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All That We Are Together

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‘And it did it matter how much I ran, you can never escape what you’ve been unless you’re ready to erase those parts of yourself.’

Axel and Leah had a beautiful and tender friendship, a unique connection, a transcendental love. Then they’re torn apart, both left utterly heartbroken.

All That We Are Together (Let It Be Book 2) starts three years after the end of All That We Never Were (Let It Be Book 1). Three years apart, three years since they’ve last seen each other.

It seemed inevitable that they would eventually see each other, that Leah would let Axel back into her life, and that something would happen between them now they’ve found their way back to each other.

While I enjoyed this book but I experienced more of an emotional ride and liked book #1 in the series, but I’m so pleased they eventually got their HEA.

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This book is the conclusion of the Let It Be duet, and takes place three years after the ending of the first book. Throughout this book there is more of the angst, the passion, and the heartache of the relationship between Axel and Leah.

I loved this book but thought that it dragged a bit in some parts. Maybe I was just really excited to find out what would happen between these two. I enjoyed how much Leah's art and her education in the art world played into this book. Leah really came into her own in this one, and the growth and depth of her character was intense.

All That We Are Together was a great conclusion to this duet, and wrapped up the story in a very satisfying way. I would recommend it to anyone looking for an angsty and emotional love story along the lines of a Colleen Hoover or Kennedy Ryan author's works.

Thank you so much to Sourcebooks for providing me with an ARC of this book.

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The best stories leave you feeling happy and hungry, and “All that we are together” by Alice Kellen does exactly both. 10/10. I would highly be recommending it.

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This was very hard to get into. I could not follow the story. I think it just wasn't for me. It was slow to get into and I had a really hard time following the character's narrative and everything else.

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STOP NOW & READ THE 1ST BOOK - All That We Never Were! I read approximately 20% of All That We Are Together but feeling that something was off the whole time so I went on a hunt. Come to find out I was missing so much of the backstory of Leah & Axel. Nothing in the NG description suggested to read the first book. I’m so happy I did because book 2 made much better sense when I started it over.

✅Brothers best friend/family
✅Finding Oneself
✅ 2/5 spice

Overall I enjoyed this book after figuring out it was a sequel. Sometimes I get that the MMC was whiney and didn’t let the FMC choose her path. He wanted to control her.
There were a ton of errors both spelling and grammatical in both books but I just looked over them. I know they will annoy many people. Solid 3/5⭐️

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Angsty, passionate, and hopeful!

All That We Are Together is an absorbing, heart-tugging tale that takes us back into the life of Leah Jones and Axel Nguyen three years after their breakup as Leah, now a university student with a new boyfriend and some recognition as a budding artist, has her life turned upside once again when Axel, an employee at a reputable gallery comes slamming back into her world to sweep her away to the City of Lights to showcase her work.

The writing is tender and fluid. The characters are vulnerable, scarred, and wary. And the plot is a push-pull tale of life, love, loss, family, expectations, forgiveness, introspection, acceptance, friendship, communication, and new beginnings.

Overall, All That We Are Together is the dramatic, romantic, satisfying conclusion to the Let It Be duology by Kellen that gave the characters I couldn’t help but root for the heartwarming, happy-ever-after ending I really hoped they get.

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All That We Are Together is a gorgeously written love story. What does someone do when they love the person they don't want to but can not resist? How do we avoid hurting others and ourselves? This novel was the evolution of broken love that both wanted to fix, no matter how reluctantly at times. The power struggle of the main characters Leah and Axel is a beautiful and dangerous ballet. How do you let the one you love fail to let them have the chance to fly or fall on their own? How do you love someone for who they are now when your still in love with the person they once were?
All That We Are Together was such a beautiful experience delving into damage, trauma, co-dependency, and how you try to get back what you once had by trying to come to grips and relinquish control of why it broke in the first place. This book was stunning. Highly Recommend!

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I'd eagerly been waiting for this sequel to come out. After reading the first book, I was quite invested in Axel and Leah's romance and whether or not they could repair the damage it had suffered.

This book deals with a large amount of time where they aren't together and then even when they start working their way back together, they really aren't there. Leah can't quite forgive Axel and she's never fully processed how to move forward.

