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The House of Last Resort

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I’m a bit conflicted when it aimed to my review for this book. On one hand, I really enjoyed the premise. I liked the setting, the creepy house vibes, and the chance for new beginnings. I enjoyed the characters and found them mostly believable.

What didn’t work so well for me was how drawn out the story was. I found that a lot of stuff was repeated. The author would have each character rehash things without really adding anything to the overall story. It got a little tedious by the end.

I have read from this author before and enjoyed his work. I think this was just a case of a book that didn’t hit a home run for me. I look forward to reading more of his books in the future.

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In recent years, Christopher Golden has consistently delivered literary works that leave readers eagerly anticipating his next book. Although I joined the party a bit late, my introduction to his brilliance began with the captivating Ararat, a book that not only lived up to its promise but also paved the way for an exceptional sequel. Notably, Golden continued to enchant readers with gems like Road of Bones.

As we eagerly await the arrival of mid-January, the anticipation is justified with the imminent release of Golden's latest creation, The House of Last Resort. It's not merely another addition to his impressive repertoire; it's a phenomenal read that surpasses expectations. Pardon the clichés, but with each new release, Golden consistently proves himself as a literary maestro, weaving tales that captivate and resonate long after the final page is turned. The House of Last Resort is no exception, and Christopher Golden continues to solidify his place as a virtuoso in the realm of contemporary horror and thriller literature.

If you know me, you know I love gothic stories so very much. The House of Last Resort hits all those marks and expectations, and more.

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I really enjoyed All Hallows by this author, so I was excited to receive an approval for this title.

The premise of this book was great. I remember seeing articles a few years ago about European towns offering very cheap homes to people willing to relocate, so I like how the author used that as the basis of this story. I thought there were some great creepy moments throughout, and I thought there was some good buildup, however overall I thought the story fell a little flat. I would have loved for it to be really creepy/scary, and it felt like it didn't get there until the end. I also wasn't crazy about the ending. I felt like the author could have chosen to go one of two ways with the ending, but somehow ended up in the middle, which was kind of underwhelming.

Overall, it certainly wasn't a bad book, and I did enjoy parts of it. I just didn't really love it.

Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!

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The House of Last Resorts follows a young American couple moving to a dying town in Italy, with the promise that they can buy a home for 1 euro, renovate it, and live in it for 5 years, then own it forever. Tommy and Katie accept, and happily move to Becchina to be closer to Tommy's aging grandparents. But all is not right in their new home, and the past may just back to haunt them. The first half of this book is more of a slow burn, but the author uses this to lay breadcrumbs that eventually lead to an explosion of action in the second half. The tale is taunt with mystery and suspense, and I was left with my jaw on the ground. Golden really outdid himself with this one!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for this ARC. I am leaving this review voluntarily and views expressed are my own.

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The House of Last Resort is a very atmospheric story set in the small town of Becchina in Sicily. Americans, Tom and Kate Pugilisi take advantage of the opportunity to purchase a home there for a very low amount, and to take on a new adventure in their lives. This also allows Tom to be closer to his grandparents whom he's been estranged from.

Once they arrive to their beautiful new home, they quickly learn that the locals refer to it as The House of Last Resort and quickly discover the secrets of their new residence, including the discovery of the catacombs beneath.

Honestly, I went back and forth with how I felt about this book pretty much the entire time. At points, I was bored. At other points, I was utterly creeped out and considered putting it down purely because of a specific element that always gives me the heebie jeebies. At other points, I was engrossed in the story and wanted to find out what was going to happen. It was truly a mixed bag of emotions. In the end, I finished the book and found the story to be good. It all came together in the end.

Spoiler: If anything involving exorcisms or rats creep you out, this book will NOT be for you.

Thank you St. Martins Press and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Sad to say I didn't love this one.

As the kids say these days...hi! I’m the problem it’s me. Probably?

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Another great read from Christopher Golden. This novel had great characters, that I really cared about, and were well developed. And the story was also great, and had great pacing. Will be looking forward to any new releases from Christopher Golden.

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Thank you to St. Martin’s Press for the digital copy to review!

I loved this one, the Italy setting was amazing, it was perfect for a religious horror setting. Tommy and Kate were a wonderful couple, they had real issues being newly married, but were very hopeful about their house situation, that is until they learned what was really going on in their house they had just purchased after inquiring about all the weird stuff going on. It is a wild ride from here, a little more eerie than horror, but I was ok with that honestly and overall I really enjoyed this one.

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Tommy and Kate have moved to the town of Becchina in Italy where they buy a home that needs a little extra love for a Euro. The catch? Stay for 5 years. As they settle into their new home, reconnecting with Tommy's Italian family, something makes itself known.

