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I did very much enjoy this. I think I expected too much as I loved The Belladonna Maze and that is hard to live up to but this is still a really good read. I loved the two timeframes and I think the characters in Annie's world were wonderfully well done. I enjoyed Meg in particular. Elena, I felt, never really got a chance to be a rounded character, which was a pity because it was hard to understand the depth of the attraction and the effect on Annie's life when we barely saw them interact and most of those interactions were soured by Elena. The story in the later years was definitely intriguing and .gathered pace as it approached the end; Emer herself was a great character and I enjoyed the meetings with Siobhan and the developing relationship with Rob. The settings were probably the strongest part of the book. very vivid and real. I look forward to the next book by this author!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. While I might have set my expectations high due to my love for The Belladonna Maze, this novel stands on its own as a compelling read. The dual timeframes added depth, and the characters in Annie's world were exceptionally well-crafted. Meg, in particular, captured my interest. Unfortunately, Elena seemed somewhat underdeveloped, hindering a comprehensive understanding of her impact on Annie's life. The narrative in the later years gained momentum, especially towards the end. Emer was a standout character, and I appreciated the dynamics with Siobhan and the evolving relationship with Rob. The settings were a definite highlight, vivid and authentic. I eagerly anticipate the author's next book!

Claire is currently taking leave from her job as a midwife, following the death of her mother. Claire grew up as an only child with a single parent. She was very close to her mother and now follows the same close relationship with her twelve year old daughter Lilah. Clare is separated from her husband Greg, although they maintain a good relationship and co-parent Lilah. There still appeared to be a connection between Claire and the reliable Greg, although she seems to be determined to keep him at a distance. Now, with her mother gone, she realises there are responsibilities with regard to settling her estate and clearing out her house. Responsibilities which sit heavy with her amid the pain of loss she feels. A knock on the door brings the arrival of a stranger with news she finds hard to accept. How can this woman who so resembles her mother, be the sister she was told perished in a car accident with their father?
The story follows Claire’s life as she comes to terms with the fact that not only does she have a sister, but her father is still very much alive, although suffering from Alzheimer’s. Growing up with her mother has made her naturally suspicious and very much a loner, wrapping her life around Lilah. Will the arrival of her warmer and more open sister Audrey enable her to reflect on her past and maybe make changes for the future? It’s a wonderful family story with challenges for all of them before they eventually find their way through the twists and turns that Audrey’s arrival has brought.
A wonderful heart-warming and emotional tale. Highly recommended. rewrite
Claire, currently on leave from her midwifery job due to her mother's passing, grapples with the responsibility of settling her mother's estate and clearing out the family home. A close bond exists between Claire and her twelve-year-old daughter, Lilah, mirroring the connection Claire once shared with her late mother. Despite being separated from her husband, Greg, they maintain an amicable co-parenting relationship. However, Claire is determined to keep Greg at arm's length, even though an underlying connection persists.

The narrative takes an unexpected turn when a stranger knocks on Claire's door with startling news—she bears a striking resemblance to Claire's mother and claims to be the sister Claire believed perished in a car accident with their father. As Claire grapples with this revelation, she discovers that not only does she have a living sister, but her father is still alive, albeit battling Alzheimer's.

Claire's upbringing, marked by a close relationship with her mother, has left her naturally suspicious and inclined to a solitary life focused on Lilah. The entrance of her more open and warmer sister, Audrey, prompts Claire to reflect on her past and contemplate potential changes for the future.

This family-centric story unfolds with challenges that the characters must navigate before finding their way through the twists and turns brought about by Audrey's arrival. A heartwarming and emotional tale, this narrative offers a poignant exploration of family dynamics and personal growth. Highly recommended for those seeking a touching and uplifting story.

Hooray for a book which explains normal bodily functions in a way that makes them understandable to kids. When you’re young, you need help learning about all the rather weird and sometimes scary things your body is doing. I hope parents will discover this nonfiction book, share it with their kids and answer any questions they might ask. Maybe some will even get interested in entering the medical field when they grow up to learn more about how bodies work.

