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Who to Believe

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Member Reviews

A great twisty-turny mystery! I loved the changing POVs - it added so much to the story and was really well done. I also really appreciated the strong and different voices each character had. I don't want to give it away, but I will say that the ending (and ending POV) was brilliant and deserving of a Standing Ovation for the writer- because of it, this will be a book I never forget- and will be highly recommending to everyone I know.

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I liked this a lot. The story had a suffocating atmosphere and an interesting cast of characters. I would love to read more from this author in the future.

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Wow, what an incredible story. Every time I thought that I had it figured out, the story took a twist that I would never have expected. I'm going to pick up more of Edwin Hill's books after reading this one. Highly recommended.

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This was an interesting story, told from the point of view of several different people that had attended a birthday party after the recent death of a local restaurant owner, there is some overlap in each version, though I did enjoy it. In small town Monreith, Massachusetts a small coastal town where everybody knows everyone else and their business. When Laurel, a local restaurant owner, is found dead at home with a plastic bag over her head, the first suspect his her husband, who had an iron clad alibi, he has a gambling problem and was out gambling where he was viewed on camera during the critical time. Then several people tell a part of the story from their perspective, the female Minister of the local church who's daughter is rebelling over not getting a phone, the police chief who is sleeping with the Minister, a mechanic who recently divorced his wife to get together with a therapist, outting both in the process, the woman who was the birthday girl and she's got a load of secrets herself. Also the dog, probably the best of all these characters. A solid book which I would recommend. Thanks to #Netgalley and #Kensington Books for the ARC.

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It was a rocky start trying to grasp so many people and the writer’s style. He is a new author to me. The story unfolds through the characters versions of events, I almost gave up. I resorted to making personal notes of names, spouses, professions, etc., just to keep them straight. This story is like the TV drama Dallas moves to Cape Cod - affairs and murder. There is the shrink, the financial advisor, a chef and restaurant owners, the Police Chief, a Minister, kids, someone ‘in the closet’ who came out and a dog. Some are married, separated, new lovers, while drinking, gambling, sneaking, cheating and affairs are rampant. One of them is murdered. Is she the first though or could it go back further? Everybody has motives. Everybody lies. All are unreliable. A Massachusetts State Detective seems to be the only one above suspicion. Can he unravel all the deceit within this beach town community? This group of liars stumped me and definitely left me wondering who to believe.
A digital advance reader copy of “Who to Believe” by Edwin Hill, published by Kensington Books, was provided by NetGalley. These are always my own honest personal thoughts and opinions given voluntarily without compensation

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An interesting take on a small town with lots of secrets and a murder. It is told in different perspectives, rather than alternating chapters, giving each main person a full section of the book. Lots of complicated relationships and twists. I enjoyed this one a lot and think my students will as well. Even the dog got to tell her story and answer the last question

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Who to Believe
Written By Edwin Hill
Publisher Kensington Books
Release Date January 23, 2024
Genre Mystery/Thriller

Characters: 5/5
Plot: 5/5
Pace: 5/5
Suspense: 5/5
Overall Enjoyment: 5/5

As a huge fan already of Edwin Hill, being able to read his new book excited me and it absolutely did not disappoint.
There are few books that truly deserve 5 stars and this is one of them. I know that not everyone will agree with me but I technically only read the mystery type genres and base my ratings on merit also. I look at the whole picture, not just the authors skill. This book has it all, and keeps you engaged until the end. The characters are well developed, believable, and adroit. This is one book you should run, not walk to purchase on its release date…….you will not be disappointed, because who knows who will die next…..

In the small town of Monreith Mass, everyone seems to know everything about each other. You know the type of people that gossip about everyone…..Laurel Thibodeau, a local restaurant owner, is found dead. In her home. Savagely beaten. Suspicion has fallen on her husband Simon. There are financial issues with his gambling problems that would lead others to believe he would kill her for her insurance money. Simon does not tell the truth at first but he has a solid alibi that no one can touch. There are others though that might have a grudge to bear when it came to Laurel.
We then go to a group of six friends that have gathered together to celebrate the 40th birthday of Alice Stone. The story and theories of Laurel’s death run rampant. Everyone seems to point finger but they have each their own secrets to keep. The Chief of Police has heard all of the theories and he is in close ties to the caring Unitarian minister as well as the town’s psychiatrist. This too may seem to have more than one secrets because before the summer is over another one of those six friends will also turn up dead. There are many of the seven deadly sins in this book and the killer may just be anyone of the towns people because they all have an ax to grind with someone.

