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The Burnout

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Random House for the digital review copy of this book, which released on October 2023. The Burnout follows Sasha, a woman who experiences a slight breakdown due to overwork and burnout. She heads off to a beloved locale from her childhood for a "wellness break" and finds the place isn't quite as she remembered it. While there, she meets Finn, a man who initially irritates her but eventually becomes her "burnout buddy."

This book was quite a delight from start to finish. The idea of being so exhausted from email and so overwhelmed with work that you want to quite literally run away is all too relatable, and I enjoyed watching her slowly recover and come to understand what put her in that state in the first place.

The side characters were hilarious additions, particularly the staff at the hotel where Sasha and Finn are staying. Are they a bit over the top? Yes. But I loved it anyway.

I also liked the slow, natural development of the romance in this one, where they are friends long before romance even enters the equation. For a while, I was second-guessing if this was even a romance, as it felt much more focused on Sasha's growth and overcoming her burnout, but honestly, I enjoyed that her healing took center stage until she was well enough to consider other possibilities.

While I didn't feel quite invested enough to cry at this one, it was a funny, heartwarming story that I still very much enjoyed. If you're a fan of Sophie Kinsella's work or enjoy other funny, romantic writing about women trying to embrace who they are, you'll enjoy The Burnout.

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What a great reading experience. I know that I can always count on Sophie Kinsella for a compulsive read and this one spoke to me. I appreciated the journey for Sasha as she comes to terms with how much of her life is truly in her control and as she discovers true joy isn't measured by a corporate program but by the risks a person is willing to take to live their best life. There are times that are predictable but that doesn't get in the way of the enjoyment. I'm one of many people who will relate to not being able to take one more urgent email or what happens when high self-care expectations have to be adjusted for what is actually achievable. "The Ride is It" is a motto that stuck with me after finishing this book. Another winner from an author you can count on.

Thank you to Random House Publishing and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this novel. All opinions are my own.

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This was a sweet story of Finn and Sasha, both on the brink of a breakdown, but in different circumstances.

Sasha is done with her job at Zoose, an up and coming start up. The emails just keep coming Sasha finally relents and walks out. Hoping to find peace at an old childhood vacation spot, Sasha walks out of her job.

Finn who is just as stressed as Sasha tries to find solitude as well.

This is typical Kinsella at her finest, This was a quick and an enjoyable read,

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Oh boy… it’s a delightful rollercoaster of burnout, beachside escapades, and blossoming connections! Sasha’s corporate struggles are all too relatable, and as she seeks refuge at a seaside resort, unexpected encounters with Finn add a dash of spice to her plans. The banter, shared burnout remedies, and mysterious messages on the beach make this rom-com a heartwarming journey. And as they confront their exhaustion, you’ll find yourself rooting for Sasha and Finn. Plus, the audiobook experience? A game-changer for that daily commute!

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You know your job is not great when you run away and try to become a nun to avoid it. Sasha knew that things weren't ideal at her job, but it did take her running away to a convent to fully realize it. She knew she needed a break and now was medically required to do so. Sasha decides to return to the seaside resort where her family used to vacation to figure out what she wants in life. Unfortunately, Finn had the same idea and seems compelled to make Sasha's life more miserable. They're the only guests at the hotel and they can't seem to avoid each other. How can she relax and reset when Finn is on her meditation rock? The two discover that they have some shared memories from their past, but will they be able to put aside their differences?

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3 1/2 stars

I really had a difficult time connecting with this book. I can't pinpoint any one particular thing that didn't work for me. I think it may have been a combination. All I know is that I struggled to slug through this one and it really bummed me out as I typically enjoy this author's work.

The main character, Sasha is burned out and has no desire to do much of anything. She is desperate to discover a way to enjoy life again without feeling overwhelmed by everything. When she decides to take a "wellness holiday" to try to improve her mental well being, she meets someone else dealing with similar issues. I liked the basis of the storyline. If only it had moved a bit quicker.

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC.

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“Sasha has had it. She cannot bring herself to respond to another inane, “urgent” (but obviously not at all urgent) email or participate in the corporate employee joyfulness program. She hasn’t seen her friends in months. Sex? Seems like a lot of effort. Even cooking dinner takes far too much planning. Sasha has hit a wall”

I wanted to like this book. I really did. I LOVED “Confessions of a Shopaholic” so I was excited when I saw this one. The book starts strong and is really funny at times. Laugh out loud, hysterically funny. But then it just turned silly. And kept being silly. There were just so many little situations that the MC kept getting into that it started to feel repetitive and over done. Funny and silly started to border on ridiculous.

The book felt like it could have been shorter. I love banter and the banter in the beginning of the book was perfection…and then it just wasn’t anymore.

