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An Earl to Remember

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Georgianna's dream turns to ashes losing her job as a chef on the Earl of Stannis' yacht after one day. A well known rake, the earl is to blame. Georgianna gets her revenge when he turns up in her village injured with amnesia. Hilarious and passionate results follow, until the earl remembers who he is. This one brought me to tears. Very erotic!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book.

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This was a nice wholesome read, I flew through this book in a matter of hours. If you are a fan of the movie overboard you are going to love this reimagining of the movie.

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I'm not usually drawn to stories where a character has amnesia but I thought it worked well in this case. The story was very well paced. I loved the banter and the heat between the main characters. I loved it!

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Oh the angst! I had so many angsty shivers listening to this. You could feel the tension in every word. Georgiana takes a bit of sweet revenge on the Earl after he dismisses her from her job as his cook (after kissing her no less) because his mistress didn’t like her. So when he washes up in her hometown with no memory, she inadvertently claims him as her husband and brings him home to help her around the house. Which inevitably leads to feelings, then truths, then pining, etc. All of this is told in such delightful glory that you are kept glued to the story. Stacy Reid tells such wonderfully intriguing stories you can’t help but love them and this taming of the rake story is no exception.

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Thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this ebook and this is my freely given opinion.

I never actually saw the movie Overboard, but I really should if this was inspired by that. This was a fun historical romantic comedy that follows the arrogant Earl of Stannis when he loses his memory after a misadventure during a decadent birthday celebration for his spoilt mistress on board his yacht. This occurs after a confrontation when he mistakes the chef he hired to cater the event as part of a menage arranged by said mistress, and because said mistress was quite piqued, said chef, one Georgianna Heyford was summarily fired, despite not being at fault.

Georgianna is the eldest sister of several orphaned girls, and feels the responsibility of caring for her family and providing for them. She is a brilliant and creative cook, and looks to make a name for herself, and thought she found her way to fame as a chef catering the Earl of Stannis's event on his yacht. She did not expect to be mistaken for another form of onboard entertainment, let alone be summarily dismissed with out her full payment, and removed from the yacht.

But after Stannis was swept overboard, he somehow managed to survive drowning, but has lost his memory. Georgianna runs into him again, in her home village, and he remembers some of the more salacious aspects of their interactions, enough to compromise her terribly, so she lies about his identity and their relationship - he suddenly becomes her husband. But while she is forced to live that lie, she decides to take her pound of flesh and puts Stannis to work around her family property, helping with the repairs and chores.

This is an over the top, but fun, historical rom com that I found a great deal of fun to read. Stannis was painted in quite the rakish arrogant light, making it all the more funny when he is placed in a situation where he has to face down pigs and chickens.

Sweet, sexy, and funny read.

4.25 stars out of 5

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I was given an advance copy of this book from and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are truthful and my own.

This book is one of my favorite romances of the year. I was interested in it because I love the movie "Overboard" and I love the author. I was not disappointed!!!

I loved the characters. They have motivations, history, yearnings and feelings and flaws and I especially loved both of our main characters. I loved the plot - the things keeping them from being together felt real and organic, not manufactured drama or miscommunication easily dealt with. I loved the ending (even though the epilogue as a little generic, admittedly, but I hate we policies an fly way so I'm biased) I even loved Hettie!

I will be recommending this to anyone who like Historical Romance. 5 Stars.

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This book is a fun, historical romance novel. The story moves quickly and keeps you engaged. The main character is a strong and creative woman who is easy to cheer for. She meets a kind and caring man, and they have great chemistry. The dialogue is witty and funny, making it a fun read.

One of the best parts of the book is a memorable dinner scene that you won't forget. The story has a happy ending that will leave you feeling satisfied. Even though this is the second book in the Unforgettable Love series, you can enjoy it on its own.

The first book is briefly mentioned, which makes me want to read it too. If you like historical romance novels, you'll enjoy this one. I highly recommend it as a great read.

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I loved Jules and James’ story in An Earl to Rememberby Stacy Reid book two in her Unforgettable Love series; a romance offers an irresistible combination of charm, mistaken identity, and heartfelt moments. Georgianna Heyford's catering job on the Earl of Stannis's yacht takes an unexpected turn when a misunderstanding leads to her claiming him as her husband. Despite his initial confusion, the dashing earl finds himself drawn to Georgianna and her charming younger sisters. This story is a humorous re-imagining of Overboard, re-written in Stacy Reid style. I highly recommend An Earl to Remember to other readers.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

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The first thing you need to know is that this is a historical romance retelling of Overboard -- yes, the 1980's amnesia romcom starring Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russel. How does that translate to a historical romance? Honestly surprisingly well.

This is, however, a gender-swapped retelling, so our heroine Georgie is a chef, wrongfully terminated without payment from her catering job aboard the Earl of Stannis' yacht. The Earl of Stannis is the privileged snob who does the terminating, just before falling overboard and suffering from amnesia. Due to ~reasons~ Georgie decides that her only option is to claim that the Earl is actually her husband Daniel, and puts him to work at her family's manor to try to recoup the wages he owes her. But what if they... fall in love??