Cheers to a book that demystifies normal bodily functions, making them easily understandable for kids. Navigating the peculiar and sometimes intimidating aspects of our bodies can be challenging when you're young. This nonfiction gem provides a valuable resource for parents to share with their children, encouraging open conversations and addressing any questions that may arise. Perhaps, through this book, some youngsters might even develop an interest in pursuing a career in the medical field, eager to delve deeper into the fascinating intricacies of how our bodies function.

rewrite A wild Halloween adventure. Action-packed. Magic-filled. A fun and fast plot that kept things moving. And this is a book that celebrates the underdog!

I will note that as much as I liked the ideas and premise of the book, the writing could have used a bit more polish. There were a scattering of awkwardly worded sentences and clunky metaphors and similes. Still, the story held my attention and kept me rooting for the main character.
Embark on a thrilling Halloween escapade! Packed with action and brimming with magic, this book offers a lively and fast-paced plot that keeps the excitement flowing. A true tribute to the underdog, it celebrates resilience and triumph.

While I appreciated the inventive ideas and premise of the book, it's worth noting that the writing could benefit from a bit more polish. Some sentences felt awkwardly worded, and there were instances of clunky metaphors and similes. Nevertheless, the narrative captivated my attention, and I found myself fervently cheering for the main character throughout the journey.

This gem offers practical tips for your everyday life, focusing on your wellbeing and mental health. Ryan Hopkins, with a wealth of experience, distills insights backed by research and success stories. From intriguing concepts like Kintsugi to the power of digital detoxes, it's a journey toward a more fulfilling work life. Perfect for taking your time and dabbling in the book as needed.
This valuable resource provides practical tips for enhancing your everyday life, with a specific focus on well-being and mental health. Drawing from a wealth of experience, Ryan Hopkins distills insights supported by research and real success stories. Exploring fascinating concepts such as Kintsugi and the transformative impact of digital detoxes, this journey is aimed at fostering a more fulfilling work life. It's the ideal read to savor at your own pace, allowing you to dip into the book as needed for valuable guidance.

Gripping, suspenseful, emotional, relatable – and a brilliant page-turner of a tale!

I’m a big fan of Kate Hewitt’s writing, so I knew going into this that I would get a smoothly written, thought-provoking and emotional story, but I wasn’t expecting the depth to which she takes us in this latest novel. It’s difficult to write a review without giving away any of the plot twists, but Hewitt takes a regular woman and puts her in a situation where she has to dig deep within herself to do whatever it takes to save her family.

The description is evocative and – at times – brutal. The relationships between the characters (Kerry became my favourite!) develop in such a way that you feel as if you know them. And the plot takes so many turns that I couldn’t find a convenient place to put the book down! Though the setting and circumstances are entirely foreign to me, Alex is such a believable and relatable character – as a wife, a mother and a woman – that I couldn’t fail to put myself in her shoes and think about how she would react in this situation.

And that ending! I’m really hoping there’s a sequel. Please rewrite
Captivating, tense, and emotionally resonant – a masterfully crafted and engaging narrative!

Already a devoted fan of Kate Hewitt's writing, I anticipated a well-crafted, thought-provoking, and emotionally charged story, but her latest novel exceeded my expectations in depth and intensity. Without revealing plot twists, Hewitt places an ordinary woman in extraordinary circumstances, compelling her to delve into the depths of her being to protect her family.

The descriptive prose is vivid and, at times, unflinchingly raw. The character relationships, with Kerry standing out as a favorite, evolve in a manner that fosters a genuine connection with them. The plot twists and turns so unpredictably that finding a suitable moment to set the book aside becomes a challenge! Despite the unfamiliar setting and circumstances, Alex emerges as an incredibly believable and relatable character – a wife, a mother, and a woman. It's impossible not to step into her shoes and ponder how one might react in her situation.

And that ending! I'm fervently hoping for a sequel to continue this enthralling journey.


