Cover Image: Sun God Moon Maiden

Sun God Moon Maiden

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Member Reviews

Gordon Strong’s “Sun God Moon Maiden—The Secret World of the Holy Grail” is extraordinarily well-researched, source attributed throughout, footnoted and concluded with an extensive bibliography—making it an excellent reference document for all Grail and Arthurian Legend researchers and enthusiasts.

As Strong suggests in this comprehensive source, the Holy Grail is many things to many people. Whether the grail is a physical object or a metaphysical device used for transcendental purposes like meditation or the initiation of a spiritual quest, the fascination of this chalice has intrigued and inspired the minds of man for thousands of years—and still does. It is the object of some of the most famous and prevailing mysteries and myths of all time, as well of the theme of folklorists, poets, troubadours, playwrights, musicians, and writers both past and present.

JoyReaderGirl1 graciously thanks NetGalley, Author Gordon Strong, and Publisher Crossed Crow Books for this advanced reader’s copy (ARC) for review.

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This book is fascinating and tells a mythic tale that would entertain and enlighten anyone wanting to learn the realm of the mysterious. Written in a conversational manner and in a sequence that builds to tell the story in a way that is itself enlightening . My favorite part of this important book is the revealing of the effect of the the mysterious on 20th century secret societies and movements. Germany and the rise of National Socialism and its aims are looked at and discussed in occult terms. This book gives what lies behind the curtain, if people dare to look,

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