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I loved this book! Frankie is not the girl I thought she was at all. I came off not liking her in Blush when I saw things from her sister Mandy's point of view. Now that I know her full story, I really like Frankie and was rooting for her the whole time. Helen really built the suspense in this one with us not knowing who Phantom really was. Great story and I couldn't put it down!

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Hold onto your floggers, folks, because we’re back in the BDSM-themed wonderland of the Black Rose Underground Club, and let me tell you, it’s scintillating enough to make your inner goddess do the Macarena!

So, picture this: Frankie Thomas, magazine editor extraordinaire, is all set to have a dreamy wedding, but guess what? Cue the dramatic entrance of her sister Mandy, stage left, announcing her own engagement. Talk about stealing the wedding thunder! And she’s doing it with the “proverbial perfect man.” Can someone please tell me where I can order one of those?

Anyway, Frankie’s like, “You know what, let’s drown my sorrows in a random bar.” As one does, right? But oh, what’s this? Enter a mysterious masked man called Phantom, who’s like, “Hey, wanna come to the exclusive BDSM club, the Black Rose Underground?” Forget drowning sorrows; Frankie’s about to dive headfirst into a sea of leather and intrigue.

The electric chemistry between Frankie and Phantom wasn’t just warm; it sizzled. Their magnetic connection drew me in, evoking the feeling of being drawn to a flame. Raw desires awoke like slumbering beasts, compelling me to experience every pulse and touch.

However, while “Bloom” by Helen Hardt showcased moments of intrigue and engagement, it also left room for improvement. The delayed introduction of Phantom as Hunter disrupted the pacing, detaching readers from his motivations.


Phantom’s unyielding obsession with privacy carried curiosity, yet the rationale behind it lacked the anticipated allure and excitement. Frankie’s exploration of BDSM and club culture, though promising, was overshadowed by her naivety, impacting her credibility.

The sudden introduction of book piracy as an external plot element felt disjointed, detracting from the central love story’s cohesiveness. Similarly, Frankie’s breach of an NDA and subsequent exposé appeared contrived and misaligned with character development.

A noteworthy concern was the use of “pink” as a descriptor for genitalia. This choice raised inclusivity issues for readers, particularly those of color. A more thoughtfully chosen approach to sensuality could have enriched intimate scenes while avoiding exclusion. Hence the 3-star review.

On a positive note, the story’s dialogue-driven opening facilitated quick immersion. The portrayal of Frankie’s family dynamics offered warmth and depth. Hunter’s true identity revelation at the midpoint breathed new life into the narrative.

Ultimately, “Bloom” crafts a vivid depiction of raw desires and intimate emotions, captivating readers and immersing them in a passionate narrative.

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First I would like to thank Entangled Publishing, LLC for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

This is the story of Frankie, magazine junior editor, who after a rough dinner with her family stops at a bar where she meets a mysterious stranger in costume who is only referred to as Phantom. As Frankie spends more time with Phantom he introduces her to the Black Rose Underground Club where she learns more about him and herself.

What I liked about the book:
- Literary/musical references, I am a big pop culture nerd and I enjoyed the name drops throughout the book
- Jobs, Frankie is a magazine editor/reporter and you learn about the Phantom's profession and they work so well together so makes their connection stronger
- Phantom, he only goes around in mask/costume to protect his privacy which at first is ODD but as you learn more about him I understood and it kept Frankie guessing
- Signature drink, there is a drink the Phantom created that he introduces Frankie to and its one that I would try but not like. I just enjoyed how this drink kept popping up throughout the story

I love experiencing new authors and this was my first Helen Hardt read. Even though this was part of a series I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything and I am very interested to look up more of her books. If you are looking for a romance with a mysterious stranger, leather clubs, and a good amount of spicy scenes I would absolutely recommend this book!

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Revisiting the Black Rose Underground and Hardt’s world within worlds, is one of my favorite places to jump back into! In 2020, she introduced us all to Braden Black in Follow Me Darkly and throughout that series we eventually learn about his secret club, Black Rose Underground. It’s a fascinating world of high-profile society that likes to partake in the more unknown and personal elements of intimacy with willing partners. All participation required a non-disclosure agreement and only vetted members are allowed inside - along with their special guests of course.

In her latest release, Bloom, we meet Frankie who has just come out of a deflating situation of an ended engagement because her fiance decided it was time she knew that he had been cheating on her. Thank goodness that marriage didn’t go through! But Frankie is in an emotional spiral trying to figure herself out when she meets a mysterious masked and caped man at a local bar who invites to take her to places she’s only ever imagined. Driving her desires into the unknown world of Dominants and Submissives and taking her on her own journey of self exploration.

The chemistry between Frankie and “Phantom” (this is his code name), was amazing and Hardt moves you through the story so quickly that I always feel like it goes by too fast! It’s a world filled with characters that I could easily stay in for much longer periods. Her writing about the subject of BDSM is always tastefully and respectfully done which I adore. It’s not a bully romance or anything in the dark realm of things that’s flooding the airwaves lately. I read plenty of those too, though. Hardt focuses on showcasing couples that find each other and the joys of these new found relationships and dynamics.