I do think gender swapping the story was really important to the success of this story in a historical context, just due to the already troubling power dynamics for women in the 19th century, so I found that helped me feel much less icky about the whole thing than I might have otherwise.

Additionally, there are other practical reasons that Georgie needs to claim Daniel as her husband in order to save her reputation, whereas in the original, it really was just born out of spite and revenge, so I found that helpful as well. As much as I love the original 80's movie (as one loves all the things they watched on repeat during their childhood), I can admit that it doesn't necessarily age well, so tweaking these few things were really helpful updates.

Beyond just being adapted well, I really loved Daniel and Georgie. Their romance is very sweet, and we see so much character growth from Danial in particular as he bonds with Georgie's sisters and works hard to gain Georgie's trust and affection.

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2.5 rounded up to 3 stars. I gave the first book in the series 5 stars and was really looking forward to this one, but it just... wasn't really for me I think. I like retellings, and hadn't read a reverse genders Overboard one before. The amnesia wasn't a problem for me, though his frequent 'rememberings' seemed a bit of a stretch. Still, brains can work in mysterious ways. And though I'm not much one for long-running secrets and trickery between the mains, there's a lot of that just built-in to the Overboard premise, and in some of the retellings it works decently for me. This just had, kind of a hokey goofiness to it that isn't really my sense of humor. Their inner musings to themselves seemed kind of cheesy, when I usually love that insight into the characters. It all just kept me from connecting with them. It actually reminded me more of Reid's early series, which I didn't like nearly as much as her later books. But hey, lots of people really liked those and will probably enjoy this one too. It just wasn't my sort.

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I adored Georgianna and Daniel's story! It was so much fun watching Daniel out of his element...oh the antics!!

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"Overboard" - the fun 80's comedy starring Goldie Hawn & Kurt Russell - is one of my favorite films, so knowing this book was based on the film, I already knew I was in for a good time.

I really enjoyed this story - more than I had anticipated. The characters were interesting, the story moved at a good pace, and the dialogue was snappy and fun. You could easily understand why Daniel - the Earl of Stannis - had such a wicked reputation, and why Georgianna - the cook wronged by a jealous lover - couldn't help but fall in love. Daniel is a rake, but he's a rake with a heart of gold who truly wants to do what is best for his 'family'. You can't help but root for them both.

The steamy scenes were pretty spicy, but in the best way. I think this is a great book, and should be on everyone's TBR list.

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Ms. Reid’s tangled web of deception and intrigue is delicious and cringe-worthy as we watch Miss Georgianna Heyford dig herself deeper into a dyer predicament involving the outrageously arrogant Earl of Stannis.

Miss Georgianna Heyford promised her grieving father she would take care of her three sisters at any cost. So when an opportunity arose to cook for an event on a scandalous Earl’s ship, she jumped at the chance. The money would help fix their home and put food on their table, and her excellent cooking skills will be sought after by wealthy clientele. However, after some serious heated looks with the Earl, sudden unexpected chemistry, and a jealous lover, she is unfairly dismissed without full pay. Payback is a bitch, buddy.

Daniel Rutherford, the Earl of Stannis, is a shocking and wicked man who takes what he wants and leaves ruination and wreckage in his wake. So when he shows up washed ashore with no idea who he is, imagine his surprise when a young woman claims him as her husband who lives in a rundown manor with three sisters-in-law, an unpleasant chicken, and a stubborn cow. Bloody hell, how poor were they?

What I liked about this story was watching Daniel change from an entitled asshole to a diligent working man and a dedicated “husband” to Georgianna. It took a while to win me over because he was such a condescending jackass, but I loved his playful interactions with the sisters as well as his natural instinct to protect all of them. He’s damn sexy too as he honors Georgianna’s wishes and let’s her set the pace.

Georgianna’s battle with herself in duping Daniel is written very well. Her kindness and devotion to her sisters are honorable and it is hard for her to continue to keep Daniel’s identity a secret (though he did need taken down a few pegs). I was proud of her for finally choosing her self-respect over being his mistress. It came down to the last minute to see if Daniel would finally wake the freak up and it made me laugh when he ran her down and confessed his feelings.

Family members are always a plus as supporting characters and Georgianna’s sisters are adorable. Not to mention the menagerie of quirky animals who made Daniel’s life interesting.

I am delighted to recommend yet another Stacy Reid historical romance that will make you laugh, cry, and love seeing a jerk fall in love against his will.

Thank you to Ms. Reid for giving me the opportunity to read this book with no expectation of a positive review.

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It’s not possible to consume too many of Stacy Reid’s books! She always finds a way to create fun characters with banter and joy and wonderful growth. This book is no different! I liked that Daniel started out really unsympathetic, as it just made his reformation all the sweeter. Georgianna was a wonderful heroine, and seeing the way she absolutely brought Daniel to his knees was iconic. I loved the family dynamics at play as well, and overall really enjoyed reading this one!

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I received an early copy from NetGalley and would like to extend my gratitude to both them and the author. This review is unbiased.