As a caffeine junkie, I'm extremely pleased that my drug of choice made me smile in so many different ways in this book!
Charlie is an incredibly sweet, cheerful and outgoing café owner.
She loves people and she radiates joy, although she had quite a few bad experiences in her life.
Mack is kind of the complete opposite.
She actually kind of hates people and especially social interactions with them.
She prefers to write in peace and quiet at home. However, Writes Block is very real for her and so she decides to visit her parents in Seattle and tries to escape the pressure of writing this new book.
There she meets Charlie and her world changed. She seems to have found her muse, but she doesn't know anything about it...these two were attracted to each other from the first moment. Like gravity.
They simply have no choice!
It started slowly, with a lot of very likable characters. Like the best friend or even the parents. It developed into something very beautiful and also very hot!
Beautifully written and captivating in its own way, this is a really super sweet romantic love story! I found the naming of the individual chapters very original! werite
As an avid caffeine enthusiast, I'm delighted that my beloved elixir brought numerous smiles while exploring the pages of this book!

Charlie, the remarkably sweet, cheerful, and outgoing café owner, exudes joy despite facing adversity in her life. In contrast, Mack is the epitome of opposites, harboring a dislike for people and preferring the solitude of writing at home. Faced with a bout of writer's block, Mack seeks refuge in Seattle at her parents' home, where she unexpectedly encounters Charlie, altering her world in ways she never anticipated. The magnetic attraction between them is undeniable, like the force of gravity leaving them with no choice but to be drawn together.

The narrative unfolds gradually, introducing a cast of likable characters, including supportive friends and endearing parents. What starts as a charming connection evolves into something beautiful and sensually charged. The writing is both beautiful and captivating, weaving a super sweet romantic love story. The originality in naming each chapter adds a unique touch to this delightful tale.

Weaving together personal stories, scripture and quotes from interviews with experts, this book gives practical strategies for Christians wrestling with trauma and mental health issues. I think it would be best suited for those just embarking on their mental health journey, as many of the strategies it suggests are probably well known to those who’ve been working on their mental health for a long time. It dispels a lot of mental health myths that are still common in many churches. I appreciate that this book endorsed both spiritual and secular solutions, and repeatedly stated that it’s not shameful to take medication for mental health conditions. I pray this book finds its way into the hands of people who need it, because I think that it would offer them great solace.
This book skillfully intertwines personal narratives, scripture, and insights gleaned from expert interviews to provide practical strategies for Christians grappling with trauma and mental health challenges. While it may be most beneficial for those embarking on their mental health journey, as some of the suggested strategies might be familiar to those with more extensive experience in this realm, the book effectively dispels common mental health myths still prevalent in many churches.

A commendable aspect is the inclusive approach, endorsing both spiritual and secular solutions. The book consistently emphasizes that seeking medication for mental health conditions is not a source of shame. My hope is that this valuable resource finds its way into the hands of those who need it, offering them solace and guidance on their personal journeys.

This isn't really a self-help book, although there is some good practical advice here. Rather, it's an assessment on where you are in different areas of your life.
There is no magical moment when you suddenly feel like an adult, and this workbook starts out with an assessment of what you think an ideal adult is. There are no wrong answers, but it's a great idea to think about the people you look up to and who had a positive influence on your life so that you can work on having those positive attributes.
Then there are several assessments on different areas of your life, such as health and diet, so you can set goals and decide what your goals are. Goals change over time, but it's easier to work toward a life you love if you can picture it.
I especially loved the advice about careers, where it helps to make a resume and gives advice like how to keep boundaries at work. The information about buying and renting homes was also very useful. There's also great advice on relationships, such as how to make friends as an adult and how to break up with someone, and then at the very end practical information about laundry, insurance, and how to make coffee.
I loved it. Thank you NetGalley rewite
This workbook doesn't fit the typical self-help genre, though it does offer some practical advice. Rather, it serves as an assessment tool for various aspects of your life.

Acknowledging that there's no magical moment when one suddenly feels like an adult, the workbook opens with an evaluation of your perception of an ideal adult. With no right or wrong answers, this exercise encourages reflection on positive influences from individuals you admire, helping you cultivate those attributes.

Subsequent assessments cover diverse life areas like health, diet, and career, enabling you to set goals and define your aspirations. Recognizing that goals evolve, the workbook empowers you to envision a life you love. Noteworthy sections provide guidance on crafting resumes, maintaining work-life boundaries, and navigating aspects of homeownership. It also imparts valuable insights into relationships, addressing adult friendships, navigating breakups, and concluding with practical tips on daily tasks like laundry, insurance, and coffee-making.

In essence, this workbook, received through NetGalley, is a comprehensive and appreciated resource.

