Cover Image: Alone with You in the Ether

Alone with You in the Ether

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I struggled to get into the story. I understand the premise. I ended up getting the audiobook because I couldn’t read it like it was. For me, I needed a narrator and in this case it helped out immensely. Interesting story about mental health.

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4.5 ⭐

Wow. I love stories like this. Ones that are wildly profound and emotionally wrought. Ones that end up staying with you long after you've finished them, that become apart of who you are upon turning the last page, nestling themselves in that safe space in your heart.

Alone With You In The Ether was definitely one of those for me.

Exquisitely written, this story explores the blossoming love between two people struggling with mental and emotional well-being, learning how to navigate the world with their unique perspectives and to love wholeheartedly despite it. This book is cerebral and intelligent, angsty yet tenderhearted, and beautifully peculiar in the best kind of way. A love story that is wonderfully existential and utterly meant to be.

I read this in one sitting while also listening to the audiobook and I couldn't get enough of it. I was so happy with all the page time we got with Regan and Aldo. There's no fluff or filler moments, just them, them, them from basically start to finish. And I loved how fresh this story felt. How never-been-done-before it was. How it held my attention like no other, effortlessly. Every minute was unexpected and beautiful and pure. The way their friendshp becomes more. The way their friendship started. The way their endless conversations go.

And my gosh, the way Aldo says I love you!!! #melting

I'm still a little unsure of Regan's character, maybe just like Aldo was, but I think they're happy together and growing together while also intentionally and consistently choosing the other and I think, in the end, that's all that matters.

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3.5 stars

Alone with You in the Ether is a captivating and emotional read. The characters are very hard to love, as they have real problems both personally and in their relationship. I found the book slightly unrealistic and thought a few of the topics/themes could have been handled better. I disliked a lot of the wording around the dialogue. To me this also read as more of an adult John Green book, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but not what I personally enjoy.

I found the female main character to be a little TOO relatable and I highlighted passages I related to or just wanted to look back on. Overall it was a good read, I think I would still recommend to certain readers!

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I very much enjoyed this dark academia book, I’m still new to her writing but I’m working my way through her back log because I’ve enjoyed her style very much.

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I can appreciate that this was a very personal, meaningful book for Blake. I couldn't really connect with the characters or their intentions, and so I struggled a lot with this, but it doesn't mean that it isn't a book for someone.

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Thank you NetGalley and Tor Publishing Group for the e-arc!
So excited to get a copy of Olivie Blake's book! I have heard so many amazing reviews and glowing descriptions of her writing abilities. I have been wanting to check out her work for a very long time. And overall I think her writing style definitely lives up to expectations. I found this story to be beautifully written and very emotional. Blake's style of writing compliments the story extremely well, as the depth of emotion complements the almost poetic writing style.
One of my favorite things about this book is the unique choice of characters and overall themes for the story. It wasn't like a typical romance, and it felt a lot more realistic and grounded than other romance books can feel. Will definitely be checking out more from this author.

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A mesmerizing journey through the depths of love, loss, and the ethereal realm. Blake's poetic prose weaves a spellbinding tale of longing and connection that transcends the physical world. With rich imagery and poignant emotion, this novel captivates from the very first page. Readers will find themselves immersed in a beautifully crafted narrative that explores the complexities of human relationships and the enduring power of the heart. A hauntingly beautiful read that lingers in the mind long after the final page is turned.

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Wonderful story, great character development, great writing! Highly recommend this book. I thoroughly enjoyed it

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This isn't the typical love story, but it is a romance book that felt like I was with two real people.

Alone With You in the Ether follows Regan and Aldo. Both are very complex characters. Regan is a bipolar counterfeit artist, and Aldo loves his routine and calculations.

The writing is beautiful. It's my first Olivie Blake, and I was highlighting so many quotes. Some because of the beautiful writing, and some because it discussed a relatable topic.

If you enjoy reading about real, raw characters, who have flaws, make mistakes, and feel like real people...this is the book for you.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the arc.

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4⭐️The writing was so beautiful! Reading this book almost felt like how watching a movie feels!! Def will need to read more by this author!

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Actual rating: 3,5 stars

I really don’t know how to feel about this book. I don’t even know if I liked it or not, so don’t expect this review to make any sense. I can definitely see why some people absolutely loved this book and why others hated it. I’m personally in the middle, and it's mainly thanks to the audiobook that I was able to appreciate it as much.

Blake’s writing is, as usual, magnificent. I don’t always connect with it and sometimes find it quite pretentious, but I can’t help but recognize how talented Olivie Blake is at crafting sentences and how this book is full of beautiful quotes. The chemistry between Regan and Aldo was absolutely beautiful to behold. Seeing them meet, get to know each other and then fall in love despite their personal mental health struggles was very realistic and profound.

However, the structure of the plot was… lacking? We have a lot of build-up hinting at the final conflict, only to end up with a very disappointing ending and an almost non-existent conflict. Leading to a second half of the book not as intriguing as the first. I also wasn’t a fan of the smut, especially the way it was written and the fact that the characters acted like horny teenagers (I understand this has a deeper meaning, but it was still cringy to read).

