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The New Wife

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I really enjoyed this book and it got me hooked from the beginning.Jess phoned her brother telling him their father was dead, and as neither of them liked him and called him an Old bastard.
What they were both interested in was his property he had in Mallorca as it was worth a lot of money.
What they had to contend with was their fathers new wife and her daughter as they had been living in the property and had renovated it and kept it looking nice.
Finn decided to go to Mallorca meet the new wife as he called her and her daughter, not expecting to find them both really nice and felt quite sorry for them both having to be kicked out of their home.
That led to Finn liking the daughter which led to to a hard time both for him and his sister.
Great book as all JP Delaney books are.

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The New Wife
Thriller, Mystery
JP Delaney

Inititially I thought Finn's feeling for Roze seemed to develop and escalate too quickly and it seemed a little weird that he was so trusting of the 2 women that had the opportunity to kill his father. It felt a little creepy but as I continued to read and things started to unfold, I realised that it was intentional and tjis actually showed how good the writing was.

The stoy is told mostly as a memoir, although that isn't really revealed until the end and so the occasional shift from past to present tense and the forshadowing started to make more sense as the plot developed.

The world building was beautifully done. This book is set in Mallorca (an island near Spain). I've actually been there myself and the descriptions of the landscape and the lifestyle was spot on, I was immediately transported there.

I liked how the author kept me guessing when it came to what was true and what wasn't.

I liked the final chapter which was from Jess' POV but I didn't like the ending. I feel like there was so many things left unanswered and the death of their dad was never really solved. The author did add that this was intentional as she wanted the reader to make their own judgements.

I would've liked some POVs from Roze or any other character, maybe one of the lawyers, just to add some other perspectives but I can also see how the author wanted to focus on Finn and his infatuation.

I would say this book is more mystery than thriller. While I did enjoy reading it, I wish the thriller element was stronger and focused on more, with more plot twists.

*Thank you to @Netgalley and the publishers for providing this ARC. This is my own opinion and an honest review, which I am leaving voluntarily*

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Are Ruensa and Roze the helpless victims of circumstance? Or will they stop at nothing to get Finca Siquia for themselves? These are the questions to keep asking yourself throughout this intriguing dark tale.

I really enjoyed this book. It is very clever and I was immersed in it. Set in the beautiful island of Mallorca, the descriptions of the scenery and way of life were vivid and charming. The author casts the main characters in light and shade so you never really know what is real or reliable and what is gossip or rumour. This means that as the story unfolds there are several alternatives, but which one is real. The slow burn allows you to savour the nuances and consider what is really going on. At around 80% there is a twist and the book becomes faster paced with more action. The ending is ambiguous and the author's note explains why. The story presents several alternatives and you have to decide yours based on the information provided and weighing up possibilities and probabilities. At first I wanted the story to be completed for me by the author, however, as I thought about it, I realised how clever the whole concept is and I have decided on what I think most likely happened and love the fact that others will have different versions and that we will never really know. Brilliant. This will make an excellent film or series. Many thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley UK for the ARC.

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A psychological thriller set on Mallorca. The slow narrative, underwhelming twist at the end and characters I could not connect with left me wanting more. I enjoyed the setting and is a light read. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for the arc.

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4⭐️ fast paced, intriguing, summer thriller that will have you ripping through the pages to find out what happened. The setting is atmospheric with an underlying sense of menace, leaving you wondering who can you trust?

This book is about Finn and Jess, sibling who receive a call telling them their father Jimmy has passed away, neither of them are particularly sad about it as he wasn’t good them. Finn has to travel to Mallorca, where their father resided, to sort out details of the selling of the house as they now own it. But his fathers most recent wife Ruensa is currently residing there with her daughter Roze, both of whom have transformed Finca Siquilia into a stunning house.

The police are asking questions about Jimmy’s death and suspect Ruensa or Roze were involved, so are they merely innocent victims or something much more….

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Finn and Jess are sibling, with unhappy childhood, no bonding to their father. One day, they both learnt that their father, Jim, passed away, and decided for Finn to go back to Finca Síquia in Spain, their childhood home, to claim the house as their inheritance. No proper grievance from them considering how their father treated them and their mother, they even nicknamed their father "OB" - Old ba*tard.
The house is now occupied by their deceased father's third wife, Ruensa, and a 27 years old daughter, Roze.

Finn's mission to get them out of the house turned to a hesitant moment when he finds out how much make over Ruensa & Roze had done to the house. Thing gets complex when police started questioning about Jimmy's death circumstance and also the marriage between Jim and Ruensa.
Another great twisty thriller from JP Delaney that also will make you to question the honesty of almost all characters. The book will be a great one for a book club as it'll leave you with an ambiguous ending which lead you to guess more.

