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The Burnout

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Sophie Kinsella is a consistently popular author for a reason, and The Burnout continues her string of successes. This book has a unique setting and cast of quirky characters, and I soon found myself under their spell.
Recommended for purchase by the Scottsboro Public Library.

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“Just looking at the sea is a cure for…whatever.”
“Heartache. Burnout. Breakup. Fuckwit bosses. Whatever the trouble is. Come and sit here and look at the sea for a while, and just…” He exhales. “Breathe.”

Sasha is likable and sympathetic. I may have earnestly stuck with it because I’m going through my own burnout. I could identify with some of her feelings and was curious how she was going to find her way. BUT this was painfully slow and repetitive. So much could’ve been cut and edited in a way you’d never think Sasha is fast tracking or unrealistically processing her self discovery. The unique characters and humor are all there and the idea is good. Unfortunately someone should’ve recognized how drawn out it was and cut this in half. The bones and intent are there and worth skimming to the HEA.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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Thank you to Random House - Dial Press for this ARC of The Burnout in exchange for an honest review. I tried to really enjoy this book on the basis that the characters did sound very interesting. However, it only had its moments. I was always waiting for Sasha and Finn to have the connection—any connection—but they just felt like they were put on page together because they had to be. The pacing did not help matters here. I do really like Sophie Kinsella, but I am not sure The Burnout is for me.

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Sophie Kinsella's latest novel is a blend of humor, romance, and mental health issues. The story features engaging characters, including Simon, Nicolai, Cassidy, and Herbert, who all have unique personalities. The plot features two characters, Sasha Worth and Finn, who are burnt out and return to their childhood home. They become allies while deciphering a couple's mysterious notes and presents. Their bond deepens as they discover surfing and love it. The novel explores themes of connection, resilience, and self-discovery, with Kinsella's storytelling abilities on full display. The book serves as a delightful diversion and a reminder to find happiness in the most unlikely places.

Thank you so much to #netgalley and #randomhousepublishing for this ARC for an honest review.

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Sophie Kinsella writes such fun, engaging, and immersive books and The Burnout is no exception. Sasha and Finn are an adorable couple that learn together, play together, and find happiness again through and with each other.

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There were moments of humor that resonated with me, and the coastal setting was captivating. I found the dynamic between the primary characters, Sasha and Finn, to be well-crafted. Their childhood connection added an interesting layer to their relationship. The theme of personal healing before coming together was intriguing. However, a bit more closure on their happily-ever-after would have been satisfying. Overall, I found this work enjoyable and would suggest it to others.

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I'm working through my Netgalley backlog and this mood reader felt the need to pick up something a little light-hearted.

I've never read anything by Sophie Kinsella. I found the first half of this book to be funny, fun, and easy to read. However, in true Kelly fashion, thou does not understand why this book needs to be 400 pages. It was way too long.

I found myself disliking the female MC towards the latter half of the book and thought there were one too many parts to the story.

It's a typical enemies to lovers romance, that is not my typical genre, but all in all, a fine read that would have been better with 100 less pages.

Thank you Netgalley and Random House for the ARC.

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Loved it! Sophie Kinsella never disappoints. I love her trademark humor and The Burnout did not stray from this. I loved the run-down inn setting in the seaside town and the supporting cast of characters was top-notch. I couldn't get enough and hope there are many more Kinsella books to come! One of my new favorites!

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This book follows Sasha who is feeling burnt out from work. After a little episode, her mom books her at the seaside resort they used to vacation at every summer. After checking in Sasha soon learns that the luxurious seaside resort is now a rundown motel. Hilariousness ensues as she tries to unwind and meets the quirky staff of the resort. This was such a fun and unique story! I found myself laughing out loud several times.

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I love the shopaholic series, so I couldn’t wait to read this one. It started out so strong, but then just fell short for me.

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The first 1/3 of the story starts off strong. There are funny and relatable moments, but then it just stalled. I found the main characters be not be all that likable. The FMC whined quite a bit and it was off putting. As the story moved on I found it to be rather boring. It did not keep my attention after the first 1/3 of the book. The writing was easy to read and it was fast paced, but overall this was a miss for me. I will try other books by this author however.

I feel like this was mostly due to myself not connecting with this storyline or characters. Therefore, due to mostly negative review in nature I will not be sharing reviews on multiple sites.

Many thanks to publisher, author and netgalley for the advanced copy and opportunity to read and review early.

