Cover Image: Confetti Realms

Confetti Realms

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First off the art work for this graphics novel was absolutely beautiful! I love that the Confetti Realm was very lighthearted, but brought forward some very relatable friendship/relationship, and mental health issues while also being very inclusive. I loved the world I was thrown into and was very captivated but the colors and the spooky halloween theme!

Thank you Netgalley and Mad Crave Studios for the opportunity to review this beautiful graphics novel!

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In the beginning, I thought the story would be just a funny and spooky adventure, but what an amazing surprise, It is so much more!

The book presents four teenagers who get trapped in a strange world. Everyone has amazing designs with such beautiful colors. My favorites were Garrett and the Birds.

The story talks about different issues such as queerness, mental health, and friendship hardships. Each topic was brought up in such a good way, showing a realistic view of things within a magical world. I loved the message of the story and how it seemed to fit everyone in their own way.

I recommend giving it a try. 
Thank you, NetGalley and Mad Cave Studios, for the opportunity to read this book. 

The sites and numbers the books provide at the end do work. As teens AND adults, we often think our problems are so big that nobody can understand and help us, but remember, you are never alone. Professionals are there to help when needed, and friends are there to be by our side.

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This was a perfect spooky Halloween read. The story was twisted and unexpected while also heartwarming and sweet. The art was unique and entrancing. I found the plot was unexpected and made this a very enjoyable graphic novel.

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Confetti Realms was a lot of fun with wild and weird characters and situations. It was also dark and moody at times, giving it excellent Halloween vibes.

I loved all the casual queer rep and the frog characters were hilarious. I feel like we could have gotten a bit more of a conclusion, but I did like seeing how the characters grew throughout the story.

Overall, I'd recommend this graphic novel for a spooky queer read with awesome art, emotional moments, and some silly fun.

Thank you to Mad Cave Studios and NetGalley for providing an eARC of this title. All thoughts are my own.

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This is a fun read filled with adventure and a good focus on friendship. The plot will keep readers on the edge of their seats.

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On Halloween night, when the moon is full, teenagers get up to mischief. But when an encounter with a giant, sentient puppet in a graveyard sends five teens to a mysterious dimension called the Confetti Realms, they must overcome obstacles in their own friendships–and collect the debted teeth owed to the puppet–in order to make their way home. This was full of marvelous art that kept me flipping pages and the spookiness on Halloween night that starts an adventure. I loved the diversity in this story. It was creepy but also touches ones heart. The story was quite interesting and was also fun the different characters, fantastical world.

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Disappointingly confusing.

I’d be in the world, following along, and then from nothing an out of the blue panel that made no sense in the context of the story so far - to the point that I was sure I missed a page or two. (But this happened the whole way through)

Such a bummer because the aesthetic of the world was beautiful and the art style just gorgeous.

I wish there was a tighter story here to accompany the visuals.

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Title: Confetti Realms
Author: Nadia Shammas
Rating: ⭑ ⭑ ⭑ ✩ ✩
Release: October 17, 2023
Genre: Young Adult, Coming of Age, Fantasy
Format: Ebook 📱
Length: 196 pages
Start: October 9th, 2023
Finish: October 9th, 2023
Favorite character: Radwa
Would I read again: Yes


Everyone remembers their teenage years. As much as we want to pretend that it wasn’t as influential, we were really shaped during that time. Fortunately (and unfortunately…I am on the unfortunate side), we also have to carry ALL of those experiences and memories with us for the rest of our lives. There are times that we all had thought, JUST ONCE, “if I could run away to somewhere else and leave all these feelings and this life behind, I would.” But, where would we have gone? And most importantly, what would we have learned if we did?

That’s what I liked about Confetti Realms. With such an amazing and diverse cast, we get to view not only the group’s story, but their individual stories. But the common theme between each is vulnerability, being okay with being vulnerable, and most importantly, being okay to show others how vulnerable you are.

At least that’s how I viewed it. But I honestly think that everyone can hear and see their own message in this comic and that’s what makes it beautiful.

Plus the steampunkish wacky world they go to is beautifully done. The colors and art really keeps your attention and I find myself wanting to put certain pages as a background on my phone or printed to frame. Very well done!

