Cover Image: The Bigamist

The Bigamist

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Another stunner of a novel by the Queen of Twists!! Rona writes simply, but powerfully, her novels smack you in the face when you least expect it! I loved it.

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Definitely not a straight line/beginning to end kind of book.. Death, marriage(s), pregnancies, and more keep the reader guesssing and wondering how the writer managed to out line such a twisty story.

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The Bigamist by Rona Halsall.

Wow, where to start!?! This is definitely your Summer 2023 read!
It follows the life of Emma, who meets her husband Sam whilst at a Bereavement group which is ran by Sam's sister Faith. Who Emma also becomes the best of friends with!
But will Emma's new life turn out to be everything it seems?!? Do we know the full truth? When Emma falls pregnant with her and Sam's first baby, a few questions start to present themselves- that have us questioning EVERYTHING!! So many twists and turns in this storyline, I genuinely thought I had it all worked out in the first few chapters, but I can assure you now.... You will be wrong!! Scrap everything you think you know, and delve into this twisty, fast paced, gripping, highly entertaining thriller. It's an absolute page turner and you won't regret it!

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Emma grieves her husband after his accident and feels like her dreams of motherhood have ended. Then she meets Sam, and soon it seems like she will get her happy ending after all. Then one day when she phones Sam, a woman answers claiming she is Sam's wife. Is he a bigamist? As she tries to find the truth, she also has her own secrets to keep buried...

A brilliant thriller that keeps you guessing and turning the pages until the shocking ending. A brilliant plot and great characters. Also beautiful that Rona dedicated this book to her late husband, he would be so proud of her.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of the book in return for my honest feedback.

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Rona Halsall has yet again made my list of best of the best writers. She is a skillful storyteller that can bring you in and hold you captive until the last page, but you won’t regret it especially with this book. I did not see this one coming at all. The Bigamist will take you into two worlds but only one can survive. Or can it? I felt like I was on a roller coaster ride with the twists and turns. All I can say is you are in for one hell of a ride.

5 out of 5 stars

Thank you NetGalley as well as the author/publisher for giving me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for my unbiased and honest review.

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So this was an enexpected rollercoaster ride filled with twists and turns. So many twists and turns that I never saw coming

Rona Hallsall is an amazing author. I enjoy the thrill rides she delivers and this book is no exception. A definite must read.

Thanks Netgalley and Bookouture. All thoughts are my own and aren't influenced by anyone else

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Rona Helsall never disappoints with her thrillers and this one kept me up all night so I could finish it. This dark thriller about Claire a widow who meets and falls for a new man at a grief support group is a dark tale that goes from a seemingly lovely new life to lies and danger around every turn and the twists seriously kept blowing my mind I honestly did not see any of them coming with this one. Keep it up please Rona. Loved it.

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I really enjoyed this book! I look forward to reading other books by this author. There were so many twists in this book I didn’t see coming. But then again I rarely can figure books out. I would definitely recommend this book!

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No need to know more about the story as what is provided in the blurb. I enjoyed reading the book a lot, it was entertaining, even though some switch and turns seemed „a little“ too much as in too constructed. The writing style was fine, it kept me entertained, and I‘m sure much more readers will feel the same.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing the book!!!

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Total escapism! Far fetched, twisty thriller that will keep you turning the pages. An easy to read book for the summer. Thank you to NetGalley, author and the publisher for the advance review copy.

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This book is so far fetched that it’s amazing! I was drawn into this book really quickly and loved the twist half way through. I definitely didn’t see that one coming.
A great psychological thriller that I’d definitely recommend.

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Omg what an excellent thriller highly engaging had me hooked. I could not put it down it. The story was unusual and kept me guessing until the very end. There was so many twists and turns I didn’t know who to trust or how it was going to end fantastic.