‘It was real and gritty and it gave me lots of feels. I was fully invested. I was just as surprised about Caleb capturing my heart as he was about Aari capturing his. But I loved him… This was seriously such a good story by Ola Tundun!… If you like slow-burns, forced proximity, and he falls first, but also, realistic, messy, and emotional, give this book a try! rewrite
This story by Ola Tundun is authentic, raw, and filled with a myriad of emotions that resonated deeply with me. I found myself completely engrossed, unexpectedly captivated by Caleb just as he was taken aback by Aari's impact on his heart. The narrative was a pleasant surprise, delivering a compelling blend of realism, complexity, and genuine emotion. Tundun skillfully weaves a tale that incorporates elements like a slow-burn romance, forced proximity, and the unique dynamic of one partner falling first. If you appreciate stories that are both messy and emotional, I highly recommend giving this book a read!

I love to travel and reading Van Nest's book was a delight. I loved her adventures and the places she shared about. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. Five stars.

Exploring Van Nest's book was a joy for someone like me who adores travel. The adventures she recounted and the places she described were truly delightful. Grateful to NetGalley for providing the ARC. A solid five-star experience!

I loved it. Drawing on his extensive experience as both a spiritual teacher and a psychologist, Marando provides readers with a comprehensive roadmap to reconnecting with their true selves and achieving a life of genuine well-being and fulfillment.

Marando's approach to awakening bridges the gap between spirituality and modern psychology, making it accessible and relatable for readers from all walks of life. He delves into the reasons why we often become disconnected from our true selves and offers practical steps to help us remember and align with our inner truth.

One of the book's strengths is its exploration of the mind and its role in our journey towards self-discovery. Marando explains how the mind can sometimes act as a barrier to our true selves but also provides valuable insights on how to harness its power to support our awakening process. His clear explanations and practical exercises make complex concepts easy to grasp and apply in daily life.

The book also delves into our emotions, shedding light on why we experience them and how to effectively manage and utilize them as tools for aligning with our true selves. Marando's insights into common emotions provide readers with valuable tools for self-awareness and personal growth.

What sets "Waking Up to Your True Self" apart is the author's compassionate and encouraging tone. Marando understands the challenges and struggles that individuals face on their spiritual journeys, and his guidance is both empathetic and empowering. He offers wisdom and support every step of the way, creating a sense of trust and reassurance for readers. rewrite
I adored it. Leveraging his extensive background as both a spiritual teacher and a psychologist, Marando presents readers with a comprehensive guide to rediscovering their authentic selves and attaining a life of genuine well-being and fulfillment.

Marando's approach to awakening successfully bridges the realms of spirituality and modern psychology, ensuring accessibility and relatability for individuals from various backgrounds. He delves into the reasons behind our disconnection from our true selves and provides actionable steps to help us reconnect and align with our inner truth.

A notable strength of the book lies in its exploration of the mind and its pivotal role in our self-discovery journey. Marando elucidates how the mind can sometimes hinder our connection to our true selves while offering valuable insights on leveraging its power to support the awakening process. His clear explanations and practical exercises render complex concepts easily understandable and applicable in daily life.

The book also delves into the realm of emotions, shedding light on their origins and providing effective strategies for managing and utilizing them as tools for alignment with our true selves. Marando's insights into common emotions equip readers with valuable tools for self-awareness and personal growth.

What distinguishes "Waking Up to Your True Self" is the author's compassionate and encouraging tone. Marando empathizes with the challenges and struggles individuals face on their spiritual journeys, and his guidance is both supportive and empowering. He imparts wisdom and encouragement at every step, establishing a sense of trust and reassurance for readers.

I liked that this book is written in a way that children can understand what ADHD is. It focuses on what some of the difficulties of having ADHD are, but it also focuses on the strengths. I think teachers and family members of a child with ADHD would benefit from reading this book as it frames ADHD as a different way of thinking and not as something bad. Everyone needs reminders that children are diverse in their learning styles and more acceptance is needed to support neurodivergent learners.
I appreciate the way this book communicates the concept of ADHD in a manner accessible to children. It highlights both the challenges associated with ADHD and the strengths that come with it. I believe teachers and family members of children with ADHD would find value in reading this book, as it portrays ADHD as a unique way of thinking rather than something negative. It serves as a reminder that children exhibit diverse learning styles, and greater acceptance is crucial to support neurodivergent learners.

