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The Girl at the Party

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Reading Between the Wines book review #80/115 for 2023:
Rating: 4 🍷 🍷 🍷 🍷
Book: The Girl at the Party
Author: Danielle Stewart
RELEASED on July 12, 2023!!! Get your copy!

Sipping thoughts: A thrilling, suspenseful read about friendships, lies, and backstabbing. I really enjoy reading a whodunit with multiple suspects and motives. This one did not let me down. I enjoyed trying to figure out what happened to Stephanie. Once you read and find out what happened you will never look at friendship and loyalty the same.

Cheers and thank you to @NetGalley and @Bookouture for an advanced copy of @TheGirlAtTheParty.
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The characters in this book were very well developed. The author created suspense with each chapter. The author had a good understanding of the clear storyline that needed to play out while also ensuring that the reader could minimally expect what is coming next. Just when you thought you knew what to expect or who was going to do what next, the author ensured a twist in the plot. This is a book I would recommend for family and friends. This is also a book I will listen to or read again in the near future. I thoroughly enjoyed this well written book.

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This was a fast-paced, twisty read from the very first chapter. I would recommend this to anyone who likes a psychological thriller or a true crime podcast! Thanks to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for my review.

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I’ve never listened to a podcast, but love reading books about them. But I should warn you this one is heavy on the research and light on the actual podcast components compared to some books I have read with podcasts. at the heart of them. The duo hosting the podcast could just as easily be PIs or detectives investigating the case.

Chris tracks down Laura and invites her to help him produce a true crime podcast that investigates the death of their friend. back when they were in college. There is a mystery surrounding her death at a party. And Chris, Laura and a bunch of their friends were all there yet no one claims to know what happened. I liked the angle that Chris and Laura kinda had a relationship back then. And I knew they were on to something when things start happening to the two of them.

It was kinda a different type of mystery. As I read, the story seemed to put a spotlight on a character and give you a ton of reasons to think aha, this person did it. Then the spotlight would shift to someone else without ever really clearing the previous person. So this “spotlight” just kept rotating around basically cast a shadow over everyone. And man when you get to the end, there is quite the unraveling. There is no way you’ll figure out all the moving pieces.

This is another of my reads that I also had the audiobook. And I both were terrific. The narrator does voices and I am not a huge fan of her male voice, but not enough for it to take away from the story. She was able to keep my attention and keep the story at the focus.

While being a slow burn mystery which just hints of danger for the characters, I really did like it.

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"The Girl at the Party" by Danielle Stewart is a gripping and suspenseful thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. The story follows a group of friends haunted by the murder of their best friend, Stephanie, four years ago. As they delve deeper into the events leading up to that tragic night, they uncover a web of secrets and deception that shakes their perception of Stephanie and each other.

The author skillfully weaves together multiple plot threads, creating a complex and intriguing narrative. The pacing is spot-on, with each chapter ending on a cliffhanger that left me eager to read on. The character development is exceptional, and I found myself emotionally invested in their lives and the quest for truth.

The protagonist, Laura, serves as the lens through which the story unfolds. Her determination to solve the mystery and her involvement in a true crime podcast adds an extra layer of tension and intrigue. The dynamics among the group of friends are realistically portrayed, with rivalries, secrets, and simmering tensions that keep you guessing about their true motives.

Stewart's writing style is engaging and immersive, painting vivid scenes that bring the settings to life. The twists and turns throughout the story kept me guessing, and the revelation of the killer's identity was both shocking and satisfying. The suspense builds steadily, creating a palpable sense of danger and suspense that will keep readers eagerly turning the pages.

"The Girl at the Party" is a masterfully crafted thriller that will appeal to fans of the genre. With its well-drawn characters, intricate plot, and relentless suspense, it's a captivating read that will keep you guessing until the final page. I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking a thrilling and immersive reading experience.

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How far are you willing to go to protect your loved ones? What are you willing to do to hide your own secrets?

You guys! I absolutely ate this one up!

Podcaster Chris reconnects with his former roommate and love interest Laura. His new podcast idea entails them diving into the their pasts as well as the pasts of their former college roommates and friends. Thinking it'll be like a reunion between friends, they end up digging up more dirt than they are prepared for.

The rejected outcast. The slimy jerk. The rapist. With every new character, the story becomes more and more compelling, pulling you in directions you aren't prepared to go. There are sooooo many twists. You'll think you have something figured out and then new information comes out that has you questioning everything you believed. I could not stop listening to this audiobook. Stewart has a way with cliffhangers at the end of chapters that just kept me wanting so much more.

This podcast changes the lives of everyone involved for better or for worse. Secrets that have been kept hidden for the five years since the friends have finished college.

"Some secrets will have a poisonous ripple effect if they're not kept quiet. They can wipe out innocent bystanders with just a whisper."