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The Burnout by Sophie Kinsella tells the story of Sasha, who is completely burnt out from her job. She is dealing with never-ending emails, a boss who could not care less, and feeling like she's the only staff member that knows what's going on. After a bit of a meltdown, she decides to listen take a needed trip away to the beach her family used to visit. This was an easy read with a bit of romance. We can all remember a time when we've been a little burnt out or overwhelmed with our job. And sometimes we just need time away in order to get back to ourselves.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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The prolific writer Sophie Kinsella is extremely popular among my peers, and whenever I pick up one of her books, I am reminded why people like her novels so much - they are light-hearted and funny, and although they don’t shy away from hard topics, they approach them in a way that is not triggering or upsetting. In short, Kinsella writes books that readers can escape into and just enjoy.

Her latest novel, The Burnout, is no exception. I immediately was drawn into the working world of travel marketing professional Sasha, who is quite burnt out from her taxing job. The endless emails, the insensitive boss, the clueless coworkers - anyone who has ever held a job has come across one or two of these soul-suckers out there in the wilds of the corporate world.

Needing a break from her life, Sasha seeks refuge in the seaside town of her youth, where her family spent many summers. However, once there, Sasha finds that things have certainly changed, and not for the better. The “resort” where she is staying is in disrepair and is undergoing major renovations. The skeleton crew running the hotel is not prepared for their single guest, and what was supposed to be a relaxing stay for Sasha soon becomes anything but.

When a mysterious man joins the guest list at her resort, Sasha bumps heads with him on more than one occasion, but she soon finds herself intrigued when she overhears a phone call he makes. It seems he might be a burnout seeking solace by the sea too! Could Sasha have found a fast friend … and maybe lover?

Relatable and authentic, The Burnout is a novel for any professional woman in need of being seen. Women who are used to doing all and being all will empathize with and source power from Sasha putting her foot down and saying enough is enough. If you are in need of an escape, set off to the seaside with Sasha, but prepare yourself for a cast of quirky characters and hilarious hijinks. While this novel addresses the serious topic of burnout, the situation Sasha quickly finds herself in by the sea is far from grave … in fact, it is downright comical and absurd. Can a little levity and possibly love cure what ails Sasha? Read The Burnout to find out!

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I Hadn'at read any of this author's works in a long time, so I started this not quite knowing what to expect. I did end up smiling at the end, although a lot seemed awfully contrived. The two main characters, Sasha and Finn, actually had seen one another before ending up on the same beach at a dilapidated resort; they'd shared a train car on the way, where Finn did not make a good impression at all. It took a while for them to even start talking to one another, and then they remembered good times they'd both had over 20 years ago when the resort was bustling and surfing was great and the surf instructor even greater. Lots of things happen in this story; both Sasha and Finn are suffering from extreme burnouts from their respective jobs but somehow they manage, in three weeks, to sort themselves out and become -- shall we say -- more than friends.. A lot of mental health is discussed in this book.; the book illustrated that work burnout is real and can affect everyone equally. Sasha and Fin had to do a lot of work on their own to get themselves back into a healthy work/life balance.

thanks, NetGalley for the advanced copy.

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This title was a bit of a disappointment. I love Sophie Kinsella and will continue to recommend her work, but maybe not this title. I will still be picking up her up coming titles.

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Thank you to. NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for a review. I really really enjoyed The Burnout. It’s a fun non-traditional structured romance that also covers the ever growing problem of work life balance and burnout. I found the writing both endearing and funny. The setting of the Rilston hotel was so entertaining and I loved the side characters that the author developed for it as well. If you like vacation romances with a dose of reality/realistic life difficulties with it, you’ll enjoy this book.

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Although I read The Burnout many months ago, when I reread the description, I get a smile on my face. Do books do this to you? You may not remember the entire storyline, but a quick refresher and a warm happy feeling comes to mind. That shows the book was good and The Burnout did this for me. The story is lighthearted and warming to the sole. I love the touching connections Sasha makes with Finn and the other people of the small beach community. This is a definite recommendation.

Thank you for the advance copy.

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This is the first Sophie Kinsella book that I can recall reading...and I wasn't impressed, unfortunately. While the struggles the FMC is going through are completely relatable, the story as a whole felt very drawn out. Parts of the story took forever, and other parts just zipped by. The FMC and MMC went from not being able to stand each other to basically being a couple in the matter of a couple pages. Additionally, the third act "conflict" never really got resolved. We see the couple "break up" for about 6 months, even though they're "talking" off and on, and then they magically get back together.

While I think the story had some really important points about taking care of your mental health and not letting work consume you, it overall just fell flat. I had high hopes! I'll definitely try another Sophie Kinsella book because maybe this was just a one off?

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me the chance to read this in exchange for my honest review.

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A fun romance by a good author. Another enjoyable read by a dependable talent. Her diagnosis hits home and I wish her all the best. Fuck glioblastoma.

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