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Four Weddings and a Christmas by @phillipa.ashleyauthor a NetGalley review. Freya Bolton has a thriving business In the Lake District, at Christmas she has to think of everything as well being part of the community. However her first love arrives surprisingly back in town and as much as she tries to fight her feelings, it doesn’t work out that way. I finished this a couple of days ago and for me it was bit of a slow burner but by the end of it, again the author didn’t disappoint. It’s incredibly predictable but as always that’s part of the charm for me with Christmas books. I would say if you are reading it keep with because it does get better, for me not an instant hit like some of the other authors previous books. I fell in love with the characters, Freya has a heart of gold, scared of getting hurt and people leaving her but she’s kind, determined, stubborn at times and at time naive. I love the community that this book is set in, all out to help one another, capturing the spirit of Christmas within the community and within the pages of this book. A lot of the authors books are set in Cornwall and as much as I obviously love Cornwall, the Lake District is always somewhere I’ve wanted to visit and actually it was not to ready something from this author, set somewhere different yet somewhere she equally enjoys writing about because that comes across off the pages. Another character in the book is Travis and he’s a professional photographer and Freya first love. I love the parts when Travis is out photographing the Lake District and the way it which it’s described. My other hobby apart from books is photography and the way the scenery was described makes be want to go more just to embrace my hobby more, I could imagine the pictures I could get. This book isn’t the best by this author (sorry) yet it’s a good Christmas book to have on your TBR pile, it’s festive, fun and romantic and I will be recommending the book and the author. Also at the moment on Amazon kindle it’s only 99p so at the price certainly worth a read. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I enjoyed this book by Phillipa Ashley, it’s not the first of her books iv read and it wont be the last. I enjoyed the back story the most and getting to know the characters from their student days. I did find the ending a little far fetched with who turns up at the house but it’s didn’t spoil my enjoyment. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this early copy.

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A stunning romantic comedy from Phillipa Ashley and her latest Sunday Times Bestseller! This is absolutely spot on with the right amount of romance and festive-ness. Phillipa has fine tuned that balance and she does not disappoint! The setting in itself - a wonderfully snow Lake District in December, is perfect.

For a book that has buckets of community support and love, festive cheer, a fair amount of spanners in the works but that ultimate happy ending… look no further than this book. You won’t be disappointed!

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I am rattling through the festive books this year and I'm loving them. They are really getting me in the festive spirit and this one is no different.

I've read a few of Phillipa Ashley's books before and have enjoyed them all. And so I had high hopes for this one. Just looking at the cover makes you want to be cosy. And it really matches my Christmas tree 🎄

I loved this book. I enjoyed that the lead characters had previous history and that they had to go on a journey before making their way to each other.

I think a lot of people can relate to Freya as she was so afraid to take the leap of the faith she was afraid of the unknown but I found that really realistic for the book.

Travis was just great character. He was rough when he needed to be but was also not afraid to be vulnerable. The relationship with his brother was also a great plot in this story. And having a sister myself I could relate to the sometimes disagreements and frustrations but deep down having that love that you will do anything for each other. It was great to read about.

All the Christmas parts in this book were just really heartwarming. It had everything, love, heartbreak, self discovery, coming of age and also dealing with mistakes of the past. A great read. I would recommend it.

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This is a delightful Christmas story, about Freya and Travis, and how they meet again after many years. Both of them knew each other when they were young, and while separated, they both built up successful businesses. Now they are reunited, and catching up on old times. Will they be able to heal their wounds from the past and open up to each other once more?

This is a beautiful, easy to read story, with likeable characters, and a lovely Christmas setting and theme. I loved it. Highly recommended!

Many thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for a copy of this book.

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Really charming story, gorgeous setting, very well written, flowed well, great characters that i could really connect too, and it was a lovely read.

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I really enjoy Phillipa Ashley's books.

This one didn't disappoint, it's got drama, happiness, sadness, romance, love and so much more.

I love a good wedding so reading about 4 was like heaven. Weddings come on all shapes and sizes and I love the representation of different ones in this book and potential for things to go wrong.

I love the relationships in this book (no spoilers so I can't mention names). There are also some really good 'What ifs' in this which I loved.

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Phillipa Ashley never fails to deliver a feel good romance. This one was no exception and a perfect feel good festive romance

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Freya Bolton lives in the pretty Lake District village of Bannerdale where she has a thriving holiday homes business. Everything is running smoothly in Freya's life, with just the occasional hiccup when something goes wrong with one of the holiday lets, that is until Freya's ex-boyfriend Travis returns to the village. With so much history between them Freya and Travis have lots of wrongs to put right before they can each move on with their lives.

This lovely festive story goes right into what makes relationships successful, past secrets and misdemeanors come to the surface but ultimately what shines through is the love and friendship of close family and special friends. The Lake District setting adds an unashamedly romantic element to the story as who could fail to be emotionally reactive to the sweeping majesty of the hills, lakes and fells of this magical place.

