Member Reviews

This book says it's made for apartment dwellers, but as a home owner I have to say that it's an incredible resource for anyone who might find themselves needing to fix something. And that should apply to pretty much everyone. Mercury's tone throughout the book is positive and encouraging. She never ever shames anyone for not knowing how something works and she praises the reader for coming to the material to learn. She is clear that everyone is worth the time it takes to make their space better. Her solid knowledge about maintenance coupled with her gentle yet authoritative tone makes for an excellent primer on how to fix stuff for the absolute beginner or just anyone who prefers her way of teaching.

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This book is so informative with a lot of information I never learned in school (kind wish I had, honestly) and I'm so glad I read it. I also really enjoyed the little art work that crops up throughout the book, it breaks up the text and makes it more aesthetically pleasing to look at.

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This book should be in every single persons hands who is entering the housing market! Informative on both technical and emotional aspects of finding a place to call home - Safe and Sound is a genuine treasure. I will for sure be picking up a physical copy!

Thank you so much to NetGalley for the advanced copy!

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Detailed, educational, inclusive and compassionate. One of my favorite 2023 nonfiction reads of the year. Thank you Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion

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I was so excited for this book as a first time home owner who has had a life long relationship with moving in and out of apartments. I grew up with a single Mom who could have REALLY used a book like this while I was growing up, and I would have really benefited from her handing it to me when I moved out on my own! Mercury did not disappoint my high hopes and I know this will be a staple in my new home!

So let’s get to what I loved here! First of all I was drawn to this book for obvious reasons above but also because I’m a longtime follower of Mercury and big fan of her work on social media as the Trans Handy Mam. She is deeply relatable and always approaches her followers with a gentleness that makes you not only willing to learn something new without fear, but also excited to! I found that her voice transferred well into the pages, and you can easily feel her warmth coming through. Every explanation is easy to understand, and you aren’t expected to know it all! She gives step by step info from what to do when looking at a new rental, or what to do when you move in to gauge the construction of your new home but also great ways to connect with your new homes repair crew if that applies. She takes into consideration that not everyone can be forward, and gives advice for us shy anxious kids too so that we can still get answers in ways that still make us feel safe. The check lists were really great in my opinion as someone who would have gathered the info and made a list I love that she already did that for me. She breaks down building materials, safe decorating, how to fix basic things and when to know to call for help and who to call. She even explains what work orders are, and her willingness to break it all down reminds me of my Dads favorite sayings “there are no bad questions!” When I constantly call him for advice around my new home. I feel like I’ll be bugging him much less now that I have this book to help me learn more on my own! I really look forward to building my own toolkit with the chapter she gives us on how to build a basic set you will need and what it’s all for. I learned so much about faucets, toilets and showers I didn’t know and realized I really needed to know! She covers EVERYTHING and I mean everything, even how to find a stud in the wall and basic electrical!

I mean I could go on and on, this book is packed full of knowledge and a must have in my opinion. It will undoubtedly save people so much money, stress and anxiety by learning the basics from Mercury. Her endearing cartoon imagery will also bring a smile to your heart. I love how Mercury Stardust writes in a way that feels like your best friend is the one giving you much needed answers! (The emotional resets were also a nice touch) Safe and Sound truly makes me feel safer and sounder about being a first time home owner and I know it will be there in many situations to walk me through solutions going forward! This will definitely be a common gift for Christmas from me as well this year.

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My only problems with this book: it was hard to read on the app and I need the physical copy immediately. It focuses on renters but I need someone to gently explain to me how to make basic repairs. I need this book immediately. I love the format and the gentleness of the advice.

I got this from net galley in exchange for a review.

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"Safe and Sound: A Renter-Friendly Guide to Home Repair" by Mercury Stardust is a refreshing take on the often-intimidating world of home maintenance. With a unique perspective as a transwoman and a skilled maintenance technician, Stardust brings a relatable and empathetic tone to the challenges faced by renters—because she is one!

