Member Reviews

The concept of pairing life’s themes and emotions with various cities across the globe was really intriguing! And, many of the relationships Shayla formed with folks abroad speak to the complexities of being a Black American woman existing outside the U.S. There were definitely times when Shayla’s stream of conscious got in the way of understanding the story, forcing me to go back a few pages and try to put the pieces together. When the plot is on track, like her telling of the toxic Dutch friend, the book feels relateable even when rooted in foreign land. But, when the reflections go outside the moment set up, like the Intimacy essay, I get totally lost and wonder, “Exactly what is she talking about.”

I’m wondering if this is because there still needs to be some proofreading or it’s actually Shayla’s writing style? Regardless, aside from the occasional confusing tangent, it was a good book. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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How to Live Free in a Dangerous World is a superb Decolonial Memoir by Shayla Lawson.
Woah! This author swept me up with her compelling narrative. Lawson’s writing style is bold and captivating.
I was hanging on her every word. It was honestly spectacular.
Her beautiful, thoughtful, grounded prose and writing had me feeling like I was right beside tagging along on this special journey.
These admirable crafted essays were Lawson’s journeys across the globe, finds beauty in tumultuous times, and powerfully disrupts the constraints of race, gender, and disability.
This was a special read and I’m so thankful I was able to take part in enjoying this memoir.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Penguin Group Dutton/Tiny Reparations Books for the opportunity to read this ahead of its publication date in return for my honest review.

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I was incredibly impressed with this collection of essays. I’m usually not the biggest fan of books of essays , however I was enthralled by this writers offerings, that in many ways read like the most delicious short stories. Gorgeous writing,

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absolutely adored this one! loved learning about Lawson & her experiences as a Black woman, as well as her experiences just as a human being -- exploring and experiencing and loving and so poignantly reflecting. highly recommend, and can't wait to get my hands on a copy ASAP!

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Lawson's collection of essays, "How to Live Free in a Dangerous World" puts me in the mind of listening to my favorite podcast or the dopest social media stream: it's at once familiar and fresh.

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Another memoir that made me feel the feels. I loved it! It felt like I was on the trips with them. Well done. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. Five stars.

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Being Black, being bold, being modest, being open, getting course corrected by life over and over again, being let down, learning how not to let oneself down even when others do, and being free are all aspects of How to Live Free in a Dangerous World. I've been looking forward to Shayla Lawson's book for a long time as a fan and reader. Lawson actually lives what they preach, pursuing a life of self-possession while keeping acutely aware of and grounded in their humanity.

Lawson writes on their experiences as a Black person who has lived and travelled in a variety of countries in their memoir. Her essays offer profound observations on what it means to exist.

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How to Live Free in a Dangerous World is all about being: being Black, being bold, being humble, being open, being course corrected by life over and over again, being let down, being someone who is learning how not to let yourself down even when other people do, and being free. As a long time fan and reader of Shayla Lawson I have been looking forward to their memoir. Lawson truly practices what they preach and is all about living a life of
self-possession while remaining deeply aware and grounded in their humanity.

In their memoir, Lawson writes about experiences as a Black person who has lived in and traveled to many different countries. Her essays provide powerful reflections on what it means to live in a Black, femme, disabled body while navigating the politics of American privilege, interracial relationships, academia, and more. I enjoyed that the heavier aspects of the memoir are balanced out with the sounds of Prince, the praise of drag, and the memories of a childhood spent in Kentucky.

I loved reading Lawson's analysis of Audre Lorde's "Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power". She makes many poignant arguments about how crucial it is for all of humanity to embrace our desire for pleasure as proof of life.

Thank you to the author and publisher for the e-arc copy!

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