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Like Thunder

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We open on Dikéogu directly after his time in Ginen. He travels with Jaa’s husbands and a few official agents as they find the various farms where children have been made into slaves – including the chocolate plantation where he had been just a year earlier. After busting up a few such places, and freeing a lot of kids, Dikéogu splits off from the main group to get some additional rainmaker training from Gambo.

Eventually, he feels too restrained, and decides to go after his parents. A short time after striking out on his own, he finds himself in a city. He initially only plans on staying as long as it takes to fix his electronic device… but then, he falls in love with the girl who fixes it for him.

After many months, a group of vampire-like beings called The Adze strike the city, killing Changed Ones and educated women… including his girlfriend. He leaves in a fury, and travels alone for a while. He doesn’t remember most of what happens during this time, and later refers to it as his “lost year.”

By the time he comes to, the peace treaty that he, Ejii, Jaa, and their entourage had negotiated with Ginen has ended. No one has seen Jaa, Gambo, or Buji. No one expects good things to come next.

At this point, Dikéogu meets back up with Ejii in her hometown. We also re-meet Arif, one of her friends from home. They are both Shadow Speakers, but they use their talents differently. They also meet another Changed One named Lifted, and a runaway queen from Ginen named Jollof. Together, they travel and try to stop Chief Ette (of Ginen) and The Adze (who are working for him) from destroying Earth.

I won’t go into too much detail past that point, as there is a lot of action and some death involved.

If you like Nnedi Okorafor’s other writings, or Africanfuturism in general, this one should be up your alley.

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As a afro-futurism girlie, I'm mad that we were not given this series years ago. Even with this being her first books, this series is still before it's time. I don't want to leave this world.

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Thank you to Astra Publishing House and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book.

"Like Thunder" by Nnedi Okorafor, the concluding installment of the Desert Magician duology, is an immersive journey through hardships, heartaches, and the unwavering spirit of Dikeogu. As he navigates his own challenges after the events of book one and before reuniting with Ejii, his narrative unfolds with vivid imagery, perilous quests, and Okorafor's signature infusion of West African mythology.

The story captivates with its rich exploration of Dikeogu's character, highlighting the complexities of his personal struggles and growth. The emotional depth and resilience exhibited by the characters make the journey not just an epic quest but a profound exploration of identity and destiny.

Okorafor's storytelling prowess shines through in her ability to seamlessly blend the mystical and the earthly, creating a world where West African mythology breathes life into this post-apocalyptic setting. While the final battle against a tyrant threatening Earth was pretty anti-climatic as far as conclusions go, the emotionally charged journey to get there was very engrossing.

"Like Thunder" offers readers a unique blend of fantasy, mythology, and poignant human experiences. The Desert Magician duology, with its vibrant characters and captivating storyline, is a fitting addition to Okorafor's impressive body of work.

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First I want to thank NetGalley and DAW for allowing me access to an eARC in exchange for my honest review.

Like Thunder is the second book in the Desert Magician Duology. If you haven’t read the first book, Shadow Speaker, then please go do that before reading any further. I don’t want to spoil too much of the first book, but it is important to note that this Duology changes perspective in the second novel. The first book is from the perspective of the shadow speaker Ejii and this, the second book, is from the perspective of Dikéogu a companion of Ejii in the First book.

The Desert Magician duology takes place in a changed future Earth that has been broken, and the barriers between our world and others has thinned enough to allow passage between them. The majority of the events take place in Niger and Nigeria a generation after the Earth and its people were changed. Some people were changed more than others, and they are referred to as Changed Ones. Changed Ones come in a variety of types each with their own special abilities. Dikéogu, our subject for this book, is growing into his power as a rainmaker, and after the events of the first book he has joined up with Gambo, a powerful windseeker, to train his abilities. Part of that training includes facing Dikéogu’s past and the hurt he still carries with him.

I am a huge fan of Nnedi Okorafor, and if you’ve read any of her other books, you will definitely find some commonalities between this duology and other books she has written. I really enjoyed this series as a whole, but I think I much preferred Ejii’s story over Dikéogu’s. This being the second in a duology it is absolutely necessary to finish the story, and my only real detractor is that I don’t particularly like Dikéogu. He is quite often rash and selfish, but he is also young and has a great burden placed on his shoulders, so I try not to judge him too harshly. This second story also digs even deeper into the themes of division and how we grant or withhold personhood to other people. This is a fundamental topic in science fiction and no matter the era it continues to be relevant.

I really enjoyed both of these books, and the series is a must-read for any serious sci-fi fan. If you haven’t read anything by Okorafor before, I suggest reading Remote Control as well and of course Binti. Okorafor is a master of storytelling and crafts beautiful tales of Africanfuturism that will keep you looking for more like it. I hope you read this series, and I hope this helped you find a new book to dive into. Happy Reading!