Business is all about creating connections and strategies to find and identify prospects, convert them to long-term customers, and build, and sharpen your brand. The book highlights the paradox of our times, where many people feel unheard and unseen in a sea of faces and voices despite being more connected than ever.

The author who has successfully navigated her way from the crowd to the spotlight is sharing her experience with others who wish to follow a similar path. "BE SEEN" is a practical roadmap that is broken up into four key parts

1) BE COURAGEOUS: overcome fears and step out of your comfort zone. Have the courage to face an audience in the spotlight, be authentic and not hide your vulnerability.
2) BE CREATIVE: Next, focus your energy on what you truly love and enjoy doing.
3) BE CONNECTED: Build a strong community that will support you when needed. Overcome your fear of judgment and be brave to face it.
4) BE VISIBLE: Finally, Go on to the stage and display your talents

Perhaps one of the book's most endearing qualities is its fun, conversational tone. It seems more like a friendly conversation with your friend with plenty of examples that you can relate to. She offers step-by-step methods and tools to help build your brand. This is a welcome addition to the self-development books where the writing is more down to earth drawing the interest of the readers and helping them commit themselves to start on this journey of self-fulfillment. re write differently and better
In the realm of business, forging connections and crafting strategies to identify and engage prospects, convert them into long-term customers, and fortify your brand is paramount. This book sheds light on the contemporary paradox where, despite unprecedented connectivity, many individuals still feel unheard and unseen in the midst of a multitude of faces and voices.

The author, who has successfully navigated her way from obscurity to the spotlight, generously shares her experiences for those aspiring to follow a similar trajectory. "BE SEEN" serves as a practical roadmap, delineated into four key parts:

BE COURAGEOUS: Confront fears, step out of your comfort zone, authentically face an audience, and embrace vulnerability.
BE CREATIVE: Focus your energy on what you genuinely love and enjoy doing.
BE CONNECTED: Cultivate a robust community for support, overcoming the fear of judgment with bravery.
BE VISIBLE: Take center stage and showcase your talents.
One of the book's most captivating attributes is its engaging, conversational tone. It feels like a friendly chat with a companion, enriched with relatable examples. The author provides step-by-step methods and tools to assist in brand-building. This book stands out in the realm of self-development literature by offering a down-to-earth approach, capturing the reader's interest and inspiring them to embark on a journey of self-fulfillment.


In the realm of business, forging connections and crafting strategies to identify and engage prospects, convert them into long-term customers, and fortify your brand is paramount. This book sheds light on the contemporary paradox where, despite unprecedented connectivity, many individuals still feel unheard and unseen in the midst of a multitude of faces and voices.

The author, who has successfully navigated her way from obscurity to the spotlight, generously shares her experiences for those aspiring to follow a similar trajectory. "BE SEEN" serves as a practical roadmap, delineated into four key parts:

BE COURAGEOUS: Confront fears, step out of your comfort zone, authentically face an audience, and embrace vulnerability.
BE CREATIVE: Focus your energy on what you genuinely love and enjoy doing.
BE CONNECTED: Cultivate a robust community for support, overcoming the fear of judgment with bravery.
BE VISIBLE: Take center stage and showcase your talents.
One of the book's most captivating attributes is its engaging, conversational tone. It feels like a friendly chat with a companion, enriched with relatable examples. The author provides step-by-step methods and tools to assist in brand-building. This book stands out in the realm of self-development literature by offering a down-to-earth approach, capturing the reader's interest and inspiring them to embark on a journey of self-fulfillment.

re write
In the business landscape, establishing connections and devising strategies to identify and engage prospects, convert them into long-term customers, and strengthen your brand is of utmost importance. This book illuminates the contemporary paradox where, despite unprecedented connectivity, many individuals still grapple with feelings of being unheard and unseen amidst a sea of faces and voices.

