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The House of Last Resort

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Title: The House of Last Resort by Christopher Golden
Publication Date- 01/30/24
Publisher- St. Martins Press
Overall Rating- 3.5 out of 5 stars

Review: Review copy given to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

The House of Last Resort is a horror/ thriller about a couple who wants to escape their ordinary lives and move into a “one euro,” house in a dying Italian town. The husband has family in and around this town, though the dynamics between family members are quite complicated. The wife wants a simpler life and to spend her days with her husband and small town living. What they don’t know is some nefarious things have happened below their home in the catacombs, connecting back to the Catholic Church.

I found this premise really interesting because I, like most of us, have seen the homes for sale for 1 dollar or 1 (insert currency here) in small remote villages. Probably similar to you, I have wondered or fantasized about moving to these towns and helping rebuild the community. This is the story of when that goes wrong.

What I liked: there were some really spooky/ creepy scenes that were well written. The tension around those scenes specifically were high and left me on edge. I enjoyed the main characters and their relationship as well as the added layer of complicated family dynamics. I think the premise as a whole was interesting and I haven’t read anything like it before. The ending I felt was entertaining, quick and thrilling. Though I would like to talk with someone about how they interrupted the ending because in a way it was open ended.

What I didn’t like: The writing has potential and you can see where it’s going. I would have liked it to be slightly more engaging and in-depth. Golden takes his time to set the scene and make a creepy atmosphere. I just felt that the writing was “off,” at times, I’m not really sure how to explain it. It felt sort of flat and like it was so close if he would have taken a little more time to add more details? The story as whole felt flat at times and that’s probably due to the lack of detail and depth. More things could have been further developed. Though I did enjoy the ending, it felt rushed. Almost nothing happened for 60-70 percent of the story then all the sudden the pacing greatly changes and the book ends.

Moral of the story: I enjoyed this. I would probably read from the author again. I think if you are going to read this, go into thinking about it as a slightly longer novella. All in all, an enjoyable read.

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The Italian town of Becchina is losing it's small, aging population and like a few other places has decided to offer homes in the town for 1 Euro to those who will invest in restoring the property and living there for five years in an effort to bring back life to the town. Tommy & Kate decide to take this offer, both for the adventure and for the fact that Tommy's grandparents call Becchina home, and Tommy is hoping to re-connect with his aging grandparents. When they move into their new home, things get a bit weird. Tommy's grandmother is absolutely furious that they bought that particular house, they find an annex to the house that they didn't know about when they bought it, and to cap it all of the house is called The House of Last Resort, and apparently it was previously owned by the Catholic church. Bizarre things begin to happen at the house, weird noises, apparitions, and rats. As Tommy and Kate learn more about what the church did in the house and what's under the house they begin to fear for their lives.
This was a fun haunted house story that morphed into an entire book of family secrets, creepy ghosts, and how sometimes things are too good to be true. I'd recommend it to those who like picturesque Italian villages with a side of scary.

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Across Italy, there are many half-empty towns, nearly abandoned by those who migrate to the coast or to cities. The beautiful, crumbling hilltop town of Becchina is among them, but its mayor has taken drastic measures to rebuild—selling abandoned homes to anyone in the world for a single Euro, as long as the buyer promises to live there for at least five years. It’s a no-brainer for American couple Tommy and Kate Puglisi. Both work remotely, and Becchina is the home of Tommy’s grandparents, his closest living relatives.

It feels like a romantic adventure, an opportunity the young couple would be crazy not to seize. But from the moment they move in, they both feel a shadow has fallen on them. Tommy’s grandmother is furious, even a little frightened, when she realizes which house they’ve bought.

There are rooms in an annex at the back of the house that they didn’t know were there. The place makes strange noises at night, locked doors are suddenly open, and when they go to a family gathering, they’re certain people are whispering about them, and about their house, which one neighbor refers to as The House of Last Resort. Soon, they learn that the home was owned for generations by the Church, but the real secret, and the true dread, is unlocked when they finally learn what the priests were doing in this house for all those long years…and how many people died in the strange chapel inside.