This is my third book by Christopher Golden and I'm starting to learn his writing style. I like how each novel is unique and The House of Last Resort is no different. The plot is a slow build that introduces you to the MCs, the family, the friends and the town's history. The narrative is atmospheric and even though there aren't jump scares there are a few excellent creepy moments (hello gramps).

I did find this to be a very low key horror overall. The final few chapters are where the action really lies. It made me realize I would've loved more of a haunting type buildup to really seal the genre trope.

I don't want to give too much away because Golden knows how to drop an unexpected twist and the how and the why was one of my favorite parts. Overall, this wasn't my total fave of his bit it confirmed that I definitely will continue to keep going back for more.

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1.5 / 5

First, I want to thank netgalley and st martin's press for this book. My review is 100% honest.

This book was written like a stephen king novel except Christopher Golden does not seem to hate women as much as king does. This would be all fine and dandy if I liked king, however, I don't at all. Maybe I'm not a horror girl, or maybe I just think making demons be the issue in the story is a cop out so that you don't have to write anything super thought provoking. I will say that small plot twist was okay. And although the rats were terrifying, it was a cool element. I wish I loved this book, but I just did not. I couldn't wait for it to be over.

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Even though this was the latest release from Christopher Golden, an author I have really enjoyed in the past, I was a little hesitant going into this one. While I hadn't read any reviews, that overall rating of 3.3 was glaring me in the face. I was concerned. Did Golden have a flop?

I still haven't read a lot of the reviews, so I am not exactly sure what the issue is, but I have read this one and I really, really enjoyed it! This went into a surprising Religious Horror direction, which I love. It felt Literary in it's build-up and I loved the culturally-rich setting. I feel like this would make an incredible movie. It was so vibrant.

In this novel, we're following American couple, Tommy and Kate Puglisi, who move to the small hilltop town of Becchina, in Italy. Becchina is dwindling, with the population aging out and young people moving away. In an effort to revitalize the area, the mayor starts a program to sell abandoned homes to anyone for a single Euro, as long as the buyer promises to live there for at least five years. Tommy and Kate jump at the chance. Tommy has family there and they're excited about the change in lifestyle and ability to get to spend more time with his family.

Upon arrival, the house isn't quite giving them the warm, romantic vibes they expected though. It's giving a more haunted, demonic feel than they would have signed up for. And why do all the locals whisper about this place?

We follow Tommy and Kate as they attempt to settle in, make their new house a home and become involved with the local community.
Strange things are happening at the house though that they can't explain. They've discovered rooms they didn't know were there and the more they dig into the history of the house, the more nervous they become.

They ultimately learn that their home was owned by the church for generations and there are dark, dangerous secrets hiding behind every corner, and perhaps even under their feet. With a history like that, will this place ever be able to become a comfortable family home?
As mentioned above, I really enjoyed this. I have always vibed with Golden's writing. It's engaging.

Granted, not every moment is smash-bang in your face, it has a lot of quiet, more subtle moments, but all the more for the build, I say. I love a slow burn, as long as the payoff is worth it and IMO, this one is. Once I started this book, I was definitely consumed by the story. I read 43% in my first sitting. I barely came up for air. I ended up finishing it in a day.

I loved the atmosphere and the feeling of the historic town and property. I was intrigued by the mystery of the house and as a lover of Religious Horror, I was happy to see it take a turn in that direction. The whole feeling of that place was beautifully depicted by Golden.
I would recommend this to Horror fans, or people who enjoy a slow burn set amongst a creepy, mysterious atmosphere. Also, haunted house fans, this is a unique take in the subgenre, so you should definitely check it out.

Thank you so much to the publisher, St. Martin's Press, for providing me a copy to read and review. I always look forward to picking up Golden's latest work. This one was definitely a win for me

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Just, no.

I’ve never been so bored while reading a “horror” novel.

I actively disliked (hated?) the main characters.

Lots of nothing going on, with a sluggish pace that wouldn’t keep up with a sloth.

Who takes days to finally explore the house they bought? Furthermore, who even buys a house without actually seeing the whole thing?

What woman hears noises during the night, somewhere in her huge mansion, while the power is out, and decides to investigate while wearing only her thong and carrying only her cell phone for the flashlight app?

And don’t even get me started on the catacombs.

Ridiculous dialogue. Ridiculous characters. Ridiculous everything.

DNF at 34%

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Tommy and Kate buy an abandoned home in Italy for only one euro - with the plan to fix it up. Shockingly, things don't go according to plan.

The first half of this book was a little slow to get through and felt somewhat repetitive, but not enough to deter me. There was a lot of time spent setting the atmospheric surrounding, which I really liked.

The second half of the book picked up and was tense and kept me engaged. I was able to guess the ending fairly easily, which was a little disappointing.

Overall, it was a solid reliable thriller, but not necessarily one of my favorites.