The author, having successfully navigated her journey from obscurity to the spotlight, generously shares her experiences for those aspiring to tread a similar path. "BE SEEN" functions as a practical roadmap, divided into four key parts:

An especially compelling aspect of the book is its engaging, conversational tone. It reads like a friendly chat with a companion, enriched with relatable examples. The author provides step-by-step methods and tools to aid in brand-building. Standing out in the realm of self-development literature, this book offers a down-to-earth approach, capturing the reader's interest and motivating them to embark on a journey of self-fulfillment.

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This book was my first time hearing of the author. I found the book to be a great read with a lot of practical and helpful information. There were times when I felt what I was reading was written just for me.

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Business is all about creating connections and strategies to find and identify prospects, convert them to long-term customers, and build, and sharpen your brand. The book highlights the paradox of our times, where many people feel unheard and unseen in a sea of faces and voices despite being more connected than ever.

The author who has successfully navigated her way from the crowd to the spotlight is sharing her experience with others who wish to follow a similar path. "BE SEEN" is a practical roadmap that is broken up into four key parts

1) BE COURAGEOUS: overcome fears and step out of your comfort zone. Have the courage to face an audience in the spotlight, be authentic and not hide your vulnerability.
2) BE CREATIVE: Next, focus your energy on what you truly love and enjoy doing.
3) BE CONNECTED: Build a strong community that will support you when needed. Overcome your fear of judgment and be brave to face it.
4) BE VISIBLE: Finally, Go on to the stage and display your talents

Perhaps one of the book's most endearing qualities is its fun, conversational tone. It seems more like a friendly conversation with your friend with plenty of examples that you can relate to. She offers step-by-step methods and tools to help build your brand. This is a welcome addition to the self-development books where the writing is more down to earth drawing the interest of the readers and helping them commit themselves to start on this journey of self-fulfillment.

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This book has a unique aspect to teach a reader something personal. This was my outcome after finishing the book because I have taken away the ideas of being an authentic personality and creating personal story that can be an inspiration for others. The book is full of stories describing different moments in life one can reflect on. Being self and connecting dots with your community, environment and future.

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"BE SEEN: Find Your Voice. Build Your Brand. Live Your Dream." by Jen Gottlieb is inspirational and empowering. It illuminates the path to personal and professional transformation. Gottlieb, a leader in the realm of creating connections, delivers a blueprint for those seeking to break free from his/her fears, embrace his/her unique identity, and step confidently into his/her spotlight.

Are you hiding in the shadows, yearning to unlock your true potential? Do you find yourself comparing your journey to others on social media, rather than feeling empowered in your own path? If you answered yes to these questions, "BE SEEN" is the guide you've been searching for.

Divided into four comprehensive parts, this book takes you on a profound journey of self-discovery, guiding you toward a personal brand that showcases your innate talents and strengths.

The first section, "Be Courageous," is a powerful exploration of mindset shifts and self-reflection exercises that break through the barriers holding you back. It instills the courage needed to take bold actions and embrace your unique journey. Through relatable stories and actionable advice, Gottlieb shares her own path to becoming a recognized expert, making her insights relatable and transformative.

In "Be Creative," you'll discover how to tap into your creativity and unlock the unique talents that set you apart. Gottlieb's guidance will help you build the future you've been dreaming of, unlocking doors you might not have realized were there.

"Be Connected," the third section, explores building meaningful relationships and cultivating a tribe of loyal supporters who align with your values and aspirations. Gottlieb provides invaluable networking tips and tricks to help you connect with others authentically, fostering a community that supports your growth.

The final section, "Be Visible," is filled with practical advice on content creation and marketing strategies. It's a guide to effectively get your message out to the world, step into your spotlight, and showcase your talents confidently.

Jen Gottlieb's writing is heartfelt and like an engaging conversation with readers. She draws you into her world, sharing personal experiences and the wisdom she's gathered on her journey. "BE SEEN" is not a book you only read; it's a book you experience.

In an era dominated by the noise of social media, the pursuit of authenticity and visibility is more relevant than ever. "BE SEEN" provides a refreshing and much-needed roadmap for those who wish to navigate the digital landscape and the world of personal branding with integrity.

Gottlieb's book is evidence of the transformative power of embracing one's true self, building meaningful connections, and confidently sharing your unique voice with the world. It is for anyone seeking to find his/her place in the spotlight and live his/her dreams.

