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She Who Wins

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"She Who Wins" is a refreshingly honest self-help book for women feeling stuck in any aspect of life. Bauer tackles common roadblocks with candor and avoids the usual fluff, offering practical advice and clear strategies to overcome them. While not a light read, her tough-love approach is grounded in personal experience, making her insights relatable and impactful. Expect a shift in perspective, actionable steps to break free from limiting narratives, and a renewed sense of purpose to create the life you truly desire. If you're looking for a no-nonsense guide to personal reinvention, "She Who Wins" is a valuable tool for building a life of fulfillment and success.

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I see so much of myself in this book. Society expects women to behave a certain way, and that way leaves us unhappy and unfulfilled because we're expected to cater to others rather than be true to ourselves. Every woman needs to read this book so that they can start living true.

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“I’ve always colored in the lines, followed the rules, held my strong opinions, and smiled every step of the way.”

Author Renee Bauer did everything a “good girl” is expected to do. She joined the Honor Society, got good grades, went to college, got a degree in law, married and had a baby. When it all came crashing down around her, Renee Bauer had to learn how to pick herself up and figure out how everything went so wrong.

If you’re like me, you know the anxiety of feeling like you always have to be perfect, never make mistakes and always have your stuff together. I’m closer to 40 than I am 30 now, and like Renee Bauer, I found my thirties to be an era of reckoning.

No, I’m not going to quietly sit by and let life pass on.
No, I’m not going to be perfect and accept that sometimes I suck.
And, NO, I am not going to smile because the random guy in the grocery store tells me too. I can not tell you how much I dislike this man and I don’t even know him. If I’m not smiling it’s because I don’t want to and maybe I don’t have anything to smile about.

She Who Wins by Renee Bauer is a guide to taking your life back and finding your inner strength and resilience. Told through life lessons, practical guides and personal stories, author Renee Bauer shows how to ditch your “inner good girl” to be the woman you were always meant to be!

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I have read several self-help books, but none have resonated with me like SHE WHO WINS. Valuable lessons are taught through personal anecdotes, which often had me laughing out loud. I love the soundbites at the end of each chapter which highlight the major lessons in that chapter. I was in the midst of my own pity party when this book arrived and I devoured it in two days. My party ended and I am already starting to take steps to win in my life. I feel more empowered than ever and will be leaving my comfort zone tonight and taking myself out for a fancy dinner to get a taste of dining alone. Just me and my lobster. I highly recommend this book to women of all ages who feel stuck in their stuff and are ready to win at life.

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What can I say about this really well written book to give it all it deserves

This is a book that covers self reflection, self esteem, awareness, identity crisis, self confidence and others and I’d recommend it to anyone who wants to get ahead but is unsure of where to start

It’s a book that’s simple, straight forward and realistically written
It’s a book that for me resonated with me so much that I felt I had just found a mentor through it

Every chapter ripped me off of every layer I was hiding under and left me with new resolutions,

It’s a book that inspires you to take action
A book that makes dares you to dream,
Dares you to get going and lastly
Dares you to Win

Thanks NetGalley for giving an Arc copy in exchange of an honest review

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This book offers a wake-up call for women who feel stuck in life, urging them to break free from the ordinary and embrace discomfort. With tough love and personal stories, the author empowers us to take charge, overcome obstacles, and get busy creating a fabulous life filled with purpose and success.

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Normally I would give you reasons to read a book, but in this case there is only one reason to read and that is YOU.
This book provides thought provoking discussion about how we as women think about ourselves and our ability to be effective. So many times we are programmed to think we can’t take risks or be happy in what we want. This book gave me such insight to change my way of thinking, and many times makes me feel like she was looking and talking right at me. If you are a fan of non-fiction and self-help, or are just looking for more tools to succeed in what you are doing in your life, try this book.

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“I’ve always believed the book I need finds me when I need it most. Over the years, I’ve had many books that sit endlessly in “to be read” piles, only for me to pick them up exactly when I needed the message in their pages. I hope this book found you when you needed it too.”

This book came into my life when I needed it the most. I can't even express how grateful I am for that.

She Who Wins is an absolute must-read for every woman out there, no matter where you find yourself on this crazy journey we call life. It's like a manual, a playbook, showing you exactly how to embrace your power, authenticity, and fearlessness.

Renee's approach to living fiercely is not rocket science. You don't need a PhD to grasp it. But her insights on guilt, shame, fear, burnout, and all those heavy burdens we carry... They hit me like a ton of bricks, or should I say they shook me to my core. It's not about reinventing the wheel here, but the delivery is so brutally honest, so straightforward, yet it's filled with empathy and understanding. It's like nothing else I've ever come across.

Of course, you shouldn’t expect to crack open this book and find all the answers to the mysteries of the universe. It's not some magical potion that will solve everything. However, brace yourself for a wild ride of emotions. Get ready to laugh, cry, let out a big sigh, and fervently nod your head as you see yourself mirrored in those pages. I've highlighted so many sections and scribbled countless notes in my first read. I just know I'll have to devour it at least twice more to squeeze out every last drop of wisdom.

If you're part of a women's book club, this book is tailor-made for you. You'll have endless discussions, debates, and aha moments. I'm going to buy copies for every woman in my life, and you know what? I'll grab a physical copy for myself too. I can already see myself revisiting it time and time again, especially when life throws those inevitable curveballs our way.

Renee, my heartfelt thanks to you. Thank you for pouring your heart and soul into this book. Thank you for sharing your stories, your experiences. Your words have given me a glimpse of myself in someone else's shoes. And that is priceless. Now I can finally grasp what I need to do to break free from being stuck. This book found me at the perfect moment, and I'm beyond ecstatic that it did because it has ignited a fire within me. It has given me a roadmap to follow as I take stop, drop and roll into a brand new chapter of my life.

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