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Second Act

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When Andy Westfield is fired from the head of the movie studio he has been in charge of for decades, he feels like his life is ending. Gone are all of the fancy cars, beautiful movie stars on his are and the life of luxury. He decides to leave the country to try to get a grip on his life. He rents a large house in a small coastal town outside of London. He is used to having an assistant take care of all of his correspondence, so he asks the bank if they could recommend someone. When Violet begins working for him, she accidently leaves a manuscript for a book that she has been working on. Andy reads it and decides to use his connections to help her get started in the movie business. As they are enjoying working together and being involved, he receives an unexpected job offer. Will decide to go back to his luxurious life, or does he decide he likes his life better now?

Another great read by Ms. Steel! Great characters and great story! Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in return for my honest opinion.

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I love that Danielle Steel does not shy away from challenging topics in her books. In fact, she races right into them. Dealing with struggle and hope this book had me captivated from start to finish.

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I usually love Danielle Steel, in fact one of my favorites is Zoya about Russian aristocracy and the mystery of Anastasia. However, this contemporary story about a Hollywood executive losing his way after being fired as head of a major studio. Landing in England to lick his wounds, he meets Violet who is a lost soul, hiding from the world. Together they discover a "second act" as they collaborate on writing a movie based on Violet's life, while discovering love for each other. Truth be told, this story was slow and not very engaging. Certainly not something that I would read again an again like Steel's book, nor would I recommend it to others. It was a very tame book, not exciting like her book Identity, nor interesting, just okay. Such a disappointment. Many thanks to #netgalley, #danellesteel #secondact for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Thank you Net Galley for the advanced copy of SECOND ACT by Danielle Steel. I really like Danielle Steel's novels and have been reading them since the 1980s. I must say I do prefer her earlier novels and because I've read so many, they have become very predictable. That being said, there were still a few things that surprised me and the story did hold my interest. I learned a lot about the film industry. It's all about second chances and how you utilize the opportunities and making the best when something unfortunate and unexpected happens. Overall, I would recommend this book and will continue reading Danielle Steel novels.

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After being fired from his big studio executive job, Andy runs to London to hide and sulk. He meets Violet, much younger but who gives him a new lease on life.
The most important thing Andy learns is not wielding a lot of clout and authority in tinsel town but making meaningful movies that are genuine and heartfelt. He also realizes he worked away the first part of his life and chooses not to make the same mistake.
It’s a decent read if not formulaic.

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An excellent story of second chances and finding a different path. I loved it and found it to be very inspiring.
Many thanks to Random House and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I love her books for the great escape and knowing there will always be a satisfying happily ever after. This book is that and more. Wonderful characters who are a bit lost, beaten down by life and in need of a new start though unforeseen circumstances meet and help each other rediscover who they are, what they want, emotionally heal, open their hearts and bring out the best in each other. I liked that it wasn’t only the main female character in a truly tough place as is so often the case. Andy is portrayed as a fully formed adult who is having his own existential crisis and feeling quite sorry for himself until he meets Violet, who has been beaten down by her life journey and just needs a break. Together they work and it’s a lovely easy read.

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Loved this one! The story flowed so nicely with a definitive beginning, middle and end. It didn't seem like a long "build up" with the bulk of the story happening and ending within the last pages of the book. I loved all of the characters and their "story" and struggles. This was a quick, memorable read.

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The characters and style in this new Danielle Steel novel intrigued me most. Both are not her usual style but I found everything about this novel to be warm and cozy, a comfortable and relaxing read. It has a feel of a series you would binge watch on TV, one with characters that are enticing and interesting enough so that you want to see what will happen next, and ones that you don’t get sick of. The writing style flowed easily and demonstrates the usual talent displayed by Steel. This is one of my favorite ones written by her I think.

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Loved loved loved this one! At one point I even got freaking chills! Just a damn good comeback story for 2 people who really deserved one! Might be one of my new DS favorites! Many thanks to the publisher and netgalley for this copy for read and review

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Andy Westfield has had a desired job in Hollywood with a movie studio. He loses this job and he goes to England to get away from the press. He needs an assistant and hires Violet. She is writing a novel and when Andy reads it he wants for it to be a movie.
Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC and to the publisher Random House.

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As the head of a prestigious movie studio, Andy Westfield lives a life of luxury. But when the studio is sold and Andy is ousted he is devastated and he spirals into depression. Then he decides to get away from LA and rents a luxurious home only two hours from London. When he hires a local woman to help settle his affairs, he discovers that they both are at a crossroad in their lives. Violet Smith has had a tragic life and need the job to tide her over. Andy discovers a manuscript that Violet is writing and realizes that it is good enough to be a screenplay. Could this be the miracle they both are needing to change their lives

Thanks to Danielle Steel and Random House-Ballantine

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This was again a typical Danielle Steel book - flashy characters, life drama, forbidden love, happy ending. But I really enjoyed Andy's and Violet's characters, and while the storyline had some shallow parts, it was entertaining. I struggle to write meaningful reviews for a lot of Danielle Steel's books - they're mostly good. They're not surprising or earth-shattering. They're quick, light reads. This one is no exception.

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Second Act is all about second chances. It's about finding what fills your heart, what fills your day with purpose. Success is not defined by your job, your status, your title, or your financial standing, and survival is not defined by simply still standing, putting one foot in front of the other. Andy and Violet come to realize they're second, act together and redefine their success and survival status. This book follows the typical DS format of bad things happening to good people, fate intervenes and fantastical circumstances play out, and everyone lives happily ever after. Having said that, I enjoyed this story more than several of her other recently releases.