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In Shadow Speaker we followed Ejii Ugabe's hero journey to find the killer of her father as she learned to use her strange powers. She is known as a shadow speaker, one who can see well in the dark and read people's thoughts and emotions. Along the way she met the rainmaker Dikéogu Obidimkpa. He'd been imprisoned as a chocolate slave due to his parents shame of his manifesting strange powers. Like Thunder concludes the quest of these two changed people in a dystopian 2070s West Africa.

Picking up shortly after the end of the first book, in Like Thunder Dikéogu Obidimkpa is our narrator and with the aid of government agents, is freeing the other chocolate slaves. After the initial quest to free the slaves is completed, he begins to train under a mentor before suffering a mental breakdown and wandering in a fugue state. This time is lost to him, but as he heals and recovers some of the pieces return. Eventually he comes back to himself and finds love, but while he enjoys this return to normalcy, greater powers are at play. In the city, the changed are other-ized by being called cockroaches and begin to disappear alongside those speaking for understanding and acceptance. Is it genocide?

It is a darker story than the first volume, with much of the happiness of the first adventure undone. Our heroes face greater challenges and both endure trauma and loss. But they are older and wiser and still deeply committed to creating and sustaining peace. Both books look at the divisions between youths and elders. As well as the courage and strength it takes to stand up for one's beliefs.

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I recently finished Like Thunder, the sequel to Nnedi Okorafor’s Shadow Speaker. This book takes place a few years after that one, and Dikeogu is telling the story. He has power over rain and lightning and storms in a changed future Earth with portals to other worlds.

As the story starts, the war between worlds that they averted in the first book is on the horizon in West Africa. Dikeogu is more powerful than ever but struggling to control it. It was nice to see some of the characters from Shadow Speaker return. The author’s worldbuilding is always so intricate and interesting, and that’s true here. There are no infodumps- it’s all seamlessly worked into the story. Once the plot got to a certain point, I didn’t want to put it down.

Overall, I liked it! You can read it as a standalone, but it does work better if you read the first book. It comes out November 28. Thank you to DAW and Netgalley for the eARC.

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My thanks for the ARC goes to NetGalley and Astra Publishing House, DAW. I'm voluntarily leaving a review.

Genre: Africanfuturism, Fantasy, SciFi, African Fantasy
Audience: Young Adult
Language: Medium (some cursing)
Spice Level: Medium (fade to black)

The post nuclear war where the gateway opened between worlds that introduced magic is fascinating as always. I feel like Shadow Speaker set the tone, and Like Thunder continues in the same vein. If you loved one, you will love both of them.

This is epic fantasy because the team of kids is saving the world. But there are personal elements because the tragedy hits close when their families and friends may die or be harmed. We have friends who separated in the first book get reunited. Some evil is dispelled. And heroic deeds and sacrifices are made.

The style of storytelling is interesting. In ways, it feels a bit remote to me. As a frame story, the Desert Magician, is telling us the tale—he's mostly present speaking to us in the beginning and end. Also our main character, Dikéogu, cycles through madness and love and trauma. Seriously, there's a lot going on. And teenage angst is part of the drama, which is about the only thing that makes this fit as young adult.

I've enjoyed this duololgy.

Happy reading!

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I was really excited to receive an ARC of this book. I have previously read two of the author's books including The Shadow Speaker and couldn't wait to have to story continue. Like Thunder picks up in 2077 and is narrated by Dikeogu. He is travelling across the Sahara, he has lost time and his mind. His journey eventually reunites him with Ejii. The pact between the worlds is about to expire and war is imminent. Can the Rainmaker and Shadow Speaker save the worlds again?

I am so happy that this book is told from Dikeogu's point of view. We get more detail of his life that were touched upon in The Shadow Speaker like his life with his parents and his life as a slave. It was also interesting to see his relationship with Ejii from his point of view since we saw her point of view of the relationship in the first novel. The author again does a fabulous job of transporting the reading to a futuristic Africa and includes more new technology, some vampire like creatures and unique animals.

I don't think you necessarily have to read The Shadow Speaker to enjoy this book but I would highly recommend it. If you do not read it, I think you will be missing out of some background information but more importantly you will miss out on a fabulous story.

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I adore Nnedi Okorafor and have read a few of her books this past year. One of which was the first part of this duology, Shadow Speaker. I appreciated reading the conclusion and following Dikeogu but I didn't enjoy it as much as Ejii and Shadow Speaker. This is mainly because I don't like aimless characters, which Dikeogu very righlt was after his horrific experiences, but I personally would have cut the first half of the book and would have started once the pact with Chief Ette crumbled, where the action is. I know that means I'd be cutting half of Dikeogu's character development and we don't want that! I will continue to read Nnedi's books because she is an incredible author and I want to read everything she's ever published. Even with the slow first half, I would still recommend because the overarching story of the duology is incredible and I really enjoyed it.