This book is told from 3 different POV. Chris, Laura, and apparent mind could not figure out who this third person was right until at the end when the big reveal came and boy what a twist ending it was.

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This story follows Chris and Laura as they look into the death of a former friend. The friend died while leaving a party the friends had. Chris does a podcast and asks for Laura’s help. They start interviewing people from that night. Then someone paints “stop” on her car and throws a rock through Chris’s window. Can they get to the truth about Stephanie and find out who killed her?
Thank you so much NetGalley and Bookouture audio for this audiobook in exchange for my honest review. First I need to say this: I loved the cast of narrators. They did a great job telling the story! This story was interesting and I enjoyed the podcast type of it. I thought it was a slow burn with nothing really happening as fast as I wanted it to. I did not like how the Laura’s mom was hard on Laura when it comes to her brother, but you have to have a character that you don’t like. I also enjoyed the twist of learning who Stephanie was as well as I was surprised by who the killer was. I really thought it was someone else the whole time.

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Talk about a layered thriller!! This was a slow build story that had so many layers to unravel and I was hooked! Some Characters were loveable, some were not, but they ALL showed their true colors once faced with adversity. Jerry Springer would have had a field day with their baggage!

Brief summary…Stephanie is murdered 5 years ago, after an end-of-school party at college with all of her college friends. Her killer was never found. Now, 5 years later, podcaster and old friend, Chris, embarks on a new series where he interviews all the people who were at the party in hopes that they’ll remember something that was overlooked, and help him find her killer. Chris convinces his old crush, Laura, to help him and she reluctantly agrees. As they find and interview everyone who was there, secrets come out about that night they never anticipated and they got WAY more than they bargained for. And as a reader, so did I!
The narrator’s voice was smooth like a butter board and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to her!
Overall, I give this book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

This was my first Danielle Stewart book and will def not be my last!
Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for the ALC of this book! This book was published 7/12/23

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I listened to the audio version and liked the narrator. The story itself was twisty and creepy with some drama thrown in. I liked it but felt like it was a little predictable.

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How well do you know the people you consider your friends? Are they who they appear to be or is it a facade? Stephanie, a core member of a group of college friends is murdered having left a party and years later her case is unresolved as a result of a cursory investigation by the local police. Laura is left with paralyzing guilt and has given up on her dream career and is mostly hiding away from the world. Chris, her former BFF and is now a podcaster undertaking unresolved crimes. All Laura wants to do is hide from the world and yet when Chris opens up old wounds and guilts her, she gives in and aids in his investigation. It is a twisted road that leads them to a very disturbing, yet not completely surprising resolution. Secrets, lies, manipulations along with truly awful people using money to get away literally with murder. Wonderful narration added to the listening experience. Upgraded to 4 stars from what would have been 3.5 if half stars available.

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Incoporating the ever popular true crime blog this books looks at a murder that happnened five years previously. I think the culprit was quite obvious, once you had discounted all the obvious people but still enjoyable.

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Timely use of podcasts as a reason for the investigation, Stewart tells an okay story. It is a bit jumbled and convoluted, but it gets there in the end. It doesn't take a great deal of mental acuity to figure out who was the killer and who was involved. The book was slow and nothing ever really happens.

Laura, the female main character, is a bit of a whiner. Okay, she has some obvious issues with her family, but she is a whiner in everything - even when her life is good. It is grating.

Chris is not nearly fleshed out enough to be three-dimensional. As the only nearly redeeming character, it is disappointing that he is a one-note wonder.

The narrator leaves a great deal to be desired. She was so whiny! Her male voice - used for every male character with no differentiation - was far better than her female characters.

I would likely check out another of Stewart's books if only to give her a second chance and hopefully see improvement. But if the second was like the first, I wouldn't bother with a third. It is just blah, and there are far more exciting and absorbing stories available.

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Thank you so much Netgalley and Bookouture Audio for the early arc in exchange for my honest review of the book!

I haven’t read a murder mystery in so long, nor ever listened to an audiobook. This was an amazing book to help me fall back in love with the genre and understanding how fantastic audio books are!

Absolutely this was a 5 Star read for me! But I’ll add to please please check the author’s trigger warnings for this story! The author is talented in writing a believable tale and that includes points of the plot that could be triggering!

My thoughts:
The story is woven excellently. Clues unveiled expertly. I feel like I’m right there with Laura and Chris, uncovering the hidden details of the cold case of their friend’s murder - feeling their shock and turbulent emotions with every turn of the plot. It was hard to put this down. Additionally, everything is believable, which makes this story even easier to get completely lost in. The author’s attention to detail is impeccable, which enriches the story and lends even more to the credibility of each twist and turn of the plot.

