Member Reviews

OK if you have not read this series, I don’t know what you were waiting for, but they have really done their thing with this story and I would love to see some more

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Nubia: The Reckoning is another of my most anticipated reads this year after finishing the first book in the series a year ago. Trust me, it was a nail-biter, and I couldn’t wait to see where these characters went next.

As in the first book, a city history/recap is given which helps to refresh the reader’s memory of what happened in the first novel – something I always appreciate. The story is told in four POVs this time – Uzochi, Zuberi, Lyncho, and Sandra. Although I’m fully invested in all the characters, I was especially interested to see what happened with Lyncho, and I wasn’t disappointed – he has quite a story and is faced with difficult decisions. As catalyst to his people, Uzochi carries a lot of responsibility on his young shoulders. He’s patient, offers guidance, and is a good role model for the other teens just coming into their powers. The relationship between him and Zuberi is new, but she lets him know she’s there to support him unconditionally. Zuberi is a wonderfully strong character – intelligent, a fierce warrior, and loyal friend. I wasn’t sure which direction Sandra’s character would take, but I like what she brought to the story. Several new characters are introduced, and I hope to see them in the next book.

With themes of climate change, racial divide, and socioeconomic inequities, this series deals with timely issues. It stresses the importance of unity, family, and how working together can only make the world a better place. The story is action-packed, moves at a brisk pace, and is one I’d recommend to readers who enjoy a blend of sci-fi and fantasy set in an alternate world.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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At the beginning on the book, Uzochi and Zubrei are upset the Vriana has been abducted by Sandra St. John. They come up with a plan to try to get her back. As this is happening, Lencho is going through something and not acting like himself. After the failed mission to get Vriana back, everything goes downhill for the people of Nubian decent. Uzochi is tasked with protecting his people from the St. John corporation, an ancient evil entity embodying his cousin, and his father. With the children working with Uzochi, the Nubians are protected from all three threats (or so it seems). The ancient evil entity (Liv’e) has been removed from Lencho, but now resides in another Nubian waiting for another chance to take over the world.

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I was surprised by how much I liked the first one, so I was thrilled to get a copy of this ARC. I listened to the first one, but read this one on my own, and I think both worked for me! I would eventually love to listen to the audiobook, but I really enjoyed this story, possibly even more than the first. The story picks up where the first one left off and Uzochi suddenly finds himself in charge of the newly awaken children of Nubia as his power as catalyst (among his other powers) is to awaken them and help them make the transition. He and Zuberi also have a burgeoning relationship developing, although neither has put a name to it yet. They also have Zuberi’s best friend to rescue from the Sky and avoid the eye of the St. John’s soldiers. Other new characters show up, and what I loved about this is that although Uzochi might be considered the primary character, the POV fluidly moves among the different main characters, including Zuberi, Lencho, St. John, and his daughter. The story is fast-paced, complex, full of intrigue and history, it tackles racism and socioeconomic status head on, has interesting characters, and a cool storyline, all of which the authors skillfully weave together. I enjoyed taking my time with the story and trying to see if I could figure out what was going on. However, this story is ultimately about family and choices. It could easily be turned into a tv series (not surprising given the authors’ careers), although I have no idea if that’s in the works. This book does a good job of wrapping up some of the main plots, but leaves us set up for the next book. I look forward to it!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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In the sequel to Nubia: The Awakening, Omar Epps and Clarence A. Haynes has brought readers a powerful and addictive story in Nubia: The Reckoning. As with the first book, the story brings together four different characters that have extraordinary impact on each other as they struggle to find peace and belonging for themselves and for their people. From the first moment you pick up the book, you are back in the world of Nubia and its people, with a story that keeps you enthralled from beginning to end. 

One of the reasons that the story is so compelling is you get different perspectives with each chapter. Each character, Zuberi, Uzochi, Lencho, and Sandra, are three dimensional and have flaws and growth along the way. While each makes different choices, those choices make sense for the character and add to the overall plot and help the Nubians to find a place in the world around them. I love the growth in the characters and that no one person is perfect. Even the adults around the children have flaws. The struggles the teens face and overcome are part of why the story is so engaging. 

The authors do a fantastic job of building the tension and pace of the story. By the time the book reaches a resolution, it is an emotional and powerful moment that will make you want to read the next book. Given the hints within the ending, I do hope for another book to round out the story because there are unanswered questions. The story will leave you wanting more but only because it is so good and the characters so engaging. 

If you like science fiction or stories about super powers (in this case, elemental powers), you will love this book. I do recommend reading the first book before you read this sequel as the story will make more sense but the novel is written so well that you can pick up most of the story line from the information given by the characters. This novel is so compelling and addictive, I recommend it highly. It is an epic and powerful saga.

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I loved the story, the world building and meeting the different characters. I felt completely immersed in the story and couldn't stop reading it.

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Nubia: The Reckoning is a fantastic follow up to the first book, the story and world building pick up where they left off and continues to offer a great story as well.

