Cover Image: One Season with the Duke

One Season with the Duke

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Member Reviews

I liked the first part of this and then the third act conflict happened and I don't know how to feel about it. On one hand, it broke my heart in some ways but also the love interest suddenly shifted in character and, where I low-key disliked Hettie at the start of the novel, she became more likable and Finn was just not so great. I'd like to read another by this author but overall not the best historical on the market.

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Overall it was a quick read, but I felt many elements of frustration while reading, particularly around the miscommunication trope. I liked the female main character but the male main character didn’t do it for me.

All that said it was a fast read, but it ultimately wasn’t for me.

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I wanted to love this one because of the concept, but I couldn’t get into the writing style. Others may love it, however!

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I can't decide how I feel about this book -- mostly because I feel like it did not match the synopsis at all.

Hettie's horrid cousin is blackmailing her with a secret about her parentage that will ruin her and the aunt and uncle that have raised her. Her childhood friend Finn is not about to let that happen -- he has been pining after her for years and only decides after seeing she is engaged to someone else that he actually wants to marry her. But this childhood friendship, which serves as the basis of his affection for her, all happens off page and is only alluded to in broad strokes, which gives this an "insta-love" feel that took a bit to settle into.

Their "race" to Scotland to outrun this "jilted crook" lasts about three paragraphs and is not really a race at all -- I was kind of surprised it was so short as I thought this was going to be the basis of the book. But what truly is the basis of the book is the fact that Finn is the head of a Scottish clan and it's his legacy to try and save his land and his tenants, something he takes very seriously.

Watching these two fall in love for real as their relationship deepens was a treat. Watching Hettie stand up to a mother-in-law who does not like her or think her worthy of her new role as duchess and head woman of the clan is also great. The third act breakup when Finn finally learns what she was being blackmailed about was predictable and had some big-time asshole vibes on his part. The subsequent grovel *almost* made up for it.

Overall, I think I liked all of these characters but just --- didn't like the plot. The cousin storyline dragged on forever when the resolution could have been much easier. I will definitely look for future works from this author because I think she has what it takes to add a lot to this genre.

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for this arc. I liked the characters but not the blackmail aspect of the story. But it was enjoyable.

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Absolutely perfection! A great historical romancethat will leave you swooning. I highly recommend you check it out.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an arc of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This book features two of my least favorite plot devices blackmail and communication issues. So, for those reasons alone, I had a hard time getting into it. I found the communication issues especially frustrating. However, I did enjoy the writing style, and there was a good amount of steam. The spice level was overall pretty great!

I will definitely give this author another try, considering this is her debut.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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The whole reason I knew this was an automatic read for me was the cover!! Oh my goodness. The richness of the purple against the beautiful skin of the heroine. This was an instant yes for me. Henrietta is a heiress who is told she will have problems finding a match because of her race. Her horrible cousin knows of her background and decides to blackmail Henrietta and force her hand in marriage. I never understand why people just don't tell the secret and let the chips fall. Henrietta takes it upon herself to handle the situation and then her savior comes. Finn, a Duke and someone who has loved her secretly forever,
The whole blackmail plot fell flat for me. I did enjoy the romance between Finn and Henrietta.

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One Season With the Duke is an enjoyable Regency romance. The story follows Henrietta, a mixed raced heiress, who was raised by her marquess uncle but is currently being blackmailed into marriage, for being illegitimate, when along comes the hero, Finn, to the rescue. I found both characters were charming at the start but by the half way point I felt like they changed.
The story itself was well-written with secrets, angst, and suspense, but the third act conflict bothered me and I didn't look at the hero the same, but that'sjyst me . I'm glad they worked through their obstacles and got their HEA ending. I would recommend this novel to historical romance lovers.

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I usually really love these types of stories but this one didn't quite hit the mark for me. I thought that our MMC was too harsh, immature and rash in his decisions and the things he said. Some of the details felt like a stretch and not historically accurate. Just not my favorite.

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This is an interesting and entertaining historical romance. Henrietta and Lord Findley's romance is unique because they have a love match, which was uncommon at the time. Societal constructs and prejudices put them in situations where they doubt each other, but they can eventually work past those.