There are so many characters in this story, but it was surprisingly easy to keep track of them all. Especially with how the talented narrator used her voice to flex between the variety of personalities. Each character is well, well written. Their stories are varied and fully fleshed out, all interwoven together in a beautiful web of highs and lows.
Most importantly to me, Laura’s story revolves heavily around mental health and abuse - a topic that is very close to my heart. I connected so well to her. The manipulators in her life had angry shivers scrambling up my spine, turning my stomach. Its well written. The repercussions are presented beautifully and made me feel seen and not so alone with my own story.

Through out the book, I kept stubbornly trying to guess who the perpetrator is, but the plot takes so many twists and turns once I thought I figured it out, the plot dropped another bomb and there went my guess. The big reveal is just deserving of a standing ovation.

Seriously loved this book and will be picking up other books Danielle Stewart releases. This was phenomenal.
Highly highly recommend.

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The Girl at the Party was a fun thriller set in a college town. It takes advantage of the true crime podcast craze right now by having the book revolve around a podcaster going back to his college to investigate the murder of one of their friends. Each character from their college group is given some background, motive, and need for the victim to be silenced. I was lured by the story into believing one thing, while the story has an interesting twist. Nothing ground breaking but interesting and I enjoyed the story as a whole.

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I enjoyed the narration of this book and the many twists and turns of the story, I was constantly guessing and then re guessing who done it, I did figure it out in the end but enjoyed the chase of getting the information. Well written with interesting characters

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4.5 stars

Stephanie was found murdered 5 years ago. The police assume it was wrong place, wrong time, just another robbery gone wrong. But Stephanie and 7 of her friends were having a party that night, and someone knows what really happened. Chris and Laura, two of her friends, start a podcast to dig into the past and attempt to uncover her killer. There’s secrets, lies, threats, and twists!

I thought the narrator did a really good job telling the story. It has multiple POVs, changing from Chris to Laura, and occasionally Stephanie. The first few chapters seemed slow, but I was hooked fairly quickly. It flipped between present day and the night of the party 5 years before. I enjoyed the amount of suspects and that all the secrets kept me on my toes. There was never a point where I thought I knew 100% what had happened which made it more exciting - I did not see the end coming at all!

Highly recommend this book if you like thriller/mysteries and true crime podcasts!

Thank you Netgalley and Bookouture Audio for this audiobook ARC!

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Happy Publication Day to The Girl at the Party!!!

Danielle Stewart, is the mastermind behind our celebration and I am so excited to tell you all about this audiobook.

I read fast, I listen slowly. I want to absorb the details and not miss a thing. Well, The Girl at the Party, had me amping up the pace of the narrator, I had to know what was going to happen next and NOW!! I raced through this one with my heart in my throat, my eyes so big, Im not to sure how they stayed in my sockets.

The twist is one you will never see coming, you will have your own suspicions along the way but I promise you, you are going to be wrong!

The Girl at the Party, is out today and you do not want to miss this one!

Teaser: Slamming the door shut behind her, Stephanie takes one last look at the party where her best friends are busy celebrating. As the drinks are poured and music blasts, she disappears into the darkness alone. Some say she was crying. Others think they heard an argument that night. But we never saw her alive again…

Ever since our best friend Stephanie was found murdered four years ago, I’ve been haunted by the feeling that I should have done more. The eight of us at the party were inseparable – and we always thought she was the perfect one. The one who stayed out of trouble. The one who always looked out for us…

But when we discover more about the events leading up to that fateful night, I realise that our friend was far from perfect. The golden girl was keeping secrets. Secrets that someone would kill to keep quiet. The more I learn about that night, I realise I never really knew her at all.

And as we get closer to the truth of what happened, the threats start. A warning message is keyed onto my car. Then the house is broken into, and my belongings are destroyed. The killer is watching us, and they are coming out of the shadows…

But when I find out that Stephanie knew her killer, my blood runs cold. Are they closer to me than I could have ever imagined? And just how far will they go to make sure the truth stays buried forever?

This addictive and gripping psychological thriller is perfect for fans of Megan Miranda, Lisa Jewell and Laura Marshall.

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I listened to the audiobook version of The Girl at the Party and found it to be pretty kind of boring and anticlimactic, if i'm being honest. Not a whole lot happened, i didn't care about the characters much at all, the reveal was uninteresting, and the ending was a total snooze fest. I listened while getting chores done and it honestly didn't make the time any more fun. It wasn't the worst book, but it just isn't that exciting. If you just need something to pass the time and aren't picky, this could be the one for you, but if you read a lot of mystery/suspense, this book probably won't fit up to your standards and you might wanna skip this one.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture Audio for the advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This book had some promise but it was really difficult for me to finish it. Too many similes, too long to get to the point. I found the descriptions long and unnecessary. Im sure it will be a favorite for some, but not this reader. Thank you for the opportunity to listen to it. I would like to try this author again!

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It was a very basic story for it to be this long, and it led up to a twist that wasnt all that impressive as we barely had contact with that specific character. I kept going because i loved the performance of the narrator.

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