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Code Name Butterfly

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Code Name Butterfly by Embassie Susberry is a historical fiction set during World War Two. The book is mostly set in France, and it tells the story of two exceptional women who break all the rules to help France. One of the women is based on a real-life person.

A granddaughter is in search of her roots and wants to know more about her grandmother. She has been hitting a lot of dead ends, but one day, she receives information that is quite unexpected. Elodie, her grandmother, knew Josephine Baker, a very famous woman in France. What follows is the story that Code Name Butterfly is based on.

This book is different from other world war stories. The more stories from this era I read, the more I want to know from different perspectives. Code Name Butterfly highlights the efforts of individuals who were segregated in the US but accepted in France. Inspired by the true story of Josephine Baker, the author has done an amazing job highlighting this woman's war work. It leaves a huge question that all of us have to ask that how many of these stories are we unaware of where amazing individuals fought the prejudices, classism, racism and marginalization for the benefit of their country.

Thank you, Avon Books UK @avonbooksuk , for this book.

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A wonderful story which has bits of true events in it.

Elodie is a journalist telling the people of the States what it is like to live in Paris just before France capitulates. She meets up with Joséphine Baker and Grant. We see what happens when they escape to the country and do some resistance work.

I enjoyed the book it The book flowed I enjoyed reading what the main characters did.

Well written book.

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This book is definitely one of my favorites for the year. This was such a powerful, well written and emotional read that I did not want to put down. I imagined a movie playing in my head as I was reading this story. This is one of those that I would pay good money to see in a movie theatre. The pace of the story was just right and was such an enjoyable ride. If you are a fan of historicals about people of color, this book need to be in your rotation. I can't say enough about this book without spoilers. A highly recommended story.

I received a copy of the book via Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving an honest review of my own thoughts and opinions.

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Briefly set in the present day at the start and end of the story. Family members are astonished to find that through DNA details they have information that ties their grandmother Elodie Mitchell to the famous Josephine Baker.

We are then told of the story of Elodie a young black female, who is a journalist and student writing in Paris at the beginning of WW2. Her strange encounter with Grant leads her to befriend Josephine Baker the famous black performer and her entourage.

Not all is as it seems with Josephine or her friends who are a part of the resistance movement spying for France. Elodie is soon part of the spy movement being nicknamed the moth and she gathers intelligence for France.

For me the book was quite light on the resistance activity as it centred more around Paris in the beginning of the war. The book focuses on the friendships between all the characters and love and loss.

I did enjoy seeing a different slant on a war story that this book took and know that Josephine Baker was a real person during this time.

An enjoyable read that I would recommend.

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Susberry highlights an often overlooked perspective during World War II, Black Americans living in France. Josephine Baker's life presents a great opportunity to build upon, of which Susberry took great advantage. Of interest for readers of historical fiction, WWII, diverse perspectives, spy novels, and romance fiction.

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I love historical fiction and I especially love when it is based upon the stories of real people like this one was. This story was well research and and really brought Josephine Baker to life for me. Fans of historical fiction are bound to love this book like I did.

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A totally unforgettable story about the strength we can find inside us.
A totally heartbreaking and heartwrenching story that pulled at my heart.
A must read for historical fans.
I’m still thinking about this book.
Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This was a well researched piece of historical fiction about the actress Josephine Baker spying for France during WW II. What made this work was that the main character was not Josephine Baker herself but another young woman who became part of Baker's life, who was American. This novel explored how this young woman became a spy and how she came to know Baker as well as how the relationships grew among the people in the network. There were things that I learned about the time period and about Ms. Baker that were fascinating.
That said, I think that the book could have used a little tightening; there were parts (often with dialogue) that went on a little too long. Parts, including the ending, were well done and fascinating and there were other parts that I found myself reading through quickly to get to the next part. However, overall, this was a good solid work of historical fiction that engaged me.

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Those who enjoy historical fiction set in the WWII period will want to read Code Name Butterfly. As is true of much historical fiction, this is a dual timeline story in which historical personages have a role. 

In the present, Lizzie is dealing with her inability to carry a child to term. She is heartbroken. In her grief, she returns to her childhood home and becomes intrigued with some family history.

In the earlier time period, readers will spend time with both fictional and real characters. In this part of the narrative, they will learn much about Josephine Baker (yes, that flamboyant one) and her role in a much quieter, secret life during the war. They will also enjoy meeting Elodie and seeing how the plot lines fall into place.

The pages turn in this story. Even if a reader has read lots of WWII historical fiction, this is worth a look. There is even some romance.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for this title. All opinions are my own.

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This intriguing historical fiction novel draws on Josephine Baker's time in the French Resistance. After looking into their family's genealogy they hear the story of their grandparent's time and experiences during WWII. I have become a fan of WWII fiction and learned so much much about that time from so many different perspectives. This story was no different.

Elody Mitchell is studying journalism in France at the start of WWII when a handsome stranger invites her to a Josephine Baker concert. She is asked to pretend to be Josephine Baker's cousin and help gather intelligence information and pass it along. She soon becomes part of a close-knit group of friends working on gathering intelligence to help support France. Her code name becomes Butterfly of the Night, which sounds better in French.