5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley as well as the author and publisher for allowing me to read this book in exchange for my unbiased and honest review.

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I've been quite disappointed with a lot of the offerings on Netgalley, (and does anyone proofread any more?) but THIS I will recommend to everyone!

In a small town, where everyone knows each other (and sees the same shrink - well, it is set in the USA), a brutal murder has been committed. The husband is the obvious suspect, but even though he lies at first, he seems to have a solid alibi. The atmosphere is tense, and everyone is on edge.

A group of friends meet for a birthday party a few days later. Among them are those who tend to know others' secrets - the shrink, the police chief, and the caring local reverend.
Their relationships are complicated, and everyone has their own secrets - including the children, who see and hear more than the adults realise.
As the party ends and a thunderstorm moves in, things start to unravel, and everyone seems involved in some way.

And just then, the story of that night and the runup to the party is told over and over from the point of view of the different characters. If that sounds boring, it is anything but! Gaps are filled in, motivations become clear, secrets become deeper, and the story becomes more layered and interesting.
Every character is different, but all of them are absolutely believable. You see them getting pulled tighter and tighter to each other by emotions and circumstances and secrets kept or revealed.
The dialogue is real but often becomes something subtly different when heard from a different point of view.
No cheap thrills or sudden illogical revelations, just a slow buildup of tension.

The ending is unusual but very satisfying, with a final storyteller and a final twist.

I literally could not put this down and spent half the night up reading, then re-reading parts when I had finished. I will absolutely find everything else by this author now.

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Name of Book: Who to Believe
Author: Edwin Hill
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Publisher: Kensington Books
Pub Date: January 23, 2024
My Rating: 3.6 rounded up
Pages: 320

This is only my second Edwin Hill. The first book I read was [book: Secrets We Share} which I gave 5 Stars and I give very few 5 star ratings! SO I have been anxious to read another story by him!

Laurel Thibodeau and her husband are the owners of a local popular bistro.
One evening Simon comes home late and finds that Laurel has been brutally murdered. Suspicion immediately falls on him as the Thibodeaus’ had money problems Simon has not been catering a weddings as Laurel believed but went gambling and lost a lot of money playing blackjack. .Needless to say, with all his debts and he surely will benefit from her life insurance policy. Others aren’t so sure and suspect a serial killer.
Six friends gather to celebrate the birthday of Alice Stone and, they end up talking about the murder.
The friends~
Alice’s husband Damana documentary filmmaker;
Farley Drake a psychiatrist,
Georgia “Reverend George” Fitzhugh, the minister
Richie her soon to be ex-husband
Chloe their teenage daughter
Max Barbosa the police chief

One of them is also a murderer. And by the end of this evening, one of them will be dead.

Story is told from the POV of the six main characters Have to admit I wasn’t a fan of big fan of the POV of so many characters but I did like Chloe’s as well as Harper the dog!
Story did end up better than I thought.

Want to thank NetGalley and Kensington Books for this early eGalley.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for January 23, 2024.

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This book kept me reading well into the night, it was so good. The plot twists and turns are slowly exposed as the story is told in turn from 7 points of view, including a therapist, a reverend, a police chief and a dog. Sometimes parts of the plot are repeated, but each character has their own take and their own experiences stamped on their recollections, I loved the changing voices, each was so different and the author was able to quickly give us a feel for each individual. Be prepared to totally immerse yourself in the book to be better able to follow the story, I enjoyed every minute. This was quite different from other books I’ve read and really liked by the same author, I’ll be looking forward to what ever he wires next. This one definitely kicked up the wow factor for me!
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of Who To Believe, I’ve already suggested to fellow mystery lovers, and our local librarian! I’d give it more than 5 stars if I could.