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I had to sit with this one for a while after I finished it. I really enjoyed this book - I am new the horror genre and this was the first book I’ve read that creeped me out. The first half is very much a slow burn as the couple is getting settled in to their new house but as the story unfolds the twists start coming. I couldn’t put it down. I will definitely check out more of this author’s work.

If you’re looking for a new horror read I recommend checking this one out.

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Tommy and Kate jump at the chance to purchase a home in Becchina for practically nothing. It’s something I’d absolutely consider – but without a haunted house. It’s a fresh start for them, less stress than living in Boston, and a chance for Tommy to reconnect with his grandparents and cousin. They soon discover their realtor didn’t share everything about the background of their new house.

I loved the small town Sicilian setting of Becchina and could easily imagine the winding streets, charming shops and restaurants, and flower-filled gardens outside the villas as Tommy and Kate explored their new town. Much of the first half of the book is filled with the couple settling in and meeting other “imports”, as a group of other recent immigrants refer to themselves. Odd occurrences begin almost immediately – doors slamming in the middle of the night, a locked door suddenly unlocked, and rats. Once they’re able to get into the annex of the house, they discover rooms that had questionable purposes. One even looks like a chapel. Then there are the small earthquakes. Over half of the book is definitely more of a slow burn.

Then things start to heat up, tension is high, and the story had my full attention. Without revealing spoilers, I’ll say there’s a good reason why their house is haunted. The last 30% moves quickly, and you’ll want to set aside some uninterrupted time to finish the novel. But the ending? I wasn’t a fan. I’d recommend this novel to fans of haunted houses, exotic locations, and a creepy atmosphere.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This was my first book by Christopher Golden, to being, this book was not what I was expecting. I love reading about haunted houses, the supernatural, demonic things and all the things that come with it. So a book about Italy and the catacombs - count me in! The book was a very slow burn. I felt the first half of the book was a lot of meeting people, relationships and a small amount of backstory. There were some eerie things going on, but it didn't really settle in until later in the book. I don't want to give too much away since really the twists are what will keep you reading.
I really think this book had potential, but it just had so many twists, ideas, tropes that the plot got lost. Maybe it would have been better as a short story instead of a novel. I hope I am an outlier and others enjoy this.

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The House of Last Resort is an incredibly written tale of superstition and religious fear set in the Sicilian countryside.

When Tommy and Kate have an opportunity to buy a vacant home for one euro in Tommy’s familial town in Italy - they jump at a chance for a fresh start. But after moving around the world, they realize the new home they bought is actually a nightmare behind the walls.

Rumors of exorcisms and haunting trickle in from the locals, and weird things begin happening as Tommy and Kate lead an initiative to get tourists to their new Italian town. Their home has other plans for them - and a long awaited destiny lurks behind its walls.

This book is the work of my nightmares - and it was a page turning thriller that I could not read fast enough. From 65% on I kept updating my husband - almost yelling at times - and freaking out as the twists and turns developed. Without giving anything away - the ending was completely unexpected and astounding. Days later I am still thinking about it.

When I read the horror genre, the books don’t normally give me a true fright. But this one haunted my dreams and left me not wanting to read it after dark. It was an awesome fright and I think I’ve found yet another horror author to keep on my radar.

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In all fairness, I don't read horror - why? Because in real life, I'm a big scaredy-cat.

However, this book was just too all over the place to be considered horror in my opinion. Is it creepy? Yes. Does it gross you out? Absolutely! Are there unexplained and very disturbing elements? YES.

I did not like the main characters, Tommy and Kate; I found their determination to get their friends to move to Italy and constant efforts to revitalize the town a bit tone-deaf. I mean, they didn't even take the time to get to know the town or the locals without first assuming they know best. The whole premise of their move seemed suspicious to me and the fact that Tommy doesn't really know his grandparents but wants to live near them was also strange.

Please check the trigger warnings before reading this book. There's a lot of discussion about exorcism, demonic possession and rodents. Yes, rodents. Eek.

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THE RATS. This book was good, don’t get my wrong, but reading about rats makes my skin crawl. I wasn’t expecting them to be mentioned so much. The story.. the plot.. the potential was all there! I just couldn’t get past the rats. I would still recommend it to anyone who is interested in horror, genuine horror. It was less of a thriller or mystery and heavy on the horror. I wasn’t expecting that. I LOVED that part. It was downright creepy at parts but I could have done without the rats.

If you love demons and exorcisms and cult like groups, this one is for you.

Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s publishing for the ARC.

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What would you do if you had evil in you new home in Italy?

The House of Last Resort by Christopher Golden is a creepy tale of demonic possession set to a beautiful Italy backdrop. Golden uses lush descriptions and creates a gorgeous view of a small town in Italy with a terrifying history. The house is one of the main characters and I absolutely loved the creepiness of this book.

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