Leah's experienced a great deal of grief in her life. Losing her parents when she was younger made her not want to ever paint again but it was her life's passion. Finally finding her way back to it was a gift. Yet it will always reminder of Axel.

This book is a lot of back and forth with Axel realizing he made a mistake in letting Leah go while she is unsure she can ever trust him again. They both go through some things which will hopefully lead to an overall healthier relationship. This was a heartbreaking story that finally finds it's way to a happy ending. And these two definitely deserve one.

AUDIOBOOK REVIEW: The audiobook was enjoyable and done well. The narration felt true to the story and the accents were appropriate (at least they seemed it to me). 4 stars

Thank you to NetGalley for early copies of the ebook and audiobook.

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I loved this story more than the first. Leah learns to find herself on her own. Axel learns that Leah needs the space to find herself. It’s heartbreaking, raw and real. But it’s relatable. You become attached to these characters and I was rooting for them to choose each other the whole time.

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Absolutely beautiful cover and a great second book in the series. The series is stunning together and has a permanent spot on my bookshelf.

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I absolutely loved this book as much as I loved the first one. I loved reading this story because I could really feel it unraveling. I love how this author tells a story in such a way that I literally can’t stop until the book is done. Everything is so descriptive that after the first book I felt like I was waiting for the story to finish and in this book it did. I would read anything this author writes

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I was unsure how this one would go after not loving the first one but I was eager to know what would happen with Axel and Leah. For me, the pacing is all off. And while I’m a big supporter of a self journey and finding oneself, the way it’s handled in this story was not for me. I found Axel to be so insufferable and pushy to the point that I cannot even believe Leah put up with it. Some of the intimate interactions were once again so questionable to me. I loved the storyline around art and what it meant for both the mcs but other than that, this fell flat.

Thank you to the publisher for the gifted copies.

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“We fell slowly into the trap of each other's eyes.
It was vertigo. Like stumbling all at once into the void.”

“Sometimes we feel alone: we're individualists, and we think only we have felt that emotion that twists our soul or that idea that makes us feel so strange. Then one day, you realize that isn't true. There's an immense world out there full of people, experiences, lives.”

“She can transmit things. And isn't that what it's all about in the end?"

A book about healing and coming back together. A book about taking chances and changing and growing up separately and together again. A book about pain and suffering but also love and life and a family. A book with so many different colours, you can’t help but feel every shade touching you. I really really loved it! After the heartbreak book one out me through, I didn’t know what to expect. The only thing I knew was that I needed to know more about Leah and Axel and what they were doing and how they were dealing. This book put me through every struggle, every doubt, every insecurities and every single brush of paint on a new canvas. Every emotion they had, every single moment of frustration and tension and addiction they had for one another. There is nothing deeper than what they shared and there is nothing more painful either. But I enjoyed somehow sharing all this experience with them. Though highs and lows, through love and hate, loss and coming back to one another. Really really good book.

“Maybe life is moments. Just that. Moments. And sometimes you show up at the right time, and sometimes you don't. Sometimes a second changes everything. Sometimes time draws a line. Sometimes, when you want to talk, the other person isn't in the mood to listen.”

"I was serious about what I said, Leah. I want to kiss you good morning at the beginning of every day. I want to fuck you every single night. I want to come on you and in you. I want you to want me again. I want all that. For us to have it. To be a real couple."

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Always is a pleasure to read Alice Kellen stories!
Siempre es un placer leer los libros de Alice Kellen!
Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to read this book 🫶🏻

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Unfortunately this book was not my cup of tea. I understand that any conflict takes time to be.resolved, but in this case it seemed to drag out. I honestly wasn't sure Axel and Leah should even be together.

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Lots of angst between Axel and Leah. I missed the first book, which likely would have made this a more rewarding read. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A rare miss for me but I'm sure others will enjoy it.

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As soon as I finished All That We Never Were I KNEW I needed to read the sequel ASAP. I was a bit nervous because as I read the title I assumed they would be getting back together.. and how do you write an entire book about them getting back together?! Well, let's just say I was NOT disappointed. The character development in this book, particularly Axels' was incredible. I loved watching both characters change and their relationship blossom.