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A Fast paced, page turning, twists and turn suspense novel with six adults, one child, and one dog telling the story about multiple murders, and who committed them. No one is whom they seem and most are really unlikable, but the roller coaster ride Hill writes makes it all worth while. Carve out time because once you start you won’t put it down. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher.

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Well written, fast paced, and the twists and turns keep you on your feet! The characters are believable and engaging and this is the kind of thriller that stands out against mass market

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When respected restaurateur is brutally murdered in a small seaside Massachusetts town, everyone suspects her husband. But then there’s another murder and the state police arrive. Six residents, including a police chief, a therapist, a podcaster, and a financial planner tell their version of events, but all of them have secrets. Who will you believe?

Almost quit on this one, but glad I stuck with it. Thanks to NetGalley and Kensington for an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Who to Believe is a twisting domestic suspense thriller set in a small town of Massachusetts. A local woman has been murdered. Her husband is the prime suspect, but not the only one. Among six friends, every one of them guards secrets, even the local minister, the local psychiatrist, and the local cop. And then one of them turns up dead after a birthday gathering. Of the others, they all had the opportunity and a potential motive. They all tell their version of the truth… or part truth. The police come to their conclusions about the events – but have they got it right?
Who to Believe is the perfect title for this twisty suspense thriller. I thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommend this book to fellow lovers of psych suspense, psych thriller, domestic suspense stories.

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Another great read from Edwin Hill !
I love the Rashomon structure of this novel -- it had me guessing throughout!

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A five star book full of twists and turns. The story draws the reader in and keeps them engaged. Good writing means this book is a real page turner.

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A brutal murder in a small town!

The first suspicion falls on the husband who is in debt due to his gambling habits. 6 friends gather for a birthday party, but digress into discussing the murder. All 6 have a different perspective on what might have happened, and the question for the reader is... "Who to believe"? After all, they all have their own secrets to keep.

Kind of a slow burn mystery with some repetition as each character takes you through their perspective. I wish it was faster-paced which would have made this more engaging for me.

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Hill's stand alone captures the differing personalities--and secrets-- of a group of people living in a small town who gather for a dinner party. When one of them is murdered, each person's movements and motives are explored.

It's a tour de force of characterization, with a nice feel for the atmospheric setting that settles over the action. Long-held secrets will rise to the surface, while newer secrets will be revealed. There are enough twists and plot surprised to keep any reader glued to the page.

A brilliant read that kept me flipping pages long after I should have turned out the light,

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Thank you, NetGalley and Kensington Books for the copy of Who To Believe by Edwin HIll. Is a serial killer loose in Monreith or are the deaths in the small town unrelated? This is a really good story, but I didn’t really like how we saw the same couple of days' events from the different characters’ POVs because there wasn't enough information given to warrant the amount of repetition, so the story was really slow to unfold. I really started to get interested near the end with Chloe’s POV, and I liked how the stories came together. I think I liked the overall story better than the execution, and I wish it had been more engaging.

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Laurel Thibodeau, owner of a popular restaurant, is brutally murdered. Suspicion quickly falls on her husband Simon because of his debts, gambling problems and the life insurance policy he will benefit from. Now six friends gather to celebrate the birthday of Alice Stone and, of course, to discuss the murder. Alice’s husband Damian, a semi-successful documentary filmmaker and obsessive bicyclist is there. Also present are Georgia “Reverend George” Fitzhugh, her soon to be ex-husband Ritchie, and their teenage daughter Chloe. The are joined by police chief Max Barbosa and handsome psychiatrist Farley Drake. It will be a long evening. Everyone is keeping deeply buried secrets, whether they know it or not, and these secrets will leader to a murderer. And just maybe this killer will not be Laurel Thibodeau’s killer.

There are six main characters in Who to Believe and each character tells the events of the day of the party in their own voice. These different points of view, sometimes intentionally repetitive and always compelling, slowly move the plot to conclusion. This unique style pulls the reader in from the first page and does not let go until the last. 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley, Kensington Books and Edwin Hill for this ARC.

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