Member Reviews

I'm always looking to find things for my Murder Mystery Girl patrons (I would call them the Nancy Drews but they wouldn't get it.). So comps to Good Girl's Guide to Murder made this worth checking out. The 'guys are shallow and suck' point is basically the entire personality of this book. I wish there was just more to the mystery (and I'd not really call this a thriller).
Thanks so much for the ARC!

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I wanted to love this more than I did. I think the only reason I didn't enjoy this as much was because the two plot lines felt like they were competing for importance. On the one hand we have the yay teen girls for knowing their worth and not letting guys "things" out of them. On the other hand we had a tragic disappearance we're following too. For much of the book I was more intrigued by the snippets we got from the "now" than I did the actual chapters.

One of the things that was hard for me to get behind was the whole description of this book is the revenge game, getting back at the "kings cup" participants. Yet, we don't find out anything regarding the Kings Cup until nearly 50% through the book. That felt like such a long time to set up a plot point and because of that I found it extremely hard to keep picking up.

HOWEVER, I feel that if I was maybe in high school myself and dealing with the situation of boys keeping track of their bases in a competition this book might have helped me out. It just missed the mark for me.

I appreciate Net Galley giving me a copy of this for my honest opinion.

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I received a free advance digital copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. Working on getting through the rest of the advanced books I received in 2023.
The storyline was very interesting and I liked the feminist aspects of this book. I did dislike how focused on a romance book/ movie love story the main character is. She seemed a little too trusting at times and caused problems. The LGBTQ+ representation is really good in this book in my opinion. Also glad with how the book ended overall and would recommend this book if you want a unique high school book.

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4 ⭐️ for The Revenge Game by Jordyn Taylor. This YA book is an enjoyable mystery/thriller.

Alyson is a high school girl, who dreams of a cute boyfriend. Her all girls school has merged with the nearby all boys school, and she catches the eye of Brenton Riggs Jr. She thinks she has finally caught a good guy… but has she?

I loved the strong female relationships and characters.

Thanks to the author, Random House/Delacorte Press and NetGalley for the ebook in exchange for my opinions.

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For medical reasons I was not able to finish this, but I greatly enjoyed the part I read and I hope to return to it at some point.

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Jordyn Taylor's "Revenge Game" is fast-paced, thrilling, and witty. This novel is perfect for fans of "Pretty Little Liars" and "A Good Girls Guide to Murder".

Although this novel is classified as a YA thriller, it isn't too scary and perfect for readers new to the genre. This novel has feminist undertones and a strong female lead.

I enjoyed the characters in this novel because they had such realistic character traits. The plot was predictable at times which takes away the shock factor.

Thank NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read this novel early!

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Wow, Just freaking wow!!! I was actually convinced he was one of the good ones!!! The twist in this book makes it’s so much worth the read, and it’s a read that can be done in one sitting!!! Absolutely amazing! Loved, Loved, Loved this book!!!

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What happens when a seemingly innocent game turns into something more sinister? This book is told in dual timelines, past and present. Alyson is a 17 year old student at Sullivan-Stewart prep school and is waiting for her epic love story to happen. She's a romantic at heart, so when popular lacrosse guy Brenton Riggs Jr suddenly saves her from a creep at a party, she starts to wonder if this is it. Their relationship seems perfect, but there's a competition among the boys of the school. When Alyson and her friends find out they vow to get back at the boys by humiliating them, but can she keep that part of herself separate from her developing relationship? This story deals with heavy themes and gets very intense. I loved the diversity in this book and can't wait to read more from this author.

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The Revenge Game was an enjoyable read. The characters were interesting and I was invested in the story. It was rather formulaic and I felt as though I had read something very similar before.

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Alyson loves romance novels and is looking for her perfect romance. She fell for her colleague at a bookstore in the summer, but then she heard him call her desperate. She meets Brendan Riggs Jr. in her AP English class when they’re paired up for an assignment. After he saves her from an aggressive classmate, Alyson begins to fall for him and he likes her too. When she finds out about the King’s Cup, a competition the boys have where they get points for doing things with girls, she’s hopeful that Riggs isn’t participating. Alyson and her friends start up the Queen’s Cup, which is a competition to humiliate the guys in the most public and hilarious way possible. Despite coming up with the idea for the Queen’s Cup, Alyson is certain that what she has with Riggs is real, and he would never use her for the King’s Cup. However, when their relationship starts to crack, Alyson has to wonder if they have a perfect love story after all.

