Cover Image: Boyfriends. Volume One

Boyfriends. Volume One

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I haven't read the original webtoon, so I went into this mostly blind. Tl;dr, It's a cutesy comic about four boys who all fall for each other and how they make it work.

It's very brightly colored and I liked the fluffy nature of it, but I wish they had real namessss.

If I had a real gripe, it's that the ARC leaves off kind of suddenly - there's no back cover art or "see you next time" page that I'm used to from collected comic issues.

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I know that I started to read this on Webtoon but gave up after a few chapters. That was probably a mistake. This turned out to actually be a pretty cute story. Poly relationships are not my thing and I usually avoid stories featuring them but I really liked how awkward everyone was about the situation. The art is really cute and the story is interesting enough to make me want to read volume 2.

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This graphic novel was very cute and had an interesting concept. I am not sure whether everyone would end up liking it.

Polygamy and open relationships are two pronounced concepts dealt in this book. The art is very cute. The way the controversial topics are dealt with are gentle and in a funny way.

But if someone is strictly against these topics and specially these topics being explored by teenage characters, I'd suggest to avoid this one.

The characters were especially young or maybe it's the art style that made it look like that but it did feel the characters should have been more mature. Since these topics are explored in a v casual manner.

This was an arc that I received from the publisher in NetGalley

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Thank you to NetGalley for the arc!

Adorable! Funny! Fantastic!

This graphic novel had me smiling like an idiot, and giggling the entire time I was reading it. I will say on some pages the placement of some speech bubbles had me read them in the wrong order but that could just be a me issue. Love how healthy this groups relationship is with the constant communication. Ya love to see it. And you'll love this group of loveable dorks <3

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I am so happy to see joyful queer and polyamorous representation in literature and graphic novels. The story includes a pansexual nerdy man, bisexual jock man, a goth trans man, and gay preppy man all starting a polycule for the first time.
The relationship between the four boys is done well, with open conversations about boundaries and rules to ensure everyone feels good about the arrangement.
It is a little silly and cute and over the top, but for me that makes it fun, happy, and joyful. You can’t help but smile at the pastel art and the adorable and funny situations the boys get into.
I would recommend it for adult collections because the characters are in college.
Will be purchasing and I can’t wait for the next volume!

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I loved everything about this! I never read this as a webtoon so this was all knew to me and I loved all the characters so much. Prep was my personal favorite but u I loved all the boyfriends with all my soul. I honestly have nothing constructive to say other than I need more of these characters right now!

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Two roommates navigate college life... and the dating scene.
There is a video gamer goth boy who is super empathetic.
There is a rich kid who is super unsure of himself, but spoils everyone around him.
There is a jock kid who gets scared in haunted houses.
There is a nerdy, smart kid who hasn't ever dated.
Despite the cliches and stereotypes of the characters, nothing about the plot is stereotypical.
This is a super fun, flirty dating comic -> where all 4 characters decide to date each other. Their dates and flirting are adorable.

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A lovely repackaging of the original webcomic that includes all the fun, humour, colour, and cuteness that both new readers and re-readers can enjoy, BOYFRIENDS (Volume One) is easy to recommend to anyone looking for a feel-good LGBTQ+ slice-of-life romance. Featuring four college-aged boys discovering how to date as a group, this graphic novel is more a collection of short stories than a traditional “novel,” but nevertheless, it’s flirty, silly, and cheerful, making it a perfect pick-me-up for those readers looking to sit back and fall in love with recognizable tropes. My only critique is the flow of the dialogue, which in some chapters I found difficult to follow, but otherwise, this is a gem!

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Very cute and fun episode based graphic novel. The art style is unique and fun and I love the artist/authors use of colors. I really love all of the present rep and how its just meant to a fun thing without being overly serious.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Boyfriends follows the four titular, uh, boyfriends (a nerd, a prep, a jock, and a goth—they don’t have names) as they navigate being in a polyamorous relationship together for the first time while also having standard college student/early-twenties problems.

Look, I’m going to be totally real: Boyfriends has… not ZERO plot, but it’s pretty sparse. But you don’t read Boyfriends for the plot; you read it because it’s cute and fun and silly and it makes you smile. The art is pretty, the colors are a joy, and the characters and their relationship dynamic are really genuine and sweet. They’re archetypical, sure, but it never feels mean-spirited, and each of the boyfriends has lots of room for their own personality to shine through (plus room for character growth, as much as that’s a thing in this mainly episodic series).

