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The Party

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The blurb for this book made me want to listen to it, sadly it wasn’t the best book I have listened to.
The narrator was great, but the story, not so much. The Party, which wasn’t really a party, was just family members getting together one weekend.
It was slow building with little WOW factor.
Everyone seemed to be devious and when the reveal happened, I just wasn’t surprised.
Sadly, not for me

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This thriller/mystery was the perfect audiobook for my road-trip! The narrator’s accent fit perfect for this story set in Ireland. This story is from the viewpoint of Lizzie, fresh out of rehab and trying to win her families trust again. Readers are instantly hooked from the prologue and each chapter’s cliffhanger makes it hard to put down. This would be a great and quick read for anyone who loves mysteries.

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Widow, Claire and her children, Lizzie, freshly out of rehab and Liam are back together for Claire’s wedding to George, after a whirlwind 6 months romance. They are joined at George’s remote mansion by his daughter and newlywed American husband. However, the day takes a dramatic turn when Claires dead husband shows up. Declan admits he faked his death and left Claire to pick up the pieces of his failed business. Emotions become fractious and Declan says he is not going anywhere without reuniting his marriage and family life. However, the next morning, Declan is found dead and this time he is definitely dead. Due to the remoteness and high security surrounding the mansion, the murderer has to be one of the wedding party.
Plenty of twists throughout, some of the characters seemed rather flawed and a little unrealistic but persevere, an entertaining read and the ending is worth it.

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The Party is a slow burn thriller that kept me engaged from the beginning. Claire is getting remarried when her “dead” husband shows up and she finds out he’s not dead. Then other things happen and it keeps you guessing till the end. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release.

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I listened to The Party on Audio. The book was about a mixed family who finds themselves in a beautiful house in the middle of the forest. Things start going wrong after the first night's dinner party and it's a winding circle to find out what happened with some of the families' members previously.

Some parts of the book dragged on in a single scene and I did start to lose focus a bit with it being audio.

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A solid 4 stars from me.

I loved the narration, it genuinely helped to build the story and I didn't see that plot twist coming!
I found parts of the story a little slow, that's my star off, but overall a fairly gripping, interesting thriller by a new to me author.

Thanks very much Netgalley for the ARC.

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Lizzie has just finished rehab, she turned to alcohol due to the grief and anger of her father killing himself after ruining the family business. The final straw was when her brother Liam was injured in a car accident, due to Lizzie's drunk driving, so her mother- Claire booked her into St. Bridget's to get help.

Claire has just got remarried that morning to George and they are headed along with Liam to collect Lizzie so they they can have a family getaway and celebrate the marriage at George's secluded home in the countryside where they will meet up with George's daughter Freya. But soon after they arrive in the verdant surroundings things seems to take a very strange turn.

An excellent psychological thriller, action packed and gripping with many twists. I changed my mind about who could be the culprit numerous times thoughout and to me that is one sign of a good thriller. Freya was truly detestable and all the characters were well written and believable. A really great and exciting read.

The narrator was great, she has a really soothing accent

 with good character voicing enabling you to distinguish each person.

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It was an interesting read, although I only found the story to be engaging in the last third or so of the book.
Thanks to NetGalley, the editor and the author for the opportunity to access this ARC.

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I feel like this book was too slow paced for me even though I don't think the author intended it to be that way. I think the premise was decent but the pacing was just off.

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This story gives me slight "And Then There Were None" vibes - in the way that a group of people are together on vacation and one of them is murdered and the rest of the vacation we are trying to figure out "who dunnit." I did find it comical how some of the characters were walking around still going about their vacation while there was a dead body in the freezer. I legit laughed out loud when some characters were talking about doing yoga or meditating, it just made me giggle to think that they were acting so casual all things considered. I did enjoy that there was the larger mystery of who is the murderer as well as the smaller mystery of the cook and the brother. Overall, this was a good read.

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Unfortunately this one wasn’t for me! I really found it to be a struggle to get through and wasn’t inclined to listen so took me awhile to get through. Very slow paced with not much in the way of twists to keep you engaged. I was just bored and found at times I didn’t even know what was going on. The characters felt very one dimensional and I wasn’t really endeared to any of them except Lizzie. The narration was ok for the storyline. I’ve yet to find out about “The Party” 🤷‍♀️.

Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture Audio for the opportunity to listen to #TheParty

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Started a little slow but that quickly turned. Two families uniting, secrets on both sides, betrayal, lies and death. Crazy turn of events. I just couldn’t stop listening to this audiobook. Great job on Narrating as well!!
This book was captivating, just when I thought I knew what was going to happen, who was doing what……I was wrong every single time. Great book! Worth the read! This is my first read(or listen) from this author but I will be reading more. Great job!!

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The book has a good synopsis, great title and nice narration. It's not a bad read but a bit slow for my liking. The narrator did a good job, but she could use a bit more emotion throughout the audio--great vocals but lacking in emotional feel.
As a thriller, it's a very slow burn but I would recommend it with the caveat that Rome was not built in a day; thus, you must push through the slow burn to feel the fire.

