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Curious Tides

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I received an ARC of Curious Tides for free from Netgalley and am leaving this review voluntarily.

Curious Tides came out of left field and smacked me upside the head. I was not expecting to like it as much as I did, especially after drudging through the beginning of the book.

Let me start with the characters, mostly because I have not had a character evoke such rage from me in quite a while. This may seem like a bad thing, but for the author to create a character that evokes emotion in the reader is a big deal, and Pascale Lacelle did it perfectly with Emory. If this book smacked me upside the head, I wanted to do the same to Emory. This girl fought tooth and nail against logic for almost the entire book, and I nearly threw my phone across the room multiple times because of it. I was rooting for her. I wanted nothing but good things for her. And then she kept making bad decision after bad decision, most of the time even going against what she thought was right. It was like watching a bad teen drama, but you can't look away because you're just glad that mess isn't you.

But I loved it. And what makes it even better is that I understood why she made the decisions she did because the author gave Emory a personality. Gave her motivation. Gave her the things that make characters three-dimensional and interesting and human. And all of the characters were like that. I understood why everyone did the things they did, even the side characters, which is saying something. I have read too many books where a single facet of a character becomes their personality, and it was beautiful to read one where they were adequately fleshed out. So, as much as Emory annoyed me, it was a good thing, and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Moving on, a lot that happened in this book, so much so that I still don't know if I understand how it all ties together. Thankfully, this is going to be a series, so we'll get some answers to the burning questions left after that ending, but it took so long for some of those plot lines to start making sense that it was easy to lose interest, particularly in the beginning of the book, which was very slow. It was not slow enough to put it down, but those first chapters took me longer to read than they should have as I dredged through the information I was getting. It did feel a little like info-dumps in places, but because of the academic setting, it kind of ... worked? I don't know. Usually, this bothers me, but it didn't here, so I guess the author was doing something right.

My one gripe was the world-building. There was so much of it, yet there wasn't enough in other places. The magic was fully fleshed out and very interesting, one of the most interesting I've read about in a while. The foundation of the world was there, but I'm confused about the setting. We're by the sea, at a college, in a fantasy world? In the real world, with fantasy elements? Is this actually urban fantasy? I don't know. I don't know where we are. The names of places were unfamiliar, which led me to believe that we were in a fantasy world, but they had cars and electricity and most modern conveniences from what I could tell, and there was no real definitive thing that let me know where we were. I suppose it's hard because most fantasy worlds don't have advanced technology, so that's the norm, and that is why I'm questioning where we were. I would've liked something to show me exactly what the rules of this fantasy world were instead of floundering through the entire book wondering.

That was it, though - my only critique. I loved Curious Tides and would recommend it to anyone looking for dark academia with moon magic, cults, and creepy magical deaths.

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Wow. What a book! I honestly loved it. This YA dark academia was the perfect start to fall. The world building??? I was so invested in this story from the moment I read about the Lunar Houses and all of the different types of magic wielders. Every person’s magic stems from what moon phase they were born under. What an incredible concept that the author laid out so well!

Some of the plot twists, I was able to put together, but there were some that I GASPED to! There were so many Easter eggs sprinkled throughout with clues + when I realized I was really impressed by the writing choices. Baz is for sure my favorite character, and he must be protected at all costs!!!

Lacelle did an incredible job with this book, and I am so excited that there’s more to this story!! I need to know what happens to everyone.

Do you love dark academia?? Forbidden magic?? Secret societies?? Fantastic world building?? Betrayal?? Mysterious deaths?? And so much more?? Then I highly recommend this book!

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5 stars

I was sold with the synopsis and comparisons to books I've enjoyed. This is the kind of fantasy book that hooks me and keeps me reading.

I loved the setting of this book and dark academia feels were perfectly executed. The characters are nuanced and complex with realistic flaws. The world building was great and i felt like i was transported to the coast. I'm not overly knowledgeable of the moon phase and tides so the charts in the beginning were useful. The pacing started slower and was built throughout the book. A secret society thrown in was like the cherry on top of an already great Sunday. I did question the characters actions occasionally, but then I remembered the ages and forgot about it. I could gush on and on about this book because I enjoyed it so much. I recommend for pretty much any reader.

This was an amazing debut and I can't wait to read more from the author.