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Plot: 4.75
Characters: 5
Writing Style: 4.95
Cover: 5
Enjoyment: 5

This second installment is once more told in third person POV via by Zuberi, Uzochi, Lencho, and Sandra. Lencho's portions contain far harsher language than the others (which is fitting of the character's voice, his experience); just a note. The setting sticks to the immediate area of New York in the previous book, both on the ground and in the sky city. I did not see two of the shocking moments coming, and I enjoyed reading about some new abilities, as well as the growth between characters. And I'm really glad I was allowed to read the second one, having read the first because of them!

I wound up getting an "Uglies" (Scott Westerfeld) vibe, which is always my cup of tea. I felt that Omar and Clarence's writing skills were sharpened this round, more polished. They keep the voices of our narrators different. The end scene fight is *almost* too fast-paced for my tastes, because I expected a teeny bit more difficulty. However, the epilogue at least provides reasons, so my disappointment was lessened. I'll be continuing to read this series, it's fascinating.

I did find one contradiction in my eARC with Uzochi's mother, Comp'a. She states - "They’re probably just checking to make sure everything is okay, if we need help. They’re nice people.”'- about the neighbors, but then a few sentences later, Comp'a calls them morons...

I wanted to extend kudos for mentioning/using Ukrainian war footage (since theses books are set in the future, and thus, said war would have ended by then), Hiroshima and Nagasaki. as well as possibly September 11th?

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I received an advance copy via NetGalley. Also, this book's co-author, Clarence A. Haynes, was my developmental editor on two books, so I approach this read with considerable positive bias.

Nubia: The Reckoning> continues soon after the first entry of this duology, breathing life into an intriguing future New York City ravaged by climate change and deepening class and racial divides. Nubians, refugees from an African nation long hidden from the world, have had their superpowers exposed in dramatic fashion. The 'sky king' of the former NYC, Krazen St. John, wants to use Nubians as his private super soldiers. Two Nubian teenagers, Uzochi and Zuberi, want only safety and security for their people as they start their own tentative romantic relationship. Uzochi's cousin, Lencho, has gone from drug-dealing on the streets to being a disgruntled agent of St. John, and has become increasingly unstable. Meanwhile, St. John's own daughter craves her own chance at respect and power.

The book is a fast read as it hops between its four perspectives. The world feels both familiar and innovative, and wow, there are some major twists. There's a huge event in the middle of the book that made my jaw really drop. Such a great series.

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I found this to be an action packed second installement picking up where it left off. I loved that they put a recap in the beginning. I feel somewhat like the first book was not needed if this recap was just added to the books beginning could have started it there. However I loved the emotional piece of the woke gifts in the first one. This one I did not feel those same kind of emotion instead more anger which makes sense for sure. I liked seeing not just the dynamics socially in this world the fight but also the family dynamics. I enjoyed this second installment as well.

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I didn’t know what to expect going into this. I love Omar Epps as an actor so I was more than willing to give his first book a try. There is so much to unpack and you can definitely see similarities to Nubia and the corruption of government. How the poor are kept poor. How drugs are pumped into our communities on purpose. White washing history. The unexpected part was how adults shielded children from their history because of pain. The newly awakened teenagers had to decide their own path with little knowledge as to why this was happening. I am excited and ready for part two

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After reading the first book I couldnt wait to read the second, and this book didn't disappoint. i loved the story telling and the world building.

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If you have not read Nubia: The Awakening- You must start there before picking this up. That book has all the setup you need to fully appreciate Nubia: The Reckoning.

This book picks up where Book 1 left off. You have new characters introduced along with new powers discovered. The origin and destruction of Nubia are explained. The battle for good vs. evil continues as Nubians struggle to find their footing while their newly found powers are starting to change their status in society from refugees to....

There is a clear setup for a continuation. Looking forward to picking up the next installment.

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Omar Epps and Clarence A. Haynes does it again in the Nubia series. I had enjoyed the first book and this improved on this. It felt like what I enjoyed from the first book and the world felt like it was suppose to. I really was glad that we got to continue this series. The characters themselves worked overall and I loved getting to know them again.

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The first book in this series, I was a bit of a sleeper hit for me. I had very low expectations and went in with interest just because I really liked the cover. Imagine my surprise when I was completely hooked on the story so seeing a second one made me even more excited. Just like the first I was instantly sucked into the story of young Nubians, who are just developing their powers, but are being forced to Work against institutional racism, Socioeconomic inequities, and developing new powers all at the same time. Our young Nubians are divided into two camps, those who have ascended to a pie, and those who have chosen to remain in the jungle, and abandon building in Soho New York, set very far in the future. But I love the most about this book is the message of unity and family, the importance of working together towards a common goal and seeing the strengths in everyone and how they work, and how you can work, not against them, but with them to make everyone stronger. I am very much hoping there’s going to be another book in the series because I’m not quite ready to leave this world behind.

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