ways or maybe not. Enjoy the read.

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For my reading pleasure, nothing makes me happier than a good old shoot- 'em-up police story with no annoying flashbacks in time or character perspective - just a straightforward investigation with plenty of action. And when the main character is as, well, unorthodox as Washington, D.C.-based Marko Zorn, it's a special treat. I've read the first two in the series, and my reaction to both was exactly the same (this one, the third, can be read as a standalone, though).

This one begins as Marko, who's almost always at odds with his department superiors, visits a grisly scene at which a human has been incinerated along with the car in which he (or she) was sitting. As what's left of the body is extricated from the ashes, Marko is called elsewhere: Sister Grace, elderly leader of a sort of Washington crime underworld, wants to see him immediately. It's not a request, but a command; and when he's escorted in to see her, she issues another one: Marko is to rid the city of a rival criminal element that is bringing in a deadly drug known as Speedball - thereby encroaching on Sister Grace's territory and giving her territory a bad name.

When it turns out that the body in the car belongs to a biochemist who owned a prominent drug company, some of the puzzle pieces begin to fall into place; this leads to discovery of an off-label and extremely dangerous drug produced by a company owned by two elderly - and elusive - twin brothers. Marko's drive to find the twins for a "come to Jesus" meeting is fraught with danger, especially after he discovers their possible connection to the theft of a priceless work of art.

Yes, it's a rather complicated story, but one that's quite easy to follow and hard to put down. Will Marko once again emerge triumphant, or will he finally push the patience of the powers-that-be over the line with his unorthodox methods? Well, you'll just have to read the book to find out as I did. Now I'm looking forward to the next installment, and I thank the publisher, via NetGalley, for the opportunity to read and review a pre-release copy of this one. Well done once again!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the author Otho Eskin for giving me the opportunity to read Firetrap for an honest review.

Firetrap is the continuation in the Marko Zorn series that includes The Reflecting Pool. Each book can be read as a stand alone book, as I have done with Firetrap.

If you are a fan of the Jack Reacher series by Lee Child you will love this book. I can not give it a higher rating when I even mention it in the same write up as Jack Reacher (my favourite series).

Do yourself a favour and get a copy of Firetrap, or even start at The Reflecting Pool and work your way through the series.

I love it.

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This book was such a rush! I did not realize when I got it that it was the third book in a series. Unfortunately, synthetic opioids and their addictive effects continue to be a significant problem worldwide. I was definitely on the edge of my seat white knuckling my kindle. I'd for sure look for the other two books in the series.

My thanks to Netgalley and Oceanview Publishing for this ARC

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Marko Zorn needs to find and stop the people/company from the distribution of a drug that is very addictive and kills. Good plot, cast of characters, and some far fetched action scenes. I just couldn't get into the book, but others might enjoy it.
Thank you to NetGalley and Oceanview Publishing who provided me with an ARC of this novel.

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Wow, what a great book. This is one of those stories that absolutely consumed me, and I loved every page of it. Otto Eskin’s first two books in this series are outstanding and this one is just as good. The main character D.C. homicide detective Marko Zorn is a man that definitely walks to the beat of his own drum, he unconventional for a normal detective and that doesn’t sit well with the people in charge, however he sure gets things done. Love his fighting skills as well.
Hands down, this is a fabulous read and easily worth the 5/5 Star Rating

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Mario Zorro is a Washington DC homicide detective who does not always follow the rules. When Speedball starts killing people in his area he teams up with Stryker to get it off the streets. This will lead to very dangerous situations.

A wonderfully written novel. So full of brilliant characters, fast paced and non stop action. We have drugs, murder, stolen art, lots of twists and turns.

Can Marks take on the Poole brother and big business to get these drugs off the streets, read to find out. Enjoy.

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The author has delivered a fast paced and deliciously wicked tale. The characters are well rounded and come across as believable, whether you love them or hate them. This is a taut, character-driven psychological thriller, filled with suspicion and tension. Marko Zorn, the chief protagonist, is a policeman with his own take on justice and with serious authority issues. His strong moral compass and unorthodox views bring him in contact with some of the worst criminals in Washington; anything goes when in the pursuit of justice.

Thank you to NetGalley and Oceanview Publishing who provided me with a copy of this book. I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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I received an ARC through "NetGalley" and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

The story begins with Marko being called to a scene where a vehicle is burning. While he is there, he gets a message that Sister Grace wants to see him now. When talking to Sister Grace he is told about and asked to stop specific drugs being available in the area. He agrees, but unknown at the time, he later learns that thw two items are connected. When he arrives at the station, he is told that the new chief wants to see him. At the meeting Kelly, the new chief, lays the facts of what she expects from him, otherwise he won't be around any longer.

Once Marko begins following leads on the fire killing, he runs into more issues and had a decision to make on how to proceed. He ie is able to talk with a member of the Food and Drug Administration, but before learning the next day what important information the victim of the fire had, that person is killed. He later learns from the assistantant about a new drug that a company was applying pressure to have approved. Using this information, he now had a name of a company that he began looking into. As a result of his search, he was soon targeted. It got so bad that the new chief fired him. However, she showed up at his home and had a request for him. He agree to help her and as a result ultimately came to a conclusion who was the responsible and laid a plan to bring them to justice.

To learn who was behind the killings, what the chief's request was, how the request eventually led to closing the case and what dangers Marko had to overcome, then you need to read this book. The ending will astound you.

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