Though I gave it only three stars, I did enjoy the graphic novel. I also loved the queer representation of the characters. But, I just felt it moved too fast for me and lacked the depth I needed to make the story truly well rounded. It’s a beautiful blueprint and I actually would not mind if the journey of these teens continues in another volume.

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I got to jump into reading Nadia Shammas' Confetti Realms without knowing much about the story other than I was pulled into it the moment I saw the cover. I had so many thoughts going through my head when looking at the cover, and I couldn't wait for them to be confirmed or denied. Before I began reading, I loved seeing that the beautiful art style from the cover carried over into all the panels throughout the graphic novel. The artwork was an element of the story that kept my attention from the beginning and never lost it. Even without knowing much about the plot, or the characters, I was not disappointed by Confetti Realms. I loved reading and following along with the lives of a few teenagers who just wanted to do something crazy and fun on Halloween night. I deeply enjoyed how none of the characters were perfect; they all had their flaws and had to learn to accept them as the story progressed. Seeing that the characters were all very much human with their mistakes and quirks made me connect with them even if I might not have understood the emotions they were tumbling through. The only thing that disappointed me a bit when reading was how I felt like I wasn't introduced much to the characters' backstories; it felt like I was thrown into their past resentments with each other without warning or explanation. I could easily pick up on the resentment the characters held without an issue. I could see it in their body language and interpret it from how they phrased things when they talked. However, I, as a reader, wish there could have been some explanation (maybe in the form of a flashback) to visually show the full extent of the mixed feelings between characters. I believe including further explanation would have allowed me to feel fully connected to the characters when it mattered most. Overall, I did throughly enjoy reading about a Halloween night gone wrong as I jumped head first into the crazy, unique world of this graphic novel. With fall being upon us and Halloween coming soon, I find myself wanting to recommend Confetti Realms to readers who don't find horror as their favorite genre but still want to read a book that matches the season.

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received this book as an ARC from Mad Cave Studios through NetGalley and this review is based on my own opinion.

On the night of Halloween, four teenagers get in trouble when they meet a giant puppet in the graveyard.
They get send to another dimension called Confetti Realms where they have to overcome obstacles in their friendships and collect teeth to get back home.
But along the way the thoughts of leaving the fantasy world are hard and going home sounds less appealing to some.

It's great young adult story right in time for the Halloween spirits.
It includes some serious topics but it's still fun to read.
The drawings were beautiful and the colours that were used were so beautiful, it really gets you into the autumn season.
It's too bad we don't find out if they got home or stayed in Confetti Realms.

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This was fine. It's yet another comic about being queer and a teenager. This one's set over Halloween. 4 teenagers get portalled to another world where teeth are currency, yet everyone still has a full set of teeth. If teeth were currency everyone would be getting mugged and have their teeth pulled out. A lot of it just seemed odd just to be odd instead of having a purpose in the story. The kids have to get 5 molars to leave because "reasons". There's a lot of personal stuff for each of the characters that isn't put together very well. Especially the two who are a couple but apparently not a couple. It's really poorly explained. This is all fine and the art's solid. It's just one of those things that really only seems great if you are the target audience or someone that hasn't realized that there are plenty of comics out there for LGBTQ+ kids these days. It also needs to be good and this was just OK.

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An interesting concept; I did like the lightness of the surrealism the Confetti Realms brought to the heavier, overarching issues the characters had amongst themselves. The main characters were relatable, and I loved the other characters they met during their journey.

I loved the illustrations and colors; they really brought this story to life. If you;re a fan of the bizarre and unfamiliar, this book is for you!

Thank you to Mad Cave Studios, Maverick, and NetGalley for the ARC.

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I thought the synopsis of this sounded so cool and I always love a spooky story for Halloween. The cast is very diverse and queer, and the artwork was STUNNING! I also really loved the confetti realms-world and their interesting creatures, the vibes were just so magical and spooky!
However, I wish we would have learned a bit more about the world & how everything works, because I was quite confused a lot of the time, and I also felt like the ending was a bit rushed, maybe it’s just me but to me it was not clear what would happen after the end, so I was left very confused.
I also thought that the characters were sometimes a bit strange, some of their conversations felt weird to me and the weirdest thing, in my opinion, was that they somehow get transported into this scary world with all of these spooky creatures and they just accept it, no fear whatsoever.
Overall, I still had a great time reading it though and I would recommend this book if you‘re looking for a quick spooky read!

