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Dogboy v Catfish

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This was an excellent read, full of mystery, murder and some laughs. Lindsay Kramer was know as dogboy to his friends because he could talk to dogs and hear them. Katherine Fisher was know as catfish. She planned to marry Lindsay then fleece him. The whole book is written like a cop show where they go step by step trying to figure out what happened to Lindsay, he just disappeared one day and was a missing person. The police find out a whole lot more and it takes a while to figure out what was happening. Though I truly liked the ending and what Lindsay put in his will. This is the part that gives you the best laugh. I received a free copy and the views and opinions are my own.

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The story is about husband and wife who try to make each other hurt and lose the money. Wife married a rich guy, he thought she was sincere, and she wasn't and planned to steal his money from the start. Since the book was written by a man, you can figure out who won at the end.
The story is set mostly in Australia, and it was interesting to read about their ways, including the police and privacy laws. Her lawyer was talking about confidentiality, but she spilled the beans without any pressure to the police, for example.
Overall, it was an interesting read

I got the copy of the book from NetGalley

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Great plot; uneven writing

The plot was good. A guy called Dogboy due to dogs being almost smitten with him, is married to a woman called Katherine Fisher, called Catfish. Dogboy has obtained a fair amount of wealth, but is still shy and really best around dogs. Katherine basically married him for his money. Evidentially Australian rules are that if you are married over 18 months and have a child (she has a child from a previous marriage that appears to fall under this rule), the woman can get a substantial divorce settlement. As the 18 month approaches Katherine sees an attorney to file divorce papers. But, Dogboy disappears at the same time. Did he run away, commit suicide, or was he killed? That is part of the plot.

The plot was good, but the writing uneven. Like when a person utters this line: "Seated in the lounge, our dogs just sat at his feet and completely ignored us." Who talks like that?

I didn't like the end, at least how Katherine ends up. But, I still liked the book on the whole.

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Katherine Kelly Fisher, aka ‘Catfish', is married to Lindsay ‘Dogboy’ Kramer, a successful businessman and dog whisperer. As their 18-month anniversary approaches, Lindsay goes missing which, under Australian law, means Catfish has to wait 90 days to get power of attorney over his bank account, and seven years before he can be declared dead and his will read. With his assets frozen Catfish is in a race against time to get hold of Dogboy’s assets before the police get hold of her.

This is a most unusual story and went places I've never been before in fiction and I mean that in a nice way. The story, containing aspects of money laundering, trafficking of illegal drugs and counterfeit designer goods, is very unique and clever. It flowed nicely and was an entertaining read. I'll be on the lookout for future works by Luke Gracias.

My thanks to the author, Luke Gracias, via Netgally for the opportunity to read this novel. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This book was very different from any other murder mystery that I've read. Was it somewhat predictable? Yes. Did I know who did it from almost the beginning? Also, yes. But, what brought it all together was the twists that threw you off just enough that you doubted yourself.

Very interesting read. I glad I stepped away from my usual reading habit to give this one a try.

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Loved this story revealing the dark secrets behind the traffic in designer goods. The absent Lindsay was by definition a shadowy character with a trace of melancholy who had everything material but not true love in his life. His effect on all dogs he met was an interesting characteristic, one with which I can identify. Dogs are in my opinion, very good judges of character. The police operation was well portrayed and held. my interest. I found the complete reversal in Katherine a little hard to believe but all in all a good read,

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! No spoilers. Beyond amazing I enjoyed this book so very much. The characters and storyline were fantastic. The ending I did not see coming Could not put down nor did I want to. Truly Amazing and appreciated the whole story. This is going to be a must read for many many readers. Maybe even a book club pick.

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I was expecting more of a kids book but totally was blown away and loved it!!!!