I loved the characters and friendships in the story. I had heard Josephine Baker spent time with the French Resistance during WWII, so reading about what might have happened was intriguing. I loved how they became a kind of tight-knit group of friends. It also addresses the racism that was happening in the US during that time. I have become a fan of WWII fiction and learned so much much about that time from so many different perspectives. This story was no different.

Thanks to Avon Books UK, Netgalley, and the author for an ARC of this story.

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This is an amazing read which grabs you from the very first page and leaves you wanting at the end.
War time fiction at its best with a great story line
Can’t recommend it enough

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A real good read. Set during WW2. The courage of some people just amazes me. good storytelling. I'll look out for more books by this author.

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Code Name Butterfly
By: Embassie Susberry

I loved this novel which publishes today!
1941-We follow American Journalist Eloise Mitchell in Paris. She accepts tickets from a mysterious man to see Josephine Baker and is mistaken for her. Josephine Baker is a singer and is well known for her singing amongst other things.
She gets an opportunity to pose as Josephine’s cousin and her life as becomes a whirlwind as her assignment has her gathering information.
I was absolutely invested in her life which brought intrigue, prejudices and bravery.
Thank you Netgalley and Avon for this advanced copy.
#codebamebutterfly, #embassiesusbeeey, #avon, #netgalley, #stamperlady50, #bookreview, #bookstagram, #booksconnectus

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The synopsis for this book really caught my attention but once you started reading the book, it just didn’t catch my attention at all and I found myself skim reading for long parts of the book. Interesting characters and they certainly liked to live the life but equally put their lives on the line for the sake of the war.

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5/5 stars this ARC releases tomorrow 1/4. I can’t recommend this book highly enough. It’s a bitter sweet love story, mixed with spy espionage. Action packed, has you flipping the pages to get to the end faster. I couldn’t help but smile, laugh out loud and feel sadness along side the characters. I absolutely adored Elodie (Elly) and Grant’s characters the most. The constant banter back and forth was so cute, and had me turning pages saying come on already kiss that girl! Embassie Susberry I’m calling you out! Girl I almost threw this book towards the end but then I got what I wanted lol. That to me is a five star read. Happy publication day queen you did amazing. Looking forward to many more of your books. #netgalleyreviewer #HarperCollinsPublishing

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Mainly set in 1940's Paris, the story is based on true events centered around the life of Josephine Baker as both a well-known performer and a secret helper in the French Resistance movement.
After reading the book, I absolutely had to try and learn more about Josephine Baker's life and therefore took this as an opportunity to do a bit of online research and further reading about her experiences during the war.
The only downside I found to the book was that I thought it often fell into stereotypes when describing the different characters (especially the French).
The narration is easy to follow and overall, this is a book well suited for readers who enjoy WWII historical fiction.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC. This is my honest opinion.

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I ended 20203 with this wonderfully written historical fiction. Fast paced and engaging, this is a story of a group of people finding one another in a foreign country during a time of tension and becoming family. Josephine and Elodie are more than just brave women. They’re unapologetically brazen and assertive. The characters were well rounded and I fell in love with them. I highly recommend this book and will now read more of this author’s work. She did an incredible job in researching the history and I loved learning about our people’s hand in helping the French Resistance during WWII.

Thank you @netgalley for a chance to read and review this EARC.

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My rating:

Plot: 4 out of 5 stars
Writing: 4 out of 5 stars
Character development: 4 out of 5 stars
Overall 4 out of 5 stars

Recommended for readers of:

Historical Fiction


The book is based on the true story of Josephine Baker who was a African American entertainer and spy who aided the French resistance during WWII. The story is well written and captivating with the right amount of suspense intrigue and love. However it also deals with issues such as prejudice and racism. This made it a fascinating story and a enjoyable read. The Characters are interesting but also very brave and courageous. Their actions were well explained which gave them a realistic feel. Well worth reading.

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This is quite different from the 'usual' historical fiction set around World War II and one which, although is mostly fictional, it is based on real people and true events and one which I enjoyed.

The description says it all really so I won't repeat it but it is a story about bravery and courage, loss and heartbreak, love and friendship and one that is important to read.

It's a bit of a slow burner with most of the "action" taking place in the final third of the book but the "slower" part really sets the scene of what life was like for young, black people during this period and their contribution to the Resistance which is not often written about.

Thank you to the author, Avon Books UK and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of this enlightening book.

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This is one of the best historical fiction novels I’ve read recently. It’s hard for me to pinpoint why exactly because it does follow a fair formula, but there’s just so much within it that’s also novel and different and perhaps that’s what really sets it apart for me. It’s got great detail without getting bogged down and the unique history and cultural aspect that Elodie, Grant, Danny, Pierre and Josephine Baker herself bring to it is just *chef’s kiss*!

Set during the phony war (fall 1939 - spring 1940) and into the end of 1940, this novel is set against a Paris (France) on the cusp of war. I like that not all the storylines were wrapped up and although I thought the novel was starting with a dual perspective and period take, I’m glad it stuck to the past and the single perspective of Elodie. She was a really strong main character and her arc was really clear and realistic.

I’d recommend this to fans of Natasha Lester and anyone who enjoys reading novels about strong women set in this period.

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