Cover Image: Cold Front

Cold Front

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The story was very touching and I enjoyed it as much as you can enjoy a story like this. I liked the ending, and the Norse histology explanations.

I had some trouble reading the text, i wish it was a more legible font or had more contrast, or something.

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"Cold Front" follows two brothers from Belgium as they embark on a hiking trip to Norway. This captivating story was a delightful blend of beauty and emotion, I even teared up in some parts.. I really loved the art style and the story itself.

Thanks to netgalley for this eARC.

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This was such a wonderfully illustrated and written graphic novel. I adored the artwork, and I loved how simple and yet so moving the story was. I don’t tend to read this kind of graphic novel, but I really do think that’s a great transition into the more adult side of graphic novels.

The relationship between Martin and Jules shares the same arc as the story, which is very hard to do in such a short time, due to the illustrations. This really is a story of family, and it explores how different people have different approaches to the same situation.

Thank you to NetGalley, Europe Comics and the author for allowing me to read an advanced copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the writer Jean Cremers, and the publisher Europe Comics for sending me a free electronic ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Cold Front is the story of two brothers from Belgium, going on a trip to Norway to hike. As the story progresses, over beautifully illustrated pages, we learn about Martin's faith, and belief in the gods of Norse mythology, and the somewhat estranged relationship between Martin and the rest of his family.

The art style is lovely, almost watercolour, and had a real sense of movement, and captured the beautiful landscapes perfectly. I enjoyed slowly unravelling the relationship between the main characters, including seeing Martin at his lowest point. My one criticism would be that the lettering was sometimes a little hard to read. Granted, I did read this on my phone, but I had to zoom in quite often, and haven't really faced this with other graphic novels. This may have purely been because of my device, but thought I should mention.

Overall a lovely, slow paced, beautiful graphic novel!

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Thank you NetGalley for the review copy!

Very emotional story that follows two brothers through Norway. I really enjoyed it but the writing was really hard to read for me.

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The watercolor art along with the captivating story of Cold Front really compliments one another. I was thoroughly invested in both of the brothers, felt their pain, chuckled by their laughter, and smiled for the realizations of their lives. I hope this author may continue to publish more work

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Bad font, and not for me at all and hard to read graphic novel. I think some people will love the print version of this story.

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Thank you for Netgalley for e-ARC.

Cold Front is a graphic novel about Jules and his brother Martin, having a trip to Norway. Jyles is an art student, while Martin is trying to write a novel. Martin also have a faith of Odin.

Deep inside, Martin is also keep a secret deep inside. Jules try to make Martin believe that he could talk about anything his problem.

The art are beautiful, I did feel freeze just look at the massive ice xD but the font are too thin. My poor eyes must working very hard to read them xD

But I love them all 💙

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Thank you Netgalley for gifiting me a copy of this book.

I loved this graphic novel! The story as well as the design were beautiful and engaging. I particularly enjoyed the Norse mythology in it as I don't know much about it.

The only thing I didn't enjoy was the format. I read it on my phone and I had to zoom in everytime, but it doesn't change my rating as it's not the book's fault if I read it on my phone!

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This is the story of two brothers going on a trip to Norway. It's really scenery. While on the trip, Martin tries to flee from his past. But in the end, he can't flee from his past and he has to deal with it. This comic deals with death and loss.

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This was an interesting graphic novel with a lot of renderings of silent panels and landscape scenes. It tells the story of Jules and Martin, two brothers from Belgium who go to Norway to trek a difficult mountainous trail while the younger Jules tries to get his older sibling to open up about his depression following a recent tragedy.
Martin seems to have developed a fascination for Vikings and Norse mythology which is also something Jules tries to understand.
The story moves at a slow pace with the illustrations of expressions of the characters serving to explain what the dialogues do not.
The art was good ,especially the nature depictions. The font was a little difficult to read in the electronic format.

Thanks to Netgalley for the free ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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A beautiful story of brothers, family and loss. I struggled with the font a bit and the art was not really my thing. Overall a good story.

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Dieser Graphic Novel kommt ohne viel Worte aus ist aber dennoch sehr bewegend und spannend. Der Zeichenstil ist einfach und dezent aber passt perfekt zu dieser Geschichte. Es gibt sehr wenige Charaktere welche aber alle einzigartig gestaltet sind wodurch es wunderbar passt und die Geschichte einfach zum verfolgen ist. Ich liebe diesen GN sehr.

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Touching and snowy. Beautifully illustrated and a good read. About getting over loss and going on an adventure through Norway. I enjoyed it.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!
Cold Front might be one of my favourite reads of this year. I love the art style and the use of colour to express the mood and cold of a Norway it made me feel like I was there with them. This graphic novel perfectly encapsulates family relationships and brotherly dynamics. Discussing mental health loss and re connecting with family. I enjoyed this graphic novel so much. My only criticism is a change in font style and colour and it was a bit difficult. But other than that 5/5 stars I cannot wait for this to come out I will be buying a copy of it for my bookshelf. Trigger warnings might need to be included for mental health and loss.

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I enjoyed the story and the art was nice. I was entertained and felt a lot of emotions while I read. Good book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!

This was an interesting story. It follows through brothers as they slowly trek through Norway, and attempt to bond. I found Martin's journey with his newfound faith as a Norse Pagan as a former Christian to be an interesting aspect. The tension between Martin and his family is never explicitly told until the ending, but it was fairly obvious what the cause of it was. It is a very slow-paced story, much akin to a drama. Honestly, I think this graphic novel would translate well into a drama movie. Though I did struggle to finish this graphic novel, because the pace is so slow, I struggled to keep focused on it. The art style itself was fine, I actually like it for the most part. Well, except when the artist had a character have their mouth completely open while shouting; those looked terrifying haha. Another flaw is the font. It made it VERY hard to read what was being said unless I zoomed in. Maybe it won't be as hard to read in a print version or on a larger screen, but reading on my phone was a bit of a struggle.

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Cold Front is a beautiful story about two brothers reconnecting, mental health and faith.

I confess I didn't like the art style much, but the story about solitude, losing the people you love, struggling to move on and having a hard time asking for help (specially the help of your family and loved ones) got me.

I like the hopeful ending, it feels like Martin is ready to trace the path of healing.

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This was a beautiful read, definitely my thing. I'm writing this right after reading and I'm still teary over it. I had a good ol' cry at the end, it was wonderful.

A wonderful exploration of the relationship between these two very different siblings, traverssing a mountain range, dealing with bears and strange shepherds, meeting strangers along the way, and dealing with their own history and emotions.

There's a great build-up as you go on, you learn more about the characters every chapter, and unfolding Martin's backstory was so emotional.

The art style is simple but expressive, and the use of brighter and darker colours depending in the setting really work.

This is the kind of story that will stick with me, I desperately wish there was more of them. I definitely recommend this one!

ARC courtesy of NetGalley.

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The was a really interesting and beautifully illustrated book. I think that maybe there was something wrong with my version because the words were so hard to read.

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