I was so intrigued abd excited tk learn about dogboy and I hope there is a second book and a whole series ! The book kept me wanting to keep reading

Thank you NetGalley for letting me read and review

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The title threw me off completely and I was almost expecting a kids story. Lots of shady characters, drama, crime. Enjoyable story, I ended up wondering why I didn’t start reading it sooner. Recommended

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Luke Gracias constructs a high-stakes thriller in "Dogboy v Catfish" that thrives on intrigue and suspense. The novel's strength lies in its ability to intricately weave a complex narrative web, blurring the lines between deception, loyalty, and survival. Gracias crafts compelling characters whose motivations and actions constantly challenge the reader's assumptions, adding depth to an already riveting plot.

The pacing is relentless, propelling the story forward with a sense of urgency that captivates readers. The exploration of the criminal underworld and its connections to the central characters creates a gripping atmosphere of suspense and danger.

Catfish and Dogboy emerge as multifaceted protagonists, each harbouring secrets and vulnerabilities that humanize them despite their morally ambiguous actions. The dynamics between these characters and their relentless pursuit of conflicting goals create a tension-filled narrative that never loses momentum.

Gracias skillfully navigates the twists and turns of the plot, building anticipation and suspense with each chapter. "Dogboy v Catfish" is a rollercoaster ride of suspense and mystery, leaving readers guessing until the very end. Luke Gracias delivers a thrilling tale that keeps the heart racing and the mind guessing, cementing his place in the realm of gripping thrillers.

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Dog boy v Catfish
Luke Gracie’s
5 Stars

Thank you NetGalley and Publisher Authors Upfront for my copy of Dogboy v Catfish by Luke Gracias. I have not received any rewards or compensation for this review and therefore all views and opinions are of my own, the reviewer.

In summary: An Australian mystery set in Victoria, Australia. Where did Dogboy a.k.a. Lyndsey Kramer disappear to?

First let me say, what an excellent story!
Deeply engaging, well paced and satisfying ending. All the elements of a great book right there.

I tend to agree with other reviews that suggest the book comes across as a documentary, the story in my opinion is written in such away that it feels like you’re reading a true crime story, however it is merely a work of fiction. (I had to look up spoilers to check). I think this style of writing is the key to the success of the story.

The characters are well constructed and developed. I enjoyed following Katherine’s duplicity and villainy and her demise, lawyers Micheal and Freya and how they were able to thwart Katherine and the effort Inspector Green and Finlay for their sleuthing to put some big names in crime away by untangling the intricate web, or the blue, green red snakes. Lyndsey takes the cake on his methods of outsmarting his wife.

Gracias covers a lot of real world issues such as suicide, domestic violence (financial abuse, gaslighting for example). All of these things were greatly woven in to the story.

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I was unsure about this book but I was totally blown away by what I read. I wanted to know so much more about dogboy and I hope there is a second book! The book kept me absolutely gripped from start to finish and I was thinking about it when I wasnt reading. Definitely one to add to the to be read pile!

Thank you netgalley for providing me with a free copy of the book for an unbiased review.

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Dog Boy and Catfish" unveils the tumultuous tale of Lindsay and Katherine, an unconventional married couple facing the strains of a faltering union. Lindsay, a kind and highly successful entrepreneur, mysteriously disappears in Melbourne, Australia, drawing widespread attention to his enigmatic vanishing act.

Meanwhile, Katherine, a cunning and manipulative ex-beauty queen, runs a high-end boutique specializing in luxury goods. As the detectives assigned to Lindsay's missing persons case delve into the investigation, they uncover a startling connection between Katherine's clientele and local criminals engaged in drug trade, gunrunning, and money laundering.

The question arises: is Lindsay's disappearance merely a coincidence, or does it intertwine with the shadowy world of criminal enterprises orchestrated by Katherine's clients? The narrative weaves a web of suspense and intrigue as the characters navigate through a complex plot where secrets, crime, and a troubled marriage converge, leaving readers eager to uncover the truth.

This is a first for me by the author and one I enjoyed and I would read more of their work. The book cover is eye-catching and appealing and would spark my interest if in a bookshop. Thank you to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC.