While down in the catacombs beneath Becchina…something stirs.
With books like these, the atmosphere and setting are key and I think Golden does a decent job. Though I was not completely transported, I still felt somewhat immersed in the novel which was nice. Sometimes though, it was hard to gauge just how the building was set up and where exactly in the building they were supposed to be, which I guess was the point, but still led me to rereading a lot of sections to gauge the set up. As a fan of horror, I'm conditioned to a slow build, so I didn't really have a problem with waiting for this story to build.

I think that the payoff is somewhat worth though, could it have been shorter? Yes. Should it have been? No, not necessarily. I think in story like this, the build (however slow) is key to the end result. That being said, I wish the end result had been bigger? I just don't think that the payoff was the perfect response to the build up. Had it been, I probably would have rated it higher. I don't think it ruined anything, but I do think it hindered the story. I will be rereading in hopes this changes though because the writing was so nice.

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This was an excellent and original tale of demons and exorcism. I loved the 2 main characters, the setting of the fictional town of Becchina in Sicily, the creepy old house, and especially the story. If you’re a horror fan or just are looking for an original story and can handle a bit of a creepy tale I highly recommend this. Is is not overly gory or scary in my opinion but still enjoyed it very much.

This is only my second book by Mr Golden after last years All Hallows (which I loved) and I have added his other books to my TBR list.

Thanks so much to the publisher and author for the ARC I received via NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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3 stars.

I found Christopher Golden's "The House of Last Resort" to be very visceral, but also very predictable. The way he portrays his setting is the best part of this book. He paints a vivid picture of a chilling home with a dark history full of descriptive, nasty, often acrid words and phrases to allow readers to see, smell, and hear just what the main characters, Tommy and Kate, are up against in the old Italian home they purchased. The allure of small-town life in a foreign country from which Tommy's family hails is enough to get them to pack up their life in the states and move across the world... and the added bonus of a vast, ancient home they can renovate only sweetens the deal. There is a slight creepiness factor throughout this book, but I don't think the final product is as strong as Golden wants it to be. I felt underwhelmed with this book as a whole. I found the story to be too slowly paced for my liking. There are a lot of "bump in the night" moments, and even several "bump in the day" moments, and while the first and last 1/5th of the book are really solid, the 3/5ths in the middle is lacking in oomph and scare-factor. All in all, this was not my favorite horror/thriller.

Thank you to NetGalley, Christopher Golden, and St. Martin's Press for the complimentary ARC of this book. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated for this review.

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This book is scary! It's starts off eerie and unsettling--the visions, the doors slamming, the earthquakes. But then the history of the house is revealed and you get CHILLS. There are some good twists throughout. The ending feels too long but mostly because you're desperate to see if Tommy will be okay. Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC

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First things first: this is the first book I've read by Christopher Golden, so I have no reference point that I can compare this novel to. Additionally, this is not the type of book I typically reach for, but I found the synopsis/premise very intriguing. Now that all that is out of the way, I have to say I truly enjoyed this reading experience. Admittedly, I did find parts to be sort of slow, but for those that enjoy a slow-burn, thos will be right up your alley. When it picked up the pace, however, it grabbed me and didn't let me go until the last page.... even then, I liked that the ending didn't wrap everything up with bows and sprinkled with sunshine- and actually even left the story where a sequel would be understandable..... I am so thankful for the opportunity that I was given to read this book in advance, and would absolutely recommend it....while I'll be actively researching Golden's previous books, as well as getting excited for future projects! 4.5 stars, only because I did find the beginning just a tiny bit slow for my taste, rounded up to 5 for the purpose of this review. (Won't include that last bit on reviews outside of Netgalley, also).

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What I loved
1. Setting: The more lovely and isolated the location is the more pre-programmed I am to be creeped out by unsettling details
2. Horror with more than a dash of mystery is present here. I loved the slow unveiling of the home's history and how it was impacting the current occupants.

What Didn't work as well for me
1. Everyone in the town wanna gossip but nobody wants to be like hey fam maybe don't be living in the crazy haunted home with the messed up history.
2. I wanted the book to be longer somehow
Who I would recommend this Title for
Readers looking to feel unsettled throughout and fulfilled by the end of the story have come to the right place. the vibes were very in line with the shorter T. Kingfisher horror I have enjoyed.