You know that feeling of dread when you have to call in a repair person? Well, Stardust gets it, and she's got your back. The book addresses the anxiety that can arise from inviting strangers into your rented space for repairs. Stardust offers practical advice and step-by-step instructions, empowering readers to tackle common issues themselves. From fixing bathroom clogs to patching drywall holes, the book covers a range of tasks in a clear and accessible manner.

This book is like having your best friend, who happens to be a maintenance whiz, give you all the inside scoop on handling home repairs as a renter. However, what truly sets this guide apart is its inclusivity. Stardust ensures that LGBTQIA+ and marginalized communities feel seen and understood in the world of home repair.

Another great aspect of “Safe and Sound” is the thoughtful design of every chapter. The addition of illustrations and QR codes adds a visual layer to the learning process, making it even more engaging. My favorite highlight is the emotional reset at the end of each chapter. This touch adds a personal dimension to the book, reminding readers they're not alone in their journey. It's like a virtual hug for your renting woes!

Whether you're searching for a gift to give your friend renting their first apartment or just want to take charge of your living space, "Safe and Sound" is your go-to companion. Mercury Stardust's empowering message and practical insights make this book a must-read for anyone looking to create a safe and comfortable home environment.

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Such a helpful DIY book! If you love the Trans Handy Ma'am Tik Toks, this book is for you. Mercury does a great job of sharing humor alongside the practical renter-friendly tips. There are QR codes throughout the book that link to videos to actually show you what to do.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book, publishing tomorrow!

Extremely useful book on some basic home repairs aimed at renters. I just moved out of a rental into my own place (hooray!) but a lot of the basic home maintenance tips still apply. Also loved that chapters were included on move-in/move-out, home safety, and tenants rights resources. It wasn't a perfect book for me, but I think that may come down to my personal learning style-with some of the projects, I feel like watching a video on YouTube of someone walking me through it could have worked better, but that's just for me personally! Best of all was Mercury's constant reassurance and emotional resets throughout the chapters. Definitely recommended and not only for renters, but for anyone looking for an inclusive, welcoming look at home repair and maintenance skills.

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I have followed Mercury on Tik Tok since the beginning, and have always loved her demeanor and advice. Specifically that she covers renter-friendly repairs (a category very much neglected). This book perfectly captures her style and knowledge. I have already pre-ordered a physical copy and will be recommending this to everyone.

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A quick and concise guide to DIY home/apartment maintenance. I love Mercury Stardust and have followed them on Instagram for quite a while. I was very excited to receive this advanced copy of the book! I will definitely be grabbing a personal copy for my house!

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Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to review this

This is a must have if you are just beginning your home repair journey, this book is geared towards renters but anyone with a home project can use it.

Reading this is like getting a big hug and being told “you got this.” The emotional resets at the end of each chapter really help to keep you from becoming overwhelmed with your repair and lack of knowledge.

The only thing I don’t like is that there are QR codes for more information. I’ve read books before that have links or websites but when I got to see the additional information the website no longer works. I want to read a book with all the information in it.

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A book that is such a breath of fresh air! I am even a home owner, but this book is a wonderful guide still for mostly renters and home owners to know how to better educate when looking for a new home, fixing your new home, and helping you not feel alone in all the emotions you might feel during this process.

Mercury puts a lovely personal touch of their own emotions and needing to reset and rethink all the processes it goes when needing to navigate the renting market, deal with landlords, and look at your state laws for renters to make sure you're getting the best of any home situation you might have to deal with or handle with your landlord/s.

I love, love, love the QR codes for readers to use and find visual video's to help guide any issues and will be so resourceful for a lot of readers.

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Thanks NetGalley for this book preview!