This was a fabulous feminist revenge story. I could relate to Alyson and her desire for a romance like she had read about in her romance novels, because I felt that way for many years. Almost all of the guys at her school were horrible misogynists. There was also a mystery throughout the story which was that Riggs went missing after prom later in the school year, but we don’t know why or what happened to him until the end. Since Riggs seemed like a genuine boyfriend, I wasn’t sure what his fate would be but I was hopeful he would turn out to be a good guy so that Alyson didn’t get hurt again. Though bullying is never good, I found the way the girls got revenge on the guys entertaining, since they had done much worse things to begin with.

The Revenge Game is a great story about feminist revenge!

Thank you Penguin Teen Canada for providing a copy of this book.

Content warnings: bullying, sexual assault (off page), rape (off page), assault

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This took me a while to get through, mainly because I wasn’t feeling like I needed to know what happens. It was a thriller/mystery where you could see the big twist coming from a mile away. I was a bit disappointed in the FMC because she chose to overlook the red flags everywhere to see the romance that she was dying to have. I know she’s in high school, but dang. the best part about this was the cover, I loved finding the crowns in the lipstick stains ❤️

Alyson is starting her junior year and this year her prep school merged with the boys equivalent. So she has a shot to get more interaction with boys. Her only interaction over the summer didn’t go well. She wants to be a romance writer, and with romances as her only clue as to how those interactions should go, the guy just thought she was weird. That all changes when she is paired up with the star lacrosse player in her advanced English class. He saved her from his bro dude teammate and actually cares about what she has to say. And is interested in her! This is her big love story unfolding, right in front of her eyes. Until other girls start finding out their boyfriends are competing in a competition to get the most points in a game called The King’s Cup where they get points for each base they get to, more points for the farther they get girls to go. But her boyfriend isn’t in that. He can’t be.

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The story goes back from the present to a missing lacrosse player - Briggs which is advertised all over to the past of how Briggs met his girlfriend Alyson. The story is told from her perspective and it all comes out that all the boys in the school are participating in the kings cup, getting points for doing things with the girls. The girls take their revenge and make the queens cup. Who’s participating and what will they do to get what they want?

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Really great book with amazing characters and a great plot. Was easy to get into and it was very engaging. This is a book that I can see a lot of people in YA enjoy.

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YA Thriller with some romance and mystery
So much heartbreak and important but super serious and sensitive subjects
heavy on the feminist theme
this book sounded like it was gonna be a good read for me but the more and more I read it I just wasn't loving it and it did not deliver for me
No w I am not saying not to read this book bc not every book is for everyone and just bc this one wasn't my cup of tea it might be yours
I like to read for fun and not on too many serious topics and there were way too many parts in this book with hot and heavy serious subjects that I just couldn't enjoy it. it was not a fun book for me.

I am glad that I got the opportunity to read this book thanks to the publisher and Net Galley. THe above is my review/opinion, which is honest and voluntary.

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Another book I think any of my student's would absolutely enjoy! My kids at school are always asking for more mysteries, and I cannot wait to recommend this one!

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of "The Revenge Game" by Jordan Taylor. I was looking for a light read, and this (Mostly) fit the bill. The characters were a little fantastical but mostly believeable. The Kings Cup/Queens Cup storyline wasn't one of my favorites but I can see a home for it with the TikTok world. I did like the writing style.

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THE REVENGE GAME is a mystery that is mostly a romance-y type book for most of the novel until closer to the end. There are snippets of the mystery folded into the story, but it’s only revealed right at the very end.

I didn’t find this one to be super fast paced as it felt like it took so long to get to the climax. But, I liked how realistic everything felt with a first love high school type of thinking that Alyson portrayed.

The girls taking revenge on boys who’d used them throughout the book in creative ways was fun to read. I also loved how incredibly supportive every single woman in this book was. Their alliance and commitment to one another made me happy.

I’d give this one a solid 3 stars. I would recommend this one for anyone who like YA mysteries and feminist literature.

Thanks to NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Revenge? Such a nasty thing – I’m in. The set up of the story was well done while the author added serious topics in a classy way. Alyson is a hopeless romantic who is also a fierce feminist. While she has her head in a romantic cloud, she questions the integrity of her boyfriend. The story is fairly predictable but the ending still churns your gut. There’s no hard core revenge but rather a more useful compromise that as a parent appreciate a lot. A pretty shocking twist unfortunately dropped from nowhere. I would have liked a little more build up or at least more about Alyson’s newfound relationship. Other than that, it’s a solid book that will hopefully open some eyes to ulterior motives.

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This book was enjoyable and easy to read. I enjoyed getting to know the characters and felt they were on point for actual teenagers. There is some sexual content that may be too much for younger teens. All in all, this book would be a great read for mature teenage students.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to review this book.

While there were no big shocks for me in this book, I still flew through it. It was just a compulsively readable little book!

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