Thank you to the publisher and Turn The Page Tours for my early copy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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Emory attends Aldryn College for Lunar Magics and is learning about healer magic when her best friend Romie and a group of her classmates perish in a ritual, leaving Emory as the only survivor.. Now Emory has returned for the next semester and finds herself with unexplained abilities that she should not have according to her power designation and she's determined to find out what Romie had been doing and how it's all connected. She turns to Baz, Romie's brother and the one most familiar with using different magics, to attempt to learn how to control her magic since it is seen as dangerous by everyone. Emory and Baz discover that there is something more sinister going on, that explains not only the deaths of the students but also reveals a deeper truth about the magic they use and the people trying to control it. Overall, an atmospheric novel with interesting world building and a conspiracy that will hopefully be explained in the second book.

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Overall, I’m intrigued by this world. I want to know more. I like the characters. I like the school and the magic.

Overall, this one fell a little flat for me because there were parts that really dragged. I think the school/houses are so cool, but I felt confused about it most of the book.

The ending is really good and I’m intrigued enough to continue. Especially since dark academia is one of my favorite genres, I think I’ll end up rereading this to see if I understand it better.

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It’s dark academia season, and this book is certainly an interesting take on the more fantastical dark academia. The world-building itself was pretty interesting, if a tiny bit contrived and/or cliched at some points. It feels uniquely conceived, even if many of the plot points and characters feel already known. Throughout reading, there were multiple times where I was fairly confused as to what was actually happening, there were always fairly good stakes but I struggled to know where the characters landed on them. Although this book doesn’t quite live up to the comparisons of A Deadly Education and Ninth House, they were good reference points for what kind of thing Lacelle might have been going for.

Character wise, I think I enjoyed the potential that I saw in the characters more than the characters themselves. Personally there were multiple times I felt there was queer potential, and a few actual moments, but for the most part it fell short. There were also multiple times when it felt like the author might push away from the cliche YA fantasy elements and yet it never happened and the whole story felt less exciting/interesting as a result. There were more interesting choices and pieces of information near the end of the book, but it felt like too little too late.

As a whole, I’m not sure this book was entirely for me. I love dark academia fantasy and when I don’t I typically find it incredibly interesting. This book fell a little bit short in both cases for me personally, although I could see people who love more classic YA fantasy loving this. Maybe the second book in the duology will improve upon this, but for now I can’t quite say I’d recommend this for everyone.

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"But the gods could not be vanquished, and in the end his naivety led the other heroes and himself to their doom."

Curious Tides is the beginning of a moody YA dark academia fantasy series featuring moon with magic based on the moon! In a world where your lunar phase of birth determines your magical prowess and when you can use them - the best study and hone their craft at magical schools.

Unlike the rest, those born during an eclipse are able to use their powers regardless of the lunar cycle which makes them both feared and hated by the rest of the world. They are branded as dangerous as their "unmaking" aka using too much power causes blows outs around them, killing those around them.

Meet our two MC's respectably - Emory a healer, Baz is eclipse born and able to control time itself. The book opens with the start of a new year where Emory is reeling from the death of Romie, her best friend and Baz's sister after a ritual in the caves ends with eight of the most promising students dead. But Emory has a secret - she was there too. And now a new magic seems to be alive in her veins too - magic that she shouldn't have access to under her birthright.

Out of options - Emory chases down leads for Romie's death with a secret society headed by the school's golden boy that she can't seem to stop thinking about. She's also got lessons with Baz to try to control her new found powers. But when the bodies of the dead students start showing up alive before dying again in gruesome ways, and her dreams are being haunted by Romie herself, time seems to be running out.

Baz has his own internal demons to fight with. After his own father unmaking, he was taken into custody at "the Institute" a place where Eclipse born are caged by dampers to keep their powers locked, leaving Baz scared to ever use his powers besides short bursts. But rumors are flying that it's not just a jail but also where illegal testing is being done on them. When the only other Eclipse born, and his friend Kai is taken - he decides to investigate the rumors himself.

