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Grimoire Girl

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Really enjoyed this read from Hilarie Burton Morgan! I wasn't sure what to expect going into it (other than knowing I am a fan of hers!). Her ideas on griomoire were really beautiful and I took away several things for my own life! An interesting read considering the witchy nature of it, but you definitely don't have to agree/believe in that to read (I don't and took lots away from it!). Still a HBM fan and would recommend for your fall non-fiction read!

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#NetGalleyARC Not something I’d buy for my HS library but I loved it. I’m a huge fan of Hilarie and loved reading about this side of her. This Salem resident approves.

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This book deserves all the stars - 10000000/5 stars - amazing.

Grimoire Girl is part grimoire and part memoir. This book had me chuckling, smiling, learning, and even crying there at the end. This is my first Hilarie Burton Morgan book and I need to go back to read her first now. Her writing is so magical.

THANK YOU Hilarie for getting my creative juices flowing. I've been in a funk the last couple of years and reading through her chapters with different creative outlets and things to try got my wheels spinning again and I'm so excited. I immediately preordered a physical copy of the book because I plan on annotating the heck out of it.

Everyone should read this book - don't let the term "grimoire" fool ya (I'm looking at you religious fam of mine, haha). So so incredible.

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Big thank you to HarperOne and Netgalley for this Arc.
I learned so much about myself and about the world through this book. I sped through the pages so quickly and could not get enough of it. I am so thankful for Hilarie and her gorgeously written grimoire.
If I have a muse, it's without a doubt Hilarie Burton Morgan.

I can't wait to grow my own shrubs and then make the delicious sounding cocktails, while I start to create my own Grimoire to pass down to my girls one day.
What a treasure.
I will buying a physical copy of this book immediately, and then purchasing additional ones for my coven.

Thank you.

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Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book.

I wanted to read this because I am a fan of One Tree Hill and also all things witchy & mystic. This book was the perfect combination of spirituality, stories about Hilarie's life & witchiness. Hilarie shares little tidbits about astrology, mythology & spellwork in a way that actually has me excited to do it. Previously, I had found doing spellwork complicated. It was an easy & enjoyable read.

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“Grimoire Girl” is a collection of stories from author Hilarie Burton Morgan's life. Since childhood, she has felt the call to record, keep, and catalogue life in all its strange wonder. When she became a mother, the importance of all that collecting snapped into focus, and she asked herself what inheritance she could give to her children that would stay with them. As she created a collection of traditions, curiosity, and magical thinking, Hilarie realized she was crafting a grimoire, a tangible compilation of a lifetime of learning, full of knowledge and memories that she can pass down to her family.

As a huge fan of Hilarie's I was excited to read this book, but, given the title, I was a bit hesitant at first. This book is not a "spellbook" full of supernatural beliefs, but it is magical in other ways. As a new(ish) mom, I resonated with Hilarie, wanting to have something tangible to give my loved ones that would last long after I am gone. In her grimoire, Hilarie shares her experiences, simple spells, recipes, favorite quotes, advice on creating your own grimoire, and so much more. Her signature writing style and personality really shine, and with every page I felt like she was speaking directly to me. This is a beautiful, well-written, and honest book that I highly recommend.

Thank you to NetGalley and HarperOne for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was magical pun intended. It was like curling up with a friend and a cup of tea on a rainy day on a screen in porch. It was so charming and heart warming.

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I read and enjoyed her first memoir about moving to a farm so she felt familiar to me. That book didn't mention her witchy side so this caught my attention. The simple spells in each chapter was a cute touch. If you liked her first book, you'd like this one!

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Back with another sincere and heart squeezing book, Hilarie Burton Morgan shows she’s a writer across multiple genres.

Weaving together her childhood experiences, love of being a mom and a wife, and dedication to learning about all things witchy and magic, Grimoire Girls takes the reader on a magical journey through inheritance, tradition, and legacy.

Burton Morgan shares incredible stories and tips for creating your own grimoire. Every other chapter includes directions for a simple spell ranging from candle magic to letter writing to ghosts.

This book reminded me of sitting on the couch listening to my favorite auntie share her knowledge about life. It’s endearing and thought-provoking.