"BE SEEN: Find Your Voice. Build Your Brand. Live Your Dream." is a guide that delivers valuable advice. It is a life-changing journey that empowers readers to shine brightly and authentically. Jen Gottlieb's insights and guidance are an example of hope for those who dare to step into his/her own spotlight and unleash his/her full potential. This book is a celebration of individuality and a powerful reminder that we all have a voice worth sharing with the world.

"Jen Gottlieb's 'BE SEEN' is the compass for finding your true north in a digital world. A transformative guide to unlocking your unique voice and stepping confidently into your spotlight." — A compass for finding your true north in a digital world.

"In 'BE SEEN,' Jen Gottlieb is your personal cheerleader, guiding you to break free from your fears and shine your brightest. This book is your ticket to personal and professional empowerment." — Your personal cheerleader for breaking free and shining your brightest.

"Unlock your creative potential with 'BE SEEN.' Jen Gottlieb's book is overflowing with actionable steps to showcase your unique talents and stand out in a crowded world." — Unlock your creative potential and stand out in a crowded world.

"Jen Gottlieb's 'BE SEEN' shows how to build authentic connections. Learn to cultivate meaningful relationships and create a tribe that supports your growth and success." — An opportunity to build authentic connections and cultivate meaningful relationships.

"Step into your spotlight with 'BE SEEN.' Jen Gottlieb's practical advice on content creation and marketing is the key to confidently showcasing your talents and sharing your message with the world." — Step into your spotlight with practical advice on confidently showcasing your talents.

"Jen Gottlieb's 'BE SEEN' is an invitation to rediscover your authentic self and live your dreams. A roadmap to personal and professional transformation that every aspiring individual needs." — An invitation to rediscover your authentic self and live your dreams.

"In 'BE SEEN,' Jen Gottlieb offers the golden key to unlocking your potential. Dive into her transformative journey and find the courage, creativity, and connections you need to succeed." — The golden key to unlocking your potential.

"BE SEEN is a book of transformation, and Jen Gottlieb is your trusted guide. Discover the mindset shifts and actionable strategies to become the best version of yourself." — A book of transformation with a trusted guide.

"Jen Gottlieb's 'BE SEEN' is the North Star in a digital galaxy. It illuminates your path to authenticity, visibility, and the realization of your unique brand." — The North Star in a digital galaxy illuminating your path to authenticity.

"If you want to be the best version of yourself, 'BE SEEN' is your roadmap. Jen Gottlieb's insights are proof of the power of finding your voice and building your brand." — Your roadmap to being the best version of yourself.

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This is a handy guide for anyone looking to create a personal brand and share their message with the world. With engaging stories and actionable tips, it shows readers how to define their niche, build an audience, create content, collaborate with others, and ultimately build the authority and influence they might be seeking. It would be a good resource for any high-achiever looking to turn their dreams into a reality through personal branding.

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“Do you feel like you’re hiding in the shadows and not living up to your true potential?” This is one of the questions asked in the description of “BE SEEN” And if you answered “yes” (as my inner voice truthfully did), then I highly recommend this book to you!

Similar to her “I Dare You” podcast, in “BE SEEN”, Jen touches on a number of different topics including, but not limited to: embracing your authentic self, building confidence, shifting your mindset, conquering imposter syndrome, stepping into the spotlight, and enhancing your relationships. Using her personal experiences and stories of people in her life, she shares practical, daily steps that absolutely everyone can take to reach their goals, whether those are personal or professional. Jen’s voice shines through in this book! She brings the same energy and excitement to her writing as she does in her podcast and speaking events. What I really enjoyed about reading “BE SEEN” is that it didn’t feel like a generic task list of things to improve myself or my life. Rather, it felt like a conversation with one of my closest friends whose sole priority was to help me take that next step toward success and was sharing all the tips and tricks that worked for them. Regardless of who you are or where you’re at in life, I think this book has something for everyone.

Trigger warnings: disordered eating

Recommended for readers interested in: self-help, self-improvement, professional development, brand-building, entrepreneurship

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BE SEEN covers what you need to establish your personal brand, while replacing Imposter Syndrome with simple actions that succeed. Jen takes the reader on a journey to get them unstuck from their dreams to do something that turns their dreams into reality. This practical guide to a strong personal brand is an easy read with worthwhile content.

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