This book is gorgeous. The formatting is amazing and makes each page so easy to navigate - including materials, instructions, what not to do, and tons of drawn images to show what to do and what the thing you are working on looks like. I especially love the color images of the Handy Ma'am throughout showing confidence in the work she is doing. While I am FAR from a competent person when it comes to home repair, I feel like with a book like this I would want to try. Even Mercury's encouragement about not being great at something (like drywall repair) right away was fantastic.

I am absolutely going to be addressing a small mold issue according to Mercury's instructions this week. Feeling empowered!

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So glad that I got to read a copy of this before I go to a book signing to see Mercury Stardust! This was such a lovely little guide and a great resource for those of us who rent. Highly recommend.

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I was so excited to read this book because I'm a fan of Mercury Stardust's TikTok/Instagram videos. This book is about how to maintain and fix appliances in your living space. There is heavy emphasis on rental friendly repairs and Stardust tells you what activities you should leave to the professionals. At the end of each chapter, there is an emotional wrap-up. I really appreciated this because doing home repairs by yourself can be stressful and intimidating, but Stardust assures the readers that they are capable of doing it. Another aspect I liked is the emphasis on outside research. She repeats that you will become more knowledgeable about repairs by researching them online from a large variety of resources. There are beautiful graphics in this book as well as useful diagrams. This is not the type of book I would usually read, but it seemed very well written and beginner friendly.

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Thank you and NetGalley and DK Publishing for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I am so glad this book exists. I've been familiar with Mercury Stardust, the Trans Handy Ma'am, on TikTok for quite a while and she is always a delight to watch so I was super excited to see she was coming out with a book with advice for renters.

There is so much packed into this book it's perfect for anyone starting their rental journey as well as people who just want to start learning more about home repair. Every piece of advice is delivered in an easily digestible way without feeling condescending as if this is something you should already know.

I'll definitely be purchasing a copy to reference any time I need to do some home maintenance. It also will make a perfect housewarming gift for anyone moving into their first home.

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Wow! I am really impressed by this book! I follow Mercury Stardust on Tiktok so naturally I requested her book. She goes into detail on everything you can think of. starting with renting your first place and all the things to consider and be prepared for. She talks about what to do when something goes wrong and the best and proper way to handle the situation; Even down to an emergency. Gosh I wish I had this book in my 20s when I first became a renter. This would have saved me endless headaches and stress. I requested this book through Netgalley not because I'm a renter but because I'm a homeowner and I see a lot of value in the advice she gives on repairs and renovations. Things that will help me in my everyday life such as building a home toolbox with what I'll actually need, how to unclog a drain, how to patch a hole in the wall, & so much more. I plan to order a copy of this book to keep on hand at home as a reference guide. I also know a few young adults renting their first apartments that I'll be gifting this book to. I'm so thankful to Mercury Stardust for writing this book and sharing her wisdom in a non-shaming and easy to understand way. I truly believe this book could help every person whether they are in a rental or are a home owner.

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Safe and Sound is one of the least intimidating DIY/home repair books I have read. Mercury Stardust does an excellent job balancing explanations and the overwhelming pressure of being a renter today. There are breaks in between chapters with mental check-ins and plenty of humor sprinkled in tutorials. Stardust teaches you not only how to make repairs but also informs you of your renter rights and even some guidance on how to find a place to live with empathy and compassion. I feel this book would make an excellent gift to anyone starting out on their own, experienced renters, and even new homeowners.

Thank you Mercury for helping me fix my toilet a few months ago and thank you for NetGally for giving me the opportunity to review this before the release date. This will certainly be a great tool for anyone renting.

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This was awesome! I wish I’d had this before my first apartment. This would definitely come in handy! This book is a brilliant collection of basically everything you’ll ever need to know about your renter basics and simple home repairs. A lot of this may seem intimidating, but reading over all the steps make it feel possible to do. I loved that it went over renter details like security, some of the laws that we should be aware of and a bunch more helpful resources. I absolutely would buy and recommend this book, especially to first time renters but even for home buyers. I would definitely recommend this!

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving a copy.

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