Emma is still grieving her husband’s accident when she meets Sam at a bereavement group. She first hits it off with his sister, Faith, who encourages the two to spend time together. After learning Sam is still learning to cope with his wife’s passing, the bond of understanding between them quickly morphs into a romance. Soon they’re building a home together and having a baby, and Emma is convinced she’s gotten a second chance at happily ever after. Until Emma calls Sam and another women answers claiming to be his wife. Who can Emma trust.

Will definitely be recommending this to everyone as it was so good. he ending was great. Definitely a must read for all psychological thriller fans

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Emma meets Sam and his sister at a bereavement group. Emma has been through much loss and is quite taken with Sam, an architect. They quickly bond, get married, and Tom is building a house for them. One day Emma calls Sam at work and the woman who answers says she is his wife. This sends Emma spiraling. The characters in this book are unreliable and Emma is fairly unlikeable. This is a fast paced thriller with many twists and turns. I figured out the first twist quickly, however this clever story is full of secrets. No one is who they seem to be. The second half of the book is gripping and fast paced. The Bigamist is an unexpected treat!

With thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for this ARC. My opinions are my own.


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I was really enjoying this book, and set to finish it in a day. Sadly, the twist at the 50% mark annoyed me and I had to stop reading. I usually enjoy an unreliable narrator but it seemed to out there given her previous thought processess ... but I can see that a lot of people would enjoy it, so I've given it 3 stars and wouldn;t discourage others from giving it a go.

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Emma has found the man of her dreams to raise a family with until she realizes how wrong she was.
A book where absolutely everyone has secrets and that gives you many surprises along the way.
The Bigamist is highly engaging, keeps you hooked to its plot where you always expect something twisted to happen and with an ending that could promise a sequel.
Definitely a must read for fans of Rona Halsall and a good psychological thriller.

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Thank you Bookouture and NetGalley for my ARC of this. It was my third book by this author and like the others it was fast paced with some surprising twists. Good to read on a rainy afternoon

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Not often I’m totally gobsmacked by a plot twist but this one surprised me. Parts of the story were so obvious but then bam!! Where did that come from?

Our main character, Emma, made some foolish choices that made her hard to cheer for and the slime from other characters was so prevalent that I ended up hoping for a disaster to take them all out. It was fun hating them all.

A quick, fun read.

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Emma is still grieving her husband’s death when she meets Sam at a bereavement group. She first hits it off with his sister, Faith, who encourages the two to spend time together. After learning Sam is still learning to cope with his wife’s passing, the bond of understanding between them quickly morphs into a whirlwind romance. Soon they’re building a home together and having a baby, and Emma is convinced she’s gotten a second chance at happily ever after.

Until another woman answers Sam’s phone—claiming to be his wife. Emma doesn’t want to believe it, but she can’t help feeling like this woman may have been telling the truth. And if Sam was lying to her about being married, what else could he have lied about?

Wow, this was fantastic! Superb writing, sharp twists all over the place, and a helluva reveal and ending! It starts off as a typical bigamist plot until around halfway through and that’s where the plot gets super dynamic. Emma’s whole journey was so unhinged and I couldn’t believe everything that happened to her. I loved the opening and how it segued into the set-up of Emma and Sam’s introduction, how Emma ignored her gut and dealt with possible psychosis. The twist was amazing and the reveal was unbelievable. I was breathless by the time I finished. Totally loved it and would absolutely recommend!

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I liked the cover design, and the title and description intrigued me.

This was a good thriller, and an entertaining evening read. I liked the main character and found her interesting. The whole time I was reading, I had a sense of unease, feeling that something wasn't quite as it appeared. There were some surprising twists too.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a free copy to review.

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This was so far fetched it was bloody marvellous! The perfect summer read! When Emma meets Sam at bereavement group - they seem perfect. But he is hiding something, and his behaviours start to worry now pregnant Emma! On investigating - he is most certainly not who he says he is, but that being said he also isn’t who we think he is either!
I reckon there could be a bigamist 2 based on the ending - but it certainly leaves you hanging!!

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