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This Spells Love

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I can't believe this is a debut book for this author, I liked it so much, and her writing style is as fascinating and interesting as someone who has been writing this type of books for a long time.
The story is very funny and somehow reminds me of the movie 50 first dates, which is very cute. I really enjoyed the alternate reality twist. I always love a good friends to lovers romance. I thoroughly enjoyed the laugh out loud humor throughout the book. This was very fun and quick read which I'm sure you'll like.

About the story:
In the beginning, @kate_robb_writes introduces us with Gemma a seemingly beautiful and funny 28th year old girl who lives a nice and expensive life, with a well-paid job, but breaks up with her boyfriend and in a completely girly style decides to get drunk and do everything possible to forget it, but naturally as a typical childish behavior she decides to try something new related to magic. (Well, believe me, it's definitely not good to try magic love spells while you're drunk)
After waking up, however, she realizes that the spell has really worked, and she finds herself in an alternate universe where not only has she never met her ex and her life isn't what she wanted, but her best friend Dax (who is super sexy in my opinion) doesn't remember her at all. On top of that, she has to convince him that he knows her before the appointed time to hit and she can't break the spell (I know, a little Cinderella style, but it's cool). And from there, the story begins to excite us with every next page.
Gemma tries her best to remind him who she is and comic situations come one after the other, and her aunt Livi and her sister Kiersten are always there for her even in the shenanigans. But through this new experience, between Dax and Gemma a lot of sexy sparks start to fly between them and she starts to see him in a different way that isn't just friendly.
And here comes the question - Should she return to her old life or can she remain in this reality? And what will happen between the two?
If you wanna find out, read the book😉
Story : 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Romance: 💓💓💓
Enjoyment level : ✨✨✨✨✨
Plot: ☀️☀️☀☀️
#netgalleyarcs #netgalleyreads #netgalley

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book is another friends to lovers with a twist of paranormal romance. Its a cozy story and a really quick read. It’s perfect for anyone who loves a good romcom!

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This spells love by Kate Robb is a sweet romance novel.
I absolutely adored this sweet romance novel. The story line was cute and it had a great mix of characters. It had everything that I wanted in a romance novel and more.
I really enjoyed the novel and I highly recommend it.
💖 Thank you to netgalley and the author/publisher for my arc ebook copy of the book in exchange for a honest review.

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I loved this book, it was so different and exploring the opportunity of a do over via an alternative reality.
The characters were extremely likeable and you are routing for Gemma & Dax
It all starts with one little spell, but the wheels are then put in motion when our protgonist is given the opportunitynto live her dream life in an alternate reality. Obviously best friend/soul mate Dax is there, and although initially he doesn't know/recognise her in her 'other life', it affords her the opportunity to explore her relationship with him outdside of the 'friend zone'

Its a lush book and thank you Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read it in exchange for an honest review. I kmow its not a massive review but, I really do recommend this book, it will make you smile and laugh out loud at times. Enjoy

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4.5 stars!! gem and dax have been best friends for four years but when gemma's relationship ends and she goes to her quirky old aunt for some advice, a strange spell helps gemma to realise what she has been missing the entire time. oh my god i loved this book!! dax was amazing, i literally love the 'he's loved her forever' trope and it was so clear that he loved her from the get-go. this book was not a typical small-town rom-com by any means which i loved, the magical element was so unique and it made this book all the more memorable. i also really liked the ending, i felt like it was right (<spoiler> however i would've loved an epilogue to see how other dax and other gem were doing, because we left him in a pretty bad place and i would like to see how he coped with the loss of gem and if he and other gem got together? </spoiler>) i loved the writing in this one and it was hilarious from start to finish with some seriously heart-warming moments as well (plus the smut was so good omg). thank you to the author and netgalley for the ARC of this book!

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this book. All opinions are 100% my own.

If I’d had the energy to pull an all-nighter to finish this book, I would have. I honestly could not put it down!

This book follows Gemma, who casts a spell with her family and best friend to forget her ex boyfriend. She wakes up in an alternate reality where she never met that ex boyfriend, and as a result her best friend Dax. The only way to reverse the spell is to kiss Dax on the next full moon. However, Gemma falls for alternate reality Dax and finds herself deciding to stay or go!