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"The House of Last Resort" serves up a chilling but ultimately underwhelming haunt. An American couple's fixer-upper dream in a forgotten Italian town turns into a nightmare of whispers, hidden rooms, and a dark history. While Golden does a decent job weaving unease and layering creepy details, the scares never fully materialize, leaving you with a lingering sense of "meh" rather than true terror. If you crave bone-chilling tales, this might leave you wanting more. Still, it's not a complete miss, just don't expect to be truly wowed.

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"House of Last Resort" is a haunting tale of mystery and horror set in the picturesque yet eerie town of Becchina, Italy. When American couple Tommy and Kate Puglisi jump at the chance to purchase an abandoned home for a mere Euro, they couldn't have imagined the darkness that awaited them.

The novel immerses readers in the couple's journey as they relocate to a foreign country, drawn by the allure of family ties and the promise of adventure. However, their excitement quickly turns to dread as they uncover the secrets lurking within their new home. From mysterious locked rooms to whispers of a sinister past, Tommy and Kate find themselves trapped in a nightmare they never could have imagined.

The author masterfully builds tension throughout the story, keeping readers on the edge of their seats as they unravel the chilling mysteries of the house and its history. The slow burn of suspense eventually gives way to a thrilling climax, with revelations that are both shocking and satisfying.

While the atmospheric setting of Sicily adds depth to the narrative, some readers may find themselves longing for a deeper exploration of the house's history. Additionally, the pacing of the story may be a bit slow for some tastes, particularly those who prefer a more rapid-fire approach to horror.

Despite these minor drawbacks, "House of Last Resort" delivers an engaging and spine-tingling read that will keep you guessing until the very end. Fans of atmospheric horror and haunted house tales will find much to enjoy in this captivating novel. So, if you're ready to embark on a journey into the darkness, don't hesitate to pick up "House of Last Resort" – just be sure to leave the lights on.

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Would you buy a house in another country for one euro? What if that house had a past that you didn't know about?

I don't typically read horror, but this was a good intro to the genre and I was really impressed with the writing, plot, and horror elements. Definitely a creepy read, but a good one!

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The House of Last Resort by Christopher Golden

Published: January 30, 2024
St. Martin’s Press
Genre: Paranormal Suspense
Pages: 292
KKECReads Rating: 3/5
I received a copy of this book for free, and I leave my review voluntarily.

This is not my typical genre. While I appreciate a good horror story, and I have a weird interest in this topic, this was a very slow burn for me.

The descriptions were stunning; it was so easy to imagine the setting. Things did pick up a bit as the story went on. This was my first novel from Christopher Golden, and I find his writing style and storytelling good.

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This book has had me so conflicted! I love Christopher Golden’s writing style. His words are eloquent and the descriptions are too notch. I really enjoyed it all. I love the story of Tommy and Kate.

Because I don’t read a lot of horror, I did not love this book. Some of the scenes during the end were so scary and I just wasn’t interested in them.

Thank you for this opportunity. I will definitely try another book by this author.x

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The House of Last Resort is @christopher_golden’s newest horror novel and it is super creepy. It is atmospheric horror gold!

The story is set in Sicily and is full of superstitions, religious folklore, and creepy old houses with secrets. I absolutely loved this book and recommend it to anyone looking for an atmospheric haunted house story.

Thank you @stmartinspress for allowing me to read this book in exchange for my honest review.

(This same review was shared on the Barnes & Noble website)

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The small coastal, Italian village with earthquakes, a questionable home and a town with strange people doesn't save this read. By a quarter of the way through the book, literally nothing has happened except their move and a few bumps in the night. Why is it taking so long for creepy???

This story moved a bit too slow with little enjoyment.

Thank you, St. Martin's Press

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Perhaps it because I myself am a millennial from the US horrified by whatever my future may be. I too had seen real legit articles from Italy, and perhaps even France advertising small towns and cheap properties in hopes of bringing in a younger crowd and revitalizing the small town. The prospect is almost too good to be true and if I had the capital as the MCs in this book did I too would have easily and without question signed on the bottom line. Even better the heroines husband Tommy has family within the same town and are somewhat familiar with the area. Of course when things seem too good to be true they usually are. Seems their real estate agent showing them one last, impossible to believe home was not a nicety but the duo can’t seem to say no and why should they. The book opens with husband and wife Tommy and Kate on sabbatical from work while they make the cross ocean trip to their new life. Their home is old and creaky but has more history regarding it than they were meant to belive. This becomes crystal clear when Tommy’s Nonna won’t even cross the threshold. Slowly tension and mystery builds because it’s clear there’s something going on but neither want to believe the truth until it’s staring them in the face. The history of their home goes back centuries and the local catacombs seem to be tied to it as well. I thought the history angle made the book much more interesting for me and I enjoyed the supernatural angle as well. For me the end kind of kills all the enjoyment of the book. It’s not that it’s a bad ending, it’s more that it’s a cheap ending that feels incomplete. Personally I don’t mind tension at the end of a thriller/horror but I do expect and appreciate even more when the end wraps most if not all of the story up. Maybe there will be another book but simply one more chapter would make it a lot better 😐