A solid 3 star read for me. I enjoyed some parts, but I probably wouldn’t read it again.

Thank you to Random House Publishing and NetGally for a copy of this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I have always enjoyed a laugh out loud Sophia Kinsella book. The Burnout is a bit of a departure, but still an enjoyable read and something most of us can relate to... burnout.

Synopsis: Sasha is overworked, under-appreciated, and not taking care of herself. And she breaks down at work when she just can't take it anymore.

Memories of childhood vacations lure Sasha to a beachside hotel. Sadly, those childhood memories of surf and sand turn out not to be true to today when she discovers the Surfside hotel dilapidated and deserted. She decides to make the best of it, making new friends and meeting a fellow burnout, Finn, who’s desperate for his own solace.

With quirky staff, an overbearing mother, a bit of a mystery, and romance, the Burnout is an enjoyable read. It's also a reminder for today that it's important to listen to yourself and take care of yourself. The Burnout demonstrates that it's possible to find joy even in the midst of exhaustion. Ultimately, Kinsella leaves us with a sense of hope and happiness.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Randon House Publishing Group for giving us a gentle reminder via Kinsella that "you're never failing, you're learning."

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This was okay. Not horrible but definitely not my favorites of this type of book. I thought I would give it the chance and see what I could possibly get from it. Just didn't really work for me.

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3.5 stars.

"The Burnout" by Sophie Kinsella is a lighthearted, fun book about reconnecting, dealing with burnout, and trying to find what makes you truly happy while living it. We can *all* relate to feeling burned out on life and work, right? This book felt extremely relatable in that aspect. Main characters Sasha and Finn have terrific chemistry and amazing banter with one another. Though they begin the story as enemies, they eventually find common ground and find their way to one another. They are both pretty cantankerous, finicky characters, which makes their dialogue all the more delightful. I remained invested in these two from the beginning. I will say, though, that I think the ending could have used a little bit of work. In fact, I didn't love the entire third act. I think what happens with Finn's character's backstory came out of nowhere and kind of ruined the story as a whole, which is why I marked it down half of a star rating. It all gets a bit messy and unnecessary. The first two-thirds of the book is easy to read and highly enjoyable. I loved all of the side characters and the zany situations, especially involving the hilarious staff at the hotel where Sasha and Finn are staying. This was my first time reading a novel by Sophie Kinsella, and I quite enjoyed her writing style. I will definitely read more of her books in the future!

Thank you to NetGalley, Sophie Kinsella, Random House Publishing Group, and The Dial Press for the complimentary ARC of this book. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated for my review.

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Kinsella never disappoints, I loved this one! A great tale of taking time to do what's best for yourself, with the beach and a romance thrown in.


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Thank you Netgalley for the ARC. I usually love Sophie Kinsella's books, but this one was a little disappointing. I felt like not much happened through out the book. It was a little boring. And when some thing did happen I felt like I wasn't very involved in it.

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The Burnout was a really cute story! There were so many funny moments and feel good antics. It was so relatable to read about their work/life balance and what the two main characters were dealing with at work.

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I wanted to like this book but it was pretty boring. I think the idea of being burnt out from work is relatable but that’s where it ended. I had high hopes but sadly was let down.

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I'm not quite sure how to describe this book.. When I began reading it I thought it seemed like a many chapter rant about burnout.. and a very superficial way of solving it. But you know what when Sasha went down to Rilston Bay and she finally met Finn and all the amazing characters at that very special place I really did start liking the book. So I got to say wouldn't read it again but stick with it cause it does get good. I enjoyed the last half of the book it was charming and sweet and wonderful. My biggest critique overall though is the book cover it really is misleading I find. A lot of other readers I've spoken too mentioned it looks like a non-fiction book and really doesn't capture the sweet and charming parts of the book. The cover should have been a postcard of Rilston bay as was mentioned a few times in the novel. But that's just my Lil Ole opinion. But I will definitely be recommending it.

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Adorable and quirky little book! I loved the entire premise and I seriously loved the entire mystery interwoven throughout this book! The chemistry between the leads was very nice as well. I also love the growth of Sasha throughout the novel and that she was no longer a pushover by the end. Definitely a recommended read!

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This book was a lot different from what I usually read & to be my surprise I actually enjoyed this book more than what I thought. I have recommended it to my friends already and they have told me they enjoyed this book as well.

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Sophie Kinsella's novels tend to be misses for me. And this one was not expectation one of these days I'm going to learn my lesson.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy of The Burnout by Sophie Kinsella.

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Unfortunately, I wasn't super into this book. I absolutely loved the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella. But I didn't like this book much. It wasn't very engaging to me.

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