This book was alright, though it was definitely quite chaotic. The first third of the book was honestly quite wild. There was a scene with a threesome that was rather off-putting. It led me to dislike the male main character, and my dislike only deepened when he displayed extreme rudeness towards our heroine. The second third, during which they got to know each other, was quite sweet. That was my favorite part.
I did appreciate the heroine in this book; she stood out in a positive way and had a sense of humor.
The final third of the book was also quite chaotic, and not in a favorable manner.
The question of why he slept with her when he knew he didn't want to be with her remains a mystery to me. Honestly, it doesn't make any sense at all. Why tarnish her if he had no genuine interest?
All in all, I'm not sure—read it if you're seeking something different, but don't set your expectations too high. 🤷‍♀️

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Stacy Reid’s writing style and characters are always a joy to read. Georgianna was a great lead, and I liked the way her passion for cooking was given many times to shine in the story. I also really loved the relationship she and her sisters had, and how it developed through the novel. I thought the romance between Georgianna and Daniel had great chemistry and some lovely moments, it was a good take on Overboard/amnesia trope. I read and reviewed this book as an advanced copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A historical romance between a rake who’s lost his memory and an independent leading lady who uses it to her advantage. How can this not contain loads of shenanigans?! Though the story line had some pacing issues, I stayed invested for the relationship between Georgianna and the Earl of Stannis. Reid did a great job building the romance from the ground up and not making it feel like another insta-love. There’s definitely a pull of attraction when Daniel and Georgianna first meet, but Reid created enough obstacles for them to overcome before it felt anything close to love. The only other thing I found difficult was sometimes the things Georgianna would say just didn’t match the cunning, fiery character Reid built and had me rolling my eyes a few times. That and the pacing aside, I really enjoyed this one.

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An Earl to Remember by Stacy Reid is book Two in the Unforgettable Love Series. This is the story of Georgiana Heyford and Daniel Rutherford, Earl of Stannis. So enjoyed this book. I felt it was a spin off on the movie 'Over Board'. I loved it. It was a must read from me because I love this author's writing but I also love that move. Enjoyed

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I was a given a copy of this book on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This book was nearly a five star read for me- the only reason it isn't is because there were a number of times that I had to go back over sentences of dialogue to decipher what was being said. The sentence structure was off and kept tripping me up. I would have passed it off as being part of an ARC, but the grammatical errors didn't seem to be noticeable to me in anything but dialogue, so either proof readers hadn't yet touched the dialogue (in which case 5 stars), or two very educated characters had trouble with grammar. At any rate- the book was overall absolutely fantastic! So much better than A Matter of Temptation. An Earl to Remember is essentially a very well written retelling of the movie Overboard. Our hero ends up overboard from his yacht, and having hit his head, gets amnesia. He washes up on the shores near our heroine's home and she ends up claiming him as her husband and taking him in figuring she can get him to work off the money he owes her. Extremely well done. Another great book by Stacy Reid.

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I have conflicting feelings towards this book. On the one hand I adored the secondary plots, the side characters and the interaction between the hero, the heroine, and her sisters. I loved the setting and the way the love story is slowly developing from raw lust to love. However I hated the premise. Let me explain.

Daniel, the earl of Stannis, is a rake and he’s proud of it. He knows that one day he will have to marry in order to continue the line, but in the meanwhile, he means to enjoy life and everything life has to offer… That’s why when he sees a beautiful woman aboard his boat on a party he thinks she’s one of the ladies his mistress has chosen to have a ‘menage à trois’. He couldn’t be more wrong, this young lady is Georgianna, an impoverished woman chef who needs to provide for herself, her three younger sisters and a number of farm animals. There’s a fight with the real mistress and Georgianna is sacked. That very night Daniel tells his mistress to part ways and after a huge fight he hits his head and falls overboard. The next morning, the local doctor finds a man who has amnesia and Georgianna is the only one around who knows who he is. To stop the villagers to spread rumors about him debauching her, she declares that Daniel is, in fact, her husband. Here starts a long misunderstanding that makes Georgie pretend all the time, manipulating him into doing chores and whatnot, at least until he recovers his memory.

I loved Daniel, he is so arrogant and takes everything for granted at the beginning and so sweet on meeting Georgianna’s sisters. His sense of humor and his tenderness wins him the girl’s heart, especially the youngest’s, Anna, who is just a child. The girls adore him and little by little that has an impact both on Daniel and Georgianna who start developing feelings for each other. Once again Stacy Reid writes so beautifully and so romantically that she proves once again why she is a favorite of mine. Reading her is like being comforted after a bad day, it’s like taking a warm bath on a cold rainy day. And this story is delicate and beautiful even if I hate the main trope with a passion.

I hate when one of the main characters has amnesia and the fact is taken advantage of. I hate when one of the couple lies to the other about their identity or their life. I don’t mind the amnesia trope when it is done well and carefully, I don’t mind when it is the amnesiac themselves who believes that their love interest is their spouse. But when it is that love interest who lies on purpose, no matter how good their intentions are I just can’t, I feel deeply uncomfortable and I fear the moment when the truth is finally out. That’s why I had to lower my rating, even if it pains me.

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