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📖Book 65/100
🎧📲📚The Party
💫Genre: Psychological Thriller
✍️Tríona Walsh
🗣 Narrator: Roisin Rankin

📝Synopsis 📝
Lizzie is freshly out of rehab, followed by the chaos she’s lived due to her father’s death. Her mother Claire picks her up with so many surprises that might be a bit too much for her, yet she is up for the “special weekend” they’re about to have!!! A new husband for mom, and a weekend of many secrets, lies, and deceit that awaits all!

💭My Thoughts 💭
This was a book with a promising premise, but it lacked a bit in the plot. The characters lacked an element, but the overall plot kept me engaged. The part that lacked for me was the connection of the title to the actual story. I liked the plot twist about dad and Liam, but I figured the killer out pretty quick on this one. The narration was great, but the story itself dragged a bit.

✨Thank you @netgalley & @bookouture for a copy of this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
📌Publication Date:
June 23, 2023
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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for this Advanced Reader Copy
This book is a wild ride. I did struggle connecting a bit with the story line, some things just seemed a bit unrealistic.

You thought your first husband was dead. But now you’re getting married again and he’s standing in front of you. Your blood turns to ice as he says it’s all a big misunderstanding. He’s back now, and he won’t ever let you go again…

It’s been five years since Declan O’Shea ’s death. Ever since, his widow Claire and their two children have been picking up the pieces of their shattered lives.

But now the family is healing. It’s the day of Claire’s wedding, at her adoring new groom’s remote country estate. The sounds of laughter and clinking glasses ring out in the warm evening air. It’s the fresh start they’ve all wished for.

Until a voice interrupts the perfect night. Declan steps out of the shadows. He says he still loves Claire – and he’ll stop at nothing to get his family back.

By morning, Declan O’Shea will have died for the second time.

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Reading Between the Wines book review #71/115 for 2023:
Rating: 2.5🍷 🍷 🍷 (rounded to 3)
Book: The Party
Author: Triona Walsh
Available now! Released on June 23, 2023!!!

Sipping thoughts: I liked the premise of this book, but it was a slow burn at best. The third half of the book pushed my rating to a 3. I think the reveal was pretty good and had some really crazy, lying characters.

Cheers and thank you to @NetGalley and @BookoutureAudio for an advanced copy of @TheParty.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review. I enjoyed this book overall. It was a family getaway to celebrate the recent marriage of Claire and George. Both of Clairies children are in attendance and so is George's daughter with a surprise of her own. The start of the weekend is going well when all of a sudden an unexpected guest shows up to the party. To say this guest was a surprise is putting it very mildly as it turns out to be Claire's ex-husband who has been dead for 5 years. This is when things start to take a turn and no one can be trusted. Enjoy!!

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I read and enjoyed this authors previous novel, The Snowstorm, last year and was looking forward to this one. Unfortunately I found this one disappointing overall. The book lost me at the first twist. I found it hard to believe and the characters reaction to someone reappearing in their lives even more unbelievable and struggled to get past this. After the opening chapters the book slowed to a snails pace before picking up for the final third which I felt was the strongest section of the book.
I listened to the audiobook of this one and enjoyed the narration. I think I would have given up reading this but the strength of the narration kept me listening and I enjoyed the narrators voice.

2-2.5 stars.

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This an audiobook with enormous promise, author Triona Walsh having proven her skills as a fantastic novelist on the basis of my previous reads of her work.

I enjoyed an extract from this book, which is narrated in the voice of Lizzie, a young woman who is on the cusp of change having been dropped off at some location by her mother, and having had the realisation that she needs to get her act together following a road traffic accident she caused while intoxicated which resulted in injury to her brother.

I am highly motivated to read more, as the wedding celebration of Lizzie's mother and demise of her ex husband sound intriguing! Im anticipating a 'whodunnit' on the basis of my knowledge of this enormously talented author.

The book is narrated in an Irish accent, and on the basis of the extract, a good job is done!

My thanks to NetGalley, author and publisher for the opportunity to review this audiobook extract.

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Review for 'The Party' by Triona Walsh.

Read and reviewed via NetGalley for Triona Walsh, Bookouture publishers and Bookouture anonymous

Publication date 23rd June 2023.

This is the second book I have read by this author. I have also read her debut novel 'The Snowstorm' which I would also recommend.

I was originally drawn to this book by its intriguing and eye catching cover and its intriguing synopsis and title. I enjoyed 'The Snowstorm' by Triona and of this is as good as that one I'm guaranteed to enjoy this one too!! The synopsis stated that this book is 'A totally gripping psychological thriller, packed with secrets and gasp-inducing twists. Fans of Lucy Foley,K.L. Slater and Shalini Boland won’t be able to put this down'. I am a huge fan of K.L Slater and Shalini Boland so am looking forward to seeing if this lives up to this statement. I must admit I was also biased due to the publisher being Bookouture. I have yet to read a book published by Bookouture that I haven't enjoyed. Hopefully this won't be the first... Watch this space! (Written before I started reading the book).

