Member Reviews

Patagonia's legacy is well-known, but its impact on other companies is also worth exploring. It has created a blueprint for thinking about employee satisfaction, customer care, and devotion to creating a better world. Vincent Stanley has been with the company since the beginning and shares the decisions Patagonia made as it grew in size and popularity. The book also contains stories from other companies who are on their own sustainability journey.

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"The Future of the Responsible Company" by Vincent Stanley is a refreshing guide that navigates the intricate landscape of corporate responsibility with finesse. Stanley, drawing from his vast experience at Patagonia, weaves together insightful anecdotes and practical wisdom, making this book an engaging read for both seasoned business leaders and aspiring entrepreneurs.

What sets this book apart is its optimism. Stanley doesn't just outline the challenges of responsible business; he presents them as opportunities for growth and positive change. The narrative is peppered with real-world examples, making it relatable and inspiring.

The author also delves into the evolving expectations of consumers and employees, emphasizing the importance of purpose-driven companies. His call for authenticity and genuine commitment to social and environmental causes resonates powerfully.

"The Future of the Responsible Company" is not just a guidebook; it's a conversation with a mentor who shares not only successes but also failures, fostering a sense of camaraderie. Stanley's conversational style and passion for responsible business make this a must-read for anyone interested in the intersection of ethics and entrepreneurship.

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The book was fantastic, it was a deep dive into the history, values, and valid reasoning with facts on why they make the choices they have from its inception. The Future of the Responsible Company is not all about the good things Patagonia has done, it also revisits changes they have made to align and re-align when other parties they work with weren’t on the same page Patagonia was on.

It discusses every aspect from all levels of the company, and the BONUS of this book is the checklists provided so that you can implement positive changes within your own company. Whether you’re an owner, stakeholder, managerial, or entry-level the guides will encourage and support you in the process of implementation of awareness to make positive and sustainable changes for the future.

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A fascinating book about the future of sustainability and how doing good ends up with your business doing great.

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There not many companies like Patagonia, those who quite literally put environmental responsibility into every fabric of their organization. It is a bold new approach on running a business which provides value to its employees while deeply caring about the planet we live in.

This book reads like a company manifesto, full of experience including successes and failures and ends in a practical guide/checklist for organizations that want to follow the trail blazed by Patagonia, its owners, managers, suppliers and employees. An inspirational read during the hottest months the planet has ever seen.

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