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The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle

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This entire series has delighted me and will continue to do so. In this one, we've pulled Ropa away from Edinburgh to a conference on the Isle of Sky. It very quickly turns into a locked room mystery trying to solve a murder and a theft. I absolutely love getting to see Ropa in a new setting and watching her go full Miss Marple on this. Huchu has an excellent eye for when his characters will be able to hold their tongues or not, and his particular brand of quippy sarcasm works incredibly well. The dialog is fantastic and the stakes suitably high. As always when I finish one of these, I eagerly await the next.

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*May contain spoilers* I really struggled with the first 25% of this book. I wasn’t sure I would be able to finish reading it, but it ended up really sucking me in. I ended up reading the last 60% of the book all in one night because I could not put it down! This story is told in first-person and is written in a very casual tone. Ropa is a great main character! I love her personality and her relationships with Priya and Jomo. I also really love how she stays true to herself despite the pressure from the Society. Her inner-monologue commentary on her relationship with her mentor was also very well done. It didn’t ever feel like hero-worship even when she acknowledged that he had helped her out when no one else would. She was still capable of criticizing him. I loved the mystery aspect of this book. The closed-room lights-out murder/heist was super well done. I personally would not have been able to correctly guess the evil mastermind behind it all. The ending of the book also left me wanting more, which is always a good thing because it guarantees I’ll read what comes next! This is my first book by Huchu despite it being the third in this series. It was easy enough to read as a stand-alone. There were a few instances where mentions were made referencing the previous books, but I do not feel like I was missing any key information that took away from my enjoyment or understanding of this book. I look forward to going back and reading the first two books in addition to any books after this one. Thank you to Netgalley and Tor/Forge for allowing me to read this eArc in exchange for an honest review!

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The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle
T. L. Huchu
Publish date: 29 August 2023
Star rating: 4 stars

Third in the Edinburgh Nights series, The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle follows our MC Ropa as she accompanies her patron to the biennial conference of the Society of Skeptical Enquirers where she continues to be dismissed by local magicians but also has to contend with the Sorcerer Royal who makes a surprise visit and the high wizard of Ethiopian magic. Not only that, but her and her friends are just in time to solve a murder!

I really enjoyed this book just as much as I enjoyed the first two in the series. I am so attached to these characters and all I wish for is for Ropa to succeed. The different setting in this book made the existing story seem fresh but I did miss Ropa’s grandma, her little sister and her fox who although were mentioned did not feature as they did in the first two books.

The ending was exciting and I can’t wait for the next installment to come out! Would definitely recommend this book and this series to fans of The Rives of London!

Thank you to NetGalley Torbooks for the e-arc and to Blackcrow PR for my physical copy of this book!

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"Duels, magic, and plenty of ghosts await in The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle, the third book of T. L. Huchu's USA Today bestselling Edinburgh Nights series.

Everyone's favorite fifteen-year-old ghostalker, Ropa, arrives at the worldwide Society of Skeptical Enquirers' biennial conference just in time to be tied into a mystery - a locked room mystery, if an entire creepy haunted castle on lockdown counts. One of the magical attendees has stolen a valuable magical scroll.

Caught between Qozmos, the high wizard of Ethiopian magic; the larger-than-life Lord Sashvindu Samarasinghe; England's Sorcerer Royal; and Scotland's own Edmund MacLeod, it's up to Ropa (and Jomo and Priya) to sort through the dangerous secret politics and alliances to figure out what really happened. But she has a special tool - the many ghosts tied to the ancient, powerful castle."

What is it about books with an English Sorcerer Royal that always make me excited?

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Thank you, NetGalley and Tor Books, for the free digital book in exchange for a review.

T.L. Huchu's books always have a distinct voice, particularly from the protagonist's perspective, Ropa. It combines humor with an authentic portrayal of her character.

The series has always impressed me with its world-building, blending elements of dark academia with the representation of foreign cultural beliefs through Ropa. This unique approach adds depth to the fantasy genre while addressing social issues.

Following Ropa's journey has been enjoyable, witnessing her growth as she becomes more analytical and remains true to herself. She is also compassionate and defends her friends, even if it means facing the consequences.

In summary, this book is an excellent choice for readers who appreciate an intriguing mystery set in a fantasy world filled with ghosts and the complexities of academic politics.

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*I received an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks for the free book*

"The Mystery at Dunvegan Castle" is not the first book in the series which I did not know when I picked up my advanced reading copy. But it did not matter. T.L. Huchu's wildly imaginative urban fantasy series with a kickass Black protagonist called Ropa Moyo makes it easy for you to catch up on previous events. This book could be compared to Rivers of London to which is seems quite indebted but funnier, more detailed and with an unrealistically vocal teenager as protagonist who not only challenges all the white men at Dunvegan Castle where a crime has been committed and she needs to solve it, but also the elitist magic education system itself. Entertaining of course totally unrealistic especially in connection to the protagonist's age and one can see that the author has put in a lot of research. As somebody who has been at Dunvegan Castle a lot, I enjoyed it as a setting. 4 stars

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4.5 A fantastic 3rd book in the Ropa Moyo fantasy series! Ropa has to use her sherlockian street smarts at a magical conference to find who stole a priceless historical scroll. It's a locked room mystery that she has to solve, all the while navigating "politricks" and flat out racism.