The concept of this book was really interesting. I wish there had been a little more magic involved, as other than the original spell, there was no mention of magic.

Every single character in this book was well written and likeable and their relationships with each other felt so real.

I will 100% be picking up any future books Kate Robb writes!

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Be careful what you wish for even if you’re trying to wish away something bad that happened to you. It may just erase the most precious person from your life.

This story was so unique and funny. I love how eccentric the FMC was throughout the entire book and how she made fun of herself even when she woke up in a different version of her life! I love how each of the characters tenderness showed throughout the book even when they didn’t “know” each other! If you love love and you’ve always wondered if love will transcend through different lifetimes/versions of yourself this is a book for you!! Thank you for this ARC

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A fun romantic comedy. Gemma is heartbroken when her relationship with Stuart ends. Her sister Kiersten and Aunt Livi try to help by casting a spell that will end Gemma’s heartache over Stuart. Things go wrong and the next morning Gemma wakes up to a different life, working in a job she only dreamt about, but her best friend Dax does not know her.
I loved the interactions between Gemma and her sister and Aunt Livi. Aunt Livi finds a love Cleanse spell in an old book and goes ahead to cast the spell even though part of the spell is missing.
This was a romance about friendships with lots of fun parties.

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The first few chapters were good. But I got lost when everything changed unfortunately the book wasn't for me and I couldn't finish

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I loved this book so much more than I anticipated, its the perfect cosy read for autumn! The characters were so well written and the fantasy aspect of this was woven into the plot so well!

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This wasn’t quite what I was expecting this book to be, but I really enjoyed it! I liked the way the plot and romance intertwined, it was funny and steamy and I would definitely pick up another book by this author. A great read!

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Omg ! If you want to route for two characters in a book it’s Gemma and dad !
Gemma goes threw her break up after being together for 4 years she’s so devastated she just wants to move on! Forget he even existed! Soooooo can she do a spell to erase all there memories from her mind .
Sadly it works ! And now dad has forgotten who she is altogether 😭😭😭 noooooo!
Can she get him to remember her ! Can they fall in love again 🤞😭❤️ thank you random house publishing for my advanced arc !

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This was a really cute friends to lovers romance that I really enjoyed. Dax and Gemma’s relationship/friendship was really sweet, and I was relieved when they finally gave romance a chance! I’ll admit to being a little confused with all the different dimensions, but it made sense in the end! However, my kindle copy didn’t seem to include the letter f in multiple words?! There was lots of coee, and caiienne. It may just have been my copy, but wanted to let you know before it is published!

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A warm enjoyable read, I loved the magic theme within this book. Lighthearted but meaningful. I absolutely loved how the characters were portrayed.

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Everyone needs to read this book right now, it’s so much more than a romance book, I’ve never read a book like this before and it was so interesting to read. Loved it!

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What can I say ? This book is absolutely amazing!

From start to finish it had me entralled and engaged with the main character and her journey of self discovery.

It gave me the witchy vibes and rom com kinda vibes Ive always wanted in a book , If you are a fan of Practical Magic this book is straight up your alley! It has that family vibe the witchy and magical elements.

The whole bond with her aunt is so wholesome - but when she reads aloud an ancient spell Jenna is cast back to a parallel world a world where she never met her ex.

This was a wonderful story of friends to lovers, with humour and just the right amount of spice!

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This book had me smiling from beginning to end! What a lovely rom com - filled with magic, friendships and some hot scenes that had me blushing. Highly recommended!

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This was super cute, definitely perfect october vibes. Will definitely be recommending as a Halloween read

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I couldn't put "This Spells Love" down. I liked how it reminded the reader of how change can have a massive impact on others. I have always loved films like 'Big', 'Freaky Friday' and 'Sliding Doors' so this book played right into that concept for me and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Like any romance book, you really want a happy ever after and I was pleased that was the case. My only niggle is that it would have been really nice to see more of how their story developed at the end...that really would have been 5 stars for me.

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This was a really lovely romance with a twist. I love the spell element and how it changed everything, but helped Gemma to see where she needed to be in her timeline.
The characters were just adorable and I would have loved more about aunt livi, so hoping that's in the pipeline! ;)

Thank you to the author, publisher and netgalley for an arc copy in exchange for an honest review.

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