I’ve been reading the Webtoon for a couple years now, and it’s just as delightful in this more traditional comic format (barring a few times the dialogue flow is hard to follow). Is it saccharine? Sure. Is it cringey? Sometimes! But it really never fails to perk me up on a bad day, and so it has a very special place in my soft heart. Definitely check it out if you’re in the mood for a pastel queer romance that’s fluff all the way through (which I basically always am, thanks)!

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I had no idea what to expect going into this apart from the fact that it looked adorable and very queer! It was in fact adorable and very queer and I absolutely loved it! This is a super cute, fun and easy to read comic about a bunch of awkward queer guys getting into a polyamorous relationship. There’s so many adorable moments and I just loved the characters. Yes the characters lean very hard into their stereotypes but I think that’s kind of the point! I would love to read more from this series and would definitely recommend!!


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Overall Boyfriends was a fast and fun read. If you are looking for an LGBTQ+ with trans and Polycule representation, then this is the one for you.
Refrainbow does an excellent job of creating likable and wholesome characters that seem to go through similar struggles to real age college kids.
The colors are bright, the text is quick, and the characters are very engaging and make you care about them pretty quickly.
Overall I give this a 4/5 stars for the representation, slice of life plot, and general adorable boys.

Here is why it didn't get the full 5 stars:
While the characters are cute and make you like them, we miss out on having names for the boys. Characters are easily differentiated, but I found myself wishing I knew what to call them or what they call each other.
I love a good story with trans representation, but I wish it had been something that was introduced earlier, rather than thrown in as an "Oh!" in a later "Track". (But I do love that it is in the background and a 'if you know, you know' moment. We appreciate it for that)
There are also some moments where our type-setter forgot which way the dialog bubbles read. Some dialog reads in an American way, while others read in the Manga/Manwha way and this can become confusing.
Interspersed blank pages also made digital reading a minor challenge.

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Refrainbow has been building up a steady cult following over the past few years. From their days in fandom creating merch and art, many would be familiar with their name alone. Boyfriends is their own work of OC's newly published by the Wattpad and Webtoon joint venture. This first volume introduces us to the cast of characters simply known by their stereotypes: Prep, Goth, Nerd, and Jock. But unlike these stereotypes they're all just young people looking for love. They find it in each other. With distinct lines and a signature colour palette, Refrainbow creates a cozy and warm-hearted story of their newfound love square in a unique and fun style.

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I used to keep up with this a looooong time ago and it’s cute, and the art style is really adorable— however, it still just lacks plot. It’s one of those comics that you can casually read for feels and cringey situations/lines but not for something with meaning.

It was really nice to see LGBTQ+ characters in such positive lighting with out the super sad or potentially triggering topics, it was also great to read adults versus reading teens.

<3 thanks to netgalley and publisher for the arc !!

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This is such a cute, positive book that’s absolutely packed with LGBT+ representation. The volume could’ve had a more conclusive ending but I loved it!

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This is really well illustrated, and I can tell that it has an audience that it will absolutely land for. However, that audience is not me. There's really no introduction to who the characters are or why they like each other at all, its just cute little fluff pieces. The characters not having names bothered me, like there was no way to get me to care about these characters, and every tiny lore drop in there never got followed up on. The language is also so entirely uwu tumblr softboy and if you don't have a tolerance for that it's hard to develop one. There is absolutely an audience for this though, people that will eat up just cute fluff comics, but for those who lean towards more substantial stories I can't recommend it.

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If you want a webcomic series that is fun, colorful, full of body positivity, inclusivity, and a positive representation of polyamory, this is the series for you. All the characters are supportive of each other, show genuine love, and are just plain lovely.

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Thanks Netgalley and Publisher for this advanced copy.

I didn't like it.
I've been reading webtoons for years. But, I've never tried to read Boyfriend. Why? Simply because the author was problematic. We had heard all dramas about him. But, this time, I tried to give it a chance to try this.

Let's start with the positives :
- Unique art style
- Simple story telling

Then, let start with the negatives :
- The authors felt like to try adding all those diversity aspects he can found in universe in one book. Without any thought at all. It was not needed. It was too much.
- The fact that all characters were stereotypical characters : We got a jock, nerd, gothic, haa... It was funny how the author tried to put a label on his characters.
- The maximum cringey level.

Overall, if you want to read a story with everybody is queer, you should try this.

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This is so amazing!!! So I was originally a fan of the WEBTOON series version of this title and I’m so glad it’s getting its own book I love it! Definitely a sweet comic.

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