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I finished but didn't like this book particularly. Although it had a few interesting plot lines the dispassionate style of writing was not to my taste at all. It read like a police report or witness statement - entirely factual, unemotional and very linear. There were no flashbacks and characters were rather unengaging with very little backstory. The dialogue was appalling - the author never used contractions. People simply do not talk in that way - e.g. "I am a lesbian" followed by "I did not know that" (said her best friend from university). Unrealistic!

The book had an excellent start (a scene involving Dogboy and his strange ability) but he largely disappeared thereafter, leaving potentially the most interesting character in the book as simply someone other people talked about.

There was a great deal of exposition about the drugs / counterfeit goods / money laundering trades but I confess I found it rather complex and quite boring. At the end, a revelation was made about one major female character which made absolutely no sense whatever, and that annoyed me as there had been no prior indication. Also, there was something about a porn film which seemed to have been added towards the end for humour, but it just felt silly and awkward to me. Obviously, other have different views.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the chance to read and review this book.

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I enjoyed this unusual thriller with its highly complicated plot although I found the dialogue less than convincing.
The story is very convoluted and the actions of the "baddie", Catfish, stretch the bounds of credibility. There was sufficient merit for me to know how the plot would work through to a conclusion.

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Dogboy v Catfish by Luke Gracias is billed as a mystery-thriller. It was a quick, somewhat fun read, but lacking depth for my tastes.

When a woman knows the date she’ll file for divorce on her wedding day, there can be no good intentions. When the husband goes missing just before the planned divorce date, you wonder if there was foul-play or if he somehow got wise to her schemes.

This novel has a detached, 3rd person narration, as we are following the police investigators and others in the story more than our main characters. We are mostly told about them and about what they have done and speculations on their actions. This is somewhat limiting, and makes most of the characters come across as one-dimensional.

Additionally, I probably would not have read it if I had realized it centered around counterfeit designer goods. After reading Counterfeit by Kirstin Chen last year, I’ve had my fill on the topic. Others might find this more interesting than I do, though!

I did enjoy the analogy of The Endless Knot. Overall, the plot is interesting, and the ending was good, but the middle part was lacking depth. Due to the shallow characters, there wasn’t much of an emotional investment in the story, so it didn’t really matter to me how it ended or who “won.”

Rating: 2 out of 5.
Thanks to NetGalley and the author for an advance copy in exchange for sharing my opinions. All opinions in this review are my own.

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Firstly thanks to Luke Gracias for the invitation to read this book.
It is very much a "now" book of the times detailing modern crimes that i was not even aware of involving the "resale" of RFID and recycling of "designer trash". This coupled with money laundering and drug dealing makes for a compelling read, throw into the mix a missing person and the dynamic of a wife who married for money and a husband who married after falling for her mind.
This rollercoaster is set in Australia with a brief sojourn to Sintra in Portugal, which is a beautiful part of the country.
Without giving too much away you will have a vested interest as to whether or not Dogboy is alive and kicking ...

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Dogboy v Catfish is a suspenseful thriller! I was intrigued from cover to cover. Speaking of the cover, I now see it with so much meaning and I especially liked the title of the chapters. Catherine and Lyndsey were only married a short time before he disappeared. He is a successful tech guy, and she operates her own boutique selling designer wares. He loves her, but she loves his money and possessions. The search for the missing man, is a treck from Australia to Bangkok, designer trash, drugs, and murder. A worthwhile read!

Many thanks to Luke Gracias, NetGalley and the publisher!

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A scheming wife.
A rich husband with a mysterious connection with dogs.
A missing person.
Designer merchandise.
Drugs and money laundering.
Set in Australia.
This is really good.

Fast paced and clear cut on the good guys and the bad guys, this is a fun police procedural with a crime syndicate just waiting to be be busted. I would like to thank NetGalley, Luke Gracias, and AuthorsUpFront Publishing for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I really like this well developed plot. It’s full of twists and turns. There are a lot of intriguing questions to answer and the characters are very interesting. Lots of drama that kept me riveted to the story. It’s an excellent mystery.

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