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This had bits that reminded me of Spirited Away, which I love. It's about lgbtq+ teens & mental health, set in another world. The art is wonderful. I didn't find it nearly as cringeworthy as other comics/graphic novels I've read that are made for gen z/alpha. It has some creepy elements to it, but overall a cozy read.

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Themes / Representation:
LGBTQ+ Characters
Non-Binary Character
Portal Fantasy

Mental Health Struggles
Parent with Illness

An atmospheric, spooky portal fantasy following four friends as they navigate a new and unusual world while dealing with their own personal struggles.
On Halloween night, four teens accidentally transport themselves to a new world and have to search for a way back home. This new place, Confetti Realms, is filled with anthropomorphic animals and other unusual creatures, where teeth are used as currency. Our main characters must collect teeth in time for the big otherworldly party to travel back home.
I loved following each of these characters and watching them face their own struggles, each dealing with something different.
The artwork was beautiful and gave off perfect spooky vibes (definitely a great Halloween read!), I loved the character designs and world we were introduced to.
I was warned that this story has a bit of an open ending which I was glad to be told about. I thought it was done quite well, and didn’t mind it (this is coming from someone who hates open-ended stories) there is some closure, but also gives the reader the opportunity to feel at peace without closing off the story completely.
This wasn’t set up to have a sequel, but I thought this was a perfect standalone story and doesn’t need any additional volumes.

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This was a really fun book to read, and I love the illustrations! Perfect Halloween read! I'm hoping there's a sequel as the book was left on a bit of a cliffhanger.

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There were two elements to this book: the wacky and wild realm the characters were wandering around in, and the emotional struggles they were dealing with. It managed to tackle some serious topics while also being silly and fun!

The characters were lovable and entertaining. Teens struggling but doing their best.

The weird and ridiculous shenanigans were fun and made me laugh. The characters were in a strange world and collecting teeth and riding on giant centipedes, but this was not at all scary.

The art was fantastic and in full color. Characters felt animated and emotive without being too exaggerated. Such a great, clear style, but also such a unique and fun world that the artist clearly had fun with. All sorts of humanoid animals in 1920s-esque fashion and ball gowns and steampunk-y attire. Cool little details sprinkled throughout. A sort of spooky overall aesthetic.

Some of the struggles the characters were having came a bit out of nowhere and left me momentarily bewildered as to what they were even talking about and why they felt so strongly. But things made more sense once they were explained a bit more.

The ending was pretty open-ended. Maybe meant to be open to interpretation. Or maybe it’s just a me problem and I didn’t understand but other people will.

Overall, I had fun reading this, and the art was beautiful!

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Thank you to NetGalley for this arc!
3/5 stars

I really enjoyed the artwork, the lgbtqia+ representation and the talk about friendship/relationships and mental health. some things I didn’t like as much was the execution. This book used modern slang and references which I don’t like. The storytelling just felt a bit odd in a way that’s hard to explain, maybe it needed to be longer or it just had to many different things going on and the ending felt a bit strange and abrupt.All that being said it was a great setting, on Halloween in a spooky weird world and it felt lighthearted and humorous while also tackling important hard topics.

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I really liked this book.

The graphics were adorable and the plot was captivating, allowing me to read in one sitting. I was left wanting more but the ending was satisfying enough. I’d definitely read this author again.
I would absolutely recommend you add this to your autumn reads list for a super cozy night in! Definitely has those spooky october vibes with lighthearted fun and humour all mixed in together.

Thanks so much for the ARC!

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unfortunately this did not work for me the whole story was wild. very modern, some modern phrases were used in the dialog it just felt jarring because they were in the whimsical fantasy world

however the art was right up my alley, it was so pretty and whimsical when it needed and more dark in the darker creepier parts of the story I will be checking out the artists in the future

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