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28-Day FAST Start Day-by-Day

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3.5 stars rounded up

The concept of this was good - learning about intermittent fasting, the science behind it, benefits, etc. while testing it out and keeping a journal for 28 days. Pros included the journaling aspect, Stephens’ natural teaching style, and the daily inspiration. Cons included a LOT of repetition and constantly referring back to/requiring a purchase of her other book, Fast. Feast. Repeat. While the target audience will likely be readers of that book ready to dive in with a little more structure, I think this could have been more widely marketable without this aspect and just expanding on some of the topics here so it could really be a standalone.

Pub Date: 12/26/23
Review To Be Published: 12/19/23

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Gin Stephens is the queen of intermittent fasting, and this book is a good introduction to the subject for people who don't know where to start. While it's definitely intended as a companion to her other books (not a huge fan of that, to be honest) it states that up front and does exactly what it promises.

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28-Day FAST Start Day-by-Day by Gin Stephens
I really enjoyed this book! It is a great reference point and informative for both the beginner and those who are more knowledgeable on the subject.
This was a very helpful book. It had a lot of good information Intermittent Fasting.
This will be a great tool to keep on hand.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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I am an avid, everything vegan, immune boosting health aficionado. I have read all of Gin Stephens books and have enjoyed and learned from each and every one, and this one is no different. I am constantly advocating the immune boosting benefits of fasting to anyone who is interested and I am a regular 36 to 48 hour weekly faster. For those that want more information, I direct them to Gin's books. This one is great because it provides organized step by step guidance for those that are new to the protocol and encourages and expounds the many benefits. Thanks to Gin and her commitment to teaching this life saving way to improve your health.

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Great Information for Intermittent Fasting

The author clarifies that this book is not to be confused or mistaken for his book: Fast. Feast. Repeat.: The Comprehensive Guide to Delay, Don’t Deny Intermittent Fasting. He states that this book, that I'm reading and writing this review for is a companion to Fast. Feast. Repeat. However, this is a stand-alone book.

He provides background information on Intermittent Fasting (IF) and explains the methods which he provides in this book. He discusses what a clean fast is, the basics and its importance. Plus, he provides a diagram to help readers understand the clean fast.

The author provides weekly plans during which you have a different IF schedule almost daily. During your IF, the authors provides daily guidelines and a journal type format that can be very beneficial in recording pertinent information during youth 28 day Intermittent Fasting.

This is a great book that can be very beneficial in your overall health. Highly recommend.

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I enjoyed reviewing this book, but quickly discovered that I would need to read Gin Stephen's previous book "Fast, Feast, Repeat" to have a better foundation for the content in this book. I have started reading the other one and plan to return to this one after finishing. I really appreciate Gin's writing style and her approach to IF and feel more confident in my ability to make IF work for me. As an aside, this book would probably be more useful to me in print, but that is just a personal preference.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC.

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Gin Stephens is the go-to on intermittent fasting and this new book really trims down to barebones so readers can get started right away. She does say this should be used ideally as a companion for Fast Feast Repeat and even recommends which sections to read on specific days to compliment her daily lesson. Overall easy to follow and motivating!

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I liked the book and Gin's down-to earth, approachable style. The negative is that much of this material was covered in her previous books. But I still enjoyed it.

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This is good but not really a standalone / not as impactful as an ebook. I did like the book she recommended to read - Fast, feast, repeat. Was helpful to read a little each day and ease into fasting clean.

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I found the 28-Day Fast Start Day-by-Day by Gin Stephens to be interesting. I never really knew what all was involved with fasting and how it affects your body. But Gin breaks it down and helps you understand what all it entails. Since reading this book, I have tried fasting though no more than a day or two.

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If you’ve ever been interested in intermittent fasting, you NEED this amazing guide. First you’ll learn the how’s and why’s of IF. Then you’ll learn tips and tricks to IFing. And once you get down the basics, you’ll quickly find yourself labeling yourself an IFer and promoting the lifestyle to others.

Fasting is easier than most think and more beneficial as well. This guide offers different ways to start, track, and hold yourself accountable on your journey to fasting.

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This book, while informative, is meant to be a companion to the author's original book on the subject. If you're familiar with the concept of IF, it's a good, quick read.

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This was a really good and Very educational read, I followed this on my own journey and put the tools to use in my own Fasting plan. Very informative and full of additional resources

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If you were someone who had the first book that is discussed a lot then this would be a great addition. Being that I did not have nor was going to purchase the first book, it felt like I was missing out.
I did really like the journal aspect of this approach and the reminders of the small changes may be seeing which are what I especially need when do IF.
Thank you to Net Galley and Gin Stephens for a eARC of this in exchange for my honest review.