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*I received an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thanks for the free book.*

While I really enjoyed book one of this duology, the second book did not manage to grab my attention and hold it. I found the change of focaliser exhausting, the world building and story felt all over the place and I had trouble paying attention and remembering things. This is probably a me-problem, but I feel like Okorafor crammed too much into this tiny book and it shows. Sorry :(

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A good book, for sure. The pacing wasn't always perfect, but the world, the characters, and the writing kept me engaged. Worth reading.

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This was an interesting sequel to Shadow Speaker, it takes place a few years after the first book and centers around Dikeoju, Ejii's friend and companion from the first book. The book, much like it's companion, is a character study above all else. While there is action, it is often outside the periphery of our main character and the focus is always on his tenuous grasp with reality. While there were things I really liked about the book, I did not find this to be my favorite of Nnedi's books.

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I was quite excited to be given the opportunity to review both the revised version of "Shadow Speaker" and the sequel "Like Thunder," both by well-regarded authoer Nnedi Okorafor. These came in at the same time for me, and while I was tempted to review them as a single unit, it turns out that I've walked away with different impressions of each.
The described setting and genres (genre crossing? sharing? morphing? I don't know quite how to describe this as it blurs the lines a bit across fantasy, sci-fi, and it's own sort of dystopian) were intriguing to me, and I was excited to dive in.
"Shadow Speaker" was ... ok. Perhaps the fantasy thumb on the scale was a bit heavier than suits my taste? I'm not quite sure. I do know that I found it just engaging enough to finish, but that I didn't love it. Also, there were a few bits that probably should have been adjusted for the 2023 release, but remained anyway.
After reading "Shadow Speaker" I'm not sure I'd have chosen to read "Like Thunder" had I not received it as an ARC and felt compelled to at least give it a chance. I'm so glad I did though, as this sequel far outshines the first in the series, and is an excellent example of Okorafor's skills as a writer.
Final verdict: "Shadow Speaker" 3 stars, "Like Thunder" earns 4.

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I reread Shadow Speaker before reading this novel. This novel feels more like an oral story than the first one, which I think fits the idea of a tale told to us by the desert magician more than the first novel. I believe the duology works stronger together than either book apart. Together they tell a story of the destruction and damage and loss that can result from trying your hardest to resolve an issue peacefully when the other side only wants to fight. And what that resulting conflict can take from a person, how it can change them, and how you cannot stop genocide without fighting back. Rereading Shadow Speaker and then reading Like Thunder during the genocide of Palestinians was eye-opening and Dikéogu's pain and how he dealt with that pain felt very real.

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This is the brand new sequel to Shadow Speaker which was recently rereleased. It’s a very well known series that mixes both scifi and fantasy. We continue the story of the Earth being corrupted & battling other planets. This author writes beautifully, and her stories are always though dark, have a hopeful feel to them so if you’ve read shadow speaker and loved it, you can continue soon and be absolutely satisfied with this installment.

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"This brand-new sequel to Nnedi Okorafor's Shadow Speaker contains the powerful prose and compelling stories that have made Nnedi Okorafor a star of the literary science fiction and fantasy space and put her at the forefront of Africanfuturist fiction.

Niger, West Africa, 2077

Welcome back. This second volume is a breathtaking story that sweeps across the sands of the Sahara, flies up to the peaks of the Aïr Mountains, cartwheels into a wild megacity - you get the idea.

I am the Desert Magician; I bring water where there is none.

This book begins with Dikéogu Obidimkpa slowly losing his mind. Yes, that boy who can bring rain just by thinking about it is having some...issues. Years ago, Dikéogu went on an epic journey to save Earth with the shadow speaker girl, Ejii Ubaid, who became his best friend. When it was all over, they went their separate ways, but now he's learned their quest never really ended at all.

So Dikéogu, more powerful than ever, reunites with Ejii. He records this story as an audiofile, hoping it will help him keep his sanity or at least give him something to leave behind. Smart kid, but it won't work - or will it?

I can tell you this: it won't be like before. Our rainmaker and shadow speaker have changed. And after this, nothing will ever be the same again.

As they say, 'Onye amaro ebe nmili si bido mabaya ama ama onye nyelu ya akwa oji welu ficha aru.'

Or, 'If you do not remember where the rain started to beat you, you will not remember who gave you the towel with which to dry your body.'"

And always known where your towel is!

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Nnedi Okorafor's novel are always a fascinating glimpse of future Africa and I love the great world building and the characters.
I loved the Shadow Speaker and loved this novel. Read it and discover this great author.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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Phenomenally talented author! Okarafor does it again. Loved the second installation in this series and I can't wait to see where it goes next.

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This brand-new sequel to Nnedi Okorafor’s Shadow Speaker contains the powerful prose and compelling stories that have made Nnedi Okorafor a star of the literary science fiction and fantasy space and put her at the forefront of Africanfuturist fiction

Nnedi Okorafor never misses. Another fantastic story.

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So good! I love Nnedi Okorafor's writing. Such an excellent (and relevant!) story. There might not be an alien world threatening peace but so many other elements are all too accurate.

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