Four Weddings and a Christmas is a warm and wonderful story with a hefty dose of Christmas cheer which is the perfect antidote to festive stress.

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There are lots of things to love about this cosy Christmas romance set in the Lake District. Freya is a likeable and strong character and I felt invested in her and Travis from the beginning.
There are some lovely sub-plots with Travis's brother Seb and Freya's Mum as well as both characters' family background and history.
The setting and landscape also shine through in the book giving it and extra Christmassy feel which was lovely.
My only minor quibble was, I felt the story slowed down in the middle and I would have preferred a slightly faster pace.
All in all though it was lovely gentle Christmas read that will fill you with seasonal cheer and romance. I would definitely recommend.

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This was a very cute Christmas read which filled me with all the Christmassy feels. Set in the Lake District, the setting was perfect. I loved the story between Freya and Travis, and the will they won’t they plot. Both characters were really likeable, Travis had an adorable but vulnerable quality to him, whereas Freya seeming had her life together, was vulnerable too for other reasons. This was a truly lovely book.

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As always with Phillipa Ashley's books a lovely tale of escapism. I loved the characters and it was heart warming how the story developed. Freya sounds such a lovely person and it was great to see her happy. Not been to the Lakes for years but this story set there has made me want to visit again soon.

A lovely book to curl up and read over the winter or Christmas time.

Look forward to the next book

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Phillipa Ashley's books are always a real treasure.
Freya runs a business that cleans and 'sets' holiday lets. They sound absolutely wonderful, making you want to book a trip. She is getting a house ready when she comes face to face with an old flame. Just what has gone on, unfurls throughout the book.
Travis is a photographer who is setting up a new business selling his prints and organising photography trips and courses which sound like a real treat. He has a real job getting his studio ready in time, and Freya steps up to help make it happen.

I loved every page.

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Phillipa Ashley is one of my favourite authors in this genre and once again she has given readers a wonderful feel-good story, perfect for the festive season.
Perfect setting, interesting characters & a storyline full of hope, romance and new starts.
A wonderful winter read

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This is a very cute Christmas romance, set in the Lake District. The Lake District has a special place in my heart being the site of holidays and my own engagement. The atmosphere was spot on, and I could picture being back there. The feelings left over from being exes also felt realistic - both positive and negative, and suitably complex. I really enjoyed this. Thank you to netgalley for the arc.

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Thanks @ netgalley for the arc of this fabulous book
I thoroughly enjoyed this book but then again I love Philipia Ashley’s book extremely good anyway! This did not disappoint, it tells the story of a girl who lives in a small community in the Lake District one where you grow up here and marry your long term boyfriend and stay here til you are buried here or so the stories go. But in Freya’s case this was not going to happen in junior school she had had a pretend wedding where she was meant to marry Travis but at the last minute as she got to the altar she felt so sick (had done all the night before) and then threw up on Travis and turned and fled home under the duvet until school broke up. She then hoped everyone would forget about it
And she ignored Travis for a long time until they were drawn together again in their twenties and he asked her to marry him again ? She panicked again as her mum had got in her head saying he was unreliable an no use and she could do better she left him again and this time he left and she never heard from him again
Until he turned up suddenly just before Christmas and as she was cleaning the last cottage who should let himself in but Travis she was so shocked her mouth gaped. Er hello how are you? I am fine thanks and you Freya? I am good why are you here Travis ? I am opening a studio in the town didn’t you know? No she said her mouth in a firm line he smiled warmly saying maybe we could catch up sometime get a drink ? Er yes sounds good your not with anybody? No I am single still you? Yes the same ok well if you’re free tonight how about we grab a drink and a bit of food I am starving! Yes she said me too
And that is how this story starts ….

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I loved this book. It was perfect for my first Christmas read. After an ex returns to town will they get back together over the festive period a lot stands in there way but will they succeed.

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Welcome to the Lake District and a cracking cracker of a story! For this longtime fan of the author, it's always a very welcome day when a new book pops onto my kindle ad I devoured this story, barely popping up for breath. This is that kind of story by an author at the top of her game. Twists, turns, misunderstandings, red-herrings, name, it this book has it. Oh, romance, plenty of romance. Trust me, you'll love it!
My thanks to Netgalley and Avon for the reading copy.

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An absolutely lovely story of family, loss, hope and moving forward. I loved the characters, especially Travis, who was trying to help his younger brother Seb, after coming back to Bannerdale after years away building his photography business. The community spirit and importance of family shone through in this heartwarming story. I struggled to put it down.

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This is a cute and light second chance holiday romance. I really liked both characters and their development.
It was all around a really great romance book, but I expected a bit more Christmas in it. It was mentioned a few times, but throughout the book I didn’t feel the Christmas vibe that much. Which is the only reason I was disappointed. For a book with Christmas in the titel I expected a lot more Christmas and holiday vibes.

However the written was amazing and the romance was really sweet, so I do recommend it!

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