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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When I started reading this books I was like “okay, this might not be for me, it’s a bit confusing” and then it turned into “omg, I LOVE this book with my whole being!”

I can’t even put to words how much I loved this book. It’s pretty obvious that this review is going to be a mess. 😅 But I don’t even know where to start and what to say without spoiling the story.
I finished Alone With You in the Ether last night and I keep thinking about the story and Aldo and Regan and their deep thoughts and their relationship and bees! The bees! I could listen to Aldo talk about bees for days.

This is a character driven story, the characters are so deep and complex and they feel so real. And this isn’t a typical love story, it deals with topics as mental health, mood disorders. This is a book that will have you thinking about it for a long time after you finish it.

This book is a masterpiece. And I need the physical copy so I could reread it and annotate it asap!

Also, I need to add that after reading the acknowledgements I’m very happy that the author acknowledged the importance of taking your prescribed pills for your mental health and that you should consult with your therapist about any changes you plan on doing (because in the book we have a character that decides to stop taking pills because they think they feel better without them).

Thank you Netgalley, Tor Books and Olivie Blake for the chance to read this beautiful story.

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I'm in awe of Olivie's talent as an author, but I did have a hard time slipping into the world she built here. There is much to love and I really wanted to be head-over-heels, but it didn't quite hit me like I wanted. However, I learned a lot about mental health, love, and how to create an exhilarating world and unique characters.

Definitely give it a try!

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do you ever feel like a book just found you? this has been one of the easiest 5 stars of my year. it's definitely more vibes than plot but my god it made me feel alive. it's poetic and intimate and in someways felt like a Lana Del Rey song. I can't even figure out who the right audience is but I know I'll be talking about it for years to come.

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This is my second Olivier Blake book and the writing is drastically different, if there had been an excerpt, I'd never requested this. The Kindle file is also very wonky, might be worth looking into. I found it hard to read and that's not on the author.

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This is my first dive into this authors work, And I was blown away.
She has a way of drawing you in and hooking you subtly.
The feelings this book made me feel were sometimes overwhelming.
The story as a whole was beautiful and thoughtful.

After finishing i had literally no words to describe how i felt.

Thank you Netgalley and Bramble for this ARC

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Have you ever read a book and feel how beautiful the book is and yet vulnerable? This book is it for me. Perhaps it's in the way Aldo and Regan long for each other, need each other, desperate for each other that makes me feel that way. Or perhaps it's in the way the book made me feel and poked something deep that has been habitating so long inside of me, and how I feel so connected with these characters and how I understand what they feel for each other.
Nevertheless, this is a beautiful yet vulnerable book. Sure, it was pretty hard to get into it the first time but after it did, it was worth it.
"You and me."

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I had high hopes for "Alone With You in the Ether" by Olivie Blake, considering the enthusiastic praise it received from many readers. Unfortunately, my experience was far from the rave reviews, and I can't help but feel like a bit of an outlier in my disappointment.

Firstly, while I'm usually a fan of a poetic and pretentious writing style, I found myself struggling with the execution in this novel. The prose, which initially had potential, became increasingly grating as the book progressed. What began as an attempt at profound and unique insights turned into what felt like regular thoughts presented as groundbreaking revelations. It left me questioning whether the writing was genuinely attempting depth or merely pretending to be deep.

Adding to my disappointment was the character of Regan, who, in her portrayal, seemed akin to a manic pixie dream girl—a trope that felt outdated and added an unwelcome layer to the narrative. Despite my initial hopes to find depth in her character, Regan's arc only fueled my frustration. Aldo, a Ph.D. student in pure mathematics, was also a source of frustration. Instead of showcasing complex and realistic ideas within his field, the book presented inane and unrealistic concepts, detracting from the authenticity of his character.

My disappointment deepened as the story unfolded. The relationship dynamics, particularly the handling of cheating, were uncomfortable and left me unwilling to invest in the characters' journey. The problematic representation of mental health added another layer of concern, making it difficult to find any redeeming qualities in the narrative.

Ultimately, what frustrated me the most was the book's failure to evoke any emotional response. Despite its attempt to convey intellectual depth, the characters, relationships, setting, and plot felt profoundly uninteresting. The novel's lack of substance left me longing for just one spark of interest to make the experience more bearable.

While I had hoped to join the ranks of those who enjoyed "Alone With You in the Ether," my journey through its pages left me with a sense of profound disappointment and an understanding that, perhaps, this book was simply just not meant for me.

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Olivie Blake has a very unique writing style, which I think can either be off-putting or can draw you in. I think for me, I keep finding that her writing style isn't really for me, but I can understand why her worldbuilding and character-work is so popular in general.

Having said that, this book is definitely my favourite that I've read of her works so far.

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I sent my review for the wrong book. I do apologize and will be submitting my review for Alone with You in the Ether by Olivie Blake very soon.

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