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Well written and a delightful escape read.
Many thanks to Entangled Publishing and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This was a nice introduction for me to a new author. The storyline flowed nicely and the writing was clear and smooth. The author did a nice job of bringing the story and the characters to life. Finn and Hettie were lovely characters and had really strong chemistry. When Hettie is blackmailed into accepting marriage with another, Finn steps in and saves her and marries her himself. Just as their love starts to blossom and grow, the blackmailer once again appears and their relationship is in danger of being ruined.
The story was well-written and entertaining and with elements of danger, drama, and romance, it kept my interest from start to finish.
I enjoyed following Hettie and Finn's story and am glad to have had the opportunity to read this.
I received a complimentary copy from Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving my review.

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An edge of your seat exciting adventure. Sexy, fun and emotionally thrilling journey filled with dangerous and engaging charters, witty banter, heart racing twists, exciting turns and undeniable passion.

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This was second in a series and it was okay. but not as strong as the first for me. I stil enjoy her point of view and perception.

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For the most part I enjoyed this book very much. I found the first half a bit long but the second half was so good. I loved both the love story and the settings in particular. The hero, Finn, is a Scottish duke and Highlands laird who’s friends with the Montford family since forever and among their many children lives our heroine, Henrietta, who is actually lord Monford’s niece, left to their care by her parents when she was just a toddler. She is loved as much as their children, but given that she is mixed race (African and English) she always saw herself different so she believed that the rest of the ton saw her as such. But then her parents died and left her a sizable dowry that one cousin on her mother’s side, also mixed race, aspires to get by marring her. So he threatens the girl by telling her that he has proof that she was born before her parents got married and therefore she is a bastard.

Fortunately, Finn is in London to ask for Hettie’s hand in marriage. But just when it is too late for him to ask, Lord Monford asks Hettie to run away from his blackmailer, so in the end she seeks refuge in Finn’s arms and they elope to get married in Scotland. Still the problems don’t stop there, Finn has a duty to his people and his mother doesn’t think Hettie is the best partner for his son and his future.

This is a friends to lovers with elopement and a marriage of convenience that would be 5 stars if it wasn’t for the fact that Hettie hides the real motives to marry Finn until the last moment and also for the mostly modern uses of language and expressions here and there. It felt a bit off and anachronic or out of place and sometimes that made me stop reading and wonder. I remember one in particular that goes like “He stomped like a buffalo”… why a buffalo? Had the character ever seen a buffalo? Why not a bull, that is spectacularly more common in England (or in the whole of Europe at all) than a buffalo…

Despite that and the length of the aforementioned first half. I enjoyed the slow burn love story, especially because Finn cannot hide his feelings to save his life and not only he es the first to fall but also he’s not afraid of being vulnerable or cry in front of his wife. Seeing him so human and vulnerable won me over.

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This childhood friends to lovers with a marriage of convenience set in Regency was a great read!!

Hattie and Finn were childhood friends but haven't seen each other in several years. But Finn comes to London just as Hattie is being blackmailed into an engagement. Determined to help his friend, Finn offers to marry Hattie. Hattie is conflicted at first, but then accepts Finn's offer. As the two build a new life in Scotland, they'll have to navigate new challenges as husband and wife.

I adored these two characters and really love how their love story unfolded. There were some great twists and turns in their story that kept the conflict alive. And that third act break-up was a dozy! But it felt grounded and real for what their issues were, and was heart-breaking for the reader. It's probably one of the best break-ups that I've read in romance. I also loved their path back to one another.

I also really love the representation in this one. I've been reading more diversity in historical romances, which I love and I hope to see more in the future!

I can't wait to read Addy's next book!

Special thanks to NetGalley and Entangled for an arc of this book in exchange for my honest opinions.

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First a huge thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for granting me an advance copy of the book in return for my honest opinions!

Loved the book. Highly recommend!

Characters, plot, word building, romance everything, just everything worked perfectly together.

Fell in love with Finn and Hettie! I cried, I cheated and couldn't stop reading. Just a great historical romance.

Want more from this author!

Five Stars! Recommend!

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One Season with the Duke by Addy du Lac is a wonderful historical romance. I loved the strong female character as we don't often see a black woman in historical romances. This book is definitely slow burn and the plot pretty much sums itself up in the beginning. But overall it was a good read and a pallet cleanser from deeper, emotional reads.

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This was the first book I've read by Addy du Lac, but I will be reading more. I didn't care for some of the trope and plot points involved in the story. I did think it was quite well written, and I look forward to reading more by this author.

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