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A spider spins its web ★★☆☆☆

When their estranged father dies, Finn and Jess inherit the dilapidated Mallorcan farmhouse where their spent their childhoods.

However, their inheritance comes with a catch. Their father’s new wife and stepdaughter are living there. And their father has died in suspicious circumstances.

Once on site, Finn is charmed by Ruensa and Roze, their chilling backstory as Albanian refugees, and their passionate visions for future of the farm. Can Finn trust them? Can they trust Finn?

What is intended to be a cat and mouse thriller is a slow burner and the reader isn’t particularly conflicted. Despite the twists this lacks the bite of The Girl Before and The Perfect Wife.

A light thriller in the Balearic countryside.

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I am very much new to JP Delaney’s thrillers and I’ve heard he has a very good backlist. I will be going back to these.

Jimmy passes away, his rundown farmhouse in Mallorca is left to his children. It is decided between them that they will sell the estate providing that they can get his new wife to vacate. Finn is tasked with making his way over their to convince them to leave.

However, Finn who seems compassionate, caring and understanding finds himself infuriated by his step-sister! Boy oh boy did I find this very weird, I was like seriously dude she is your sister. I’m sure there are other girls for you😩😩😩😩

There was a lack of character development for a big chunk of this book. Although, the author did a fantastic job of making you question what Finn was telling us. Whether it was real or not?

What we lacked in character building we certainly made up for in scene building.

Wow the book was brought to life with the beautiful vivid descriptions of the Mediterranean. Like seriously I could envision it and I just wanted to be there.

I did not necessarily appreciate the ending. I like my endings to be wrapped up with the answers that we need. Whilst, this was the authors intention to leave us still questioning. I didn’t not enjoy it as I found it confusing. However, it will definitely be a book that I will continue to think about.

I Would recommend if you like;
🚜 psychologic thrillers
🚜 ambiguous endings
🚜 Fast-paced
🚜 short chapters

Thank you to Quercus and JP Delaney for this ARC

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My thanks to NetGalley and Quercus Books for a copy of “ The New Wife” for an honest review.

I’ve read most of J P Delaney’s books , some I’ve loved and others have been a disappointment .Unfortunately this book falls into the second category for me.
The first half of the book was interesting enough , as was the twist , but from then on things became very confusing and the story seemed to peter out .
I will still look forward to the next book , but sadly I can’t really recommend this one

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JP Delaney is an author I have read and enjoyed. This is a really gripping read with a fabulous twist (or 3!) and an ending which slightly baffled... I read it in one sitting and would recommend.

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Reading The New Wife book was like being a fighter quiting after 10 rounds. At chapter 36, my 10 rounds came to an end.
The orange throwing fight, predicting Finn's real name starts with D (my guess was dipstick), and the trip to the jewellers were the most important events for me to decide upon. Finn whatching Roze as she lay by the pool from behind a curtain I found a little creepy all this while the papers were still not signed with the story almost at a stand still.
This was the slowest so called thriller that I have never finished and by this time I was cheering for Jess.
An independent review for NetGalley / Quercus

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Thank you very much NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

I have read every single book by JP Delaney and he doesn't dissappoint!

I read The New Wife in just a couple of days because I couldn't stop turning pages. I needed to know what the hell was happening and how the story would end.

I didn't predict the end at all and Jess's bomb was a big shock for me!

I really enjoyed the plot, the twisty game and the psychological element of this thriller!

Loved it!!

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JP Delaneys newest book is a fast paced thriller which leaves you wondering who is right and who is wrong until the end. The chapters are well based, characters seem well rounded and I was throughly involved and engaged until about 2/3 of the way through when the book seemed to unravel and rush through the storyline. I was left wondering what was going on and it felt entirely contrasting to the rest of the book..

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The New Wife by JP Delaney


As always with JP Delaney’s books The New Wife was a great read and I really enjoyed reading it!! Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read a copy of this early. 😍

To me this book seemed quite different to his other books under this name! Not in a bad way though, just that the chapters seemed longer and more thorough where usually they’re super short chapters. Regardless, I was enticed by this book the whole way through and left with so many questions at the end of each chapter! The pace was still brilliant as always in his books too - I flew through this book in a few days!

Now no spoilers but the ending was a real surprise to me! I love that it can be judged by the readers as well as giving a solid ending to the story!

Overall I really enjoyed this book and I’m looking forward to reading the last few of his books I’ve not managed to read yet! 😍

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I have always been a huge fan of J P Delaney is this book is another superb one. In some ways it feels a little different to other, recent books of theirs, however this is no disadvantage, You trust the author to deliver and the book had me gripped throughout. A wonderful read.