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This book takes readers back to the world in the Black Rose Underground Club, where anything and everything is possible!
Helen Hardt is a master at creating romantic, sensual and erotic stories that are well written and received by her followers.
The main characters are drawn to each other to fill a void in their lives. Frankie and the Phantom have a special spark, they are relatable and happy to break their own rules to be together.
The storyline flows well, describing perfectly the character’s insecurities and dreams, as well as the discrepancy in their careers.
I loved seeing the growth of the characters in this story, they grew together and found their truth together!

Thanks to the publisher, NetGalley and the author for the opportunity to read this book.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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3.5 stars

What do you do on the day you’re meant to be marrying your cheating ex? Go to a bar & share drinks and dirty talk with a handsome stranger. This was a really good exploration of BDSM within a club environment. Frankie and Phantom were interesting characters but I struggled to fully connect with them.

Although this book is a part of a series I had no problem following the storyline.

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Frankie thought she had her life planned out only to be betrayed by her fiancée and if that isn’t difficult enough, she is having difficulty seeing how happily in love her sister is. Deciding she needs to forgot she meets Phantom, a suave stranger in a mask, who is about to show her a lifestyle that she has never been part of but is beginning to crave.

Phantom is a man of mystery who is mysterious, private and wants to keep it that way. He doesn’t want anyone to know about the lifestyle he enjoys with partners who don’t know who he is and anonymity is vital. He is drawn to Frankie in a way he never expected and now keeping the different parts of their lives separate has become quite the challenge.

Phantom and Frankie’s story is one of discover as she explores a world she didn’t know she wanted and he is there to guide him and they find themselves not only dealing with the chemistry between them but all the other drama in their lives as well.

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I would give this a 4 star because I love Helen Hardnt and I love the premise of this storyline but this one did not flow for me. It felt a bit disconnected and the FMC was a bit bratty, which she fully acknowledged in the book. I was looking to connect deeper with the characters and the story but I wasn’t able to get fully sucked in. I look forward to reading other Helen Hardnt books in the future

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BLOOM (Black Rose 2) by Helen Hardt
I enjoyed this 2nd book. It has plenty of steam, intrigue, mystery, and an education of the BDSM world in an underground club. Francesca is working to put her life back together after Penn's betrayal and their broken engagement. After a stressful family dinner the day that should have been her wedding day, she goes out to a bar for a drink. Enter the Phantom to intrigue her. The man only known by Phantom to the club, has reasons to protect his identity & his privacy. When he runs into Francesca, she gets his attention immediately as he has never seen her in the bar or the club. It isn't long before the chemistry between the two of them is palpable. This is a 4 star read.

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4.35 stars

This is the second book in the Black Rose series, and it can be read as a standalone. However, as characters from the first book are included here, I suggest reading it prior to this one. Francesca, aka Frankie, thought she had everything planned out for her wedding until it all came tumbling down. Making matters worse, her sister announces her engagement on the day the nuptials were supposed to take place. Not able to deal with her family at the dinner, she leaves and winds up at a bar where she meets this tall, debonaire and suave man in a mask who is called Phantom. There is something electric that sparks between them and he is the perfect way for Frankie to forget her troubles as she gets lost in his magnetic personality. Phantom is not looking for a relationship. He just wants someone to play with while he maintains his hidden identity. However, Frankie’s beguiling eyes just seem to pull him in…
It feels as if one can hear the instrumental music from The Phantom of the Opera playing as the pages turn just waiting to get to the crescendo. I enjoyed getting to know Frankie better but felt that she lost some of her fire that was in the first book. Once again, Ms. Hardt penned an intriguing storyline that flows well and gives readers relatable characters that they can feel the emotions and struggles that they are going through. I look forward to reading more.

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First, I would like to thank NetGalley and Entangled for an ARC of Bloom By Helen Hardt. Thank you!

I had a great time reading Frankie and Phantom's story! It was my first book by Helen Hardt, and I can definitely say I will be reading more of her books after this one.

I love that Frankie is not afraid to go for what she wants whether it's for her career or in a relationship. She is open to trying things out in the BDSM world, even if it makes her feel somewhat uncomfortable at first. Her character is strong, independent, and determined. Phantom, we learn loves literature and like everyone else has a secret side he doesn't want anyone to see. Until Frankie helps him through a tough past and slowly gets him to open up to her.

Bloom has some very spicy short scenes but I wanted just a little more. I wanted to read more about the main character's relationship, I felt it progressed a bit too fast. This however, is not a deal breaker for me. Bloom is the second book of the Black Rose series, following Blush but I feel can be read as a standalone.

