Member Reviews

This was an enjoyable light read. I flew through it rather quickly.
The heist aspect of the story added an extra element to a contemporary romance that contributed in a positive way.
Lulu, Jane and Rina are each disenchanted with their lives as they currently are and are searching for a way out. Each of them has a considerable amount of pressure and road blocks to overcome. Lulu is expected to have over most over her money on order to support her parents and her mother’s ultimate goal for her is to have them all be supported through her upcoming marriage. Jane married a year ago in a marriage of convenience since there were no other options for a woman of lesser beauty. Rina is trying to rise up the ladder in her career, but as a 30 something female, that proves to be nearly impossible as the expectations on her increases despite being turned down for a promotion.
Their solution - steal all the money at the wedding.
The character development is the strength of this book.
Jane’s insecurities make character growth difficult even though her husband is making a considerable effort to improve the state of their marriage. Lulu really struggles to figure out what her place is the world should be and Rina strives for independence. These woman all grew so much as the story progressed and by the end find their place.
I recommend this book to anyone with pressure on their lives that seems insurmountable and to those that are trying to figure out their place in the world.
Thank you to NetGaller and Harlequin Trade Publishing for a digital arc of the book. The opinions expressed are honest and my own.

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I really enjoyed this! Featuring fascinating characters, a unique plot, and featuring strong female friendship. I also loved that it was set against the Shanghai backdrop.

*many thanks to Graydon House and Netgalley for the gifted copy for review

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I was very excited to read this story based on the synopsis. Though I liked the overall premise, I did not find the characters likeable and eventhough that usually does not influence my rating of a story, I think this time it did.
Jane's extreme self-hate and Lulu's seemingly I-can't-save-myself syndrome really irked me. It is a unique story and has some fun parts.
Thank you to the publishers for this ARC.

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I thought this was very good and I will have to add this to the shop shelves. Thank you for the chance for us to review.

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The story is about a bride and her two best friends. They are all unhappy with their lives and decide to steal the gift money to escape. Although the topic, plot and idea are interesting, somehow the execution did not resonate with me. I did enjoy the friendship of the three women but did not enjoy the characters themselves. This is an ok but not memorable read.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the opportunity to read this in exchange for a candid review.

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I really enjoyed this book. I went into this not knowing to expect and I was pleasantly surprised! Love the relationship between the group and the heist!! The friendship was my absolute favorite part of this book and I can see myself reading it again.

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Reluctant Bride’s Heist Plan

Women of Good Fortune is a delightful, high-stakes heist novel centred around three friends in Shanghai: Lulu, Jane, and Rina. The story follows their audacious plan to steal the wedding money at Lulu's high-society wedding. Each woman is driven by her struggles: Lulu is set to marry a man she doesn't love, Jane is desperate for money for plastic surgery, and Rina dreams of a different life. Their scheme unfolds amidst the glitzy backdrop of Shanghai's elite, blending humour, tension, and heartfelt moments.

Women of Good Fortune is a captivating and thought-provoking read that combines the thrill of a heist with the exploration of significant social issues. Sophie Wan's debut novel is a testament to her ability to weave complex characters and themes into an entertaining narrative. Its strengths lie in its character development, thematic depth, and engaging writing style. However, readers looking for a straightforward plot may find the heist's intricacies a bit overwhelming. Overall, it is a delightful and insightful novel that offers both entertainment and reflection.

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I really wanted to like this book and there are definitely parts of it that I enjoyed but overall the plot was not well conceived and I desired so much more from it.

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Sophie Wan has an intriguing premise for this book - but it fell a bit short of expectation. Found myself disconnected from the story and the motivation of the characters - would have loved more in depth portrayal of the characters' motivations and connection to one another.

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Absolutely perfect! I loved the story and the characters so so much! This book felt so good to finally read! Thank you for the chance!

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Thank you NetGalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the ARC! I really enjoy a heist but the characters and their motivations didn’t work for me here. It fell short!