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Finn and his sister Jess aren't heartbroken when they find out that their father Jimmy has passed away. They haven't spoken to their abusive father since their left the rundown farmhouse in Mallorca. The title had been transferred to them both by their father as part of their parents' divorce agreement.

The siblings make the decision that Finn should travel to their former childhood home to wrap up the sale. On arrival, Finn is astonished to discover that the finca has had a beautiful makeover. The work has been completed by his father's third wife, Rusena, and her daughter Roze, who both welcomed him with open arms.

I would rather not say anything further to avoid giving away any spoiler. I totally got drawn into Rusena and Roze explanations when the police questioned the death of Finn's father. You are never sure who is the bad and who is good. We find out more about Finn & Jess childhood, the backstories of Rusena and Roze, and the circumstances of Jimmy's death. There are some very clever twists, and I certainly didn't see the end coming.

The author brought the story alive with the vivid description of the Mediterranean landscape, and it certainly enhanced the atmosphere of the story.

‘The New Wife’ is a cleverly, well paced, suspenseful thriller and a perfect summer read.

This is my first book by JP Delaney, and I will have to add all his other books to my ever growing TBR list.

Many thanks to @netgalley, @quercusbooks, and the author JP Delaney, for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

Puplication Date 20.07.2023

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Finn Hensen gets a call from his sister to say their father Jimmy has died. Finn decides to go to Mallorca to take possession of their inheritance, the house from Jimmy’s widow and stepdaughter who are living there. However, the police believe that Jimmy’s death is suspicious…

This is such a fast paced thriller but the action didn’t happen until around the 70% mark. I really liked how it didn’t give you all of the action at once, it was spoon fed to you bit by bit which made me invested in seeing how the story would end. It definitely focussed more on the setting of the book rather than the characters but the descriptions were so vivid that I could picture it in my mind. Although, it goes give you information about the characters so you to get to know them, flaws included but I would have liked to get to know them more. Whilst what happened to some of the characters and how they were treated was awful, I really didn’t feel much for them.

The ambiguity of the ending will definitely live in my head rent free for a while. Although, I do prefer when books answer all of my questions and this one didn’t due to the ambiguous ending. It’s a book where not everything is as it seems, which I love books like that. I do think that the last chapter wasn’t necessarily needed, although it did clear up some questions I had.

⚠️ CWs: derogatory language and slur, grief, death, blood, death by suicide, prostitution, human trafficking, sexual coercion, child death, sexual abuse, vomiting, misogyny, toxic masculinity, profanity, mentions alcohol and drug use, gun use, animal hunting, person with substance use disorder, arranged marriage, harassment, stalking, overdose, rape, grooming ⚠️

Thank you to NetGalley and Quercus Books for the opportunity to read this book!

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I had no idea where this book was headed! Totally gripped and had me hooked. It's .full of twists and there is a creepy undertone running through it. You're never quite sure who is good and who is bad. Who is telling the tuth and who is lying. Some very clever twists made it really interesting. Well worth a read. Finn is quite the character and Roze is a character you really want to know more about. So good! Set in Mallorca, which is described beautifully in the book you can almost smell and taste the food and wine they are enjoying. Perfect book to take on hols this summer!

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This is a fast paced, edge of your seat psychological Thriller. This is my first J P Delaney book, and I finished in one day which is saying something. We follow siblings Jess and Finn after the suspicious death of their father leaves them having to sort out his property in Mallorca. The catch is that his most recent wife and step daughter are still there and have a complex past, and the police now want answers. Finn travels over to Mallorca in the hops of selling the property, but soon finds himself infatuated with his step-sister Roze (Have to admit this is a bit weird!), making it hard for him to sell when there are possibilities to stay on at the farm. Over the course of the book we watch as Finn spirals out of control with his want to help, and his sinister past comes to light. But Roze and Ru are also not who they say they are.
The pacing in the book was pretty good until the end, when the book just seemed to derail and got incredibly confusing. The ending also felt slightly rushed.
All in all this is a solid psychological thriller, that will have readers guessing until the end.

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JP Delaney has always been one of those authors that I will automatically buy anything they release so when I was able to get early access to the new novel thanks to Netgalley and Quercus I jumped at the chance and completely devoured this novel!

Initially The New Wife read a little differently to Delaney’s previous releases but it certainly picked up pace and I ended up flying through it to get to the end, intrigued to see what Delaneys shock plot twist would be this time.

Without any spoilers, to me it seemed like the relationship between Finn and Roze was a bit of a stretch and I was even questioning the writing at one stage but it all made sense in the end and although the ending wasn’t my favourite, it was a great read all in all!

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