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Thank you thank you thank you to NetGalley and HarperOne for this advance reader copy.
This book delighted in so many facets of life: life, love, family, self-understanding & development.
It was part poetry, part spell book, part recipe book, part discovery, and part advice. Like if you were looking for a book that touched on the parts of your life that might feel a little uncomfortable to acknowledge or understand, this book might help with that. And it did it with such a feeling of gentle guidance and empowerment. I found myself relating to Hilarie's life experiences without ever having met her. It gives me this overwhelming sense of sonder knowing that even "famous people" have to learn how to navigate love, loss, grief, happiness, etc. just like the "standard person." And boy, when you grow up seeing people on television & in the public eye, it's honestly the best kind of reminder that at the end of the day, we are all humans learning more about ourselves and the world around us.
I cannot wait to get my hands on a physical copy to look through when I need to remind myself of that.

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I was utterly bewitched by Hilarie Burton Morgan's, Grimoire Girl. You won't be able to put it down as soon as you start reading it. Hilarie's signature writing style and personality shine through.

I loved Hilarie's debut novel, The Rural Diaries, so I couldn't wait to get my hands on an early copy. If you are hesitant because you think this book will be full of supernatural beliefs and occult vibes, don't be! This book is pure magic in the best way possible.

Hilarie introduces the theme of a grimoire and gives her definition to help lay out the book. A grimoire may be seen as a spell book, but it can be so much more. To Hilarie, it is a collection of knowledge and memories that you want to pass down to your kids, friends, and loved ones to help them understand you and learn from your experiences.

With every chapter, you are filled with hope. Hilarie shares so many of her experiences, favorite quotes, and advice in a way that is conversational and easy to understand. And she lays out advice on how we can all start our own grimoire for our loved ones. It can be as easy as putting some of our favorite quotes together, writing a journal (no pencils. remember we have to commit to our thoughts), sharing recipes, and passing on urban legends.

I think I could talk all day about this book. It was just that good! I do admit that this book did have me in my emotions. I was laughing when she described telling her daughter about the Monster in the woods to get her to help her listen more. I cried okay literally balled when she described the loss of beautiful friendships like the ones she shared with Rabbi George and Willie Garson. And I continuously felt interested in her perspective whether it be mythology, flowers, poetry, or her simple spells. But the most important thing that Hilarie Burton Morgan's words accomplish is the beauty of magic. She reminds us that magic isn't just something you pull out of a hat. Magic is already happening to us in our everyday lives and putting our experiences to paper helps us recognize it and cherish it. I believe that by the time you finish reading this, you will undoubtedly want to start your own grimoire so that your loved ones can be inspired by your life experiences.

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When I saw this book being offered on NetGalley, something about it just called to me and I had to request it! Thank you to NetGalley and Harper One for giving me the opportunity to read and review. This is the first book I’ve read by Hilarie Burton Morgan and I love her writing style! She writes as if she is speaking to an old friend in a warm, relaxed, and laid back manner. She tells of creating a Grimoire full of stories, people, and places that have resonated with you. She shares her insights on sharing your love and magic with your family, friends, and others to create a beautiful legacy of memories. I loved how she said that you can find magic the everyday objects and things you do in your day to day life because it’s already there. You just have to be open to seeing it. There are recipes, stories, practical examples of creating an alter. I also loved that she gives a list of books that have inspired her on her journey. I highly recommend this book and it filled a spot in me that I didn’t even know I needed to fill.

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With every book she writes, I fall a little more in love with Hilarie Burton Morgan. I loved Rural Diaries for its emphasis on finding community where you are, and while Grimoire Girl continues that same theme, it focuses even more on people, as well as place. Don’t be fooled by the title into thinking this is some foray into the occult or something sinister. Instead, this book is about how we create and share our legacy with others, including friends, family, and neighbors. Hilarie writes like she is speaking to a close friend, and her genuine warmth flows through this book. I loved it.

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I screamed when I got the approval for this one. I loved her debut novel, The Rural Diaries. She played the only character on television that I deeply connected with that made me feel not alone. A character that loved music, art and was constantly going through it. So when I saw her announcement for Grimoire Girl, I knew I had to have it. I was not disappointed.