This novel consists of a prologue, 11 chapters and an epilogue. The chapters are medium in length so easy to read 'just one more chapter' before bed...OK, I know yeah right, but still just in case!

This book is based in Ireland 🇮🇪, UK 🇬🇧. The bonus for me of books that are partly or fully based in the UK is that I live in the UK and have sometimes visited places mentioned in the book which makes it easier to picture.I have actually holidayed in Ireland so am intrigued to see if I recognise places based on anywhere I visited while there.

This book is written in third person perspective and the main protagonist is Lizzie. The benefits of third person perspective with multiple protagonists are that it let's you see the bigger picture of what's going on and you get to know more characters more, what they are thinking and what they are doing. It feels like you get to see the whole picture and not miss out in anything.

This book is fantastically written with vivid descriptions that absolutely grip the readers attention and puts them right in the middle of it all feeling the hair raise on your arms and feeling the sweat run down your back.

This book is an interesting 'locked room' mystery set in one of my favourite places in the world... Ireland!!! I listened to this book on Audiobook and absolutely loved listening to the Irish accents which Roisin did a fantastic job portraying along with bringing the characters to life. We meet Liz who is fresh rehab after an alcohol and drug addiction. Liz's mother Claire picks her up from rehab with her soon to be husband George and Liz's brother Liam, to take her back to George's isolated country house. Claire's first husband and Liz's father Declan has been missing for years and is presumed dead. When they arrive at the house Liz meets George's daughter Freya and Freya's husband Hudson. Liz is in for several surprises starting with finding out that her mother has in fact already married George!! Liz promises herself that she will do her best to get along with George, Freya and Hudson as she could do without the stress anyway. However, things are made even harder as her own brother Liam is even refusing to talk to her. The next shock is a mind blower for everyone when the door knocks during the dinner party to celebrate Claire and George's marriage and when the door opens it is to none other than Liz's missing presumed dead father Declan!!! Declan refuses to go anywhere until he wins back the love of Claire and his children. Why did Declan fake his death? Will he be able to win his family's love back? Is he really there to do that or is he hiding something? Why is George's cook Mia blackmailing him? To find out the answers to these and many more questions then grab your copy today!!! This book is a slow burner but it is also ram packed with tension, drama, twists, lies, mystery, family, secrets, red herrings and much more! The fact that it is based in a remote location gives the book a chilling and ominous atmosphere which makes it a perfect book to read on a winters day in front of a fire or wrapped up in bed especially during the moments that make the hair on your arms stand on end. The suspect list is quite small so you are continuously guessing which of the small group is a killer. There were several twists throughout the book. I love how everything is wrapped up and explained at the end leaving no loose ends which I am not a fan of at all so well done Triona. The only niggle I really had with the storyline itself was the fact that I expected more of a an actual party than just a dinner party and it was just that little bit too much of a slow burn for me. However it is still a gripping and intriguing book with shocks I never seen coming and considering how many crime books I have read that is definitely a huge bonus as it is getting harder and harder to surprise me.

It is set over multiple time lines. When books show what has happened in the past and what is happening in the present I find it really helps the reader (if it is well done) understand why things are happening and what has lead to the present activities and decisions. It also shows the bigger picture

This is one of the few books that I have listened 100% on Audiobook. If I listen to a book on audiobook I usually also read the physical book between but for the second time I listened to the whole book and I was impressed! I must say a HUGE congratulations to the narrator Roisin Rankin who did a great job bringing this story to life. I would listen to it in the car and while walking at any opportunity and Roisin did a fantastic job on both male and female characters voices!!! I'm not only looking forward to reading more books by Triona but also to listening to more books narrated by Roisin!

The characters were all realistic although I would have liked to see them more "filled out" as, personally they just fell that little bit flat for me. This normally puts me off a book but the twists and turns and Roisin's fantastic narrative skills made it easy to look past this fact. I wasn't a huge fan of many of them although I did like Claire and my heart went out to her throughout the book. This is a book filled with lies, twists and one where you have no idea which characters are telling the truth or who are hiding secrets so I won't go any deeper into my feelings of the characters as I don't want to spoil it for future readers.

Overall a suspense packed drama filled with twists you won't see coming!

Genres covered in this novel include Psychological Fiction, Crime, Thriller & Mystery Adventures, Thriller, Mystery, Suspense, Suspense Thriller, Psychological Thriller, Womens Psychological, Crime Thriller, Mystery ,Thriller & Suspense Literary Fiction and Thriller amongst others.

I would recommend this book to the fans of the above as well as fans of Lisa Jewell, Rachel Abbott, K.L Slater, Melinda Leigh, Carol Wyer, Lisa Regan, Kendra Elliot, T.M Logan, Lucy Foley, DK Hood, Angela Marsons, Robert Dugoni, Rachel Caine, The Widow, The Housewarming, Shalini Boland.

349 page/10 hours 7 minutes

This book is just £1.99 to purchase on kindle, free with kindle unlimited, £8.99 in paperback and £20.03 in Audible via Amazon at time of review, which I think is an absolute bargain for this book!!!

Rated 4/5 (I enjoyed it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.

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