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I've been a book reviewer for both indy and traditional publishers for about 9 years now. I don't often review the self-help, health or diet genre. Just kinda shy away from those, as over the years I have tried so many diet plans. And, none worked. Some made me literally sick. Others I just couldn't follow long term because they were so restrictive, or I just saw no results. I made a pact with myself after my last failed attempt (Keto) -- no more diet books!

In the past, the one lifestyle / eating change that did work for me long term was Intermittent Fasting. I did IF for two years and felt amazing. Then life happened. I was in a bad place in my personal life and IF was just not sustainable for me.

But I got offered a review copy of Gin Stephens newest book at exactly the right point in my life to revisit IF. I accepted the review copy -- and started reading.

OMG! The 28 Day FAST Start Day-By-Day is the first book by Gin Stephens I have read. I didn't even recognize her name when I first started reading. I did IF previously using books by Bert Herring. I started reading this new book....and it was like Gin was talking to me. And I believed what she had to say as she backs it up with science and logic. I read a bit in this new book. Then went directly to my library to check out a copy of her previous book: Fast, Feast, Repeat. I went back and forth between my review copy of 28 days and FFR, feeling more and more motivated to jump back in to a fasting / IF lifestyle.

And, I did it. Right then. Set my type of Fast Start on a Saturday afternoon, and started my 28 days on Sunday. I'm going into the last week of the Fast Start now, and this is amazing! I already feel better. I can see changes in the way I feel, my skin is clearing up, and my weight is going down. I have more than 100 lbs to this is just a start to the journey.

But, I can honestly give this book a resounding positive review because I'm actually following the steps and doing the things.

I have actually messaged with the author several times. She is a genuine, lovely person and knows her stuff. This book is for real. It doesn't make empty promises, and IF is a lot of work. But it's worth it, and makes a huge difference if you put in the work and dedication it requires to fast clean, stick to an eating window, and change your relationship with food.

The daily reading in this book is wonderful. The real life examples are motivating. And you can even keep a daily journal about your IF FAST start right in your copy of the book. I highly recommend this book for anyone starting an IF journey! Just be aware that you really need to also read Fast, Feast, Repeat as part of this 28 day FAST Start. Buy both books. You will not be sorry!

Love it!!

**I voluntarily read a review copy of this book from St Martins Press. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.**

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This is a companion book to Gin Stephens' Fast. Feast. Repeat. book. And it will help if the reader has already read that book, which goes deep into the science of fasting and how the body responds to prolonged fasting windows. I read Fast. Feast. Repeat., and it's what got me reading this book.

This book is a manual and journal of sorts with just enough information to get you going, and personal motivation stories thrown throughout the chapters. This book will be best read in paperback format so one can take notes on it.

If you need an extra push into IF and more accountability, this book will do that.

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28-Day FAST Start Day-by-Day by Gin Stephens is the companion volume to Stephens’ earlier FAST.FEAST.REPEAT, and the volumes are meant to be used together. The Day-by-Day guide offers 28 days of encouragement to embark on a fasting lifestyle, with explanations, tips, inspiration, and journaling prompts. As in the earlier book, Stephens’ approach is flexible, enabling readers to adapt this lifestyle to their needs and preferences. If you are interested in trying fasting, this is an accessible, well-written guide to getting started.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC.

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I have read a couple of books by Gin Stephens and enjoy them all. I will be purchasing this book as soon as it comes out because it is a workbook style and will be so helpful for anyone new to or wanting to delve deeper into their intermittent fasting lifestyle. This book is a great easy read and yet has a lot of the science behind why IF works and is a perfect companion to Fast, Feast, Repeat by Gin Stephens.

Thank you to #stmartinspress and to #netgalley for the digital ARC in exchange for my honest and independent review.

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If you are beginning an intermittent fasting lifestyle this book is a great place to start. Stephens really does explain how this plan can be personalized for each of us and what works of us as individuals. The 4-week plan is also very flexible and if one decides it isn’t working it is ok to take a break and resume later. It can also be incorporated into most people’s lifestyle very easily.

One complaint I have read is that the book very much encourages the purchase of her book Fast, Feast, Repeat. The book is good and a great compliment to this book and is meant to be read as a set.

Thank you @netgalley and @stmarintspress for my free e copy of this book for my review.

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This is a great book highlighting the fundamentals of fasting. I would recommend to anyone wanting to lose weight and/or lead a healthier lifestyle!

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