Grimoire Girl is a mix of memories, recipes & spells, advice, a complete love letter, current life and so much more. It brought so many of my own forgotten memories rushing back. Trinket boxes filled with random things I found precious. Mixing up “potions” behind the garden shed. My love affair with the night sky and any body of water I can submerge in, being a Cancer aside.

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I loved this book. Hilarie Burton Morgan has a distinctive, nostalgic writing style. I enjoyed the way she wove her anecdotes into life advice. I haven't read her previous book, but I will now.

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What a fantastic read! I absolutely loved every minute of this book. Hilarie talks about putting love into relationships and things that really matter. You can learn how to make everyday magical in your own way. Everything about this book was pure magic and perfection. I highly recommend!

Thank you NetGalley and HarperOne for the arc of this book.

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Part memoir, part spell book, part advice, complete love letter. I want to be very specific in what I say about this book because it is so special. It’s the perfect length, I read it in one sitting. The choice to style this as a Grimoire was smart and compelling. I don’t consider myself a witch but Hilarie says, “The secret to magic is you’re already making it!” I can see how the pictures, receipts, and notes I keep in my purse are Grimoire tools. My office cork board could be an alter. I have talismans like the evil eye I wear when I travel and the mezuzah at my front door. It’s possible that Hebrew prayers could be poetry spells.

What I appreciate most about Hilarie’s writing is the words aren’t empty. She doesn’t just tell a story about meeting a fan at an event. All of her vignettes go somewhere, are bewitchingly related, and often times she speaks directly to the reader. “What’s your me-gic? What is it about you that feels magical?” Call it synchronicity, but I read this book at the right time.

I was already a Hilarie Burton Morgan fan because of One Tree Hill and Hilarie is so much more. This work of art is beautifully written, entertaining, interesting, and meaningful.

Thank you NetGalley and HarperOne for the advanced reader’s copy in exchange for my honest review. I can’t wait to buy a physical copy after publication and annotate the entire thing!

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Thank you Harper One and Hilarie Burton Morgan for allowing me to read Grimoire Girl in exchange for an honest review. I absolutely loved it! It was personal and heartfelt and introspective. She talks about putting love into things and relationships that matter and making everyday magical in our own little ways. It’s also a guide to learn more about ones self and I enjoyed learning about different personalities associated with the planets and magical healing teas. Highly recommend if some magic is what you’re looking for!

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Thanks so much to NetGalley and HarperOne for this advance readers copy, in exchange for an honest review. Grimoire Girl is an amalgamation of stories from author Hilarie Burton Morgan’s that reflect the magic she’s found in her life— moments from her past and present. All of this along with her tips and tricks on how she continues to infuse this magic into daily life, while also leaving a trail of it for others and for future generations to follow along the way. To say that I was excited to read this book is an absolute understatement and I cannot emphasize enough just how special and wonderful it truly is.

I tried to take my time to slowly read this book but, I could not put it down. You could really feel all of love, passion, and true magic that Hilarie infused into this book; it had such a genuine tone to it and this made the pages just fly for me. There were so many witchy stories and examples of how you could find magic in the ordinary because so much of it is already all around you— you just need to open your eyes to it. However, despite the plentiful beauty and enchantment that graces these pages, Hilarie does not shy away from sharing about her experiences with grief, loss, and the dark moments where it was hard to find the magic. This felt especially real to me for personal reasons and I think that Hilarie did a great job at leveling with the audience and being vulnerable with both her struggles and how she came out of it. I made lots of highlights in this story to come back to and know that it will be a title I can reach for repeatedly when inspiration or happy/sad/excited, etc. emotions come up.

I think it’s also worth noting the many great references that Hilarie makes in this book to other helpful resources, figures, and stories that you can look to for inspiration or for further reading. There were lots of items that I bookmarked while reading and I’m excited to go back to them!

Needless to say, I absolutely loved this book! I have a hardback copy on preorder already and can’t wait to have the physical copy to peruse again. I’d definitely recommend this book to fans of books about magic, witchcraft, and storytelling (to name a few things)!

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This book is pure magic. The writing is incredibly artful and sets the perfect tone for all of the secrets that it holds. While a Grimoire would be great - definitely start with this book... it is inspirational, cathartic and stunning.

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