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Women of Good Fortune pulled me in with its interesting premise. I love a good heist. A fun, page turner with complex characters set in Shanghai. Short chapters, brilliantly flawed characters, entertaining read

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by Sophie Wan

This was such a fun book with a really great setting in Shanghai - it is such a change of pace from the thrillers I have been reading. I’m so glad I picked up this book when I did and I flew by the chapters which were short, but the characters were so intriguing and they were the winners in this book.

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Women of Good Fortune by Sophie Wan is a captivating novel that offers both an honest and funny look at the lives of three women navigating societal expectations in modern Shanghai. The story revolves around Lulu, a reluctant bride, and her two best friends, Jane and Rina, who each have their own unique struggles and dreams. It gave off a bit of Crazy Rich Asian vibes albeit not as lavish as that novel- still has the same level of drama though!
Wan’s writing is both engaging and insightful, the characters are well-developed and relatable, each facing their own challenges in a society that often places undue pressure on women. The plot, centered around a high-society wedding and a daring heist, is both entertaining and thought-provoking. Thanks to NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book.

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I DNF'd this about about 40% through the book. It just felt over the top and I couldn't relate to the characters. The concept of the book was amazing, but I just wasn't connecting with the characters.

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It has a bit of a slow start but the book was interesting and a good heist book. I enjoyed reading it

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I think this book was a hit and a miss for me. I enjoyed the plot and the look into a culture so different from my own. I did not enjoy certain characters, Jane was absolutely atrocious and hard to read most of the time, but I loved to hate her character, and I enjoyed seeing her grow as she shifted her focus from shallow endeavors to more thoughtful interactions.

What I do enjoy; getting a look into Shanghai (as someplace I likely will never be able to afford to visit), learning about customs and marriage practices in a different region of the world, getting a taste of the high society snootery of somewhere different than the usual settings shown in media, and having a band of women decide to kinda eat the rich in this scenario. I think all of this made it interesting enough for me to complete the story to get a fun experience.

I didn't really enjoy how flat some characters felt, where the writing didn't seem expressive or just told us what they felt instead of showing it. I didn't like how some scenes were rushed so quickly, where we may be having an important conversation or scene for the story and it was over far too quickly. It felt like the pacing was bouncing around too much, I wanted more and often I was left wanting. I think maybe these are issues less with the author and instead more of an editing team issue, because I think this should have been caught before publication.

I really hope to see what Sophie Wan puts out next, because I did ultimately enjoy this book for the fun of it (despite my nit picky issues with structure).

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this was suuuuuuuch a fun book to read!
I had very low expectations as I was coming off of reading another asian inspired book that hadn't been good, but boy was I pleasantly surprised with this book!!!!
it was very refreshing but also somewhat familiar? it was simple, yet very complex at the same time with some topics it dealt with?
I loved every single thing about it. the character development was phenomenal on every single one of the girls, on the husband to be, on the mom you loved to hate, and on the counterfeit queen as well as the cousin.
I felt like I was reading a book from the same universe as crazy rich asians but in its own right and with its own style.
my favorite part was the plot twist and the ending, truly a great ending and didn't leave me wanting at all.
I would read a book #2 if there was one, either a spinoff of one of the girls, or a continuation and a here they are now type of thing.
4.5/5, would certainly recommend I read it in like 2 days!

Thanks NetGalley and publishers for allowing me to read an ARC in exchange of an unbiased review.

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I had pretty high expectations for this one! The idea of 3 woman planning a heist at a wedding and getting away with it sounded great. Sadly I didn’t love Rina, Jane or Lulu very much. The build up was a little slow but I really enjoyed it once we got to the wedding and heist-y things got underway.

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I love the three story lines and how they all weave together between the three friends. I like the heist element and how the three friends would get together to plan. There is great character development. The relationship each character has and its endings were really well done.

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