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Couple takes advantage of buying a fixer upper for 1 Euro in Sicily. Too late they realize that the house has a ghostly past. The story had me turning the pages to get to the end to see what happens.

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An interesting horror story. I like haunted house stories and this house was very haunted. ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair review.

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Tommy and Kate Puglisi make a life changing decision to move to Becchina, a small village in Sicily when they learn certain houses are being offered for one-euro in hope to repopulate the almost ghost towns and help them thrive again. Tommy's loving, paternal grandparents live over there and they are all he has left of his family and Kate and he want to make something special of their lives so they up and move without knowing much of the language or how superstition plays a huge part in many old Sicilian's history so the couple may not be accepted as easily as they originally thought.

The house needs work but is otherwise breathtaking and huge! Over fifteen glorious rooms to renovate. Kate is over the moon although Tommy feels a bit of trepidation yet doesn't understand why. Neither Kate or Tommy are religious although respectful to others but are shocked when they learn that a priest had lived in their house for over forty years. Soon they find out the horrible history of their new home and are devastated by the news which doesn't help their mental states when doors slam, whispers or shadows moving in the corners and rats appearing and disappearing as if they want Tommy's attention. Kate sleep walks and talks about a priest in her sleep. As the couple struggles to keep their new lives together, unknown to both of them a real nightmare has been waiting for them and people will die unless Tommy and Kate find the light to lead them out of the darkness that has wanted and waited for Tommy for many, many years.

This was an interesting, dark and entertaining story based around the power and. strength of love, faith, superstitions and certain beliefs and rituals of the Roman Catholic church. The book was a nice, slow-burn built around the strong and everlasting love of a naive young couple who have their whole lives ahead of them and are at the peak of their happiness which is tested when they encounter happenings that occur only in horror books and nightmares and they try to handle the events themselves.

The characters were very intriguing and entertaining especially with the language barrier and different customs. Christopher Golden really captured the atmosphere and essence of this small fictional town in Sicily. The writing describing the cultural architecture of the old homes and the very creepy catacombs was so darn good and I could visualize the village and it's culture so vividly that I felt as if I was an invisible observer keeping step to step with Tommy and Kate from page one until the very end of the book.

The last thirty percent of this book was worth waiting for when it becomes super dark, creepy and very frightening. The book was so sweet and calm for so long that I never expected the story to become so scary that I couldn't read it anymore in the middle of the night!

I enjoyed all of 'Christopher Golden's' books that I've read so far, some more than others so I definitely recommend this novel. Hopefully in the future, books similar in nature to the outstanding "Road Of Bones" will be written again or have a sequel? I just found that book to be an unforgettable horror novel in every way!

I want to thank the publisher "St. Martin's Press" and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this digital copy ad any thoughts or opinions expressed are unbiased and mine alone!

I have given a rating of 4 EERIE AND NIGHTMARISH 🌟🌟🌟🌟 STARS!!

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Tommy and Kate move to Becchina, Italy when the mayor offers homes for one euro on the promise that the newcomers will stay there, remodel the home, and build tourism/community to the area. Tommy's family is from Becchina so they jumped at the opportunity. But once they move into their new home, weird things start happening. Things go bump in the night, locked doors open on their own, and the possibility of ghosts has them frightened. Then they learn that the Vatican used to own their home for exorcisms -- things only get weirder from here.

This book was a WILD ride. I am not typically a fan of demonic thrillers and this one wasn't for me either. I went into it blind so I didn't know about the demon element. I will say that the writing was fantastic and the suspense was top-tier. I was completely invested and had to know what happened. It just wasn't a favorite genre for me.

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