Lacelle knows how to FILL a book with plot. This thing was 500+ pages and every single chapter was needed. Truly a fully fleshed out magic system and setting was unravelled beautifully over the chapters alongside the character's actual development. Emory and Baz have such a strong slow burn, he falls first which is my FAVORITE trope. This book left me on such a cliffhanger and I can't wait to read book 2.

rep// bi MC, queernormative cast and setting

cw// death, violence, gore, grief, murder, branding, body horror, panic attacks, anxiety, depression, drowning, bloodletting, self-harm, magical substance abuse, magical asylum, institutionalisation

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This book was everything I wanted it to be. Dark Academia (for fans of Ninth House or A Deadly Education) with detailed and beautifully dark world-building. I enjoyed the shifting perspectives of the main characters, Emory and Baz. Emory is a young collegiate-type trying to solve a mystery behind the death of several students, including her best friend, while developing powers that she shouldn't have. Baz is the brother of that best friend, reclusive and treated as a pariah for his own set of magical powers that don't abide by the accepted rules. Toss in a secret society, rituals and history, and it has everything a fan of this genre enjoys while still keeping the world seeming fresh and unique. I read it in a weekend and I'm looking forward to book two in the duology. I can see this as a book that I would highly recommend to many of my patrons, adults and young adults.

A special thank you to the publisher for a gifted copy of this book.

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This book is melodious and addicting. It haunts my thoughts. I think everyone should read this. It should become a movie or series. It ended unfinished and I don’t know how I will survive waiting for the rest of the story.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC of Curious Tides in exchange for my honest review!

A magical and delightful fantasy filled with dark academia and mystery. I genuinely enjoyed this book and can’t wait to see where the series goes next!

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The publisher's description of "dark academia fantasy" fits perfectly. The author has built an entire world based on lunar magic where everyone has some power, but those with promise get the opportunity to attend a specialized college. Emory is somewhat mediocre with her healing magic, but she worked hard enough to earn a place at Aldryn College with her best friend. During their first year, tragedy strikes, killing a group of students and leaving Emory changed in ways she could never imagine. There are definitely glimpses of other fantasy series, everything from Ninth House to Shadow and Bone to Harry Potter with a few others thrown in, but the story stands on its own with enough twists and turns to create its own storyline which you will want to see continue once you set down this book. I've heard this is part of a series, and I certainly hope so. I'd love to see more of these characters, at least those who survived the first book, but no spoilers from me.

My thanks to NetGalley and Simon and Schuster for an advance copy. My opinion is my own.

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This was a very interesting read! It's a pretty good Dark Academia novel, containing all the vibes and the main elements this genre has, such as secret societies, myths, secret magic and a lot of mystery!
The characters are also well-built, being quite dynamic in terms of actions and thoughts.
The worldbuilding is very complex! I really appreciated how much info there was about this world.
The plot twists are also quite interesting, even if you can predict them.
Overall, this is a great Fantasy Dark Academia post and I reccomend it for fans of this genre!

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In a world where people are gifted with different types of magics that correlate with the tides/moon phase, a teen mage must unravel the secret behind the death of her former friend and the secret society that she was caught up in. Emory is a student at the prestigious Aldryn College for Lunar magics, yet her healing magic is mediocare at best. Yet what happened to her the previous summer haunts her, what happened when she stumbles in on her ex best friend and a group of the most talented students committing a ritual that results in everyone dying but Emory.... she can't remember what happened or why and she'll do anything to figure it out. The only problem is that her own magic has changed since that incident and now she is discovering she has forbidden magic and that the only person to help her is the school's most reclusive student and her former best friend's brother. As Emory seeks answers she'll find herself drawn into the secret society and a world of privelege and power. Unfortunately for me this book fell completely flat after the 30% mark. I tried and tried to make this book work but I was completely bored and it was such a trudge to make it to the end. This book was SLOW and so long for no reason whatsoever. It's the first book in the series and I am not interested in continuing it at all. Emory is so annoying and there is literally NO chemistry between any of the characters. The mystery itself was boring and I really wish it wasn't. This book was advertised as Ninth House meets A Deadly Education, two book series that I absolutely adore and yet this one completely missed the mark in all cases. The characters weren't interesting, the mystery felt lacking, the pacing was clunky and slow, and honestly this kind of felt like a mess. I pushed myself to finish this books in hopes that it would get better, yet it didn't. Maybe it's a case of "its me not you" but for a book that features a magical school, murder mystery, and some romance, it should have been perfect for me yet it just wasn't. If you enjoy super slow magical school mystery stories then give this a go, maybe it'll work for you.

*Thanks Netgalley and Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing, Margaret K. McElderry Books for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*

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But make it dark. And intricately linked to the moons, and tides, and sea.

Last year, I read My Dearest Darkest during October. This book gave me the same vibes. Creepy magic school, public deaths and disappearances, and darker undercurrents.

The world building and unique magic system creation is what really makes this book stand out. "We are born of the moon and tides, and to them we return."