Ropa is a little too wise for her teenage years, and though she's got her friend Priya and Jono to help, she always seems like she's on her own and carries the whole weight on her small shoulders, which made me want to slap all of the useless adults. With lots of references to history (the Queen of Sheba, the British stealing Ethiopian antiquities, Scottish/English hostilities) it gets a little heavy, but it adds more meat to the story. Hints of greater mysteries (the mysterious Fifth School and the Black Lord) and that ending makes me want the next one ASAP. Highly recommended series!

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Ropa, Priya and Jomo are all part of the contingent that has traveled to Dunvegan Castle for a huge magical conference. The highlight of the conference will be the exchange of magical items between the Scottish magic library and the magic library of Ethiopia. But things quickly go awry as the Ethiopian scroll is stolen and one of the Edinburgh librarians murdered. As a magical force field clamps down around the castle trapping everyone inside Ropa is tasked with investigating the theft and murder. Tensions are rising and there are plots and betrayals to work through in order to solve the mystery.
We are learning bits and pieces about Ropa and her grandmother’s past, even though she does not appear in this book, as well as the divisions in Scottish magic and the relations between Scottish and English magic organizations. This book ends with a decided cliffhanger concerning Ropa’s future and the future of Scottish magic as well. I am incredibly glad that book four in this series is already under contract and, hopefully, that Mr Huchu is hard at work writing so we can learns what happens next. This series is highly recommended

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The third installment of the Edinburgh Nights series is just as fun, intriguing, smart, and creepy as the previous two. Ropa Moyo is getting a taste of life in the top levels of Scottish magic, but is it for her? When a conference turns into a lockdown to solve a crime, Ropa is on the case. With so many old conflicts both within Scottish magic and from abroad, how can she really figure out who the bad guys are? On top of it, she is suddenly dealing with panic attacks that she can't control and she fears will hit at the wrong moment. Luckily the whole gang is Dunvegan Castle to help her and even the ghosts help her along the way.

I really enjoy this series and the voice of the lead character, Ropa. After decades of more prim and proper voices in British novels, it's great to have someone that feels real - even in an unreal world. Ropa is an irreverent Sherlock Holmes and isn't afraid to be herself, no matter who is in the room. At the same time, her heart is wide open and she's always read to help a stuck ghost or a hungry child, of course always hoping there is a bit of money in it for her.

This one leaves a bit of mystery to solve in the next novel. The ending is still satisfying while also leaving you looking forward to what happens next.

Thank you Macmillan and NetGalley for the ARC!

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As entertaining as ever! I love the fact that, even out of her element, Ropa can still use her skills and her brains to figure things out. In this installment, we are taken to the Isle of Skye, for a magic conference. A precious scroll is stolen, and a librarian murdered. Ropa and Callander are trying to not only solve both the theft and the problem of having the Sorcerer Royal on their hands, but also to stop an international incident between Scotland and Ethiopia from blowing up. I really enjoyed seeing that, even out of her usual stomping grounds, Ropa is still able to function well. It helps that her friends Priya and Jomo are there, but this time, she does almost all the heavy lifting. A great addition to a fabulous series.

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The third installment of this series proved to be just as enjoyable as its predecessors! I have developed a deep fondness for the protagonist, Ropa. Her resilience and resourcefulness, coupled with her street-smart nature, make her a captivating character. She fearlessly tackles crimes, lends a helping hand to those in need, and fiercely protects her family. It was a delight to delve back into the world of Edinburgh Nights, although it did take me a little while to reacquaint myself with the unique lingo and atmosphere.

This time, however, the story took an intriguing turn as it ventured beyond the cityscape. Set in a castle on the enchanting Isle of Skye, the novel exuded a distinct and refreshing ambiance. The introduction of the locked room element added an extra layer of suspense and intrigue. As all the characters found themselves confined within an enclosed space, each of them became potential suspects in a captivating mystery. The plot unfolded seamlessly, and I found myself engrossed in deciphering the puzzle alongside Ropa.

The story reached its climax with a thrilling and fantastic magical duel. The stakes were high, and the intensity of the confrontation kept me on the edge of my seat. However, despite the satisfying resolution, the ending left me eagerly yearning for the next book in the series. One of the drawbacks of receiving advance review copies is the extended waiting period until the continuation of the story is released.

In conclusion, this book was a delightful blend of mystery, magic, and captivating characters. Ropa's tenacity and intelligence continue to shine, and the shift in setting added a fresh twist to the series. If you've enjoyed the previous books, this installment will not disappoint. Just be prepared for a cliffhanger ending that will leave you longing for more.

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As with the first two books this one was lots of fun! I love the main character, Ropa. She is a tough girl who uses her street smarts to solve crimes, helps others and take care of her family. It took a little time to get back into the lingo and world of Edinburgh Nights. This definitely had a different feel to it since it was outside the city, in a castle on the Isle of Skye. There was the whole locked room aspect where everyone is stuck in an enclosed space where all the characters are suspects. It was a good mystery and a fantastic magical duel at the end. But the ending leaves me wanting the next book in the series. The worst part about ARCs is that I have to wait even longer for the next part of the story.

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Don’t start here, read the series in order. So many books are cookie cutter these days, this series is truly original. I love Ropa and her friends. This installment had a good mystery as well as added world building. We get a little more about Scottish magic in each entry in the series. I hope the keep going for a long time!

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I stumbled into this series a few years ago, and I really, truly enjoy it. I will admit that it takes my American brain a little while to get accustomed to the slang and accents. But it is worth it!

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Another great entry in the Edinburgh Nights series, it had everything that I enjoyed from the first two books. It had a great fantasy feel to it and had great characters going on. It was written perfectly and the characters were what I was hoping for. T. L. Huchu does a great job in continuing this world and I enjoyed how it was written.

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