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Second Act, from a first class writer!! As usual, I devoured this book! When I get my hands on anything from Danielle Steel, I can't put it down. You won't be disappointed with this one!

In Second Act, Danielle Steel presents a heartening tale of how challenging times give way to opportunities and an original outline does not always contain the perfect ending.

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A true second act. Andy thinks his world has fallen apart when he gets fired from his high profile job CEOof a prestigious movie studio. As he licks his wounds he decides to getaway a rents a place in a small coastal town near London. There he meets Violet and discovers a connection with her after going through some papers she left out. He discovers she’s written an amazing story and his wheels begin to turn. What we once thought defined us isn’t always true. This is at the heart of DS newest book. A story of hope, renewal and second chances. Ty NetGalley for the ARC . All opinions are my own.

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What a story! Andy has a dream job as the head of a movie studio. That is, until the company is bought and the new owner gives his son Andy's job as head of studio. Andy is lost because his identity is so tied to his job. His love interest drops him because he is no longer useful to her as a rising actress. He's no longer invited to the important parties, has lost so called friends and pretty much isolates in his beautiful Hollywood home.
Andy tells his assistant to find him a home somewhere isolated in another country. She finds the perfect home in the British countryside. It is available for a short-term rental, 6 months, which is just perfect for Andy. He settles in and walks down to the shore where he finds a woman walking the beach with tears in her eyes.
The remaining story is heart-warming and provides direction in Andy's life showing him what really is important. Will he return to Hollywood as a head of a movie studio when the offer comes in?
I enjoyed this story as it is a story about humanity and how other people are important in our lives, not homes, status and material possessions.

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Danielle Steel weaves a captivating and heartening tale of resilience, second chances, and unexpected opportunities in the face of life-altering changes. Andy Westfield, a top Hollywood executive, has enjoyed a glamorous and successful career as the head of a prestigious movie studio. However, when the studio is sold, Andy's life takes an unexpected turn, and he finds himself out of a job and at a loss for what to do next. Faced with uncertainty and humiliation, he decides to escape the chaos of Los Angeles and leases a luxurious home in a quiet coastal town near London. In this quaint and forgotten town, Andy hires Violet Smith, a former journalist, to help him organize his affairs during this transitional period. Violet, too, is at a crossroads in her life, and the temporary job offers her a much-needed reprieve. However, a chance discovery of Violet's unfinished novel leaves Andy intrigued, and he becomes enthralled by a story that has the potential to be adapted for the big screen. Together, they embark on a journey of creativity and collaboration that might just lead to their long-awaited second acts.
Thank you to Random House Publishing Group, Ballantine, Delacorte Press and NetGalley

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4.5 Stars!

Andy Westfield was the head of a major studio Company for almost twenty years until he was let go when the studio was sold. His world was turned upside down in an instant. He randomly went to a small beach town in England to figure out what's his future will be. He then meets Violet, a former journalist. Andy discovers a manuscript that she is working on and sees the potential in her work. Together they discover that they are a great writing team. This development made Andy realizes everything he had lost due to his powerful job.

I really enjoyed Andy's character development in the course of this novel. This was an emotional story about how Andy had to start over but can be triumphant if you are in charge of your own destiny.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Random House for the ARC. I highly recommend this novel.

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Second Act by Danielle Steel is another one of her wonderful romantic novels. We meet Andy Westfield, our hero, from the start, as he is a very successful CEO of a prestigious movie studio, Global. He is the son of Hollywood royalty, always putting his career first, with a divorce years ago; but he is close to his ex and daughter. Andy loves his job, having been the head of the studio for almost 20 years; he also has no problem having women fall all over him, especially during events.

Andy is shocked to find out that the studio is being sold, and the new owners want their son to take the head honcho role; with Andy now fired, which did come with a huge severance package. Unable to handle this shock, he began drinking, until his assistant convinces him to go abroad, he leases for 6 month a quaint home in a small coastal town near London. Andy hires a former journalist to help him organize his affairs during his stay.

Violet Smith, our heroine, is at a difficult time in her life, and is happy to accept the job as an assistant. One day, after Violet left for the day, Andy notices a folder, which looked like a manuscript she was writing, and he became intrigued. The next morning, he mentioned it to Violet that he thought it was an enthralling story and had so much potential to be adapted for the movies. Violet has put her heart and soul into the story, and she agrees to work with Andy on this journey to create a masterpiece.

Andy contacts his friend, Dash, who does indie movies and when he reads the story, he wants in; and together with Dash planning to set up the movie and cast; Violet fixes and completes the book, and Andy decides to be the screenwriter turning the book into a movie format. Andy was a screenwriter many years ago, before he became a CEO, and he also teaches Violet the makings of doing a screenplay. In a short time, the relationship between Violet and Andy escalates, as they both being to fall in love with each other, as they also made a great team.

Andy, Dash and Violet put together a magnificent movie that becomes very successful, and nominated for a Golden Globe award. At first Andy refuses to go back to the states for the awards, but Dash and Violet convince him to go, as they and some of the cast will stay at his luxury home while there. When the movie wins best picture, Andy realizes that he has a second chance in doing what he always loved. Violet was already completing another story, and Andy would do the screenplay, with Dash doing the movie.

What follows is a heartwarming, emotional and uplifting story of hope and second chances. I loved all the characters, as Andy and Violet were wonderful together, Dash was very good, and Andy’s daughter was very welcoming with Violet. Andy started to receive offers, but he knew he was enjoying his current life, and he needed to decide to accept an offer or continue with his happy current life. Second Act was so very well written by Danielle Steel. This was an enjoyable read, and I suggest you read this book.

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