I'm a big Baz fan (the books!) and hanging out with Emory in the library! -- The Scholar, The Witch, The Warrior, The Guardian. --

This is a heavy read, though. Lots of content warnings. But the darkness and the ghosts and the nightmares are the point. (Oh gods, the ending.)

"Justice and revenge are the same when you're willing to sacrifice lives for it."

"Follow the song."

Maybe not for everyone, but a good read for October lists!

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Review courtesy of an ARC from NetGalley.

This YA fantasy takes place in a world where magic is determined by the moon phase on the day you are born. While all 4 phases have their place and values, individuals born under an eclipse face fear and often mistreatment. Aldryn College is the center for magical education for all with enough skill, but is reeling from the recent loss of 8 students in a tragic drowning. The sole survivor, Emory, is wracked with guilt and the pain of losing her best friend- and determined to find out what the students had been doing in the cave she followed them to just before the accident.

When a student reappears who was thought drowned, things get more complicated. Emory is shocked to learn that her healing magic has morphed into something much more intense - and dangerous if discovered. She must balance her quest for knowledge, her need to avoid detection, and a pull between 2 love interests who both seem key to solving the puzzle.

The characters were engaging, as was the plot. While a bit predictable, it was never the less a captivating and engaging read. I could have done without the romance, but it was a relatively small part of the overall tale.

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I overall enjoyed the story by the end, but I personally thought it dragged on slightly too long and many of the side characters blended together. The worldbuilding also felt muddled to me until the last third or so, and it felt like new concepts were being introduced all the way to the end as a tool of convenience, which is one of my main fantasy pet peeves. However, the vibes were definitely on point—it just didn't really scream 'dark academia' to me, as the academic setting is more of a backdrop than anything.

LOVED Baz and Romie, greatly disliked Emory.

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Compared to two dark academia novels that I loved, I wanted to read CURIOUS TIDES as soon as I heard about it. I was pleasantly surprised when I realized that Emory and Baz's storylines ran parallel to lore from a fictional title created by Lacelle, SONG OF THE DROWNED GODS. The lunar magic was well developed, and it was one of the most unique magic systems that I've encountered in a long time. I'm intentionally keeping some of this vague to avoid spoiling anything, but the world itself was fascinating, especially the dreamscape.

The romance subplot wasn't my favorite. I didn't care for either prospect in the romantic context, but that may have been because I wanted to see Emory focus on becoming her best self. Lacelle created a relatable character in Emory; her actions were age appropriate, but this didn't make them any less frustrating. Additionally, the internal thoughts and feelings of inadequacy from both narrators began to feel repetitive at times, tipping just past the fine line needed for me to grasp the full scope each character's motivations and growth.

I'm looking forward to additional character growth in both Emory and Baz in the next installment, and I hope that the storylines surrounding the order, institute, and lore are expanded upon. Right now, I feel that there a few loose threads. The book itself is beautiful, and I'm happy that I have a copy for my shelves. I will definitely be picking up the conclusion of the duology when it's released.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC of this novel. 4/5 stars (Released 10/3).

This is such a vibe for autumn and dark academia. I didn't really know what to expect (um, like, it's a SERIES?) so I went in with no expectations. I instantly fell in love with the world and the magic (although, I'm confused because does everyone have magic in the world or just this place or whatever it may be) and the creepy cult vibes of the groups. I also like how it revolved around a fairy/folk tale and a myth of how they all got their tide powers.

While I was upset with how quickly the end unfolded and how unsatisfied I was with the ending because of the cliff hanger, I didn't realize there would be more books so...

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though she attends the prestigious aldryn college for lunar magics, emory’s healing abilities have always been mediocre. but when a treacherous night at dovermere sea leaves emory the only survivor from a group of classmates, she is left with strange powers that no healer should possess. she asks her (now dead) best friend’s brother, baz, for help with these new powers. as she searches for answers, more questions begin to pop up, such as why her once-dead classmates begin washing ashore…only to die terrible deaths once again.

this was such an interesting concept so i was excited to see how it all played out. the magic was really interesting and i liked reading about how emory got to know her powers. in my opinion, this is a great read for fall!

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Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this book before it's publication date.

I love a good dark academia novel, and Curious Tides hit the spot. It had the mystery and intrigue that keeps you turning pages quickly, and the confusing love stories that make you want to turn the pages slowly. With each chapter you learn more about Emory and her life at college, her complicated magic, and the feelings she has for her friends. There are twists and turns and betrayals. There is heartbreak and death and love.

I truly hope that there is another book on its way.

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