4/ 5 Stars

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Bloom is the 2nd book in the Black Rose series. The story started off strong and grabbed my attention but along the way I started to lose interest.
On the day she was supposed to get married, Frankie, recently separated from her cheating fiance, meets a mysterious masked man, dressed as the Phantom of the Opera, at a bar, and the two immediately hit it off.
Phantom is a complex character who doesn't believe in relationships but Frankie tempts him to try more as he slowly introduces her to the BDSM lifestyle.
The FMC frustrate me as she did some things I didn't really care for and I found her character to be self-centered and whiney.
Unfortunately I didn't really feel the connection between these two characters and the insta lust/love wasn't believable for me.
The steamy scenes were light BDSM and were well written. The story was fast paced and easy to follow and I was able to read it out in one sitting.
This was not my favorite book by this author, but I will continue to read her books.

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Helen Hardt does not disappoint with her next installment of her Black Rose Underground Series! She is an author that I will autobuy her latest because I am in for a good ride! I couldn’t put this book down and was so invested in our main characters’ relationship. This is a must read!

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It’s a return to the Black Rose Underground club where all of your deepest and darkest desires can be fulfilled and, after recently ending her engagement, Frankie is ready to explore with the assistance of Phantom, a masked man of mystery who always seems appear just at the right moment to rescue any damsel who may be in distress. He doesn’t do relationships and keeps all aspects of his life compartmentalised with no crossover whatsoever that is until Frankie and he suddenly wants to throw all his self imposed rules out of the window.

Bloom was a bit of a slow burner as Frankie gradually learns more about the different aspects of BDSM from the Phantom and whether or not it would suit her but there is some discord between them when he finds out that she is working on an article involving the lifestyle and thinking that she’d used him. I loved the overall premise of this book but it didn’t live up to my expectations. I just didn’t feel any connection or chemistry between the characters. If I’m being honest I didn’t really like Frankie when she was introduced in Blush, the previous book in the series finding her quite selfish and self absorbed and I didn’t warm up to her much here while as for Phantom, well I just thought he was a bit of a drama queen. I mean senators felt safe enough attending the club without hiding their identity so why did he feel the need to go about dressed as an escapee from the Phantom of the Opera especially in bars where surely he would just draw attention to himself!

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3.5 Blooming Stars

While I liked Frankie and Phantom’s story, I found connecting with the self-centered Frankie hard. She just broke up with her fiance because he was cheating; yes, that would make most people bitter. Still, the fact that she was questioning herself about marrying him in the first place and wasn’t heartbroken when the breakup finally happened but was annoyed when others forgot a specific day…it just didn’t sit right. It made it seem that she was looking for sympathy instead of being grateful that she dodged a bullet when it came to not marrying the cheating asshole.

I enjoyed Phantom, aka - haha, not going to tell you. You'll have to read the book to find out who he is and why he keeps his identity a secret; he has a good reason for keeping his identity hidden, and becoming Phantom allows him to delve into the darker side of himself that not many know about.

Phantom and Frankie meet at a bar one night, and it's lust at first sight, which turns into insta-love pretty quickly. They have great chemistry together, and Phantom touches a side of Frankie she didn't even know she had until meeting him and discovering BDSM.

This story has Frankie and Phantom going through ups and downs in their personal lives and relationship. But everything is worked out, and they get a HEA.

I recommend this book to those who enjoy STEAMY Contemporary Romances, Intro to BDSM Romances, or Secret Identity Romances.

Happy Reading!!!

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I received this ARC from Net Galley not knowing anything about this book I was shocked when I started reading.
This book is Frankie and Phantoms story.
Frankie just had a 5-year relations end when her fiancé told her he was cheating. She needed a break and went to a bar and ran into Phantom the chemistry between them was strong from the start.
He showed her the world of bdsm and they grew so close they had a falling out and broke up for a little bit but ended up back together book has a happy ending

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This is #2 in the Black Rose and as awesome. Phantom and Frankie are so good together and are meant to be together. Drowning her sorrows in a bar she meets the mysterious Phantom and their lives were never the same again.

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Francesca (Frankie) Thomas
Hunter (Phantom) Stone

Bloom, book 2 in the Black Rose Series, which is a spin off of the Follow Me Series.

Needing a drink after learning that her sister had gotten engaged on the very day she was to become Mrs Pendleton Berry, Frankie goes into a bar, she's never been to before. While there, she meets Phantom.

Phantom introduces Frankie, into a whole new world, in the BDSM lifestyle...

Helen Hardt, wrote this book with the perfect amount of sex, steam and chemistry between these 2 main characters.

I give it 5 stars.

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Helen Hardt has always written such fast paced, spicy romance books that I instantly love and Bloom was no different.

The BDSM scene was newer for me to read about but I love the educational side of it and learning alongside the FMC, Frankie. I love that how Helen is able to make you relate with her character and feel their struggles as you read their journey while diving into taboo topics.

Her side characters always play such small but significant roles in each book and it has you excited to read the next book in the series and continue to see where the stories further develop.

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Her Phantom...

Frankie does something out of the norm for her, after she was supposed to get married and didn't. She meets Phantom at a club. Phantom stays in character for quite a bit of the book. Phantom as in Phantom of the opera, cape and all (no capes!) No names, only their roles. Frankie as a sub and Phantom as a Dom, where they play out all their risqué fantasies.

Phantom is obviously packing some major baggage around and things go south and he reacts exactly as predicted. Did he need to grovel more? Absolutely.

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