This book was a 5/5 out for me. Read this if you love these things
- Found family
-friends to lovers
-brother's best friend
-age gap
-short chapters
-dual POV
-a little spice
-forbidden love

I am SO glad I stumbled upon All That We Never Were one day and discovered this amazing author.

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2/5 ⭐
2/5 🌶

DNF @ 12%

I was so excited to start this book after how the last one ended, but it's like we went back to the absolute drag that was the beginning of book one. Not only was it back to being boring, but she's with someone else and we're experiencing their spicy times together, which is usually an ick factor for me. I decided to put it down and pick it back up again later, only to keep putting it off for weeks, so I'm officially DNFing despite really wanting to know how this story ends. Le sigh.

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I didn't even realize this is book two of a duet and I still feel completely devastated. One of my top read of 2023. It was so angsty and heavy with heartbreaking feels that after every chapter, I wanted to stop and take a break just to get my pieces together. But it is also so brilliantly written in poetic way that I couldn't put it down. And all that without even reading the first book.

So as I said , I didn't know that this is a duet and thiis is a second book. The story starts at a point when budding artist Leah is trying to put the pieces of her heart together after it got smashed by her brother's best friend Axel. Her was her life line when she was in a pretty dark space but then Axel broke her heart. He is an agent in local famous art gallery and he cannot stay away when Leah starts exhibition and he wants to sign her up. Leah thinks about saying no because it would be taking her back to the black hole of heartbreak and grief but her brother convinced her that this is best for her. future Leah didn't stop loving Axel though she is in some kind of situationship with another good friend Landon. What will Leah do.. in middle of this somehow love triangle?

What is most exciting about this story is that even though I started with the second book ,I did not feel lost .I do not feel like someone dropped to me in middle of the story. I got all the feels..all the push and pull.. all the back and forth.. all the tension of the heartbreak.This book is so well written. The writing of this book is so amazing and beautiful that it just touches your heart, it crushes your heart, it easily transpires all the emotions of the characters right to your heart and I would say that Alice Kellen has a very powerful way of writing. The characters here are flawed. Axel thought that by pushing Leah he is helping her to spread her wings, to live the life on her own but now he realises that he basically hurt her and he is out there for forgiveness . Lea is definitely deeply in love with Axel but she doesn't want to get back to a place where her whole life is depending on Axel. Landon has been there for her, Landon is a safe choice, L!ndon is someone who saved her in a way when she was breaking so badly but the thing is that her heart doesn't want something safe or something secure. It wants the explosive, volatile ,unescapable and sometimes toxic love of Axel. Landon always knew that Leah is holding back and it wasn't easy for Leah. Axel is a great here. I absolutely loved the way he grovelled, the way he earned forgiveness, how he didn't repeat his mistakes , he let her spread her wings but at the end of the day, Leah came back to him . They have years of history. Axel has his scars. He has been helpless a lot of times, bound by promises. He didn't fight earlier but now he is ready.

This story is very emotional one and the kind of story that makes me want to cry sitting at the corner of my room but at the end it also wants to make me smile though tears when the happily ever after comes.. all that from reading only half of the book ! If you want to read about complicated relationship ,complex feelings with lots of tangled chemistry, this is the book for you.

Thanks to Sourcebooks Casablanca and Netgalley for the ARC

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I was dying to read All we are together and I was completely passionate about Everything We Never Were, so I wanted to put an end to Leah and Axel's story.

Three years have passed since the painful end of the first part, and on this book we once again put ourselves in the shoes of the protagonists and accompany them in their experiences. It has been good to read Leah again, but above all, about Axel which is the best of this story. The characters have evolved since the first novel, especially Leah.

Despite being a second part, I like that everything goes at its own pace and things don't happen too quickly, so I have been able to savor the scenes more.
Once again I have empathized a lot with both characters and I repeat that in this type of novels where feelings are very important it is essential to connect with them.

It is a novel that makes you reflect on many important topics and that makes you feel. I also recommend that you listen to the playlist that the author has prepared on Spotify while you read it, some songs are so Leah and Axel that I wanted t cherish.

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