Member Reviews

Buck tremmle was trying to keep his little spot in Wyoming peaceful when Sheriff Rollins and deputy Brant show up from the neighboring town telling him that Ben Washington and his gang the son of one of the displaced farmers. Has returned to town wanting to reclaim the land he believes was wrongfully taken from his dad unfortunately there’s a new family living in the farmhouse something that doesn’t stop Junior. Things get even hairier for the Wyoming lawman when Brian Smith comes to town in strong-arm the owner of a popular casino unfortunately he didn’t take into account the casino owner might have even stronger arms but the owner also didn’t take into account that Brian Smith showed up with his brothers and some other outlaws. Because after he arrest Ben Washington on a warrant his gang kidnaps deputy brant and wants to trade the policeman for the captured outlaw something that Buck Tremel Will never do he has a full plate and I haven’t even mentioned the town folkt are getting nervous in the crooked mayor homes tries to discuss it with buck despite knowing his opinion about him and other politicians. Can Buck bring peace back to the people he’s come to respect. Like with every Johnstone book this is it the whole story because there’s always there’s a lot more I love their books and although this isn’t one of my favorite series this was really a great read if you love great westerns and good versus evil we’re good prevails you’ll definitely love killers never sleep by William and Jay Johnstone the sixth book in the series can definitely be read as a standalone. I want to thank Kensington books and net galley for my free arc copy please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

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This historical western has all the elements you would expect - small town, a gang of bad guys, a morally strong Sheriff, and plenty of interesting characters. When Buck arrests the head of the Washington gang, you know that trouble will be right around the corner. And as the danger to the town escalates, Buck is willing to do what is needed to keep the gang from rescuing Ben, even if it means losing his job.

Thank you to NetGalley, Kensington Books and the author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This is probably the best book in the series about Buck Trammel by William W. Johnstone and J.A. Johnstone. Killers Never Sleep is the sixth adventure and Buck faces a whole heap of new troubles in this book. It is as most often when it comes to these authors a good western, it has all the parts needed and a lot of new twists. I really did enjoy it. Thanks to Netgalley and Kensington Books for letting me read it.

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There is no such thing as a bad Johnstone western. Each series is built around main characters whose belief in the law and family is absolute, even if they've had to be reformed to get there. From Preacher, the original mountain man to the Jensen family to Perly Gates, to.....well, you get the point. Many times, characters from one series will show up in another as supporting hands. The communities are true to the era, clothing, guns, food and troubles are all what you'd find if you looked them up in the history books. No two stories are the same, each character or set of characters is unique and so are their stories. The writing is skillful, readers are pulled into the story and you will laugh and cry right along with the characters. I made the mistake of picking up a Johnstone western my uncle was reading. Ive been hooked ever since. Now I share them with my reading family and will continue as long as new Johnstones are released.

When Buck Trammel left the Pinkertons, he was looking for a new kind of life that he could live with. Lawmen were desperately needed and he was a good one. But trouble is never far away and help is often too little, too late so Buck will use every skill he has to keep his prisoners in jail.

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Good old-fashioned Western full of action and some twists and turns as well. Cowboys make good characters in the story because there are some good ones and some bad ones. This book has lots keep you reading until the end. Good read.

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Enter from stage left a marauding gang led by Ben Washington. What was not counted on was having the leader--Washington himself--captured by the new town Sheriff of Laramie; namely Steve "Buck" Trammel. Buck is a hard man not given to many niceties for criminals.

Trammel has an erstwhile partner, the gambler and ne'er-do-well, Adam Hagen. Lots of back stories in this Western adventure including Hagen running a fabulous hotel that is far above the typical in a Western town. He has invited a large number of high-rollers to an introduction party of the hotel and gambling house. Unfortunately, there is in addition to the Washington gang another family criminal enterprise form New Orleans interested in Hagen's money.

With the two different sets of criminals and the tension between Hagen and Trammel along with the added issue of a town on edge, this makes for an intriguing story. Could the two divergent gangs come together? One of them is wanting their jailed leader free and the other wants money. It seems the recipe for disaster for the two gangs, the town, and the duo of Trammel and Hagen.

For me, the story unfolded too slowly and it was not clear where it was even going for a while. Of all the Johnstone characters, the duo of Trammel and Hagen are the least appealing--again for me. They are not repulsive nor caused me to not read the story--I just have to remember to continue to plow through until it gets sufficiently interesting...which the plots usually do. This one actually turned out pretty good -- enough so that I would recommend it to readers.

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Johnstone's Killers Never Sleep was an action packed and adventurous Western fiction. I enjoyed travelling to the Wyoming territory. Four and a half stars.

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This was a great sixth entry in the Buck Trammel Western series, it had everything that I was expecting from the Johnstone’s. I was engaged with the Western genre, and thought it worked overall. It continued the series well and I enjoyed how good the story itself was. The characters were what I was hoping for and glad I read this.

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